Broken Pt. 06

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Pauline and Emily work to save Jacob's soul.
26.4k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/26/2020
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Thanks to Killerarmyguy, Cj, Linnear for the edits



I awoke the next morning with a very odd coppery taste in my mouth. Unsure why that was or how I got to my bed last night, nor did I remember much of anything for that matter after coming home yesterday. Rubbing the heels of my hands on my eyes, trying to get the cobwebs out of my mind. Sighing as my alarm went off, foretelling me I had to work that day. Not that I minded, it got me out of the house and away from... my sister. That I do remember happening, everything else since entering my home, I couldn't figure out why my mind was having a hard time remembering last night. That was when I felt something coating my member. Lifting my covers, arching an eyebrow when I could smell the hints of dried pussy on my cock. Okay, now that was fucking weird. If I had sex last night, wouldn't you think I remember it? If that was the case, why wasn't there a naked woman in my bed with me? None of this made any sense to me whatsoever. My hand slammed down onto my alarm clock, silencing it to keep Pauline from venturing into my room. That was the last thing I needed at the moment was to deal with her.

My hand rested against the tile wall of my shower as I leaned against it. My right ran along my face as the hot water soaked into my skin, hoping it would shake some of the memories loose from last night. Yet that was not the case, as I was still at a loss for what had transpired that evening. Shaking my head, knowing I would be late for work if I didn't get a move on. I had a weird feeling like someone was watching me as I shampooed my hair; when I was finished rinsing, peering around the shower curtain, no one was there. Given the steam in the bathroom, I couldn't be sure if there was a cold spot or not. Not that my breath came out in a fog like it did on Supernatural. I really wished I had a salt shotgun at that moment. Don't you hate it when the monsters choose the worse time to attack you, i.e., the shower? After drying myself and wrapping my towel around my waist, I stood in stunned shock as a single message was written on my mirror. Deuteronomy 5:16. What the fuck was that supposed to mean?! How the hell did it even get there in the first place? I was sure I had been alone in my bathroom all through my shower. I was starting to get a little bit freaked out, if I'm being honest. Wiping my hand through the message, putting it out of my mind, I had more important things to do than to worry about some random message in my mirror.

I could hear something sizzling in the kitchen as I walked down the stairs in my normal attire I wore to work. I might be an engineer by trade, but I mainly just punch numbers for the most part. They didn't trust me out in the field with the more senor people at the plant, not that I minded. It kept me in a nice air-conditioned office and out of the hot sun. Plus, I sat at a desk for the better part of the day. What's not to like about that? The moment I walked into the kitchen; I noted something was off with Pauline; I just couldn't put my finger on it. She seemed rather happy for it being so damn early in the morning. It seemed... unnatural.

"Good morning, Jacob. I'll have your breakfast finished in just a minute." I noted the hum to her voice. It seemed familiar to me; I just couldn't place it. I didn't respond. Taking my normal seat at the table, I saw the cup of coffee waiting for me as I did. It was even sweetened how I liked it. That was rather creepy in and of itself. I heard the scraping of the pan and the light tapping of the utensil she was using against it. My eyes flickered up as the toast popped as she set the plate before me lined with scrambled eggs, sausage, and two hot slices of toast that she placed on it. Feeling her placing a kiss on top of my head, wish she wouldn't do that before sliding the jar of apple jelly and butter toward me. Hearing the door of my refrigerator opening, the sound of the orange juice filling the glass filled my ears as I buttered my toast. I'm not to let my food go to waste, now, am I? I glanced out of the corner of my eye as Pauline took the seat next to me. She was wearing this rather happy look on her face, a look I couldn't place. If I had to guess, it was the look of someone who got fucked last night. Then I wondered who be crazy enough to do that in the first place.

"Some reason you're dressed?" I asked, scooping up my eggs with my fork.

"I was hoping you'd let me borrow the car today." My eyes glanced at her as I chewed, waiting on her to elaborate. "So, I can do the shopping for us, and... Emily and I need some female products, you understand. If you did, I was thinking of going after I drop you off at work."

"And why is Emily still asleep?" I was not fond of leaving her alone in my house. There was no telling what the two of them had planned. Even if she was my father's daughter, I still had no clue who she was as a person.

