Bus Fare

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A driver teaches him that beggars can't be choosers.
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=== Friendly warning: This story includes piss play ===


I was woken up by soaring heat, a throbbing headache and taste of dirt on my lips.

At first I hesitated to open my eyes, because I was scared of what I would see. I was confused and desperately trying to put my memories together. How much did we drink last night?!

After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and tried to get myself up. The ground under me was hard and dusty - it must have really messed up my back if I really slept there the entire night. The back of my neck was burning - I probably got a sunburn from laying out here for the whole morning. My suit was most likely torn, dirty and ruined, but I had different priorities. I had to find out where the hell I was.

I looked around and saw nothing. Nothing but miles and miles of badlands. The only distraction was a solitary, unkempt road, which must have been the way I got here. Aside from that, there was no building, person or any other sign of civilization I could see.


I forced myself to get on the move - following the road, little stones crunching under my expensive leather shoes. I was trying to put my memories together. We were celebrating a coworker's birthday... and we might have gotten a bit carried away. We started drinking early and then I blacked out at around 8 PM. Then I distinctly remember someone saying "let's go on a road trip!" And then I was in the interior of a car, asking the guys to pull over, because I had to take a piss. And then nothing.

Somehow, they must have left me by the side of the road and forget about me. Or do this as a stupid drunken prank. They were probably freaking out at this point... I pulled my phone to let the jerkasses know where I was and to come and pick me up.

My hopes jumped up when I managed to find my phone safely in my pocket, but quickly dropped after I saw that the screen was cracked and that the battery was completely drained. It wouldn't even turn on! Upon closer inspection, I discovered I was also missing my keys and my wallet. Panic was slowly and surely starting to get the better of me.

I sped up but it was mostly with no use - who knew how many miles of this wasteland was to come? Based on the position of the sun, it must have been around noon. How far could I get before sundown?

Suddenly, a luxurious car passed right by me, missing me just by a few inches, going at least ninety miles per hour. I got startled at first and cursed out the driver from the distance, but then it hit me. Why don't I just hitchhike?! Based on the fact that I was in the middle of nowhere, it was probably going to be a crapshoot - but it was the only real chance I had.

I stopped walking and turned around. I pulled up my hand with my thumb pointing straight up and waited. And then I waited some more. The heat was slowly cooking me up in my suit so I soon dropped my jacket. During the first twenty minutes, two cars passed me by but neither one of them even slowed down.

I was starting to lose hope when I saw another, much slower vehicle coming from behind the horizon. I stepped closer to the road, determined to get this one. It turned out to be a bus. That lowered my hopes a little bit - there was little chance he was going to make a random stop outside of a bus station - but I didn't give up. The cranky old bus got closer and closer and, to my amazement, it started slowing down!

Oh, thank god!! I basically ran to the front door, which opened as I got closer. I noticed that the bus was completely empty, aside from the driver. He was a big, tough looking guy - bald, broad shoulders with an earring in his ear. His eyes looked me up and down as he saw me. He looked very surprised to find someone out here.

"Thank you!!" I said, my voice all raspy from the wild night.

"What the hell are you doing out here, man?" he asked me, his tone a little suspicious. Seeing a guy in a suit washed up in the middle of badlands probably wasn't something he saw every day.

"Long story... I wished I remembered more of it," I responded, "Do you think I could hitch a ride to the city?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Gotta pay the fare, just like everyone else," he replied, "The boss is on my ass. If I get caught taking a single passenger for free, I'm fired, no questions asked."

My hands immediately reached deep into my pockets, but aside from my useless phone, they were empty. And so were the ones on my jacket.

"I have nothing," I said, my voice desperate, "Come on, man - once you drop me off in the city, I can pay you back-"

"No way," he interrupted me, shaking his head, "I ain't falling for that one again."

"Surely you're not just gonna leave me here! Please, man, don't make me get on my knees!" I begged.

He opened his mouth to say no, but then he stopped before saying anything. His eyes scanned me up from top to bottom once again and a strange smirk emerged on his face.

"On your knees, huh... Tell you what, there might be a spot for you on this bus - one that wouldn't cost you a single dollar."

"Really?" I said, hopeful but also concerned by the sudden change of tone.

