Camping Trip Conversion

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Straight friend converted to be gay boy.
5.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/09/2022
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My name is Theodore but all my friends and family call me Ted for short. I'll just jump right into this as I can hardly believe what happened and need to get it out while it's still fresh in my head. I had several friends who I used to go camping with during high school and for a few years after we finished school. Nick and Joe were like me, just average guys who liked to get away from the city and put their limited outdoor skills to the test.

Brant was different. He was different in every way you could think of and far from average in every way. He was a hulking brute who used to play on the football team in high school. He only became our friend because he was falling behind in his grades and in order to stay on the team he needed a tutor to help get his marks up to snuff.

Anyway all that was over a decade ago and we had lost touch with Brant. The last we heard he had joined the French Foreign Legion. If you knew him you wouldn't be surprised. He often did crazy things like that and marched to the beat of his own drum. Even though he had a reputation for being quite a lady's man, during the last year of high school he actually went on a few dates with the quarterback of his team who was openly gay, just because of how cute he was.

Now he was back in town and had contacted Nick and Joe to see if we could all pick up our tradition of going camping at least once a month. When they called me to check and see if I was game they also shared that he had served time overseas for something. The details of what were not so easily forthcoming and I was told Brant was somewhat sensitive about it all and we should just let him bring it up when he was ready to talk about it.

I didn't really care all that much as I was excited to get back to nature and go camping with my old high school buddies. I told them I was definitely in and we set a date for next weekend. This would give us all time to dig out our tents and camping gear from storage and dust it off, plus visit a sporting store and replace anything else we might need.

The only thing I needed was a new tent. I didn't want to spend a fortune on one though because i wasn't sure if this was a one off or we were actually going to be doing this every other weekend like when we were younger. I mean who knew if we all had the spare time in our lives now after all these years. So with that in mind I just grabbed a small two-man tent, the cheapest one they had for sale.

Over the next week, all the way up to the night before the trip I was excited and looking forward to getting into the great outdoors once again. I couldn't even sleep the night before I was so distracted by the thoughts of what it would be like to hike into the wilderness and pitch our tents somewhere, living in the rough for the next few days. We had planned our trip to coincide with a long weekend, also taking a day off work early to get four days out of it.

I didn't have a ride so Joe told Brant to pick me up and they would meet us up there the next morning as neither Joe nor Nick could get an extra day off from their jobs. When Brant pulled up in his old pick-up and I loaded my tent and supplies in the back I noticed he didn't have a tent packed.

"Hey, where's your tent?" I asked him.

"I'll just sleep under the stars. I'm all jacked up about getting back to nature." Brant responded in his deep baritone voice.

I had forgotten how masculine and butch he sounded. "No worries, mine can fit two hands."

"Hey, speaking of missing gear, where's your rod? You are planning on dong some fishing aren't ya?" he quizzed.

"Jeez Louise! I knew I'd forgotten something." I responded a little disappointed, thinking I had thought of everything.

"No worries, I always bring several poles. You can borrow one of mine since you offered me shelter. Turn about is only fair play after all. The important thing is that we all pull together and have a great time outside." Brant jokingly thumped me on the shoulder with his fist. He actually caused me to shuffle a step to the left to maintain my balance. He was still as strong as an ox, and twice as big.

We made some small talk on the way up there and joked about Nick and Joe missing out even if it was only for a day. Once we hiked in and found our campsite we set to our old routines. Brant went off to try and catch some fish while I tried to pitch a tent. Apparently I was out of practice and couldn't figure out this new two man tent with it's strange configuration of how the poles were supposed to go.

When Brant returned with half a dozen trout he found me frustrated and swearing on the mess I had made of it. He put his big hand on my shoulder and told me not o stress, he would set up camp and I should gather some firewood and get to cleaning and cooking the fish. That was something I felt more comfortable doing and got a good meal going while he sorted out the tent and had it set up in no time.

"Hope you're hungry?" I asked. "I've added a few things I brought up in my supplies just in case we didn't catch anything. Should of known better with you around. You always were quite the fisherman."

