Candy Shops

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Siblings are kidnapped for a sexy Halloween adventure.
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The candy shop lady looked over her reading glasses at Virginia. "Can I help you find something?" It was an odd little shop on a shaded backstreet in a neighborhood of boutiques and quaint apartments.

Virginia swept her blue-tinted hair behind her ear. "I think I have it." She held up bags of taffy, toffee, and hard candies. "I'm not sure how much I need."

The shop lady let her glasses dangle around her neck and stepped from behind the counter. "What are you buying for?" She had an ornate name tag pinned to her blouse that read "Hortense." The whole shop seemed a little antique, just like the lady.

"A Halloween party—like for maybe a dozen kids from five to eleven."

Hortense counted Virginia's bags and her eyes traveled up her body. She had a meticulous way of speaking. "None are your kids, I would guess."

Virginia laughed. "They're kids I babysat while I was in high school and some of their friends. Really, the party is so their parents can go out for a party of their own."

"You might have enough there. If you buy too much, then there will always be someone to eat it." She cocked her head at Virginia. "You know, most kids would be perfectly happy with fun-size candy bars from the supermarket."

"At least two of the kids are allergic to chocolate," Virginia said. "Besides, these are cooler and the parents are paying for it, not me." She smiled at Hortense's pale eyes. "I'll look around a little more, and see if I get any new ideas."

There were aisles of truffles, petit fours, and caramels to wander through and, when Virginia looked up, she noticed a doorway she hadn't seen before. There was a sign over it that read "Must Be Eighteen To Enter."

Virginia was more than a year past eighteen, so she let her curiosity get the best of her. She stepped through the doorway into a back room filled with adult candies—pink penis pops, boob-shaped bonbons, and more.

Hortense caught up with her. "Nothing back here is appropriate for your party."

"You mean I shouldn't give chocolate naked ladies to eight-year-olds?" Virginia laughed at the lewd display, and Hortense relaxed. She explained to Virginia how each erotic candy came about and what they might be good for.

Hortense stopped at a bowl of plainly-wrapped hard candies. Some were in blue wrappers and some were in pink wrappers. She pointed out the picture over the bowl. "Each is a little, anatomically correct figure. They're both male and female, and you can tell which is which by the color." She smiled at Virginia. "They help you express your sexual fantasies. The more you eat, the deeper you go into your own psyche."

"So, they're some kind of drug?" Virginia asked.

Hortense shook her head. "They're just herbal treats."

Virginia was intrigued. She picked out a handful of candies equally divided between blue and pink, and she had Hortense ring them up apart from the party candy. "I'll share them with my boyfriend," Virginia said. "We'll see what happens."

The old lady watched over the top of her glasses. "Be careful. They also make you tell the truth, and that isn't always what you want."

Virginia was barely listening. She checked the time on her phone. "My boyfriend's supposed to meet me at the party store pretty soon." She paused to look at the candy she was buying for the party. "You know, maybe this won't be enough." She extended her hand to the shop lady. "I might see you again. My name is Virginia. People usually call me Ginny."

A little smile curled the corners of Hortense's lips as she touched Virginia's hand, and then a little bell over the door jingled as she left.

The party store was a short drive from the candy shop and, since it was still two weeks to Halloween, it was still fully stocked. There were giant talking spiders, bubbling cauldrons, and just about everything else Virginia could think of.

Her arms were already full when a shop girl met her at the masks and costumes, "Can I help you with those?" she asked. "We'll keep them at the counter, and you can shop hands-free."

"My boyfriend should already be here to help." Virginia glanced around the shop as she handed things to the shop girl. "I don't see him yet."

She checked her phone once her hands were free and found a message from Brian. "Something came up. I can't meet you at the party store."

Virginia scowled at her phone but talked to the shop girl. "It's always something with that guy."

Virginia sent a message to Paul while the girl wound her way back through the crowded aisles with her arms full of decorations. "I'm at the party store on Sheridan. Can you help me get things home?"

Paul's answer came without a flourish and without strings attached. Virginia liked that about her brother. "I can be there in a half hour or so," he replied.

She was still deciding between a baggy witch costume and a sexy cat costume when Paul found her. She held them up to get his opinion, and he frowned. "Don't they have something in-between? Maybe a cute witch costume?"