"Yeah," he said before he opened the door of his booth, revealing his husky body. He leaned out of the booth to check if the rest of the bus was empty. When he confirmed that it was, his hands patted his thigh and his teeth flashed a smile.

"The spot right between my legs," he said, "I'm sure that pretty little mouth off yours could work off everything you owe me for the regular fare."

I was staring at him for a really long time, waiting for him to tell me that it was a joke and I could get on board and take one of the free seats in the back. But he was silent. So I asked.

"Are... is this some kind of a twisted joke?"

"Nobody's gonna see you down here in the booth except for me," he said, "And you look like you would be a natural at it. What do you say, boy?"

"I say 'no' you fucking perv!" I shouted at him, "What kind of a disgusting faggot do you take me for?"

"Suit yourself then," he shrugged again, "I'm sure someone else will pick you up out here any minute..."

Somewhere in the distance, a coyote picked that exact time to let out a loud, menacing howl. I shivered, turned around and let out a whimper. Dammit, he had a point... if I didn't take this opportunity, there was a slim chance of getting somebody else to give me a ride...

But sucking off another man?! Dammit, the idea alone was crazy! I would never do anything like... Okay, well, except for that one time in college. But I was drunk back then! And it certainly wasn't anyone like this man. This brute with a wide chest and thick thighs, a beer belly and arms that looked like they could crush you with ease... Dammit, was I staring at his crotch?!

"Ain't got all day, buddy," he warned me, "Do we have a deal or not?"

Without a word, I found myself stepping onto the steps of the bus, hesitantly but surely. He chuckled and the smile on his face got even wider.

"There you go, I knew you wouldn't miss the opportunity to suck on a dick like this. Get over here and make yourself comfortable."

I awkwardly slid into the booth and kneeled on the dirty, sticky floor - right between his legs. There was more room than I anticipated but I was still trapped between his meaty thighs and there was no other place to put my face than his crotch. His pants were tight and were showcasing a lot from his manhood. From up close, I could smell the pent up musk of his building up for the whole day behind the wheel. I couldn't even imagine how his cock must taste...

He reached and closed the door of the booth - luckily, due to the small window, he probably wasn't lying about the privacy and it seemed like there would be no way for anyone to see me unless they would really lean in and knew exactly what to look for. He then started up the engine and the bumpy ride started. I was glad we were moving, but I still couldn't muster up the courage to initiate - I just kept staring into his crotch, paralyzed. That bulge was before my eyes, throbbing menacingly - almost as if it was mocking me for stooping down like this.

"You know," he threatened me after a few minutes, "You ain't getting an official invitation, bud. If you don't get to work, I don't have no issue with just kicking you out back where I found you."

That was enough of a motivation. My trembling fingers reached up to his crotch and slowly pulled down his zipper. My mind was full of fear, disgust and... anticipation?

His cock was already semi hard, based on the way he was renting in his grayish cheap looking briefs. I braced myself and tugged down the waistband. His cock sprang out - a short but thick, beercan resembling member with a fat piercing in its pisshole, completed by a set of fat balls covered in sloppily trimmed, wiry black pubes. The smell doubled - the man's musk attacked my nostrils and it wasn't about to go anywhere. Together with the thighs pressing at me from each side, I felt engulfed by this brute of a man I was about to service.

"Start with the balls," he commanded me, his eyes on the road, "And make your way to my prick when it's fully hard. Don't you think your work is done after I cum. You're not on a vacation here, pal - I want that mouth to be busy until I let you off of this bus, you got that?"

Christ! Was he expecting me to swallow his cum too? I closed my eyes and swallowed all of my pride as I slowly got closer and closer to his testicles. Okay, you've got this, I repeated to myself internally. Remember college.

My tongue started shyly and awkwardly flapping on his balls. His skin was wrinkly and salty... but it wasn't as bad as I imagined it. I boldly went ahead and opened wide to take his ball sack into my mouth completely. He grunted in approval.

"Now that's a better attitude. Keep it up and I promise to drive fast and get you to the city in no time."

