By the Horns Ch. 04


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"Well now, I get to go MC this event so if you ladies will excuse me," Mike said smiling.

He got up and kissed Melina's lips and gave Nadine a kiss on the cheek. Nadine smiled as he did that and watched him go.

"He has such a great ass," Melina said teasingly as she noted Nadine was lost in thought.

Nadine bobbed her head as she hadn't heard what Melina had said. Then it dawned on her and she laughed loudly seeing Melina giggling like a school girl. She sighed and sipped her wine as Mike walked down the stairs and to the stage. The party goers there saw Mike take the center of the stage and pick up a microphone. He made sure it was on and when he was satisfied he walked to the edge of the stage.

"Well now. It seems we have a great turn out tonight!" Mike said loudly amping the crowd up.

The crowd cheered and applauded Mike as he stood on stage. Mike waved his hands in a downward motion hoping to make them silence. It had it's effect after a few seconds. He smiled as he looked out along the crowd.

"Now I know that it's not my ugly face that brought you all here tonight," Mike began and a heckler shouted out silencing him.

"Your damn right it ain't!" the voice said loudly making a loud chuckle come from the crowd.

"And on that note good night everyone!" Mike said theatrically making the crowd boo him.

He took the booing in stride and smiled.

"But then again it did take a lot to make this night special. It took all of you showing up for a woman that means a whole hell of a lot to all of us. That same woman who happens to be off stage right now!" Mike said and the crowd began to clap and cheer.

"So let's not waste anymore time or my breath by introducing the lovely lady whom you all came to see. You know her, you love her, and if your smart you bow to her before she gets out her whips!" Mike said and the crowd began to clamor loudly.

"The lovely, Mistress Talindra Desire!" Mike said loudly and turned to the side.

Nadine watched as Desiree walked on the stage with Tamara and her eyes bugged out. Tamara was dressed up like a mobster's doll. She wore a skirt and heels with a nice top. Her legs were encased in seamed stockings and she had her hair done up in a bun with a standing feather in it. She looked classy and very naughty all at once. Nadine couldn't help but see what Desiree was wearing.

Desiree strutted on stage wearing a full on zoot suit. The wide brimmed hat was in a bright orange. The feather in the hat was red like the one in Tamara's hair. The suit itself was the same color orange with white pinstripes. On the front of it was a large gold chain that fitted out the ensemble. She wore not dress shoes, but stiletto boots under the pants. She strutted on the stage and came to Mike. She gave him a kiss on the lips and a big hug. After she broke the hug Desiree turned to the crowd and raised her hands to them. The crowd applauded and shouted well wishes to her. She bowed to them and stood back up to take the microphone from Mike.

"Thank you all for coming! I didn't know you all cared so much, but then again say free liquor and let's see who comes out!" Desiree said laughing.

The crowd laughed as did Mike. She got a coy look as she went on.

"And don't think anyone here is gonna spank me! That's what I plan to do to my favorites tonight!" she said with a wink.

The crowd laughed and applauded the remark. She knew she had them, but instead she wanted to get to it.

"Now enough words! Dance dammit, this is a party after all!" she shouted and waved at the DJ.

The DJ got to it and a mix of old jazz and modern dance flooded the club. The crowd began to hoot and the floor filled with a jubilant group of revelers. Nadine watched from her booth as the crowd got going and was amazed at how wild the crowd got in such a short time. She was stunned as they seemed to get into a very sensual groove in just a few minutes time. Melina didn't wait for her as she quickly went down to the crowd and joined in the fun. Nadine sipped her last of the wine in her glass and looked down a the group. She was about to get up when she heard steps behind her.

"Quite a sight isn't it?" Mike's voice said over the music.

"It's something," Nadine said softly.

Mike sat down at the booth and looked across it all. He knew all the people in attendance so he had no real reason to not let Melina dance with them. She had worked with most of them at some point so he couldn't hold jealousy either. His eyes quickly found her dancing with Chad and he smiled. He remembered how close the two of them were so he relaxed. Instead his eyes found Nadine and he couldn't deny the beauty his eyes beheld.