"I don't need to be sexy for a bunch of kids." She shoved the baggy witch costume at her brother and turned back to the rack to put the cat costume away. Something caught her eye, and she turned around again with a third costume in hand. "I don't know why I didn't see this before." It was the cute witch costume that Paul wanted.

Virginia held the costume up for size, and Paul changed the subject. "Are you done with mid-terms?"

"Finished this morning." Virginia took the baggy costume out of Paul's hands. "That's why I'm shopping now." She handed him the cute costume and turned to the rack again. "I wanted to relax. How about you?"

"Done yesterday, and no classes this afternoon, and I don't even have to work tonight. That's why I had time. Where's Brian?"

Virginia hung the baggy costume where it came from and made air quotes. "Something came up." She shrugged and let her shoulders sag. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Follow me."

She added a life-sized glow-in-the-dark skeleton and bags of spider webs to the load in Paul's arms, and he piled everything on the counter with the rest of her things. "How are you paying for all this?"

Virginia pulled a credit card from her back pocket and flashed it at Paul before she gave it to the girl behind the register. "The McMann's are paying for it."

The shop girl helped them pile the decorations into the covered back of Paul's pickup, and he met Virginia at the house where they grew up. Paul leaned back against the truck and studied the old place by the light of the setting sun. It needed paint. "How long are you going to keep living here?"

Virginia looked up from the back of the truck. "Why would I leave? The whole upstairs is mine now, and Mom and Dad don't bother me. Like now? I'm not even sure where they are. Austin maybe?" She stood up and pushed boxes into Paul's hands. "These go into your old bedroom."

It took two trips for both of them. They stashed everything upstairs before Paul followed his sister to the kitchen. "It's almost time for dinner. What's there to eat around this place?"

Virginia poked around the refrigerator and came up with cold meatloaf and a doubtful look on her face. "I don't know how long this has been in there. Let's order pizza."

They argued over every topping except sausage and mushrooms, and when it got there Virginia poured iced tea for both of them. "Why do we always argue about pizza toppings?" she asked. "We always end up getting the same thing."

They sat across the table from each other with an open box of pizza between them. Paul downed the last of his tea and belched when the last piece was gone, and Virginia frowned. "Gross."

One of Virginia's candy bags had spilled open on the table beside Paul. He picked up a pink-wrapped candy. "What are these?"

"Anatomically correct hard candies. I got them to share with Brian, but now Brian isn't here."

Paul unwrapped the candy and laughed. "She has big boobs." He held it up for Virginia to see then popped it in his mouth, and Virginia caught her breath.

"Maybe you shouldn't have done that." She watched her brother for a second. "What does it taste like?"

"I'm not sure. Sweet, but not very good. You remember those English toffees that Gramma used to bring at Christmas? Kinda like one of those."

Virginia wrinkled her nose. "I don't know why we ate those things, but we always did." She hesitated then opened a blue-wrapped candy and laughed. "He has a big dong."

She watched her brother roll the candy around on his tongue. "The lady at the candy store said they'd help you express your sexual fantasies. Maybe I don't want to know what's under the rocks in your head. Are you feeling anything?"

Paul swirled the girl in his mouth. "Just candy tits."

"What the hell," Virginia said, and popped the candy guy in her mouth. "The old lady was just making a sale."

Paul watched his sister for a second then asked, "Are you still hanging out with Heidi? I haven't seen her in a while."

"Not so much since we started college, but it's still fun when our shifts overlap at work."

"I've always wanted to get between her legs. But you know, guys never get their sister's friends, so I just imagine how it would feel to do your bestie. It makes me cum."

"Paul! You're being gross." Virginia rolled the little candy man over her tongue. "I'll let her know the next time I see her. She has great boobs, too. But you know she's dating Carlos now."

"What! When did that happen?"

"Your housemate is dating your dream girl, and you haven't even noticed? Actually I think they started this week." Virginia spit her candy into her hand and looked at it. "His big dong is almost gone."

She popped the candy back in her mouth and pushed it into her cheek so she could talk. "I had a TA in English last year named John Robles. I'd get this image in my head of his smiling face right between my thighs, then I'd touch myself—sometimes right in the lecture. I think he watched."

"I know him. Nice guy, but he has a girlfriend."

Virginia reached across the table and slapped her brother's arm. "Dammit, Paul. Stop ruining my fun."

