Brenda's Confession


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"Love me—do you really?"

"I really do, Ted. I wish I'd never laid eyes on Andy." I broke into tears, in spite of my resolve to take my punishment like a woman. "If you'll just give me another chance, I never cheat again—I swear," I said after finally getting control of my emotions.

"Didn't you just say you couldn't help yourself when you're around Andy?"

I nodded my head and whimpered; "I'll do all I can not to be caught alone with him—I promise."

He pulled me to my feet and taking a handkerchief from his back pocket, he wiped my tears. "Forgive you? Of course I forgive you; I have a lot I need forgiveness for too." He smiled and lifted my face so that he was looking me in the eyes. "I love you. Brenda, I always have and always will. What I won't do is continue to let that man make a fool of me."

He kissed my lips, and then silently held me for what seemed like forever, before finally breaking the deafening silence. "Think about this very carefully now; If I could promise you'd never lay eyes on Andy again, do you think you could give up cheating?"

"I'm sure. No other man has remotely attracted me since college."

Without saying another word, he lowered his lips to meet mine. His kiss was so tender it was scary. I expected rage; instead I got nothing but tenderness. Did I know this man I'd been married to for so long? I opened my lips to admit his tongue. That turned out the prelude to a very passionate French kiss and a trip back to the bedroom. The next couple hours was spent making love, not just fucking; believe me there is a difference. I was amazed to find Ted's smaller cock hardly hurt when it entered. I wish I could say Ted had me seeing fireworks like Andy always did, but I can't. I can say that before we got up off the bed I was sated in a way Ted hadn't provided in many years.

We dressed and I followed him to the door. "Where are you going?" I was just curious, but the question seemed to rub a nerve.

"Out! Don't worry; I'll be back in a few hours. George and I have something to take care of."

Ted's anger had returned, but it was a cold, calculating kind of fury.

I was afraid he'd beat Andy to a pulp or maybe even kill him. I jumped in front of Ted and tried to block his way. "Don't do something you'll be sorry for. If you hurt Andy, you know his family is powerful enough to make life miserable. Let's just enjoy the years we have left," I begged.

Once again Ted took me in his powerful arms, squeezing around me so tightly I could hardly breathe. I swear that man didn't know his own strength. "Ow, that hurts."

"Sorry, Honey," he said, releasing his strong grip and kissing me again. "You don't need to worry; I'm not going to lay a hand on Andy. We have a lot of screwing to catch up on and we can't do that if I'm in jail, even for a short time. I'm well aware his family runs this county."

"But you said you and George had to make plans."

"Yeah, I'm hosting a fishing party at our Lake Marion camp. You know, just a bunch of us guys fishing, drinking and swapping lies for four days."

"Are you sure? You're not going to do anything to get even with Andy?"

"I'm already even with Andy. I got the girl, remember. Nope, I won't be going anywhere near Mr. Andy, and I promise you two things; I won't lay a finger on him and he'll never bother you again." After saying that, he went to his truck. "See you in a couple hours," he yelled, as he was turning the truck to leave.

As soon as Ted's truck was out of sight I called Ruth to warn her George knew; that's when I got another surprise. She said George had known for over a month and it made no difference that he did. "He's too wimpy to do anything about it." Those were her words, not mine. She chose to ignore my warning, so I let the matter drop. I hung up and just thanked God things turned out like it seems they have for me.

It was late when Ted returned; still I waited up for him. After I heated his supper he started talking.

"George and I had set up a fishing party at our Lake Marion camp but I promise that I'll fix things so you won't be bothered by Andy when I return." That was all I could get out of him—well not exactly all. I did get a very satisfying romp in the sack before we fell asleep, which surprised me. When I asked what had brought on this big change, he just said, "You scared the hell out of me. I always took you for granted and when you told me what you did, I realized I could lose you." I really think he was about to break down, but the big, tough man took over before he did. However, I still noticed a catch in his voice when he added, "I'm going to do better, Honey. I swear I will."

The next day he was so busy I hardly saw him. I did notice he spent a lot of time in his office with the door closed. When I asked what he was doing, he just said he had a lot of calls to make before he could take four days off. He said he didn't want to be bothered with phone calls while he was fishing.

Early the next day, he and George loaded everything into the plane. We talked a little bit before takeoff. When I asked how the others were getting there he answered that they had driven over yesterday but that he was unable to spare the time, thus the plane trip.

"Well, be careful. You know that landing strip at the camp's pretty tight."

"Don't worry your pretty little head. Now that I've rediscovered just how good you are in the sack there's no way I'm gonna take chances."