"Yeah, I'm sure whatever you've made is good. You were always a great cook." He began to dig into his food. "I see that hasn't changed."

"You've changed though. I don't want to push but the fellas told me you spent a stretch on the inside. Care to enlighten me further or is it still a sore subject?" I prodded.

"Nah. It was nothing. Misunderstanding is all, and well, it's behind me now. I did my time and would rather leave it in the past and focus on the future. Speaking of which we should of stopped at a strip joint somewhere on the way up here. The one thing you miss the most on the inside isn't your freedom, it's access to some grade A pussy."

"Well, at least that hasn't changed about you. Once we get back you'll probably get back into the swing of things again. With the women I mean."

"That's what I mean. You know how big my appetite in that area is, I don't know if I can wait until we get back." He made a half-hearted attempt at laughter. "Here you want some of this?" He tried to change the subject by offering me some of the chocolate bar he had retrieved from his pocket.

"A little desert out here in the wild." I joked as I took a piece and chewed on it. It was really good.

Brant noticed my surprise, "Yeah, I know right. I can only get them in France. Probably going to have to go back there to live. That or have someone ship them over to me."

I know he was trying to distract me from the direction of the conversation a moment ago but I was curious. I had never known anyone who had did actual time before and wanted to know how much of it was like the way it is in movies. Life in prison that is. I didn't stop to think if it would upset him or anything.

"Did you... you know. Do anything with anyone on the inside to get by. That is, something sexual, just until you got out of course. Or is that stuff we see in the movies all a load of crap?" I pried, although I'm not sure why.

"Yeah, you do what you have to in the moment just to get by. You survive until you get out and can enjoy life again." He answered while looking off in the distance, musing over some stray thoughts.

"Well, that's over with and you did survive. Now you're back among friends and once this trip is over you can pick up where you left off here with the ladies." I tried to keep him form getting all melancholy.

"Hey, we should hit the sack. That way we can be up early and get a hike in before Nick ad Joe get up here." Brant suggested.

I crawled into the tent and placed my sleeping bag to one side but realized immediately Brant wouldn't fit in beside me with his massive frame. I got back out and suggested he go in first. That just resulted in the same thing only reverse order, now I couldn't fit in beside him.

"Here, I got an idea," he said and took my sleeping bag from me and unzipped it, he then unzipped his, and finally zipped them back up together to make one large one. "Now we just slip in together. It'll be a tight squeeze but we can spoon and keep each other warm. The temperature is supposed to drop overnight anyway."

I felt a little uncomfortable with the idea but quickly put it out of my head. No need be a silly little baby about it. It was just a couple of friends doing what they had to, to survive. No big deal so long as I didn't make it a big deal.

"Obviously you'll have to be the little spoon." Brant stated.

"Obviously." I mirrored him. I mean he was right as the mental image of my tiny frame trying to spoon this massive bear of a man was comical.

He placed the joined sleeping bag inside and got ready for bed as I went to relieve myself. When I got back he had already crawled inside and left the flap open for me to crawl in beside him. I couldn't help but notice his hairy chest and tried to crawl into the sleeping bag with my back to him so he wouldn't notice me staring at him.

"Hold up. Just what do you think you're doing? You're not ruining my new bag by keeping your clothes on. Hurry up and strip and get in here it's already starting to get cold." Brant chastised me.

He was right of course. I usually didn't keep my clothes on and wasn't sure why I had tried to just then. I quickly shucked everything except my briefs and scampered in beside him. He draped a arm over me and zipped up the sleeping bag right to our necks and then wiggled his arm back inside. We now snug as a couple of bugs in a rug.

We talked for a little bit before I finally yawned and he shortly followed suit. Before I knew it I was out like a light. All the excitement and not getting enough sleep the night before had me knackered.

Sometime during the night I must of shifted and rolled over in the overly large sleeping bag for I half awoke with Brant squirming around and trying to get more comfortable. Finally, with me on my stomach he shifted his weigh so he was half on top of me and I hadn't noticed before but could now tell he wasn't wearing any underwear.

