Cabin Fever Pt. 01

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Family and friends have fun at the cabin.
11.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/03/2022
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My thanks as always to my editor Todger65

Cabin Fever Part 01

Family and friends have fun at the cabin


I guess I should start by telling you how I was at the beginning. I don't mean the beginning of my life either. The beginning was the time just before the cabin.

I'm Olivia and I'm happily married to my wonderful husband Luke. Our marriage was about as traditional as it could get in modern times. Luke is a supervisor at a local manufacturing plant, and I work there as an hourly production employee. That's how we met nine and a half years ago.

My Luke is a brown haired, blue eyed, medium height guy, broad shouldered, and muscular. He is well hung and very skillful in bed. I'm a bit taller than my husband with long brown hair, hazel eyes, and I'm told, a pretty face. Oh boy, this is embarrassing, but I guess I need to tell you about my other stuff. It will help with what comes later. I have a fit slim body, firm c-cup tits, a well-rounded ass, and legs for days. There I said it. So weird. Oh, and I keep my bush trimmed. No bare pussy for me.

We dated secretly for a year and a half before we got married. We couldn't have the people at work finding out that a supervisor was dating an employee. Our gradual discovery of each other led to our growing love, until we reached a point that we couldn't live without each other. The promise that is marriage appealed to us both. Marriage meant promising our love to each other for the rest of our lives. The promise means everything to us.

We had a traditional, if small, wedding with our parents attending. His best man was Wyatt, and my Matron of Honor was Wyatt's wife Mila. Wyatt and Mila were ten years older than us and had two boys, Asher and David. Luke met Wyatt through work, and they had been friends for ages.

Wyatt knew early on that Luke and I were dating and he kept our secret. I met Mila after Luke and I had dated for a few months, and we immediately became friends. I really love that woman.

The reception was not small at all. We threw a huge party basically and had a blast. We carried on for hours and by the time we staggered to our marriage bed we were so toasted that we just passed out. We didn't get around to consummating our marriage until the next day, after we dealt with our massive hangovers. It wasn't like we hadn't had sex before and neither of us thought of it as a big deal. Bottom line, we did it, just not on the same day we married. We had every intention of fucking our brains out as often as possible. We would make up for it.

Life went on and our love for each other grew into something wonderful. Eight years later we are both thirty-two and our marriage is strong. We had decided long ago that kids weren't in our future. We both had our reasons and were in perfect agreement on the subject. Just to be sure Luke got a vasectomy and I had my tubes tied. I'm a firm believer in redundancy. Our sex life was off the charts until we had been married for six years.

Somewhere around six years the combination of work stress and, I guess, familiarity, changed things. More and more time passed between love making, or fucking sessions. It wasn't a conscience thing on either of our parts. It was just something that happened. We needed a spark to re-light the fire.

Of course, I talked to Mila about it. She's my best friend after all. She'd also been married a lot longer than we had. At this point her son Asher was twenty and David was nineteen. Mila and Wyatt are both forty-two, a full ten years older than Luke and me, and have been married for twenty-one years. If Mila didn't know what to do, no one did.

I suppose that Luke and I could have gone to a counselor of some sort, but we aren't like that. Talking to some stranger about our sex life just wasn't us. It was hard enough talking to my closest friend. I suspected the Luke was having similar conversations with Wyatt, but I didn't know that at the time. We were fortunate to have such great friends.

After weeks of talking about it with Mila she had an idea. They had acquired a cabin and she invited Luke and I to go with them and spend a week there. The romantic location might just be the spark Luke and I needed. Granted, Mila and her family would be there, but she assured me that Luke and I would have plenty of alone time.

One little secret I kept from my husband was that I knew how attracted he was to Mila. He did his best to be discrete, but I saw him watching her many times when he thought nobody was looking. I understand his interest. Mila is forty-two going on thirty-five. She's a blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty with same size tits as mine. Hers look way bigger because she only stands 5'5" tall, nearly six inches shorter than me. She's in great shape and has this cute little bubble ass that my poor hubby can't keep his eyes off of.

