Camp X-TA-C


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Bob had noticed it too and leaned whispering over to Dale. "I don't think they give points for big dicks here," he said with a chuckle.

"That's what my wife says too," Dale shot back with a grin.

They were soon led to the stage with the same type of monitoring devices being fastened to each of them. "If you'll bend over for me please?" A woman attendant then asked each of them. "This one actually will go up inside your ass, but I promise, you won't even feel it," she told each of them.

"Damn...too bad," one of the other men laughed flirting with her, but she merely smiled and continued her work.

"Interesting," Dale mused, bending over moments later, then being instructed to go ahead and take his seat, which he did.

Once again Marsha appeared on stage, gave pretty close to the same spell that she had for the women, mentioning the thirty minute time frame that each of them had, then stepped back into the dark just as the bright white spot lights centered on each of the male contestants individually.



It really wasn't a race, or certainly meant to be. The women had after all at least made some show of eroticism in their self-touching displays. For the most part, the majority of the males on stage seemed both inhibited as well as nervous as they began fondling themselves, one or two even having difficulty producing an erection. Dale however had no such problem, nor did he initially make any real effort to put on a seductive show either.

"Damn Joy, what's he doing anyway?" Cheryl asked her friend. It was obvious the way that Dale was already straining towards release, and they were barely into the first few minutes of the contest.

"Don't worry, just watch!" Joy whispered back confidently. And they did, and it also became immediately apparent that Dale was on the verge of climax.

"He's gonna cum too soon!" Cheryl whispered once again. Joy didn't respond, but merely smiled instead. Sure enough a few moments after that the first strain of held-back pleasure caused Dale to grimace his face.

"Fuck!" Cheryl exclaimed along with several others who had worded similar surprise throughout the audience. Though Dale had been slowly stroking himself with no rapid up and down manipulation of his prick, the urgency of his climax from the intensity of his arousal had brought him to the peak very quickly. But it was the force of that climax that took everyone by surprise as well. The first hard climatic spurt of cream from his prick literally sky-rocketed into the air several feet, as did the second, third and even the forth jettison of his spunk as he fisted out the enormous amount of cream with a pleasured satisfying cry. "Well I'd at least give him points for quantity if not quality," Cheryl said in surprise. "Does he always cum like that?"

Joy laughed. "No, not always, but certainly when he's really horny," she admitted.

They both saw that his intensity meter was indeed pretty huge, but not nearly high enough from what they gauged as being an exceptional climax.

"Too bad," Cheryl said softly a moment later.

"Don't count him out yet," Joy said simply. "Like I!"

Oddly enough, Dale's somewhat premature climax had caused one of the other participants to climax early as well. But unlike Dale, the guy shook his head sheepishly and stood up from his seat, disappearing behind stage.

"And then there were five," Cheryl laughed quietly.

To her surprise, along with several others, Dale was once again fondling his prick. Though it had softened slightly from his impressive looking orgasm, everyone could see that he was in fact beginning to harden once again.

"Bob's doing good," Joy encouraged her friend.

"Yes he is isn't he?" Cheryl sighed. Though there was indeed one other on stage who's cock appeared to be a bit larger than Bob's, it was still evident that he was struggling with it in even getting an erection. Rather than putting on an erotic display for the audience, it appeared more like he was playing with one of those novelty rubberized snakes instead. Meanwhile, Bob had eased into a teaseful touching of himself that didn't consist of a constant up and down cock-jerking routine. With as large as the head of his dick was, he was taking time to explore it with finger-tips, thumbing the bulbous head and using the abundance of lubrication that he squeezed from it to further stimulate and excite himself with.

"Now THAT is exciting to watch!"

Joy and Cheryl both grinned as the woman sitting just behind them uttered her own personal feelings and arousal. There was a chittering of agreement that came from those around her as well, many who were obviously finding Bob's performance in solo pleasuring to be far and ahead better than anyone else's, including Dales at that moment.

"Hey that other guys hard again!" Someone else stated, and again Joy smiled as she watched her husband begin to playfully slap his now rock-hard penis.

As all the chairs had hidden microphones inside them, it had been easy enough to occasionally hear a few moans and groans coming from the men as they played with themselves. And even more rarely a few slippery sounds as they would produce droplets of lubrication, adding those to the oils or lubricants they had chosen to use, creating an erotic symphony of squishy, juicy, slurpy sounds that many of the women in the audience often moaned along as though in song to. In fact as both Joy and Cheryl noticed, many of the female members around them had begun to unabashedly touch themselves, just as Joy had been doing all along.

"How about you doing me, while I do you?" Cheryl suggested playfully, "while we watch our husbands doing themselves!"

"Sounds like a wonderful idea," Joy moaned as she felt the fingertip of Cheryl's hand even then begin tickling her hard nubbin of pleasure.