"She'll be fine for a few hours." I was not pleased with how she waved off my worry. "Since it's going to cost more to fix our car, you and I will just have to work out an arrangement going forward, at least when you have to work. Have no fear, son; I'm not about to leave you stranded at your job," Pauline spoke with a smile on her lips as she patted my hand. "Although, we are going to have to do something about that thing on the lid of your trunk."

"Over my dead body," I said heatedly. "I like it, and if you don't, I don't care. It stays." I had no idea why Pauline was getting so upset for.

"It's demonic, Jacob; it needs to go!"

"It's not demonic; it's a devil's trap. You know something to catch demons," I said, throwing up air quotations as if demons actually existed in the first place.

"What do you mean catch demons?! Are you a demonologist?" I arched an eyebrow wondering why the hell that would pique her interest.

"No," I drew out the word. The morning was already getting weird, and I had a feeling it was just going to get even weirder. "Whether or not you like how I decorate my property isn't my concern. If I find out that you've removed it, I will toss you and your daughter out on your ass. Am I clear?" I asked, rising to my feet. I was getting rather creeped out by the light I saw in Pauline's eyes. Remembering what Delph had said to me in her office yesterday. I really wish I could say why everything past the point of me taking a sip of my soda was a blank.

"Of course, Jacob, I would never remove something that protects us from the forces of the Morning Star." I turned my head, giving her a very odd look. It kind of reminds me of how some of the more zealous people around town talked when they were speaking about the Bible. "Don't forget your lunch, honey; it's in the fridge. I made it especially for you." I have no idea why that weirded me out, yet it did. "I'll be in the car waiting for you." Opening the door, I looked oddly at the container that held two Salisbury steak patties, green beans with fatback in it, and white and yellow corn. I had no idea how or when she made this. Although I'll admit, it would be a better meal than I normally got from the roach coach at lunch time.

I ignored the smile on Pauline's face as I slid into the driver's seat and placed the container between us while my briefcase was on the floorboard behind me. The 502 cubic inch V8 just purred to life when I turned it over. Have I told you I so love that car? You would, too, if you felt the rumble of the engine just traveling up your spine as it idled. Flipping on the lights since it was a few minutes before six, tossed the shifter into reverse and turned around in my rather large driveway. On the drive to work, my mind flashed back to the promise I had made to Delph to visit her tonight. How I was looking forward to making her scream out my name when I fuck her on my former bully's bed. What could be better than that when you're getting back at the person who broke your arm?

"I'll be here on the dot to pick you up, have a good day at work, honey," Pauline said through the opened window as she sat in the driver's seat after I had gotten my briefcase out of the back. I didn't say a word, just nodded; I had that feeling all over again as I watched her depart in my car.

"I really need to get her another one; like hell she's going to drive my baby forever," I muttered aloud, hearing the exhaust of my car rumbling away from me.

Once I got up to the office, I placed a piece of masking tape on the lid of my lunch. I'm sure some of you have had those types of people that just take whoever's lunch from the office fridge without a care of who it belongs to. A sneaky smile formed on my face when I put another piece of tape on it, which warned whomever that it might be that might steal my lunch that laxatives had been added. Not that there were any in it, I just thought it would be amusing. Once my lunch was stored, I set about getting to work. It was around ten o'clock when a text came to my phone.

"We are still on for tonight, yes?" I knew instantly who it was from.


"Good, I can't wait to cum on that tongue again. I get off at seven; come by the house say eight?"

"Sounds good," I sent back. I felt my cock awakening as Delph sent a picture of her wet pussy from one of the stalls of the women's bathroom at her practice.

"Just so you know what's waiting for you tonight."

"Like I could forget the sight of that tasty little thing."

"Mmm, God, it just got wetter. Wish you were here and would bend me over my desk and fuck me like a slut I am for you."

"Oh, you're going to get your wish tonight," I responded, quickly putting my phone away as I heard someone approaching my cubical.

"Jacob?" I heard the sound of my boss' voice from behind me.

"Yes, Mrs. Bell, what can I do for you?" I asked, turning in my seat to face her.