Something was telling me that if I was going to do a good job, he was going to do the exact opposite to keep me between his legs for as long as possible, but I wasn't going to question it. I was too busy being shocked by how NOT terrible it felt to hold a pair of testicles in my mouth. I tried working my tongue over them and sucked on them, which forced me to swallow all of this guy's sour ball sweat, while I slowly watched his dick get harder and harder right above my eyes. It throbbed and started leaking large beads of precum which dropped right onto my face.

I felt so dirty and my heart was beating fast. My tastebuds were already getting used to this guy's taste and it had a weird effect on me. I sucked on his huge balls and felt my body grow hotter and hotter. At first I thought it was the temperature in the booth or that I was getting a fever or something, but then I noticed the uncomfortable tightness of my pants. Was this... getting me hard?!

"Ooooh," he sighed and thrusted against my face softly, rubbing his fat dick all over my face, "Nice tongue you've got. Mind showing me what it can do to my cock?"

I let his balls pop out of my mouth and then moved onto his dick, with slightly smaller amount of hesitation now. I let his cut, mushroom head slide between my lips. The taste of the slimy, musky cock mixed with the metallic taste of the piercing on the tip. I let out a sigh and let myself get comfortable... No, no! What was I doing?! I was sucking off a disgusting bus driver behind the wheel like some kind of a roadside whore, this wasn't supposed to make me feel comfortable!!

Nevertheless, I knew I had a job to do, if I was to ever get back to Denver. My mouth opened wide and started swallowing his entire shaft. I admired his thickness - compared to me, his cock was just monstrously fat. And it leaked a lot too, as I soon found out. More and more of his precum started coming and I had no chance but to swallow it all.

"That's how you do it, slut," he growled, as his meaty fingers landed on my head to stroke my hair. This was exactly what I had always done to girls giving me a blowjob - who would have thought I would find myself in the exact same position... He also thrusted a little bit, in and out of my mouth, pushing that pierced crown right into my throat.

Oh god... why was my dick getting so hard?! What exactly about this was arousing? Why was I working the tip of his dick with my tongue when I didn't even have to?! His smell and his taste were inside me, it was all my brain could register. I moaned, which came out muffled and slurpy. I pushed my own dick against the wall under the seat, trying not to think too hard about what was going on. Or how right it felt.

He started making noises too - he grunted like a gorilla and his thrusts were starting to get more and more impatient. I was afraid it was going to impact his driving, but he was a pro. A pro at driving and at feeding cock-hungry hitchhikers like me... Holy fuck, where did that thought come from.

"Fuck, buddy," he sighed, "You're about to get that first load sooner than I thought. Get ready to taste a real man!"

I guess I could have taken out his cock and suck on his balls to make him cum over my face, so I wouldn't have to swallow it. I guess. I told myself it was the fear of disobeying the man which kept my mouth sealed around his cock, but in reality, it was something else. I was already too far... I wanted to know how it would feel like. How it would taste. Years ago, in college, the guy didn't finish in my mouth.

For years I thought I lucked out and only now did I realize I was missing out. I wanted to know the feeling of another man unloading inside of me, of being forced to swallow all of his slimy juices. Somehow the more gross I imagined it in my head, the harder my cock throbbed.

"FFFUCCCCKKKKKK..." he groaned as he finally climaxed. His cock jumped in my mouth and started unloading. I felt the hot jizz hit the roof of my mouth and the rank, rich taste of his semen on my tongue. It was bitter, earthy and perfect. There was also a lot of it, but for some reason, I let it accumulate in my mouth before I sent it all down my throat after he was finished in a single, satisfying gulp.

My whole body trembled. I could still taste the heavy after taste of the driver's cum deep in my throat when I felt something happening to my body. My dick... this experience was too much. I moaned as I brought myself to a surprising orgasm just by humping the dirty wall under the seat over my pants, with the fat monster of a dick still filling up my mouth. Usually, with women, I like to let out a powerful roar when I cum but this time I let out the sluttiest, whiniest whimper.

It was also by far the strongest orgasm I had ever experienced.

As I was panting, feeling the cum leak out of my boxer briefs and filling my pants, I looked up shamefully. The guy was grinning at me like he just won a bet. He broke something in me, he knew it and he was damn proud of it.

