Breaking Point 01: Pilot

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Every man has a breaking point. She found his...
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Breaking Point 01: Pilot

The following is something just a little bit different. For me personally, part of the challenge is presenting a story in different and hopefully, entertaining ways. I hope you enjoy this little excursion into my universe.

Each story in this series can be read as a separate story, much like "The Cheating Zone."

The following was inspired by zig074's 2020 story, "Cucked in Cabo," about a wife who makes her husband an unwilling and humiliated cuckold during a seven-day vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. When they return, the wife asks the husband to search the term "cuckold" on Google.

The story ends with the wife encouraging her husband to have a good cry to get it out of his system, but we never know what the husband actually does. Like that story, the wife in this tale takes control of her husband, cuckolds him while on vacation with a co-worker and later asks the husband to search the term, "cuckold."

The similarities end there, however. The background is different, the characters are different and the husband reacts in a much different way.

Because this story is set in the alternate universe first created in my "Revenge in Advance" series, the HomeFront Security Task Force plays a role.

Many thanks to QuantumMechanic1957 for giving this a beta read. His suggestions have made this a better story, in my opinion. Also, many thanks to those who offered comments and constructive criticism on my previous stories. And yes, I do moderate comments.

For those who want to say this or that would never happen, remember this is my universe, a place where nearly anything can, and often does, happen. At least on paper... Remember, this is fiction, not a docu-drama...


The television screen turns blue as a warning flashes: "The following program contains subject matter of a mature nature and is intended only for adult viewing."

The warning fades and suddenly, the screen lights up in a blinding flash. As the flash dissipates, the viewer can see the tell-tale mushroom cloud of a nuclear detonation as it rises up from the ground. We hear the sounds of typewriter keys as words appear across the screen.

"The Saddletramp Information and News Service presents: BREAKING POINT! Tales of Extreme Cuckolding."

Beneath that, we see the subtitle: "Greg and Sharon." The scene fades to a plain gray background. A well-dressed man with chiseled features walks into the center of the screen and looks straight into the camera as he talks.

"Good evening and welcome to the premier of 'Breaking Point, Tales of Extreme Cuckolding,' where we examine extreme cases of marital infidelity through interviews and dramatic re-enactments. Tonight, we present the story of Greg and Sharon Wilson, a suburban couple now divorced after 23 years of marriage." He turned to look into a different camera.

"Before we start, however, we would like to provide a little background. For that, we turn to Special Agent Raymond Ochoa of the HomeFront Security Task Force. Agent Ochoa is in charge of the Task Force's Divorce Investigation Unit, or DIU."

The scene changes to an office where a tall, Hispanic man is sitting behind a desk. The multi-colored chyron at the bottom of the screen reads, "Special Agent Raymond Ochoa, Head of DIU."

"Special Agent Ochoa, thank you for taking time to speak with us," Dan said.

"Thank you for having me on your program," Raymond said.

"Tell us a little bit about what you do here at the Task Force, if you would, please, Agent Ochoa," Dan said.

"Of course," Raymond said. "The HomeFront Security Task Force is a partnership between the federal government and various private companies and organizations that was initially set up to deal with something called the Mutual Marital Assurance Society, or MMAS. That organization was started by a female lawyer who felt she got shafted in her divorce from her cheating husband. So she set out to provide a way that women could punish their husbands if they strayed in their marriage.

"Over the years, however, the organization became more political, pushing a rather radical femdom ideology. It all culminated with the incident against President Pierce back in 2019. By now, the whole world knows that the former First Lady, Barbara Pierce, cuckolded him and had become an accomplice with MMAS.

"What many didn't know until just recently was that the organization also targeted the former president, Lincoln Skaggs. After an incident involving him, a series of laws were passed. Collectively known as the 'White Picket Fence Laws,' they were designed to protect spouses against the type of activity we saw MMAS engage in. One of those laws requires an investigation into any case where extreme cuckolding takes place. That's where this Task Force comes into play," he said.

"And how many cases have you investigated since those laws were passed, Agent Ochoa?" Dan asked.

"We've been very busy, Dan," Raymond said. "Overall, I'd say we've investigated thousands of claims. What we look for is any evidence that indicates the possible involvement of either MMAS holdovers or copycat organizations."