"There's some trouble down at the plant, and since you haven't been out in the field much. I thought it was time to get you a little hands-on experience. It will look good on your evaluation coming up soon."

"Sure; when do you want me to go?" I asked, trying not to notice my boss' form-fitting attire. Something she rarely wore to the office. I wondered what was happening in her home life for her to act so out of character. It wasn't lost on me that her wedding ring was still missing from her left hand.

"Say ten minutes, I'll be joining you, so I'll meet you down in the lobby then." My heart was racing, knowing my work would be under close observation.

"Umm... Mrs. Bell, I'm going to need to sign out one of the company cars since mine is unavailable at the moment," I said; I didn't know if I liked how she was smiling at that news.

"No worries, Jacob. We'll take mine; no sense in taking two cars there. We'll be back before lunch. It's nothing too major, just something so we can show the higher-ups you're worthy of that promotion." I couldn't help it; it's a male instinct, so sue me; as my eyes glanced down when she turned to walk back to her office, I noticed the lack of panty lines. That wasn't all. it was how well that skirt of hers was showing off her ass. I wondered just what her husband had done to cause her to put out the signals that she was on the prowl. For an older woman, she was rather... enticing, if you know what I mean. I've often heard men around the office talking about her and what they would do to her if they ever got the chance. All in jest, of course, just like how the women talk about the men, at least the more attractive men, not me; I'm just average.

So there I was, standing out in the lobby, waiting for my boss to come down. Double-checking if I had everything I needed since I normally didn't go out to the plant that was a few miles west of the office building. Due to the attacks, more so of the cyber kind, the owners thought it best to keep us separated from the main plant in case something happened. This way, the people who could fix it wouldn't be caught in the blast or accident of some kind. I'm not the nuclear kind of engineer, I'm more of the structural kind. Not that I would mind the pay bump being one of them. Still, my job pays me well enough, so I can't complain. Maybe I'll go back to school one day and get my degree in that form of engineering. Turning my head as my thoughts were meandering around my mind as I heard the ding of the elevator The way my boss was walking it felt like, at least to me, she had something to prove. That she was still attractive enough to get the attention of men, or I could be completely wrong, and my pervy mind was just seeing things that weren't there. It's been known to happen. Nonetheless, I did try; I swear I did try not to notice how her hips swayed, the way her breasts moved beneath her shirt. It wasn't the first time I asked myself what her husband had done that would cause her to alert the men of the world that she was seeking validation. For what? I couldn't say. Not that it stopped me from slyly checking out my boss. I mean, come on, I'm a dude. A horny twenty-four-year-old guy. What man my age isn't thinking about sex twenty hours a day?

"Do you have everything?" Mrs. Bell asked of me once she reached my side.

"I do," I nodded.

"Good; boiler 3 is offline at the moment, so let's see if you can solve the problem with the steam pressure." I have to say the smile she flashed me did boost my confidence. "Come, my car is this way," Mrs. Bell stated, gesturing towards the eastern end of the parking lot. "You know you can call me Angie." Her sweet tone had something more to it than just being friendly.

"So, Angie, what exactly is the problem with boiler 3?" I asked, trying to keep it professional while on company property.

"There's a pressure drop in the feed lines to the turbines and our technicians can't seem to find the source. So, we're going to the plant to see if we can find the cause of the problem, or at least find a bypass to get the boiler up and running again at full power."

"Where exactly in the feed lines?" I inquired as she pulled her car keys out of her purse and unlocked her doors.

"I don't know; we'll see when we get there." I took a dry swallow when my eyes dipped low, seeing how her skirt rode up and showed off the top of her white stockings; I quickly looked away when I noticed the clip of her garter belt. I have to admit her legs were stunning. Then, of course, given my horny state at the time, due to Delph's text, the thought of them wrapped around me did pop into my mind. I just hoped that Angie didn't notice my growing erection. I really didn't need to have a talk with HR. So didn't need perving out on my boss added to my employment file. The moment I looked up after buckling myself in, I caught how Angie's gaze lingered on my groin before her eyes moved up my body. "Do you still think I'm stunning, Jacob?" Angie asked, wearing this rather seductive smile on her painted lips. "Does the sight of my thighs get something... excited?" I'd be a liar if I said that little sexy tone of hers didn't get my member standing at attention. "Would you like to see what's underneath my skirt?" My eyes glanced down as she lifted the hem of it, then up, when I heard the sucking of her lip; her eyes were intently staring at my cock as it moved in my pants. "Would you taste this married woman's pussy?" she asked of me. Do you honestly think I'm going to say no to that?

