Cape of Good Hope

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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


This story is of the young, beautiful Elmarie, her fiancè Adio and Elmarie's mother Maria. Set in the scenic town of Cape Town, SA, it captures love between two people of different colors.

All characters are above 18 and readers must be too.

You may like this story for the love between the characters and the fun they have.



Cape of Good Hope

My father's wealth is a result of everything that was wrong in South Africa during the Apartheid times.

Former president F de Klerk had at one point in time briefly interned in my grandfather's law firm in suburban Johannesburg. My father, on the other hand, chose to become a banker. Like most other whites, he too exploited black South Africans in the guise of a usurer. He was part of a faulty system. By and large a good man, he stayed in the middle path all his career until F de Klerk became president. It was then that his exploits took a major upward detour.

On the face of it, de Klerk was changing South Africa towards the new post-Apartheid era but a chance meeting one afternoon on his campaign trail changed my father's fortunes. It would appear to project gratitude towards my grandfather's kindness when he was an article clerk in my grandfather's law firm, but in actual fact, he needed a complete outsider to help with his maneuvers. My father happened to be at the right place at the right time.

As soon as the president was sworn in, my father was summoned and the dealmaking began. The five years that he remained president, firmly plotted my father as one of the largest bankers in South Africa. Every government department started banking with his bank, and every major government foreign remittance got handled through his bank.

My mother, Maria, hailed from a rich family in Austria that had settled in South Africa. She got captivated by my father, in the backdrop of his astounding career growth. She wasn't influenced by his money - her family was old money - but with his sharp wit and his demeanor at their common Johannesburg society gatherings.

By the time F de Klerk went out, my father's bank branches had expanded to each town in South Africa and he was firmly entrenched in the financial world of Africa.

South Africa started to heal and transform under Madiba. I can proudly say, I was born when he was still president, even though for just a couple of more months.

Growing up in Johannesburg, the change in society was very apparent and visible around us. But by and large, in my childhood, I stayed away from black children, barring a few of them at school.

I was influenced by my father to take up finance and business management at the University of Cape Town. It was here that I met Adio.

Adio's father was a farmer, and his grandfather was a key ANC functionary. Unlike his elder brother, he wasn't interested in a farmer's life. He got a partial scholarship to study at the University of Cape Town.

Adio and I had no common courses in college. He was a political science student and a year senior to me. It did not take me long to listen to his debates and student body meeting speeches.

I had grown up seeing many black leaders rise to power, many jostling with power and many fighting over it. My opinion of black politicians was dim.

With Adio, it all changed rapidly. It was my first exposure to someone of similar age speak with such eloquence, such proficiency and so softly. That he was black started to matter less and less with each passing week at uni. That he looked smart started to matter more.

I had a boyfriend in Johannesburg at school who I was steady with. We had our share of fun kissing, necking, and groping. As part of my upbringing, my natural first stop was a white boy when going steady with one. I also lost my virginity to a white boy.

For the first two years at the university, I was friends with many black students and my trepidation around them had worn off completely. I started to wonder, what world had I been living in all this while. Adio also had become more than an acquaintance by then.

By the end of year three, I was Adio's girlfriend. In my last year of college, Adio having graduated, joined a local newspaper having taken up a job as a Journalist.

When I graduated, I had to convince my parents to let me stay longer for some more time in Cape Town before I return to Johannesburg and possibly dive into my father's banking world.

Pappa only agreed to let me have a break if I became a management trainee at the Cape Town branch of the bank. I readily agreed.

After a brief trip back home, I came back and got myself an apartment. I started working at Pappa's bank and worked thirty hours a week. Adio did not take a lot of convincing, and we started to stay together.

Before that, when I had started having sex with Adio, comparing him with both my previous boyfriend was natural. It was also natural for me to presume it was just my previous boyfriends who were small and unskilled in the art of sex.

Over time, the difference in sex with Adio became more than the size of his dick or his skill in bed; it was also the love and emotions that we had developed for each other.