"Oh my, can you hear that?" Cheryl groaned. The periodic "slap", "slap", "slap" of Dales hand against his member could be easily heard. Everyone watched, including the men on either side of him as Dale frequently hand-spanked his now very turgid member.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Cheryl wondered aloud.

"It would if he wasn't so aroused," Joy told her, "but he's had me do that for him several times, and once he reaches a certain fever pitch, he says that little slap-sting actually enhances his orgasm when it comes."

"You mean even more than the first one we just saw?" her friend asked.

"Sometimes," Joy responded grinning. Cheryl was about to ask her something else, but Joy hand-slapped her friend's cunt cutting her off. "See?" she said wickedly. When your nice and horny, doing that can feel really good.

"Do it again!" Cheryl moaned pleasurably. "And keep doing it!"

One other man had by now ejaculated, his score reaching a higher level than Dales reading on the intensity meter, though his actual ejaculation had been far from as copious or as skyrocketing as had been Dales.

"Well, that guy might be in the lead score wise, but certainly not cum wise," Cheryl proffered, "not in comparison to Dale's nice cum a while ago, but Bob's still in the running here too," she added pridefully.

"And that guy with the really big dick isn't doing much more than flogging it really," Joy observed.

"Yeah, I think the big snake's dead!" Cheryl mused trying hard to stifle a laugh.

There was less than five minutes remaining now on the clock. Bob had begun seriously stroking his dick now in firm, strong repetitive up and down motions with his hand.

"Look's like my baby's almost there now," Cheryl stated unnecessarily. By the look on Bob's tortured face, it was evident that he was already nearing the peak of his ecstasy. "Oh yeah, oh him...SHOOT!" she cried out in enthusiastic agreement just as he did.

Bob's first two spunk shots were massively unbelievable. And in the way he was sitting, it was as though he had purposely aimed his flying cum at a couple of the women who had chosen to sit in the first row closest to the stage, as he sent each of them a warm welcoming spray of his jisim.

"Think he did that on purpose?" Joy laughingly joked.

"Think those two women sat there hoping he would?" Cheryl retorted.

More importantly however, the intensity of Bob's climax clearly showed him taking the lead by over a full point on the meter.

"Nice go!" Joy stated sincerely, "That really was hot!"

"There's still five minutes left," Cheryl added now watching the only real competitor left in Dale as the guy with the enormous looking dick slowly began petering out of the contest. "I think he's finally given up trying to even make it hard."

Joy watched as Dale finally began pumping his prick in the familiar fashion he usually did when he was striving towards climax. "Look honey, Dale's gonna cum again!" And to everyone's surprise, he did.

Though his discharge wasn't quite as forceful as his first, his intensity reading surpassed his previous level, though it fell less than a tenth short of Bob's. Even then, many in the audience let out audible sighs of surprise and delight, followed by a few brief moans as it became miraculously obvious that his second climax of the evening had fallen just short of the mark.

"Still Joy, two cums, and both of them spectacular!" Cheryl beamed in excitement for her friend.

As the men returned to their seats giving their wives an appreciative hug and a kiss as they did, the spot-light once again appeared on stage with Marsha stepping inside it. She waited briefly for the continued murmurings of excitement to die down before speaking.

"Well, I am sure we're all in agreement that we've just witnessed some very powerful and erotic performances tonight from both the men and the women, so lets all give them a round of applause!"

Marsha stood patiently for the roar of the crowd to once again settle down. "We'll announce the winners of tonight's performance, as well as the grand prize winners for this week at tomorrow nights farewell dinner," she told everyone. "See you there!"

They filed out of the auditorium and began making there way back towards their Tipi, "I don't know about you guys," Joy began, "but watching you two made me horny all over again!"

"You're always horny," Dale lovingly teased his wife, "but you enjoyed watching us huh?"

"Did we ever!" Cheryl quipped, "But I've always enjoyed watching Bob jerk himself off, and after tonight, I think I'll be asking him to do it for me a little more often." Bob was grinning, as well as getting hard again. Cheryl noticed and lovingly took a hold of his lengthening cock. "But another time," she grinned. "Right now, I have a very wet moist place that needs some personal cock attention."

"Me too," Joy winked taking her husbands cock in hand as well. And together the four of them headed off for what would turn out to be a very long and erotic evening together.


It was the last night of their stay before checking out the following morning. Dale was surprised to feel regret at having to leave already, he'd gotten so used to the comfort of walking around naked all the time, that it had already become almost second nature to him. In addition to that, the feeling of a near constant arousal, had yet relaxed him more than any other vacation in recent memory.

"I think we'll be coming back here next year," he told his wife.

"Count on it," she winked back at him.

