By Air Mail Ch.02


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How many times have we looked up in surprise when a woman comes in on her way through town to ask about the young man that she just saw walking out? Do you think that he's grown ugly since he's been gone? Are you crazy, Marjorie?"

"If he just picks her up by chance, then she might be ugly," Marjorie said, "You said you don't know much."

Rebecca shrugged, "I only had a tiny fraction of a glimpse ..."

She looked back, "But she is not ugly and I do not think that she is ..."

She sighed in a little frustration, "I do not know her kind. In my head, my sight says one thing and my heart says another and neither one tells me enough. I know enough to say that it is not good for me to question further tonight anymore."

"Well that's good," Amelia said quietly and the remark startled both mothers. She looked at their shocked faces and held up her palms, "What?

If I've gotta have another girl in this to get what I've always known was for me with Craig AND Tad, then if it's all the same to you two, I'd rather that she was a little nice to look at, you know."

She sighed, "I just don't think I know how to ... make it work with her yet."

She looked from one to the other, "I mean, at all, really.

I know that it probably CAN work, but I don't know much about being with another girl. It doesn't put me off, necessarily, but I don't think that the world is exactly full of women like my moms, is it? Chances are that she'll bop me in the nose when I try."

Amelia sighed a little heavily then, "And I don't even know how to try."

She looked up, "Would you ... I know this might sound really stupid, but ... Could you guys teach me a little?"

There was a short silence and Amelia was about to try to get up to leave, since she now felt very foolish indeed.

"Is that want you want?" Rebecca asked, "Marjorie and I just are the way that we are, but it's not something that we've ever thought of ... doing it with anyone else. And you're my daughter, Amelia."

"You're both my mothers," Amelia said, "Maybe it was a stupid idea. I'll just try to figure things out as I go - if I even get that far."

Marjorie looked at Rebecca, "What could it hurt? We've taught her everything else in her life, haven't we? I'll admit that it feels a little strange, but we love her. Why not do something to make her feel good if she learns something from it?" Marjorie was only thinking out loud, really. But Rebecca didn't take it as that.

"To hear you right now, I'm just glad that we didn't use the same thinking to teach her about alcohol so she learns how much her head will hurt the next day."

Marjorie frowned, "Don't get all high and lofty with me, Rebecca. I've seen you look at other women, you know."

"When?" Rebecca turned, her eyes almost blazing.

"Huh!" Marjorie snorted, "Whenever some city cutie gets lost on the road and takes a wrong turn to get out of Boise and ends up in here to ask for directions, that's when. You know the ones I mean. They come in wearing tight, slinky skirts and all you can do is stare holes in their long, nylon stockings as you follow the seam at the back of each long calf up to their tight, swivelling bums."

Rebecca looked out from under her half-lidded eyes, "You do the same thing, Marjorie."

"No I don't," Marjorie chuckled, "How do you think that I know what you're looking at? I see them come in and we all know to look at your eyes as you stare at them when they strut out. That's when we know that she's worth a good look."

"We?" Rebecca asked, and Marjorie nodded with an angelic smile, her finger pointing to both herself and Amelia, who tried like hell to grow a halo on the spot.

"Hey!" she exclaimed as she slid out from between them to leave by the foot of the bed, "I've got stockings like that! They're still where I left them when I took them off to have my bath. How about I go put my garter belt back on and pull on some stockings for you? Would that help you to teach me?"

She put one hand on her hip and shook her backside just a little as she grinned over her shoulder, "I've even got that pair of nice, high pumps I bought for my wedding. I haven't worn them since. How about that?"

"No!" her mother hissed from between her teeth as she swung half-heartedly to catch hold of Amelia, who danced out of reach and turned to run out of the door with a laugh.

She didn't stop until she reached the boy's room. She stopped then and looked at the door for a moment. Then she reached out and turned the doorknob, she tiptoed in by the light of the dim nightlight to pull back the covers on Craig's bed after a look over at Rosa in the other bed, who was asleep, not being able to hear much of anything.

"And you!" she heard from down the hall as Rebecca turned on Marjorie.