I figured that having her there might just help get his motor running. I am not above using a bit of outside help in the endeavor. I didn't care who got his motor running as long as I got to go on the ride. I will also admit that I found Wyatt very attractive. He was taller than me by a bit and had that silver fox thing going with his black hair and just a tad of gray hair at his temples. His piercing green eyes were a trap I tried very hard not to fall into.

Truthfully, it was the sons, Asher and David, that made my fantasies run wild. Both were tall like their father. Asher had his mother's blonde hair, while David had his dads black hair. Both were blue eyed hunks with sculpted bodies from all the sports that they played. I figured that the three men in Mila's life would feed my fantasies and give my desire a huge boost.

It didn't take a lot of convincing to get Luke excited about the vacation. Both of us were burned out at work and needed the break anyway. I'm sure that the thought of seeing Mila in a bikini went a long way toward convincing him as well. For my part, I was hopeful that Mila's men were big fans of speedos. I was going to be on a mission to check out bulges. More fodder for my fantasies.

My only trepidation was the idea of living in some little cabin with five other people for a week. I had images of a tiny one room shack with no inside walls, an outhouse, and strange critters scuttering about in the ceiling during the night. That ornery little shit Mila wouldn't tell me anything about it, except to say that I would be pleasantly surprised when we got there.

Then things got complicated. My sister Grace showed up at our door the day before we were supposed to leave. Grace is my baby sister and looks a lot like me. She isn't quite as tall, but she is very beautiful. Her sudden appearance coincided with her latest breakup. When she graduated from college, she moved near us and got herself a good job. Her boyfriend from college followed her here and they moved in together. Things went downhill from there.

I heard her come in and went to see who had just walked into my house. I watched as she nearly tackled Luke with a hug and her legs flew up to wrap around his waist. I knew the little bitch was doing that on purpose. She loved to cock tease my husband, and if he were honest, he would say he loved it too. He gave her a few moments to squirm against him before peeling her legs off and standing her back on her feet.

About then, she saw me and I ended up in a big hug with her too. About then the tears started and she was crying hard. I patted her back for a while until she finally got some kind of hold on herself. She finally started talking, "Bill and I got in a big argument, and he hit me. That's not the first time, but it's the last. He stormed out of the apartment and I grabbed my stuff and left.

"I can't stay there anymore, and I've got no place else to go. Can I stay with you guys for a while? Just until I find my own place?"

Luke and I spoke at once, "Of course!"

I rubbed my sister's arm, "I need to call Mila though. We were leaving on vacation in the morning, and we'll need to cancel. Let me take care of that right now.

"Luke? Would you get Grace a beer, or a glass of wine, or something, while I do that?"

I picked up my cell and dialed up Mila. She answered on the second ring and after the hellos were out of the way I got to the point, "Babe, I'm sorry but Luke and I are going to have to cancel. My sister just showed up and needs to stay with us for a while. She's been through some stuff, and I don't want her to be alone. She needs me right now."

Mila didn't hesitate, "Bring her with you. She could probably use a vacation too."

I was confused, "How are you going to fit seven people in a little country cabin?"

Mila just laughed, "Trust me, there's room."

I turned toward my husband and sister, "Hey! Grace, you wanna go on vacation with us?"

Grace didn't ask for a single detail, "Hell yes! I need one."

Mila had heard us, "Cool! We're going up tonight and we will see you there tomorrow. This is going to be so much fun!"

I got off the phone and we got Grace settled in the guest room. Luke went to do guy shit while I helped Grace unpack all her stuff. Then I helped her re-pack for vacation. Along the way I discovered that she owns some seriously skimpy bikinis. We raced out of the house, got into the car, and went shopping. Two hours later I had two new, much skimpier, bikinis. Grace had also talked me into some tight boy shorts that displayed the bottom cheeks of my ass. Some new tank tops rounded out the shopping and pretty much killed my mad money. I figured if all that didn't turn on my husband, nothing would.

That night I was snuggling up to Luke in bed, "I hope you don't mind Grace coming with us."

"I don't mind at all. She needs us right now and a vacation will be good for her."

"Uh huh. The fact that you find my sister hot would have anything to do with it."

"I will admit that I find your sister attractive. You know I would never do anything with her don't you?"

I gave him a hug, "You know that she has the hots for you something fierce, and I bet if I told you to fuck her you wouldn't hesitate."