They sat quietly until the candy was dissolved. Virginia hesitated, then picked up a pink-wrapped candy. "Maybe the old lady wasn't just making a sale. This is all kinda dirty and exciting, isn't it?" She offered the candy to her brother. "Do you want to find out what's next? I'll have another one if you do."

Paul took the candy from his sister and watched the hopeful look on her face. "Shit. I want to find out, too." He unwrapped the candy and turned it over in his hand. "She has a nice butt." He held her between his lips for a moment and watched Virginia set a naked, big-donged guy on her tongue, and they closed their mouths around the candy.

Virginia made a face. "What does yours taste like?"

Paul thought about it a moment. "I think she tastes like pussy."

"Can't be. The old lady said they're herbal. That would be animal."

"Yep. It tastes like pussy—maybe your pussy. Does your guy taste like cum?"

"Shut up, Paul! You don't know how I taste, and how would I know what cum tastes like?" She swirled the candy in her mouth. "You're right. He tastes like cum."

"I'm getting hard." Paul ground his hand against the firm bulge in his jeans. "Wanna see? I've always wanted to show it off, but I never have."

Virginia cheeked her candy again and leaned over the table to watch. "Don't you even send out dick pics?"

"Never have, but sometimes I wake up at night with a big hard-on and wish I could show it off." Paul pushed back from the table and pulled his hard cock out of his pants. "Like this. See?"

"Paul! Stop that!" Virginia squeezed her tit. "Or tell me you can't stop. I've always wanted to make guys lose control." She unzipped her shorts and pushed her hand down between her legs.

"Can't stop. Why would I stop if it turns you on?"

"Don't watch me," Virginia said, but Paul watched. She pushed her shorts to the floor and hopped around the table on one foot then the other while she pulled her underwear over her running shoes. She sat down on the chair next to her brother and jumped. "Ooh! That chair's cold."

Virginia settled down again and Paul took his hand off his straining shaft to give her a better look. "Your cock is nicer than Brian's or Toby's. Can a cock be pretty? I guess it would be handsome."

Paul sat back in his chair and grinned. That was what he wanted to hear, even if it came from his sister.

"Is this what the candy tastes like?" Virginia asked, and she dropped her undies in Paul's lap.

Paul held the gusset under his nose and nodded his head. He watched Virginia's fingers swirling between her legs. "This is all turning you on, isn't it?"

"I think it's hot—maybe because it's so naughty." Virginia looked up from her brother's veined shaft and bit her lip. "Would you ever hold a girl down or tie her up so you could do what you want?"

"What? No!" Paul sniffed at his sister's undies again. "Probably not, anyway. What if that was really what she wanted?"

Virginia's eyes stayed fixed on Paul's face. "I want that—kinda, anyway. Maybe I don't really, but I like thinking about it." She glanced at her purse. "Mr. Big Dong is gone. How's Ms. Nice Butt?"

"Gone, but eew! Ginny. I've already learned more than I wanted to know."

Virginia pointed to her brother's hard cock. "The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks."

She stood up and tugged her shirt down, but it wouldn't cover her naked butt. She leaned across the table to get two more candies from the bag and sat again beside her brother. Virginia held them up—one pink and one blue—and said, "Double dog dare ya. Maybe these'll taste like ass."

Paul took the pink-wrapped candy and sniffed at it. "No thanks for putting that idea in my head." He unwrapped the naked little lady, popped her into his mouth and made a face. "I think maybe it's your ass."

Virginia watched her brother turn her panties to sniff the back and laughed around the little man she was sucking on. "Isn't this just like some kinda party game?"

"Yeah, but with my sister." Paul turned the ass-flavored candy lady over on his tongue and felt her melting tits and her round butt and realized that Virginia was staring at his cock again. "What's on your mind?" Virginia looked up and blushed. She tried to stand up, but Paul pulled her back into her chair. "You can't back out now."

She hesitated for just a moment. "There's this idea I keep deep in the back of my mind where the icky things are. I— I'm just a vagina. That's all I am. I'm empty and I need to be filled."

Virginia tried to get up again, but Paul grasped her hair. He twisted her head back and made her straddle his thighs. "Then we're more alike than I thought." He took his hard cock in his hand. "Back in that dusty part of my brain, this is me. I'm just a penis. I'm big, and I'm lonely, and I don't know what to do."

"Oh, God, Paul! Maybe we went too far."