"How many of your cases fit into that category?" Dan asked.

"I'd say roughly two to five percent," Raymond said. "That's still a very high number. Much higher than we like to see."

"What are some of the indicators of MMAS involvement?"

"If the wife has attended a so-called 'spa retreat' recently, that could be an indicator. MMAS often recruited their 'clients' through these retreats. Another indicator is the use of certain compounds, or drugs. One of the compounds they used frequently was a combination of a psychotropic substance mixed with a drug used for facilitating gender reassignment," Raymond said. "We have seen this not only in the U.S., but also overseas, in the UK."

"And both of these indicators came up in your investigation of the Wilson case?" Dan asked.

"Yes they did," Raymond said.

"Interesting," Dan said. "Thank you again for your time, Agent Ochoa."

"Thank you, Dan," Raymond said with a smile. The scene changed to a beach, in front of a rather large hotel.

"Greg and Sharon Wilson married fairly young, at the age of 19," Dan said as wind whipped through his hair. "They had a good marriage, raised two daughters and sent both to college. Throughout their 23 years of marriage, Greg supported his wife in pretty much whatever she chose to do.

"About eight months before coming to this resort in Cabo San Lucas, Sharon said she wanted to go on a weekend spa retreat with three other women. Being the supportive husband, Greg agreed. It was shortly after her return that things began to change for Greg." The scene changed again, and viewers could see a fairly tall, well-built older man sitting in a recliner. The chyron at the bottom of the screen read, "Greg Wilson."

"Tell us how things changed for you when your ex-wife returned from that retreat," Dan said.

"The changes were very subtle at first and I didn't really notice anything out of whack until about three months after she returned," Greg said. "You have to remember, until all this, I was pretty laid back. I thought things between Sharon and I were pretty good. I worked, brought home the bacon, and she took care of the house and the kids. She went to work when the kids started high school, but she always managed to keep things going here just fine. Sure, she ran the place, but I trusted her and until all this started, she always treated me with respect."

"But that changed after the spa retreat?"

"Yes. She started getting a bit more controlling, a bit more demanding. I went along with whatever she said just to keep the peace. Over time, things got worse. And naturally, things went downhill in the bedroom, if you know what I mean."

"Did you notice any changes in yourself?"

"I did," Greg said. "I found myself going along with whatever she suggested, even though there were times I wanted to say, 'no.' After a while, I also noticed some physical changes."

"Like what?"

"Well, I noticed that I was starting to lose some muscle mass. I keep a weight bench and an exercise machine out in the garage and I normally worked out three times a week. But for some reason, I started getting weaker and couldn't lift like I used to. I also noticed something else."

"What's that?"

"Well, I'm a bit embarrassed to say, but I found myself getting... smaller. Down there. You know..."

"Ah, yes, I understand," Dan said.

"I was always about average in that department, and I never heard any complaints from Sharon. She always seemed to enjoy what I had. I even spoke to my doctor about it, and he told me not to worry, that it was just age creeping up on me. He offered to prescribe Viagra, but I declined. I didn't want to have to rely on drugs."

"I can understand that," Dan responded. "But it didn't end there, did it?"

"No. Not too long after that, Sharon started suggesting that I might like to see her with another man. It was strange. It was almost like there were two of me. My rational mind kept saying, no, but that's not what came out of my mouth. Then she suggested that I wanted to be her cuckold."

"But you didn't." Greg shook his head.

"No, I didn't."

"What happened then?"

"We went out one evening for some drinks and dancing. A co-worker of hers, Theo Raskin, happened to be at the same club. She introduced us and he asked her to dance. She didn't even give me a chance to respond. She just left with him. I sat there at the table, watching, as I sipped on my drink. I didn't like what I was seeing, but I felt powerless to do anything about it.

"She eventually came back to our table and asked if I liked what I saw. I didn't like it -- not one damn bit. He had his hands all over her and she seemed to like it. Not only that, but she was rubbing herself all over him. They were damn near fucking each other on the dance floor. No, I didn't like it one bit. I asked her to dance with me, but she brushed me off, saying she was tired and it was time to head home.