The way the dress melded to her curves was something else. Mike had seen many women dressed in far more provocative, but something about Nadine's look caught his attention. While he knew that she likely held little interest in him, he put a small parcel of thought in his mind. Instead of making a sloppy pass at her he decided to order a drink. The waiter was quick with his double crown and a new glass of wine for Nadine.

Nadine turned to see the wine before her and smiled at Mike. He tipped his glass to her and they clinked and sipped. After they toasted Mike set his glass down.

"Now instead of sitting here like a lump, why not go have some fun," Mike said smiling at her.

"Well...I don't know...I..." she started to reply, but Mike cut her off.

"Oh no you don't," Mike said grinning and got up.

He was faster than he looked and had Nadine by the hand and somehow got her to her feet before she could protest. Nadine's mouth opened to say something, but Mike grinned wickedly and his hand reacted before he could think. The firm hand slapped off Nadine's thick butt and it caught her by surprise. She yipped as it hit her, but in her mind her libido went out of control.

"Now get your cute little butt down there and have fun!" Mike growled and started to lead her to the stairs.

"Mike I..." she tried to reply, but he gave her that same stern look he gave the woman in the video.

"No buts!" he said sternly again.

Mike quickly walked her to the steps and with a gentle nudge made her start to descend the stairs. As she went he pipped up one last time.

"The only butts I want is yours on the dance floor! Now get to it!" he said chuckling.

Nadine smiled as she surrendered to his wish. Nadine walked slowly down the stairs and walked to the dance floor at the bottom. She took a breath and before long the music began to take hold of her body. The fast beat and thumping bass made her hips come to life and before long the crowd had let her in and she found herself dancing with several of Mike's Stable.

The way the men and women danced were at times foreign to her, but it didn't take her long to get into the groove. That and the shots that flowed from bar to floor made her an instant hit with the dancing crowd. The fuel of music and alcohol was something Nadine rarely had gotten to experience, but she quickly found it appealing. Her body began to come to life as the dance grooves found her in the middle of several of Mike's more attractive men and women as they danced and started to slowly shed their inhibitions.

The crowd found a rhythm in the hard bass that thumped from the DJ's turntables. The fast paced music began to find an energy that began to flood the room. It was something that Mike couldn't ignore. He walked along the upper floor as he made his way to the stage. A smile washed over his face as he watched his people enjoying themselves as they currently were. Mike sighed in content as he came down the steps to the main stage and saw Desiree sitting in her chair watching the racious crowd. Several of the men had removed their coats and many buttons on shirts or dresses were finding themselves being undone. He chuckled as he walked to Desiree and saw she was comfortable sitting on her chair with Tamara laying with her head in her lap.

"Always the voyeur are we?" he asked as he came astride her.

"Aren't we all," she replied back evenly.

"So it would seem," Mike stated and leaned against her chair.

Desiree looked up to Mike and smiled at him. His hand patted her cheek as he looked at the clock and saw the time.

"It seems after this song I have something to give you," Mike said smiling smugly.

"Aw, you got me a present Mikey?" Desiree teased.

"Yup," was all he said and began to walk to the stage.

The DJ saw Mike walking to the stage and nodded to him. He didn't set up the next song as Mike picked up the microphone and waited. The song came to an end and Mike tapped the microphone getting the crowd to look at him.

"So it's tradition at a party to have the birthday girl blow out her candles, but if we did that tonight the fire marshal would shut us down," Mike joked and the crowd laughed with him.

Desiree gave him a sour look and the finger making the crowd laugh all the harder.

"We do have a cake, but sometimes you can't have your cake and eat it so instead I have a present for you," Mike said smiling back to her.

He waved his hand and the lights dimmed and a spot light shone down on a door.

"So I remember there was one person aside from Tamara whom you loved more than anyone in the whole wide world Mistress Desire. One person that no matter how mean and cruel your lash was loved your tender mercies more than life itself. One person whom you always had a kind word for when no one else did. One person that broke your heart when he disappeared those long months ago," Mike said and the crowd listened to the speech and started to buzz.

Desiree was suddenly worried as Mike turned theatrically to the crowd and went on.

"Once he was lost, but now she is found and back for her Mistress' birthday and our own pleasurable company. Once she was known as Enrique, but now she is simply Erica!" Mike said and thrust his hand to the door and the crowd all looked that way.