The six months I had planned to stay on became a year. My parents' patience started to wear off, and I hadn't yet told them about Adio.

As luck would have it, on a video call I was on with my Mother, Adio just walked out of the shower naked. If my father on the call, he'd have blown a gasket. My mother, on the other hand, simply fainted, or so it seemed. Actually, sitting on the bed, her phone had slipped off from her hand in shock. Facedown on the bed, the phone screen for me went blank at her end. By then, Adio had stepped closer to me. I hastily disconnected the call, unable to think what else could be done or said for the naked black man in my bedroom.

I decided silent treatment was better than an explanation and did not attempt calling her back.

Mamma decided to collect her thoughts. She tried to reassure herself that she indeed saw what she saw, and she too decided not to call me back immediately.


Both of us had made up our minds before the fateful video call happened a day later.

I knew it was wishful thinking to assume she hadn't seen Adio.

She knew very well what she had seen and was scared of my saying something ominous like, "Mamma, meet my boyfriend."

"Mamma, I would like to tell you something."

Scared of what I might say, all she could manage was a, 'mm..hmm."

"Mamma, I am in a relationship. His name is Adio. He is a wonderful person."

"But Elmarie, he is black," she mumbled in disbelief.

"Mamma, he is a good person. He is gentle, considerate, and kind." I asserted, ignoring her comment.

"bbutt he is black," she stammered. She may have practiced it over the last twenty-four hours, but it didn't come to her.

"Mamma, he is well educated, graduated from Cape Town. Within a year, he has become Asst. Editor with the Daily Sun." I started speaking her language - credentials.

"Elmarie, be that as it may. He is black. Your father would not approve of it. I haven't told him yet and do not wish to speak to him about it." she remembered her lines. "Before it gets any serious, you will have to end it and return home."

Time to throw a bomb, "Mamma, I love him, and Adio loves me."

"Elmarie, I..." My admission swept her off.

After a long silence, I added, "Mamma, it would be great if you meet Adio once before you decide what kind of a person he is."

She composed herself and said, "Okay, I'll be there tomorrow."

Now I was on the back foot. I couldn't take it back. Obviously, I wanted her to meet Adio, but not for the reason that she intended to come over.

Less than prepared with the turn of events, I fessed up to Adio about her arrival. He was already aware that our relationship was a secret with my parents.

Adio smiled and offered, "Would you like me to stay elsewhere until she has returned?"

"Well no, actually. She already knows that you live here, and there is no point maintaining a charade," I thought about it for a minute. Then I told Adio what I wanted, "To be honest, what I want to do is for you to charm her. Actually, be your natural self, I am sure she will approve once she gets to know you. Staying together is the best way to achieve that."

Adio smiled and kissed me lovingly.

He could make out that I was anxious. He knew my parents' approval was important for me. I was very close to my mother especially. My having kept my relationship with Adio must have hurt her anyway. I had confided in him about it.

Adio said, "Elmarie, Don't worry. I will greet her in my best birthday suit."

We both cracked up laughing.


I asked Adio, "I think I should go and fetch Mamma. I will try and talk to her for a bit."

He shrugged and let me go pick her up from the airport.

Adio had no clue about my family's worth. He knew Pappa was a banker, but not that he owned one of the top five banks in South Africa.

If Adio saw me go into the airport to the tarmac and receive my mother in a private jet, he would flip. More importantly, if he saw Mamma's entourage and her baggage, he would faint for sure.

So I would have to handle the party in advance.

I was just in time to receive Mamma. Her Bombardier custom jet reached the airport just as I entered the terminal. By the time she exited, I was at the foot of the stairs.

Mamma exited the aircraft in her typical style. My Mamma is a classy, fashionista and wore only the finest designer dresses that make her look stylish and beautiful, plus of course many years younger. Mamma had always stayed slim, she ate like a bird, walked like a gazelle, and looked like a queen. Mamma is a humble person and a fantastic human being. She is lovable in every sense.