"I'm not responding to that. I'll get into trouble no matter what I say."

I sat up and looked at him, "I love you with all my heart and I'm telling you that if I were to give you permission, I would absolutely mean it.

"I will also tell you that it's been a long time since you and I really enjoyed sex. Before I hand you off to someone else, I want you fucking my brains out."

He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. I tried really hard not to cum too loud. I didn't want my sister hearing us, but by then my brains were missing, so who knows?

Apparently, she did. At breakfast she was grinning from ear to ear, "Olivia got some last night! Olivia got fucked good! Do you always cum that loud? I was waving the neighbors off from the front window."

I'm sure my face was red as hell, "Oh, be quiet before Luke hears you."

She just kept grinning at me. She looked at Luke speculatively when he walked into the kitchen. He looked at her puzzled, "What?"

"Just wondering. No big deal."

He shrugged in that clueless way men have, "Whatever. Hey, we're leaving in half an hour. Get your sweet asses in gear."

Grace grinned, "You think I have a sweet ass?"

"Uh... Well... Twenty-nine minutes left. Let's get cracking!"

He took his embarrassed ass, and swelling erection, out of the kitchen to do more guy stuff.

I don't know why, but suddenly I had this vision of my husband fucking my sister. You could have knocked me over with a feather. Not because of the vision, but because of my reaction to it. The idea of watching my sister and husband fuck aroused the shit out of me! It occurred to me that I might be able to share him a little bit with her, assuming our sex life got back on track. What the fuck? I couldn't believe these thoughts were going through my head. I must be more desperate for sex than I thought.

Grace saw my flushed face and chest, "What's got you so stirred up? Thinking about last night?"

I just nodded agreement, because there was no way in hell I was telling her what really had me stirred up and got our asses moving. Two hours later we were turning onto the driveway to the cabin. It was a strange driveway. At least, I thought it was. I was expecting a dirt road, maybe graveled, winding narrowly into the forest. Brambles would scrape the paint from our SUV and its bottom would scrape on the raised center of the so-called road.

What I got was a blacktop driveway wide enough for two cars to pass each other. It did wind a bit, but not much, and when it reached the top of the hill, I got my next surprise. The cabin was a cabin in name only. It was in fact a large log home, beautifully executed in design, with a commanding view of the nearby mountains and the lake. It was absolutely gorgeous.

Mila was standing on the front deck, laughing her ass off when we got out of the car, "Hey! What do ya think of our little cabin in the woods?"

I pretended to ignore her while I grabbed a couple of bags out of the car. I walked up the sidewalk and onto the deck, "OK crazy lady, spill it. How the hell did you get a place like this?"

Mila had settled down to a mild chuckle, "Wyatt's rich uncle died and left us the place. We may end up selling it because it costs a fair bit of money to take care of, but we wanted to enjoy it at least once before we let it go. Come on in and I'll show you around."

She walked us in the front door, then took a look at my face, "Close your mouth Olivia, you'll let flies in. This is actually the second floor as you approach from the lake. On this floor there are four bedrooms, two of which are master suites, the kitchen, and the main dining room. The hot tub is in the deck outside.

"You and Luke will have the master suite that has a view of the lake on the hot tub side of the deck. Wyatt and I have the one on the other side. Both suites have French doors leading onto the deck. Grace will have the other bedroom on your side of the house while Asher and David share the one on our side.

"Since my boys are slobs, I figured that Grace could use your bathroom to shower and so forth. The common bathroom won't be fit for humans, especially after one of them takes a crap. Follow me downstairs. You're not going to believe this."

We walked down the hallway to a staircase centered in the open area between the rooms. It was as about a solid a staircase as I have ever seen. The split logs that made up the treads were as solid as iron and there wasn't a creak or groan to be heard. At the bottom facing us were the doors to the main deck. We came around the staircase to take in the great room. The seating area in front of the massive wall mounted television seemed small, but that was an illusion brought on by the size of the room.

Three huge leather couches sat in a u-shape in front of the television. Off to the left was a full-size pool table. Of to the right were arcade style games, a foosball table, and a bar. Back near the deck doors on one side was the smaller kitchen. Opposite it was the bathroom, changing room, and sauna.