"Oh, shut up," Marjorie chuckled, "I got you both out of an awkward moment without anybody feeling bad. She asked honestly, but none of us is ready for something like that. You should stop wanting to be mad and think a little. What we just saw was Amelia a lot more like her old self; full of laughter and a little sass.

All I did was give her some cover by making you mad."

"Well it's still working, "Amelia heard her mother growl.

"Oh, what are you mad about? You look at girls sometimes, I do too. We all do - because we're women and that's how we are. You just make us all smile because you don't hide it very well when you do."

"Goodnight," Amelia called out cheerily down the hall and they answered her.

She slipped into Craig's bed and allowed herself a few naughty thoughts then all the same. Other than some really well-hidden and soft petting with Rosa - and that had never really been anything but something low-key and nice, Amelia hadn't actually done anything sexual at all since her horrific and traumatic time with Bobby.

She hadn't ever wanted to. She'd just felt ... disconnected. Probably worse in the long run - she knew now - was that it had been better at the time, out of just wanting to be left alone.

She didn't feel that way anymore. It had taken a long, long time, but she now felt much better about herself and a lot of that, she realized had been because of Craig's quiet, careful presence when she'd needed that and nothing more and afterward, it had been Rosa's careful concern over her when Amelia found that she was still a living human girl after all.

But by the time that she'd pieced it all together, Craig was back on his mountain.

She wasn't all that big on it, but she probably wouldn't have minded a little fun with her mother and Marjorie some time. To Amelia, they were her anchors. She'd had thoughts, and maybe a little hope to learn at least something more, but ...

She smiled to herself. Mostly, she felt a little pleased to have riled them up with her remark and she did love them so much.

Amelia sighed as she snuggled in a little and pulled the covers up. She was a little startled as something soft fell onto her shoulder from her motion of getting settled. She looked over and gasped, almost bursting into tears to see the old teddy bear that she'd given to Craig that first night when she'd met him so long ago.

She remembered that her mother had told her of the sad little boy who had come to live with Marjorie and was upset and crying because he felt so alone. Giving the bear away was something that had felt suddenly right to her then - even though she hadn't intended to do it at the time.

She pulled it close and hugged it to her chest, not feeling stupid at all. Sixteen years and he still had it, she thought.

Marjorie wasn't one to hang onto things once they'd been outgrown. Amelia knew that about her. So to her, that meant that in order to have survived this long in Craig's room, it must have been out of his desire that it remain, no matter what. She didn't think that Craig was the kind of man who still needed a teddy bear.

Her eyes almost brimmed when she thought of the reason that her old bear was still here.

Amelia wasn't all that much of a scheming kind of girl and she knew that. What she'd gotten was the tacit approval of her two mothers - hers as well as Craig's and Tad's for what she wanted to hope for with all of her heart.

Amelia was a realist for the most part and she sighed again as she closed her eyes for a moment. She knew what she'd have wanted if the moon and stars shone down on her one night to grant her fondest wish.

But she'd be more than happy if she could just manage some vital success with Craig before the last of his love for her was gone. She looked at the old bear for a moment and then she kissed him softly, remembering for a moment.

She pulled the teddy bear to her tightly once more and closed her eyes.

By the dim light of the nightlight, Rosa opened her eyes and looked at Amelia for a little while before she dropped off to sleep.


Amelia opened her eyes a little later and saw that the bedroom door was opening so she watched as Marjorie walked softly over to her and knelt by the bed.

"Still up, or did I wake you?" she whispered.

"I don't think that I was very much asleep," Amelia whispered, looking back, "It doesn't really feel like I just woke up. I just opened my eyes as you came in."

Marjorie smiled, "You know, you really got us going with your request. We didn't know what to think, really. I know that sometimes you want to ... surprise your mother, just because she always seems to know so much that other people can't see."

Amelia nodded, her cheek on her forearm, "I know. But I didn't mean to that time. I was just asking because ... well, I thought that if I knew that better, then it might make things ... not easier ... maybe just not so hard."

She stretched a little, "The whole thing's not much more than a fantasy of mine, I guess.