Into the room walked a very petite Latina in a classy dress and heels. She had a lithe, petite body and it took a long moment, then Desiree perked her head up. In a moment of clarity she was on her feet and rushing to the little woman. The smaller woman saw Desiree and teared up as she almost jumped into her arms and the both of them had tears in their eyes as they hugged closely.

The crowd applauded the reunion and a few of them had tears in their eyes. Nadine was totally lost as she saw what was going on. She was so lost until a hand touched her making her look over. Melina was there and she had a teary eyed look on her face. Meli wiped the tears from her eyes and leaned over to Nadine's ear.

"The little woman she is hugging used to be her favorite sub until they had a falling out. It wasn't the sub's fault that they split up. Desiree has been unhappy thinking of him, but Mike found out where he was. Mike found her in Thailand undergoing gender reassignment surgery," Melina explained.

Nadine shook her head and blinked a few times. The world she had just walked into was one that she never would have imagined would go so deeply. As she got her composure back she looked up to see Desiree and the small woman laughing with Tamara. Mike was standing behind them all and after a moment Desiree turned and hugged Mike firmly making the crowd cheer and applaud. Melina was clapping as she began to cry again.

The DJ started up the music again and this time the music was more laid back. The mood shifted from sensual to more relaxed and flowing. Nadine walked away from the stage and to the upper floor. She found the booth and took her seat. She was a bit tipsy from the shots she had earlier and decided to rest a bit. She ordered a water and slowly sipped it as she watched the crowd below.

"Sometimes I find beauty in quieter places," Mike said softly.

Nadine looked to him and smiled at the compliment.

"You look great tonight," Mike said and sat down next to her.

"Thanks Mike," she blushed and looked down.

Mike sipped his drink and set his glass down. He looked over the crowd and as he did he saw Nadine shaking a bit.

"Cold?" he asked.

"No, just...I don't know," she whispered.

"You don't know?" Mike teased.

Nadine giggled a bit and was shocked she did. It was likely the booze laughing and she looked at Mike with bleary eyes.

"Wow, already drunk," Mike said smirking.

"No," Nadine protested, but in reality she was.

Mike shook his head and smiled.

"So then you'd probably laugh a lot if I did this," he said and his fingers found her bare skin.

The sensation was too much for Nadine and she jerked and squeaked as his fingers found her sensitive spots. Mike smirked and his evil fingers found the spots again and Nadine began to flop around the booth laughing. She desperately tried to get his fingers away from the spots, but they were fast and well practiced in the arts. Nadine laughed and flopped suddenly as she was in his chest with her back against him and got hold of his hand and begged loudly to make them stop.

"I give!" she pleaded laughing.

"Oh you do do you?" Mike teased and his other hand came in from behind and found the same spots from the other angle.

Nadine wailed in laughter as his fingers found her spots and did their devil work.

"Mike!" she pleaded and Mike stopped.

He was grinning ear to ear as she lay against him panting and laughing.

"Well at least you're having a good time I see," Mike said and Nadine laughed as she nodded her head.

Nadine was fully along his chest and she felt it. Her mind didn't care though as she was very comfortable and felt great. Mike's hand reached across her and found his glass. He slowly brought it to his lips and after he took a sip he set it to her lips. Nadine took a deep sip of his drink and swallowed it down. The fiery liquid burned it's way down, but it actually refreshed her. She exhaled and felt Mike's hand across her. To her surprise her body snuggled deep into his side and Mike smiled down at her.

"Comfy I see," he said in a deep rumble.

"Mmhmm," she purred.

Mike leaned back allowing her to find a better angle. It didn't take Nadine long to find it. She was able to see the crowd enjoying themselves and as she peered along the crowd she saw Desiree and Tamara dancing with the woman. Curiosity overwhelmed her and she looked up to Mike.

"So what's the deal with them?" she asked.

Mike sipped the last of his drink and signaled for another round. He also made the gesture for another for Nadine as well. Once the drinks were secure he picked up his and sipped it then exhaled.

"Erica was Desiree's favorite sub. They made some of the best scenes together and even had a small romance of sorts going. the picture you saw on the website was what he used to look like before he had surgery. Things were fine for a while before they had a falling out when Desiree and Tamara had a fight about them. Erica was really lost without Desiree and she disappeared," Mike explained.