We meandered out onto the lower deck and took in the inground pool. Just past the pool, the ground gradually sloped downward toward the lake. A paved pathway led to the dock. Sitting at the dock was Mila and Wyatt's pride and joy, the family pontoon boat, Precious 3. This was their third iteration, each one being slightly bigger and better than the previous one. This one was large enough to require hiring professionals to move it. You weren't going to pull that thing behind any pickup truck I'd ever seen.

I figured that the damn thing cost almost as much as their house, but it was what they wanted. They did spend their summers on it, so there is that. Owning a boat had made them happy over the years. There is also the fact that we spent a lot of our summer on it too. I wasn't going to cast any stones.

Hell, it was a fun boat! We spent many a summer swimming, fishing, and getting wasted on the Anderson boats. It had a nice galley, a full bath, and two private cabins. It could sleep ten people if they didn't mind festival sleeping in the main cabin. There were a few nights that Luke and I camped out on the roof. We discovered that no matter how vigorously we went at it, we couldn't make the boat rock.

I looked at Olivia in shock, "Holy shit girl! This is fuckin awesome!"

Speechless, Luke and Grace nodded their heads in agreement. We made our way back inside and began the process of unpacking and getting our stuff settled. That's when my husband calmly walked over to our bedroom door, closed it, and locked it. He turned back to me and I knew immediately by the look on his face what was going to happen next. He calmly walked over, picked me up, and tossed me on the bed. Our make out session started, and it wasn't like our usual ones of late. This time I was instantly horny and he was as well.

We frantically got our clothes off and would have laughed at each other's stumbling antics if we hadn't been so focused on getting naked. Back in each other's arms on the bed we didn't need a lot of foreplay. I wanted him in me badly and he didn't disappoint me. We fucked each other hard and fast until he had me cumming all over his wonderful cock. I'd barely managed to recover a bit from my second orgasm when he pulled his cock out of my pussy and I sucked him into my mouth. His load was substantial and yummy. We fell back onto the bed in blissful exhaustion.

Then the clapping started.

Our heads turned in unison toward the window overlooking the deck. The curtains were wide open and there stood everyone! Mila and Grace were eyeing my husband's spent cock with a lot of interest. Then I noticed Wyatt, Asher, and David looking at me like they could eat me up. I will admit that it turned me on a bit, and I may not have been as fast at trying to get the covers over me as I should have been. It was a moot point anyway. The covers were under us and all the struggling around did was make our bits and pieces bounce around, much to the enjoyment of our audience.

I finally jumped to my feet and raced for the bathroom. Luke followed at a more leisurely pace. I looked around the door and they were all still standing there, "You assholes! Can't you let a husband and wife make love without gawking like a bunch of horny schoolboys? Go. The. Fuck. Away!"

My loving sister chimed in, "Looked more like some serious fucking to me!"

They all had a good laugh and left for parts unknown. Luke and I decided that while we were in the bathroom, we might as well try out the shower. I love the way he washes me. It's as if the goal isn't cleanliness, it's worshipping my body. His gentle hands cover every inch of me and the way he washes my hair is so relaxing it's unbelievable. By the time he had me dried off, I was completely over my initial shock at being watched.

My brave husband left the bathroom on a mission to close the blinds and was getting dressed when I ventured out of the bathroom. He pulled on his boxer briefs that showed him so well and sat on the end of the bed, "Babe, I need to talk about something. It's really weird."

I looked at him kind of puzzled, "What?"

He looked up at me perfectly seriously, "I thought those guys watching you was hot as hell."

"Oh, really?"

"Yep. And, you know what else? It was obvious to me that they wanted to fuck you."

"Uhm, OK?"

"I should be jealous and mad as hell at them for that, but I'm not. What I keep picturing in my head is one of them fucking you, and it excites me. Too fucking weird huh?"

I was shocked almost beyond words. I felt such a rush through my crotch when he said that. I stalled for time, "Is this something new, or something you have been thinking about for a while?"

He was as honest as ever, "For a while, but not like today. I saw some internet porn of guys sharing their wives a month or so ago and it really got me hard. It got me fantasizing a bit, but I probably wouldn't have ever told you."