I'd be in heaven if I could just fix things with Craig and love him like we both need. I was just thinking of him and how he loves Tad. I'm sure that if they could be given the way, it could turn into the same thing too. I don't think that I could ever mind that, as long as I was a part of it and you know that I'd do anything to protect that for them too.

I've never thought that a girl can ask much more than the love of a good man. The value of that kind of love sure became clear to me when I didn't have it, even though I was married."

"We know," the redhead smiled, "but we also know that sometimes - like it happened for us, a girl can have more. We just went about it in a different way - and I can't say that it was actually planned any more than your mother seeing Harry and running to me after thinking about it for a little while.

You know what I told her?"

Amelia shook her head, "To try it and see?"

"No," Marjorie grinned, "I told her she was nuts.

But damned if she wasn't right."

She reached out and brushed a little of Amelia's hair out of her eyes, "Is it something that you want to try, to learn what you said? I guess that I'm asking to see if it's out of a want in you to have sex with your crazy lady mothers or if it's out of a real want to learn. I'm asking because your mother's afraid of making you uncomfortable. We talked it out after I got her calmed down over our bit of foolishness back there."

Amelia shook her head, "I don't ever want to make either of you feel bad, especially her, if I made her uncomfortable over my asking. If I did that, then I'm really sorry."

Marjorie shook her head, "You didn't. She's afraid of the same thing. She sent me here to ask you, Amelia. You want to know what we really think?

We don't ever want to change what we have. We want to keep thinking of our children - even all grown up - as that. We don't think that it's wrong to try to teach you whatever it is that you want to learn from us, but we don't want the relationship to be harmed.

We're not thinking of screwing our daughter, is what I think I'm trying to say. But we're so close, us three and we do love you so much. It's a nice thought to me to lie in bed with you just expressing that if we could do that in a way that doesn't wreck everything."

She shook her head, "Does any of this make sense?"

Amelia smiled and she nodded, and to Marjorie, it looked just like it had been once when Amelia was a little girl and before her self-confidence had been beaten out of her. The teddy bear against her breasts said a lot to Marjorie about her healing and how she was coming back to the way that she'd been before.

Amelia reached out herself and she touched Marjorie's cheek, "Momma, I think that I've just thought of the way, because I wouldn't want to wreck anything either."

She rose up on one elbow and she pulled herself a little closer to kiss Marjorie's lips as softly as she could. When she drew back a little bit, she smiled, "We don't need to change what we are to each other and we don't need to worry about wrecking anything.

Nothing has changed - but one thing just might be waiting to in me. I just never thought of it until now.

I was made by my wonderful father and the magical woman who birthed me, but other than that, I've had two mothers for all of my life - that woman and you, Marjorie. Other than that fact, you're the the same in my heart.

I came to ask something of you and from the point of a daughter asking her mothers, it's caused some thought that I didn't mean. But you both said that I'm one of the women of this family now and to me, that's like I've been asked to join the wise ones, the elders who sit - or lie down as the case may be," she smiled, "in an inner circle. The women have their loves. I'm ready to seek and claim what might be mine. I'm still the daughter of those women. I now want to be in that circle.

Make me one of the women."

Marjorie sat back on her heels as she thought about it and then Amelia watched as a slow smile began to cross her beautiful face, "I think now - now that I know, that if I'd had the slightest clue about the wonder of the woman who tried so hard to meet me that winter long ago because she knew that we needed each other to live through it, that I would have stopped trying to run away so hard.

I think now that I'd have walked up to her with my mouth open in a little bit of awe, and I'd have gotten to my knees in the snow and asked her to take me with her. Never mind that she was trying to save both our lives, but she's made mine so wonderful and she's given me you to share as my daughter. You're every bit as amazing as she is."

Amelia smiled a little more, "She's standing behind you."

"Aw crap," Marjorie groaned.

"I only heard the last sentence," Rebecca fibbed, "What has been decided?"

Amelia sat up, "I want to be one of the women of the family. I don't know what wisdom I might have to add to the circle, but I want to be what you both are."

She got out of the bed to stand up as Marjorie got off her knees.