"Why was Tamara so mad?" Nadine asked confused.

"Because Tamara doesn't like men at all. She was afraid that Erica was getting too close to Desiree and it was a bit of jealousy. In reality it was fear. All I can say is that she was afraid of the sub getting too close to Desiree and put her foot down. It was a few months later she realized how bad Erica was doing with out Desiree watching over her that made her realize how much she depended on Desiree. We lost touch with her and it was when a friend of mine went to Thailand on holiday he stumbled across her path," Mike said and sipped his drink.

Nadine listened as he went on that Mike had gone to Thailand and talked with Erica. He explained that Enrique had sacrificed his manhood to be more accommodating to Tamara if only to be allowed back into Desiree's life. Nadine's eyes grew huge as she realized the depth that Desiree was worshiped.

"Do all your people love her like that?" she asked incredulously.

"Not all. But all of them respect and cherish the friend and confidant she is to most of them. A few of my guys and gals don't like her, but they respect her for who she is, namely their boss," Mike said the last part chuckling.

"And you?" Nadine asked.

"She is so many things to me. She is my best friend, she is the mother of one of my children, and most importantly, she is my moral compass," Mike said honestly.

"Your moral compass?" she asked.

"Yeah, I could have been an asshole like most I knew in the industry back in the day, but she keeps me in line. That and if I don't she nags me to death," Mike said laughing and Nadine chuckled at that.

"Now if you must know something else. Desiree told me something of note regarding you," he said and Nadine looked back to him, "Desiree has a knack of seeing people and their potential. She is the reason we do so well with a lot of our dealings with people. See recently told me she thinks you have a lot of potential," Mike said and clinked his glass off hers.

"I do?" she asked shocked.

"Yup," Mike said simply.

"And you?" she asked.

Mike smiled in a dark light and the look in his eyes sent a shudder down her spine.

"Well if you keep grinding along my leg like that I may think you want something from me," Mike said in a husky tone.

Nadine didn't realize, but she had turned into him when he said that about Desiree. She looked down and realized she was indeed straddling his lap. Mike's smiling face was not very far from her as she began to shake.

"Afraid?" he asked teasingly.

Nadine's hands shook so bad that she put them in front of her and tried to get it under control. Mike's arms suddenly enveloped her and he pulled her close as he whispered in her ear.

"There is a strong person in you that she saw. It's something she would like to see come out in you, if you let it," Mike said softly.

Nadine heard his words and realized what he was talking about. He wasn't teasing her, he was trying to make her stand up. Realizing that she sat up in his lap and looked him dead in the face.

"And what would you want from this strong woman?" she asked back.

"It's not what I want, it's what you want," Mike replied casually.

Before she could answer back he sat up and looked her dead in the face.

"What do you want for yourself?" he asked.

Nadine's eyes shook as she saw him not but inches from her and with a shaking body she leaned forward and claimed his lips with her own. It was just a soft kiss and nothing more, but her body cried out for more.

"I think if that's what you want I can make good on more future requests," Mike said smiling.

Nadine actually smiled brightly at that comment. She put her hand on Mike's cheek and he gave her fingertips a slight kiss.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this," Nadine said suddenly and her eyes got worried.

"We will or won't do whatever you ask for," Mike said softly and patted her back.

Nadine didn't want to, but she got off his lap and sat back in the seat. She picked up her drink and finished it off in one swig. Once done she got to her feet and excused herself to the ladies room. Mike sat back in his chair and sipped down the last of his drink. He didn't have to drive for a change and ordered another. He smiled at what just happened and in his mind didn't mind if she wanted to do that again. Mike had rarely ever found a girl with lips so soft and those lips made him think. He sat back with his drink and pondered life and it's many mysteries.

The party continued on and on through the long night and a great many sights came to Nadine's drunken eyes. She had drank more than she ever had and was feeling lighter than air after a while. The night's pleasures began to fill her mind as she danced and had a great time with Melina and Mike's friends. On stage Desiree got her cake and blew out the candles with Tamara. She also indulged the crowd by spanking someone thirty three times. The last time she slapped the victims bare bottom elicited a huge roar from the crowd. Desiree lifted her hands to the crowd and this time she descended the stage to join her friends on the floor.