I could tell this because his big dick was poking against one of my butt cheeks and was probably uncomfortable for both of us as he kept shifting trying to get comfortable.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to get to sleep but those questions you asked me earlier got me thinking about the women in town I'm going to fuck after this camping trip and now I've got a boner." Brant tried to explain.

"Well, make it go down." I complained. "I can't get to sleep with you squirming all over the place and poking me with that thing."

We both sort of laughed a little at the absurd situation. "Only one way I know to make it go down." Brant stated and waited to see what my response would be.

"Fine, if you got to masterbate then do it outside." I ordered.

"Screw that! It's freezing out. Have a heart. Let me rub one out real quick." He countered, not wanting to get out of the tent unless he absolutely had to.

After a minute to think it over I responded in a low whisper, "Fine, just be quick about it so I can get back to sleep."

Brant began to stroke his hand back and forth along his big shaft. Because of our cramped quarters I could feel the back of his hand sliding along by bum cheeks. It was unavoidable as we were packed into the combined sleeping bag like sardines. His pace began to pick up a little and I was getting a little excited myself knowing he was jerking off right behind my back.

It seemed like an eternity but was only five or ten minutes in reality when i asked, "You about done back there? I want to get to sleep sometime tonight, I'm exhausted."

"No use. I can't get off with my hand. There's just not enough room in here with us snuggled so close." He explained.

"That's what I said in the first place. You'll just have to go outside." I countered.

"Like I said, screw that! It's freezing." He complained again.

"Well then, we're at an impasse. What do you suggest?" I shot back with stating to get frustrated with the strange predicament we found ourselves in.

After a few minutes of silence I began to dread what he might be thinking up. "Hang on, I got an idea." he stated before shifted a little more and pinning me down with my arms above my head.

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled back over my shoulder at him. He just ignored my question and began working my briefs down my leg with his other arm.

"Brant! What the hell do you think you're doing?" I screamed and tried to wiggle free from underneath him.

No dice. He had me pinned under him and we had little room to move inside the sleeping bag. He lined up his big dick with the fat mushroom head between the crack of my ass.

"Whoa! Just a minute Brant! Just a goddam minute!" I began to scream louder trying to get him to stop.

I heard him spit on his hand and slide it between my cheeks, smearing it all around my sphincter and slipping his thumb just inside to get me primed. He began to pump his thumb back and forth, the same way I had done to many girls in my day to get their pussies to moisten for entry.

Entry! Alarm bells starting ringing in my ears. He was planning on sodomizing me to get his boner to go down. I began to thrash and squirm in earnest trying with all my might to fight him off.

It was a lesson in futility. After half a minute I was exhausted and my sphincter muscle was relaxing of it's own accord. Brant extracted his thumb and for a split second I thought he had finally heard one of my many protests and was going to stop.

The only thing he stopped was buggering me with his thumb. Once his digit was free he quickly lined up his big dick with the fat mushroom cap right at my hole. Without any preamble he let his weight down on me and sank his big fat dick right down into my bumhole.

There was no trying to gain entry or easing it in, or anything of that sort. It was simple physics. His weight forced his big dick to push that fat mushroom head past my sphincter muscle ring and continue to slide more and more inches of his big fat dick right up my poop shute.

It was a steady and continuous plundering of my virgin asshole. I had never had gay sex with anyone, until now. There was no denying that now as he no sooner had he bottomed out in me than he began to pull back and extract his big dick from my hole. it felt just like when you watch porn and see some bimbo's pussy lips stretched around a fat shaft as that dick pistoned in and out.

Brant settled into a rhythm and began accelerating the pace. Giving me one of the most thorough fuckings anyone had ever gotten. The size of his big hard dick slipping in and out of my rectum starting to give me a boner. No matter how much I tried to will myself to not get excited by this anal rape, here I was popping a massive boner of my own.