"You can start by forgetting this crap about saving fuel and kick that thing in the ass when you take off." I said. He just grinned. For some reason he prided himself in quiet take-offs and landings. He claimed the noise bothered the pigs but I still think he was just cheap. I have to admit, by the time he was clearing the far end of the runway, I doubt he could be heard at Ruth and George's house, and it wasn't over a half mile away

I decided to ride into town for some shopping. Passing Ruth's I almost stopped by to see if she wanted to tag along, then seeing her car wasn't in the yard, I remembered she worked days now. Since Andy was no longer on nights there was no reason for Ruth not switch to days, giving her some time to see Andy at night.

That night I called to check on my friend and while she was on the phone I heard Ruth tell somebody to sit down, that she'd be right with them.

"Gotta go, I've got a hot date with, 'you know who.' And guess what—he has tomorrow off so he can stay all night. Bet I won't be able to walk tomorrow."

"You're nuts, you know that, don't you?"

"At least I'm going to drain some tension off tonight." Saying that, Ruth hung up, leaving me alone with my imagination.

The next two days passed without incident, but around noon of the third day I got a call from Ruth. "Brenda, have you seen Andy? He's not there with you, is he?"

"No, and I hope he never shows up here again." I then told her about my conversation with Ted and that he promised Andy wouldn't bother me again.

"If you do see him, will you call me? It's not like Andy to miss a date, he was supposed to come over last night and he didn't."

After assuring her Andy was probably all right, I couldn't resist just one little dig. "He's probably taking care of Jenny; he'll be back with you soon." I knew it was cruel, but I was feeling just a little bit bitchy.

My smart ass attitude changed, when after a week Ruth reported Andy still hadn't shown up. I really started to worry when another week passed and the papers reported him as missing and that the police were looking into his disappearance. Apparently Ruth and I were the only ones known to be fooling around with Andy, since as far as I know, we and our husbands were the only one questioned by the cops.

I was scared to death that Ted had broken his words about not harming Andy, but apparently he hadn't. Every man on the trip with them swore Ted and George were with them all the time. After several more weeks with no sign of Andy, and the papers reporting that some of his personal effects were missing from his apartment, everybody just kind of accepted that Andy had found himself a new woman and that he would turn up one day.

I sincerely hoped they were right, but an incident that took place the first night Ted returned home from that fishing trip still bothers me. I was washing dishes and Ted was in his office, when the phone rang. I guess we both picked up at the same time.

"Ted?" a man's voiced said.


"It's Bennie, I'm in a hurry right now but I wanted you to know the boys took care of that little matter, so now I guess we can call the debt paid."

"You got it, Buddy. Fishing's still good if you get time."

Ted hung up and in a few minutes he slipped up behind me and wrapping his arms around me from the back, he pressed his erection into my rear and cupped my breasts with both hands. Kissing me on the neck he said, "Andy won't be bothering you again."

The next thing he did was to scoop me up and take me to the bedroom. Wow! I don't know how he did it, but his libido had really jumped up a few notches. I never did get back to the dishes that night.

You girls know the rest. That was almost twenty years ago and as they say in the fairy tales, we lived happily ever after. So girls, remember this, things go badly in all marriages, but if you really love each other and aren't too proud to ask forgiveness things will mostly work out. Of course you have to forgive the other person too.


I'm Betty, the oldest of the sisters. Mom left this letter with me to make sure her wishes were carried out. I read it to the family the same time the will was read. Everybody was there and when I finished, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. I submitted the story to Literotica today, so Mom, I've done all you asked. Bye.



Thanks for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it, but either way please vote. All it takes is one click on a star. (Think of it as leaving a tip, after all, do you really stiff your waiter?) Those of you, who see something I did wrong, or someway I could have improved the story, please leave a comment or contact me via my Bio Page. Thanks, thecarolinadreamer

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Harvey8910Harvey89104 months ago

This was a great story. I have no sympathy for weak-willed Brenda. She had no resistance to Andy and told Ted as much. Ted still loved Brenda even after learning of her cheating so he made up his mind that Andy had to be dealt with. I am glad that in the story, Brenda stopped cheating on Ted once Andy was out of the picture. Great story. Five stars for sure.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Repulsive characters. The wife (and other women) apparently are brain damaged and cannot make moral decisions on their own. Just nonsense. She only pseudo confessed and cheated on him constantly as if Andy was a narcotic drug. Not just fictional, but delusional.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

An unrepentant long term cheater. Whatever. This was a unwarranted RAAC with a poor ending.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I read ezrollin's comment on the Comments page that he scored five stars instead of four, to raise the overall score. I disagree with this I think we should score honestly according to our opinion of the story. I will likely read the story soon. If it rates a five, then score it five, meaning you "love it."


EzrollinEzrollin10 months ago

A good readable story, though not quite as erotic as I would have liked. I was surprised to see it scored under four, but that's what happens when you have one asshole low ball it for his or her own gratification, I think it deserves a four so I'm giving it a five to help raise the score...

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