"Angie? I don't know if this would be a good..."

"If you're worried about my husband, don't be. I have that man locked in a cock cage; he'll be no threat to you since I literally hold his balls in my hand."

"So, the absence of your ring was because he stepped out on you?" I asked, just for verification.

"I caught him fucking our seventeen-year-old babysitter." I saw the hurt, the pain, the betrayal in her eyes. "So, it was either live by my rule and my rule alone, or I'd call the cops and have him arrested for statutory rape. I'll let you figure out what he chose." Watching how her eyes lit up when I placed my hand on her knee.

"And this?" I asked, gesturing to their office building.

"I'm not looking for a relationship, Jacob." she reached up, softly placed her hand over mine, and gradually pulled it along her thigh, feeling how silky her stocking was beneath my touch, "Just good, wholesome, body-numbing sex with you. What do you say, Jacob? Do you want to fuck me?" Angie asked, sucking in a breath; her body crawled up her seat as her feet pushed against the floorboard of her car. Her hand shot down, taking hold of mine as my fingers had her thighs trembling, yet their resonating vibrations were building to an explosive quake.

"I take it it's been some time since a man's been between your legs?" I asked, watching her reactions as I was teasing the hell out of her labia. Hey, if this was all a setup to entrap me in some scheme, you better be damn sure I'm going to enjoy myself before the curtain came down.

"Yes," Angie answered in this gradual, rumbling, broken moan as I watched as she fought back from exploding on my hand while teasing her clit. Then a thought crossed my mind if we were sampling each other's goods... Observing how her eyes cut to mine when I took hold of her hand and brought it over to my lap.

"The question, Angie, is, can you handle this hard cock making this pussy all nice and creamy?" I asked in a sinful tone, feeling her fingers wrapping around my tool.

"I'll answer you off of company grounds," Angie replied, starting up her car without removing my hand from between her legs.


After a fingering and a blowjob, Angie and I arrived at the power plant. Currently, I'm trying to figure out why there's a drastic drop in pressure with absolutely no signs of a leak. With that amount of steam, given the temp and pressure, the leak would have made itself known by now. While Angie was off talking to the big wigs, the owners, and the head people who oversaw the plant. I was over by the table where all the blueprints of every section of Boiler 3 were laid out on. Although the thought did cross my mind if they could smell my cum on my boss' breath, if for just a moment before something caught my eye. I wasn't ignorant about the history of the plant before I came to work at it. I knew it was a coal fire plant back in the twenties before it shut down in the fifties when the plant underwent a massive overhaul to be turned into a nuclear one, given the rage at the time. The blueprint wasn't for anything important, i.e., for the steam lines, yet it did give me an idea.

"Mrs. Bell," I whispered, trying to get my boss' attention while they were clustered around a table, listening to how their battle plan meeting turned into a 'shooting the shit' kind of conversation while pretending to look important.

"Yes, Jacob, what's the matter?" Angie asked once she had stepped away from the table.

"Do they store the blueprints from the twenties of the old boiler steam lines here?" I spoke, seeing the startlement of surprise on my boss' face.

"And why do you need to look at those?" I felt her fishing for my reasoning to suss out if it was sound or not.

"Since the robot didn't see any holes in the pipe, the men sent it down to check the line, there has to be a valve loose or a gasket of some kind rotted away, and that is what's causing the leak. I was thinking the people who ran this place back then, given the times, didn't exactly follow building code back then, so they might have cut corners and used the old twenties pipes that aren't rated to handle this kind of pressure," I said, stating my case. My eyes glanced over my boss' left shoulder as the plant manager pulled out his phone. Once we had the overall layout of the '20s steam lines, it didn't take Angie or me long to figure out where they should start looking. They found the faulty pipe when the main owner's foot broke the asphalt.