Not only that, the shifting around and fucking Brant was giving me was pushing my boner back and forth over the fabric of the sleeping bag and the most pleasant feeling was building up and slowly overtaking me. I couldn't help it but while Brant royally fucked me in the ass I rushed toward a mind-blowing orgasm of my own.

I went over the edge first and began thrusting my boner back and forth over the fabric to help bring myself off. I exploded and burst after burst of ropey cum splattered all over the front of the sleeping bag as I twitched and jerked uncontrollably.

This of course resulted in me inadvertently pumping my bum back and forth, driving Brants big dick home in my ass. He thought this was consent on my part I guess and started talking dirty saying all sorts of things while pumping away rapidly. He sawed back and forth and really gave it to me as I was thrusting back to meet his thrusts.

We were now working in unison like two long lost lovers who had been reunited for a brief time and might never see each other again so were making the most of it. His grunting and thrusting as he held my hips and pumped for all he was worth. I didn't even realize when my orgasm had subsided and I had started to fuck back into his thrusts all on my own but I was rocking in rhythm with him with all my strength.

It was such a primal thing that even when I realized what I was doing I didn't stop but just kept going, sort of on remote control. The slapping sounds of our mutual fucking now filled the tent and spurred us on. We were lost in the rapture of the extasy we were both feeling and I began to shoot more cum from my rock hard penis that still hadn't gone down.

As I blasted off a second time without slowing from the anal fucking Brant began blasting off. Filling me up with huge spurts of ropey cum, so many that i lost count after hitting double digits. It had to be somewhere in the teens. I had never heard of someone being able to cum so much.

When he eventually slowed to a stop, breathing heavily against the back of my neck, I started to feel that post orgasmic guilt and tried with renewed effort to get away from him and try to forget what had happened. He let me go and I managed to squirm out of the sleeping bag and go get cleaned up.

Later when I returned Brant was sound asleep. I sat outside the tent for about half an hour but that was all I could take of the cold. Brant was still sleeping soundly so I gingerly crept back into the sleeping bag, inching my way in without waking him up. After I was all the way back in exhaustion came for and I dozed off.

The next morning when I awoke Brant was frying up some of the eggs and bacon I had brought up in my supplies and for some reason I felt more angry that he had gone through my things than what he had done to me the night before.

"Here, you take over, I don't want to ruin breakfast." Brant began.

"Like you ruined me last night?" I quipped, not sure why I just blurted that out.

"Listen. Let's have breakfast, then go for a hike like we planned. It will give me a chance to apologize. I'm not sure what came over me last night, it was like I was back inside and just felt I could take what ever I wanted from whoever. I hope after I get to explain and apologize further we can still be friends." Brant offered.

"Well, done is done. I'd rather just as soon forget about it. Here, let me finish making breakfast and then we'll go for that hike." By trying to get back to doing normal stuff I was hoping it would make me feel more normal around him.

After eating I cleared up everything and Brant got his hiking boots on. When I was ready we headed off and were quiet for a few minutes. Each of us was probably trying to decide how to break the ice. After a while Brant started explaining how prison changes people.

Once he got that off his chest he went on to apologize and then starting making small talk like everything was back to normal. It was pointless to remain angry or carry a grudge so I just let it go and joined him in the small talk.

We hiked high up into the hills along a trail we had taken when much younger and found our regular stopping point before returning. We had a snack and some water and then Brant started in with a sort of half apology explaining that he got these urges and couldn't think straight when they overtook him.

I asked what he meant exactly and he went on to explain that if he didn't get his daily fix then he was likely to repeat what had happened the night before. I didn't want anything like that to occur while Nick and Joe were up here so I asked if it would still happen if they were round. He said Yes and that he didn't think either Nick or Joe were gay so that left only me.

"Whoa! Hold on just a minute there. You were forcing me, you essentially raped me Brant. I'm not gay!" I protested.

"Well, yeah I started out forcing you but then you really got into it or don't you remember that part?" Brant accused.

"I had little choice in the whole matter. Besides weren't e going to put this behind us and forget about it." I tried to steer the discussion in a different direction.