"I knew you were gonna be a good cocksucker," he said, satisfied with himself, "I got a nose for guys like you. Work on my balls for a bit now, the dick's about to be sensitive as fuck. We're about to hit our first stop but don't let that affect your work."

"Yes, sir," I replied instinctively before I could stop myself. With my face beet red from the shame, my tongue got back onto his hairy balls. After a while, I felt the bus slowing down. I knew we weren't in the city yet because I didn't hear any commotion. My eyes looked up and I hoped that none of the passengers buying the tickets could see me.

There wasn't a lot of them. The driver took the change from them and looked completely unfazed. None of them said anything, so I take it they didn't see me. Or they could, but decided not to react. That thought was electrifyingly exciting for some reason.

After a short while, we got back on the road. I feasted on the driver's balls as he relaxed in his seat, holding the steering wheel in one hand only and letting the other one lean on the open outer window. He was probably having the best shift in his life. A weird part of me was proud of that fact.

"You know what," he said to me - loudly, so I assumed the booth was soundproof with the inner window closed, "My feet are getting a little hot. Be a good slut and take them shoes off of me. Socks too."

The humiliation was about to continue - I was going to be trapped down here with his bare, stinky feet out in the open. I let his balls go for a bit and awkwardly shifted to work on his shoelaces. I knew I had to be careful, because he needed them to operate the pedals.

He was wearing heavy leather army boots. In this heat, I couldn't imagine how his feet must have smelled like after being canned in those things - but I was about to find out. I fought with the shoelaces for a second before taking the boot off and storing it between my legs, so it wouldn't get under the pedals.

The strong aroma hit my nose immediately - I sighed as I inhaled the powerful smell of the man's rank feet. It wasn't even all of it, his other boot was still on, not to mention his sock - his dark, wollen, thick sock, sealing in all the juices! It was like a hundred degrees outside and this cranky old bus had no AC, what was this guy thinking?!

I freed him from the sock as well and his huge foot with hairy soles came into view - together with a smell that made me... starting to get hard again, god dammit, what in the hell was wrong with me?!?! What part of this was making my mouth water?

"Much better," he reveled, "God dammit, if we weren't behind the wheel, I bet you'd give the best fucking foot massage. Maybe another day though - for now, do the other one and get back to my crotch."

I tried to ignore the fact that I was disappointed by missing the chance to rub this man's feet, and possibly tasting them a little bit, and I focused on taking the other boot and sock off as well. It now felt like I was bathing in the essence of this guy, his potent smell filling up the whole bottom area of the booth, as well as my nose, and making my dick painfully hard again.

This time, I was downright eager when I got my mouth back on his dick. It wasn't completely hard yet, but I was gonna get it there. My tongue lovingly circled around his piss slit, playing with his piercing as I licked it, slobbering all over it. I kissed his shaft too and worked on his balls while jerking him off. I was now completely determined to pleasure this man. Ride to the city or not, I wanted to have him fill me up with cum once again. Or maybe multiple times...

He didn't thrust this time - there was no need, because my mouth was all over his cock, working it with enthusiasm. Occasionally, he guided my face with his hands to where he wanted me to focus, but for the most part, it seemed like I was doing a pretty good job at sucking him. He lasted much longer this time and that gave me a chance to swallow much more of his precum and get myself acquainted with every single inch of his dick.

"Oh god, what did I do to deserve a cumslut like you," he sighed after a while and his words made me smile, "Keep it up, bitch, another fresh batch of jizz is coming."

My hands tugged on his balls lightly as my mouth started sucking harder and harder. It was aching, but this was no time to give up. I was about to be rewarded with another load. It came soon after - it wasn't as big as the first one but it lasted much longer, allowing me to thoroughly enjoy every shot that came out of that beautiful dick. I let myself enjoy the flavor again before sending it down my stomach and after I was done, I made sure there wasn't a single drop left anywhere on his fat crown. My tongue thoroughly inspected every single part of his dick including the hole in the piercing and by the time I was done, his dick was perfectly clean.

Over the course of the blowjob, we already went through several stops. I lost track of time pretty soon. It was hard to concentrate given my hungover state and the essence of the man in front of me. I focused on him entirely and worshipped his dick even though it was going soft again.