And as sad as they all were to be leaving, they were still looking forward to the big feast that evening which would consist of Buffalo steaks, burgers and ribs along with a variety of other exotic meats and vegetables as well as side dishes. In addition, there was the late evening dance which everyone found not only fun to participate in doing, but in watching as well, as dancing so closely with one another while naked, had never failed to produce several of the floor couplings that many had hinted at as the evening progressed.

As they enjoyed their meal together beneath the stars, Marsha along with several members of her staff had been setting up a prize table nearby with certificates and memento's for the week's winners. Moments later she stepped up to the podium and began making a few announcements as everyone finished their dinners.

Bob as well as Joy were both given fifty percent off gift certificates for next years stay for their award winning performances in the solo competition. Even Dale was awarded a years supply of "cum along" lubricant for his second place finish.

"Now for the grand prize winner of a brand new 2008 Mustang convertible!" Marsha announced.

There were several in the running as everyone knew, but even Dale, Cheryl and Bob held their respective breaths as Marsha began running through the final points list totals.

"This first month's winner for this summer's events has scored the highest of any previous month's winners," Marsha continued.

"For most days spent in the nude. Voted on by a majority of men, and women..." she said looking up with a big smile on her face, "as the one they would all most like to cum on," Voted as the best amateur video, awarded the most points for flirtation with other guests, awarded the most points for doing the nasty in public," she said looking up with an even bigger smile on her face. "And the grand prize winner is...none other than Joy Davenport!"

Even knowing that Joy had a chance to win, it was still a surprise when her name was actually announced. Amidst the cheering and applause, Joy carefully made her way up on stage where she was presented with her keys to her bright shiny new red sports car.

"Of course, you won't be eligible to win the car next year," Marsha informed her, but we certainly hope you'll be back to defend your title!"

"I may not be eligible to win the car again," Joy spoke taking the microphone from Marsha as they stood on stage together, "but I have two very dear friends and a husband who will most certainly give me and everyone else a real run for their money!" she challenged enthusiastically. "But you can certainly count on the four of us being here again next year, and making Camp X-TA-C an even wilder, more erotic adventure than even this one was!"

Joy turned at that moment, but rather than handing back the microphone to Marsha as might be expected, she ran it up and between the woman's legs instead in a slow teasing naughty little way. Flushed, Marsha allowed the innovative use of the microphone to continue before finally taking it back.

"And that is why this exotic little creature before you has won this event," she stated enthusiastically. "So hopefully we'll see a lot more of that, and a lot more of all of you next year!"

Joy held up her keys jingling them in her hand as she approached her friends.

"Congratulations honey!" Dale said taking her into his arms, kissing her as both Bob and Cheryl crowded around doing the same.

"What's say we go break in the new car?" she grinned suggestively.

"Here? Now?" Dale questioned glancing over towards his wife's new car that sat on the stage amidst the throng of dancers surrounding it. "Why not?" he quickly added taking his wife's hand, turning towards their friends as they did.

"Come on guys," he urged. "Come with us, only this time, we get the back seat!"


They had just finished unpacking, though very little of what they had actually taken with them had even gotten worn. Joy still couldn't believe she was the owner of a brand new car, which she'd won simply by having fun. As a memento, she had thrown one of the brochures in her suitcase just before leaving, now picking it up thumbing through it as she relived and remembered their fabulous time together.

"What's so funny?" Dale asked hearing his wife's sudden snicker.

"This," she said handing him the brochure, "on the bottom of the page."

Dale read: "Welcome to camp X-TA-C, where even the mosquitoes are too busy fucking to bite!"

"You know, I bet that's true. I don't remember even getting bitten once, not by anything."

"Not by anything? Or any one?" Joy asked. "Come here then."


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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

You story was truly very hot, wishing there was such a place near us. There is a nude resort near us and very LS friendly and playrooms too. And sone nights lots of action in the conversation a hot tub pools

MedievalmontanaMedievalmontanaabout 6 years ago

Loved this story. I would love to live this out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I've read this a couple of times before and cannot believe that I haven't written a comment yet. This is really good, and a lot of fun. Besides being really erotic it is just a good story. There are spelling and word usage errors and punctuation mistakes in plenty, but with a good proofreader this would be even more wonderful. I'd like to say to Many Feathers that I'm not just being nit-pickey. It becomes a little harder to follow the story when I have to go back and read a line over again to figure out what it really says. I vote this a '5" in every way. Wish there was a '10' to check. Good One.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Why not more. . .

If the women get to enjoy each other orally, why couldn't the guys get their fist taste of dock?

LarryInSeattleLarryInSeattleover 15 years ago
Really liked it....but

When a woman ejaculates, it is neither "pearly" nor is it "cream". It is a clear liquid that has the consistency of water and it is very sweet tasting. And it usually doesn't come out in a stream but more of a gush.

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