Paul let go of his cock long enough to snatch Virginia's wrist and shove her hand between her legs. "I'll make you do it—you said that's what you wanted. We'll do it together."

Paul held his sister's head back with one hand and wrapped her undies around his cock with the other. They both closed their eyes, and their breath came in shallow gasps and grunts. Paul's hand worked harder and faster, and Virginia's fingers kept time with her brother's stroke.

They didn't take long. Paul groaned through his teeth and pumped his hot cum into Virginia's panties. She straightened her back and rocked on her brother's lap while she came. Paul bucked under his sister, and she pitched forward and groaned against his chest. "Don't touch me!" she said. "Keep your hands off me."

Paul held his hands out. "You're lying all over me! What am I supposed to do?"

Virginia laughed into Paul's chest. "Like Mom always scolded you when you bugged me. 'Keep your hands off your little sister.'" Her body slowly relaxed, and she pushed herself up. "I always thought you were kind of a dick. Now I know for sure that you're just a penis."

She plucked her cum-soaked panties out of his hand and sniffed at them. "Paul Penis and Virginia Vagina. I wonder if that's what Mom and Dad had in mind when they named us."

Paul laughed at his sister as she climbed off his lap. "Don't go. Just a second." He caught the hand she'd had between her legs and sniffed her fingers. "Weird as it was, we both got off on it." He studied her face for a minute. "Do you think you'll regret it?"

Virginia jerked her hand away and stood. "Maybe you'll regret it. Now that you know too much, I might have to kill you."

She closed the candy bag with a few candies still left. "Maybe I should be glad I did that with you instead of Brian. I wouldn't want to tell him what I told you, and I probably wouldn't want to hear what's in his head. His brain's a can of worms sometimes."

* * *

Virginia got out of her car and leaned against the fender while she tapped out a message to her brother. "Hey Penis, Mom and Dad are back, and Mom asked about you. You should talk to them." She'd just reached the candy shop when her phone chimed.

"She texted me," Paul answered. "I'm going over for dinner tomorrow. Is Vagina going to be there?"

Hortense opened the shop door and the little bell jingled overhead as she ushered Virginia in. "I thought you might be back. Did your boyfriend like the candy?"

Virginia shrugged. "He didn't have a chance to try it."

"Oh?" Hortense raised an eyebrow at Virginia.

There was something about the shopkeeper's scent—bath powder, that's what it was. It was White Shoulders, just like Gramma's. "I came back because I got candy for the party kids and forgot about the trick-or-treaters."

Hortense tucked her hand around the crook of Virginia's elbow and led her down an aisle to a bin of fruit-flavored hard candies. "These are great for giving away at the door to people you don't know. They're inexpensive."

Virginia found a scoop and loaded a paper bag with colorful candy, and Hortense leaned back against a bin of white chocolate chunks and folded her arms. "Tell me what happened."

Something made Virginia want to tell a story she thought she'd never tell. "My boyfriend was supposed to meet me at the party store after I left here, and he didn't make it."

She flipped her hand in frustration. "He does that all the time, and I'm running out of patience. I was mad, so I called my brother. I can pretty much always count on Paul. He helped me at the store, he helped me put things away at home, and we ordered pizza."

Hortense jumped to a conclusion. "So you shared them with your brother?"

"I didn't mean to, but it happened." Virginia watched Hortense for a moment. She seemed more intrigued than disgusted. "The candy did exactly what you said it would do, and now we know more about each other than, you know, folks usually know."

Virginia put the scoop away and closed the bag. "In the end, I got myself off, and he got himself off. It wasn't sex or anything." Her cheeks burned a little when she turned back to Hortense. "I tried one of the candies by myself after he left, and it didn't do a thing."

"It does take two to tango." Hortense was curious. "Older brother, or younger brother? Do you have a picture?"

"Older, but less than two years." It seemed odd that Hortense wanted to see a photo, but Virginia handed her the bag and pulled her phone from her back pocket. She took a second to find a photo of Paul, then held her phone up. "This was from last summer at the beach."

Hortense smiled at Paul's bare chest and well-defined muscles. "He looks fit. What does he do?"

"He pours beer at a brew pub and works in the brewery sometimes. It's pretty blue-collar."

"Maybe you could bring him in some time—soon." Hortense led Virginia to the cash register and asked over her shoulder, "Are you keeping the undependable boyfriend?"