"When we got home, she started in again, asking me if I wanted to see her have sex with Theo. I shook my head but she was incessant and it drove me nuts. She kept dropping this crap into my life day in and day out. I almost said 'yes' out of desperation, just to get her to shut the hell up."

"So, you really didn't want to watch her with another man, did you?"

"Hell, no. I came very close to losing it with her over that. Some time later, we decided to go south to Cabo San Lucas for a few days. I figured it would be a great time for us to reconnect," Greg said.

"But it didn't work out that way, did it?" Dan asked. Greg slowly shook his head.

"No," he said quietly. "We had gotten to our room and were making our way down to the dining room when Theo just happened to show up. I asked Sharon what was going on, but she blew me off." The scene shifted to a nicely-appointed hotel room. "Dramatization" could be seen at the bottom of the screen. Two actors, playing the part of "Sharon" and "Greg" were deep in discussion.

"What is he doing here," asked the actor playing Greg. "This is supposed to be our weekend getaway."

"And it still is," the female actor said in response. "Theo's here to help me get you through the weekend. Trust me, you'll enjoy it." They walked out of the room and re-entered sometime later. "Sharon" turned to the actor playing "Theo" and gave him a kiss, then turned to "Greg."

"Listen, sweetie, things are going to be a bit different, okay? You know as well as I do that you can't perform like you used to, and frankly, I have needs," she said. "This isn't anything personal, and I still love you. I always will. This is just sex, okay? So why don't you sit here on the couch, be a good little boy and you can watch. Here, you can hold my panties if you want."

She pulled her panties off and gave them to him, but not before rubbing them in his face so he could smell her arousal. He took them, looking downcast. She smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"It's going to be okay," she said. "Just stay quiet for me and watch." She stood and turned to Theo, then dropped her dress and stood before him, naked. Theo smirked at Greg, then began removing his clothes. When he was naked, he took Sharon in his arms. Greg glanced up and saw Theo's cock was huge. After Theo and Sharon kissed, she turned to Greg while holding Theo's cock.

"Look at that monster," she said. "He's at least four times bigger than you. I measured it once. It's just over nine inches long. Isn't it lovely? Wouldn't you like to suck on it for a while?" Greg shook his head. "No? Well maybe later," she said. "Now watch."

As Greg looked, Sharon got on her knees and took Theo's cock all the way in her mouth and began sucking while stealing glances at her husband. When Theo filled her mouth, she released his cock and approached Greg. He looked at her, stunned, wondering what she was about to do. She started to kiss him so she could transfer Theo's cum into his mouth, but he pushed her away.

"Maybe he prefers it straight from the source," Theo said with a smirk as he approached Greg. "Go ahead, cuck boy. Suck it. You know you want to." He ran his cock over Greg's face and positioned it at his mouth. Greg, however, got sick to his stomach and ran into the bathroom as the other two laughed. He closed and locked the door, then threw up in the toilet.

He came out a few minutes later, having washed his mouth out. He looked and saw the two of them screwing like rabbits on the bed. Sharon looked at him as Theo pumped away inside her.

"Oh god, Greg, this cock feels so good in my little pussy," she said. "Too bad your little two-inch micro-dick can't function anymore. Maybe you can lick his cum out of me when he finishes." Theo chuckled at that.

"Yeah, cucky, you can clean my spunk outta her when I'm done," he said. Greg felt sick again and retreated back into the bathroom, locking the door. He sat on the toilet when he finished vomiting and cried as he tried to figure out why she was doing this to him -- to them. When he heard no more noises from the bed, he peeked into the room and saw Theo standing up.

Sharon was still laying on the bed, naked, her legs spread wide. He could see semen dripping from her pussy and was disgusted with her. She looked at him, smiled and climbed off the bed. Scooping some of the stuff dripping from her into her hands, she approached him. When she got close enough, she rubbed it into his face and tried to make him suck it from her finger.

"Just one little taste," she said. "It won't kill you. You might even like it." Greg shook his head. "No? Well, okay, but you'll need to get used to it soon enough. Listen, I'm going to sleep in Theo's room tonight. You stay here and be a good boy, okay? Don't play with yourself, either."