"I might be able to keep my thoughts about screwing my daughter out of my mind a little more easily if you could leave that bear here," she smirked.

Amelia nodded and she set the bear down carefully so that it sat up before she turned to take their hands and walk with them back to their bed.


It wasn't such a profound thing, Amelia thought, but it was very nice as she lay on her side facing Rebecca with one knee raised to rest against hers while they traded soft caresses with their fingers.

After a while she stopped kissing Rebecca and turned her head back so that her shoulders were back on the bed and she began to kiss Marjorie. There was nothing more in those kisses than there was at any other time with them, not for this time, anyway.

They didn't speak, because there was nothing to say, other than 'I love you', and it was understood by them all anyway.

It went slowly, but Rebecca got there gently and she pushed Amelia's hips so that she was lying flat on her back afterward.

Marjorie got to her knees and began to work first one and then both of her middle and third fingers into Amelia, who began to rock her hips in time to the slow rhythm of it. Rebecca held Amelia and guided her to the same breasts which had fed her so long ago and she stroked her daughter's head very softly as she cooed and caressed the breasts and nipples of the youngest of the women.

Amelia's orgasm was more blissful than anything and when it had passed, she asked them to get on, one after the other so that she might feel how one woman can fuck against another, and by the time that it was done, they all fell asleep with Rebecca in between them.

Amelia woke after a little while and she didn't move as she thought about how pleased and honored that she felt to have been allowed this step inside of something very private and special.

Rebecca moved a little in her sleep and Amelia saw the chance to free her arm and so she did it, while thinking that like anything else, magic of any kind was a wonder that was very ... locally-oriented.

She felt so loved and happy over many things, but that still wouldn't help you if there just wasn't quite enough blanket and your ass was getting cold because of it.

She waited for a time and then got up to go back to where she'd been earlier. This had been so special to her, but right now, she wanted to be back in Craig's bed to wish him a good night in a way that made perfect sense to her somehow as well as to make her promise to him in her heart.

Back in Craig's bed, she clutched the teddy bear to her breasts once more. "If you love him like I do," she whispered, "then help me all you can, Teddy. Bring him back to me on that old motorcycle, and if you can, make him understand that I want him forever. I wouldn't ask if I didn't think that I'd need it."

The bear said nothing in reply of course, but Amelia closed her eyes and smiled anyway until she felt the bed move a little a minute later as Rosa knelt beside it and leaned in to kiss Amelia.

"I sure don't know what all of this means," she whispered, "I just know that you wasted a lot of time talking about things that I couldn't hear."

She smiled, "But I know that you want tomorrow to be the day for you and Craig, so I'm happy for you and I'll do anything you need to help."

Amelia moved her hand to touch Rosa, "And I'm hoping that you don't need to since it'll work perfectly."

She reached out and kissed Rosa once more, "I often wish that you'd been here growing up with us three. You'd have had more fun and for sure, you'd have fit right in."

"Can I get into bed with you?" Rosa asked and Amelia nodded, reaching to pull back the covers.

Rosa slipped in beside Amelia and she took Amelia's face in her hands gently to look into her eyes.

"I don't know what you just said," she whispered, "I'm deaf, remember? There's not enough light right here for me to read your lips. But I could kiss them, if you want."

Amelia nodded and put her arms around Rosa as they began. In moments, she began to roll them over until she was on top and after a little adjustment; she was humping on Rosa very slowly while she looked at her, smiling.

"I was gonna ask what you did with them," Rosa whispered, "I saw it when you asked to be one of the women and I had the time to think about it until I knew what you meant."

Rosa pulled her hips up and back before Amelia moved forward again, trying her best to dig in a little harder and she lowered her head so that her lips were against Rosa's 'better' ear and whispered a little loudly, hoping that the closed door would keep things in this room, "Not much. Just this, mostly. Just things we've already done."

Rosa smiled up, nodding a little, "You could have saved some time and just gotten into bed with me then."

Amelia grinned a little, "I always want to do this with you. I really wanted to get them to agree that it would be ok to try with Craig, and now ... well they've opened the door, haven't they? They can teach me more later and then I'll show you."