"You're not staying here, with me?" Greg asked.

"Not tonight, dear," Sharon said. "I'll see you in the morning, and everything will be just fine. Good night, sweetie," she added, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"See ya, cuck," Theo smirked as they walked out of the room. Greg sat on the couch, then curled up into the fetal position and cried himself to sleep. The scene shifted back to the present, with Greg and Dan.

"The whole weekend was like that," Greg told Dan. "It was the most humiliating and degrading experience of my entire life."

"Why didn't you take any action then?" Dan asked.

"I wanted to," Greg said. "I wanted to scream, yell, grab her by the shoulders. I wanted to smash that fucker's face in with my bare hands. But it was as if all my manhood had been sucked right out of me. Inside, I wanted to go nuclear on both of them. But I just wasn't able to do anything."

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe Sharon had drugged you?" Greg shook his head.

"At the time, no, it didn't. I could never imagine her doing something like that to me. I thought we had something special," Greg said. "Turns out I was wrong."

"What happened after you got home?"

"She wanted me to look something up on the Internet. Then she said that weekend was just a taste of the rest of our marriage," Greg said.

"How did you respond?"

"Not well," Greg said. "I don't remember most of it, and I woke up in a hospital bed."

The scene changes again, and the camera focuses in on a woman wearing an orange jumpsuit with a number stenciled over one breast. The chyron reads, "Sharon Carson (Wilson)."

"The trip back from Cabo San Lucas was... tense," she said. "Greg didn't say more than three words to me the whole time. He sat in his seat, just looking out the window. He wouldn't even look at me. I tried speaking to him, but he just waved me off."

"Can you really blame him?" Dan asked.

"No, I suppose not," Sharon said with a heavy sigh. "I figured he'd be upset for a while, but I thought once I had him back on his regimen, he'd get over his little snit and we could move on. Anyway, we got to the airport and he just grabbed his bags, making me fend for myself, and walked to the car, not even checking to see if I was okay.

"He threw his bags in the trunk and closed it before I could put my bags inside. So I just put my stuff in the back seat and got inside. He had already started the car and was about to drive off whether I was ready or not. On the way home I told him that I wanted him to look up something. He asked me what, so I said I wanted him to look up 'cuckold' on the Internet, because that's what he is now."

The scene changed again, and this time, we see the actors playing Sharon and Greg in what appears to be a home office. Greg is sitting in front of a computer screen with a grim look on his face. Sharon is standing beside him.

"It's okay if you want to cry," she said. "I understand. Really, I do." He looked at her for a moment. "But there's something else you need to know. This weekend, well, that was just a preview of the rest of our married life."

"What?" Greg asked.

"That's right, dear. This weekend was just a small taste of what the rest of our lives will be like. Maybe, if you're lucky, you can have some of Theo inside you as well. That is, if you think you can handle it," she said with a smile. "I have everything we need to get you ready to take him. I just know that once you have him you won't ever want to give it up, and it can be something we can share."

"You mean, you want him to rape me?"

"Of course not," the actress playing Sharon said. "You can't rape the willing, after all. Isn't that part of your fantasy? Besides, I'll be there with you and I won't let him do anything until I feel you're ready for it." The smile on her face faded as she saw the murderous look on his face. Suddenly, his hand was on her throat.

"You listen to me real good, woman," he said. "If you ever let him try to rape me, so help me God, I'll kill you both where you stand. You understand me, bitch?" He released her throat, then went to his gun case. Unlocking it, he pulled out a 12-gauge shotgun and loaded it. "Just so you know, this marriage is over. You're dead to me, bitch."

She watched in horror as he pumped a shell into the chamber, then shot a picture of them he had on his desk. She saw he was aiming for her face in the photo, but obliterated the entire picture. He then went around the house, shooting everything that had her picture on it, including their wedding portrait which hung over the fireplace.

He aimed directly at her face at point-blank range, destroying that part of the photo while leaving the rest somewhat intact. He didn't stop shooting until he ran out of shells. Then she heard a thump.

The scene changed again, and the real Sharon sat in her chair, tears falling down her face. She wiped her eyes and looked at Dan.