When she saw me, she rushed to hug me.

"Elmarie!" She pulled her arms around me and kissed my cheeks. Mamma insisted on calling me Elmarie instead of honey, darling, or more specifically a shrunken 'El' because she loved my name. When I was born, it was she who chose my name, which literally means, 'love and only love' in Afrikaans.

I hugged Mamma tight and thanked her for coming over. Once in the car, I asked her, "Mamma, how did you manage to convince Pappa that you were coming over to stay?" I enquired.

"I told him I am not coming back until I get Elmarie back home," Mamma said proudly "after that he did not have much to say," She added.

I had no idea whether to rejoice in Mamma's love for me or wince at her determination that she would be dragging me back home, without Adio.

The whole thing was setting loose very fast. I chose to avoid the discussion further and to act hastily.

"Mamma I have a request before we go home." I requested.

"Mmm...hmm." She was listening.

"Mamma, please promise me just one thing. That when you meet Adio, you will keep an open mind. No bias about his color alone." I pleaded.

Mamma saw the look on my face and felt her love for me take over, "Elmarie, I promise you this. If I approve of Adio as a person then his color shall not be my reason for disapproval."

I could feel that Mamma was not completely convinced, but for my sake she assured me.

"Another thing, Mamma...Adio is unaware of our family's financial status." I added, "So before we reach home, redirect your assistants and your baggage, and your cars to whichever hotel you had planned."

Mamma was somewhat taken aback. "I was planning to be at Cape Cadogan." She wasn't ready for what she heard me say.

We halted our three cars cavalcade on the way and redirected all the cars to Cape Cadogan hotel, where Mamma had already planned to stay. I ordered an Uber to my apartment.

If somewhere in her arsenal of arguments was one that said, "he is after your money, Elmarie." It got shot down before she even met him. The look on her face showed surprise but she was pleased, at the same time.

I brought Mamma to my modest four-bedroom apartment which Pappa had let me buy, but Adio only knew that I was renting. He still paid me six thousand rands every month as his share of the rent, the condition on which he had moved in with me.

When we reached the apartment, Adio was waiting for us.

He looked at Mamma and was struck by her beauty and complimented her, "No wonder Elmarie is so beautiful. She takes after her mother."

Mamma took the compliment modestly and said, "thank you."

Adio met her dressed in a shirt and trousers and looked handsome. I could tell Mamma was apprehensive, but I knew Adio.

Realizing she was carrying no luggage except for her handbag, he asked, "I will go get the luggage from the cab."

"no, no." I hastily said, "the airline mixed up her bag and it seems to have got misrouted." I covered up. "Don't worry, I have enough clothes that would fit her well. And her bag should arrive in a day or so." I fibbed, assuming that maybe we would go around and collect some items from her bag tomorrow.

When Mamma entered, the apartment, Adio took her hand gracefully and welcomed her in, "Welcome."

Adio's six-foot-two height is somewhat intimidating at first. So is his well-built physique with toned abs, muscular thighs, and arms. But then he starts to speak. The timbre in his voice is soothing, his manner comforting and his body language allays any fear whatsoever that his size exhorts. I was confident it wouldn't take him long to charm Mamma.

It was late afternoon on Saturday, and we sat on the balcony with our iced teas.

As was expected, it did not take too long for Adio to unarm Mamma. With each passing hour, Mamma began to ease.

Adio made us dinner. I informed Mamma, "Adio loves to cook. And I think you might like it."

Mamma was somewhat skeptical of the possibility but she indulged me by staying quiet.

Adio complimented her at the table and said, "If her praises of your cooking are anything to go by, then I am lame in comparison."

An hour later, Adio tabled Cape Malay curry and yellow rice. Mamma has never been fond of spices but she was impressed with the dish and I noticed she did clean up her plate.

Before we were done for the day, Adio had found out Mamma's interest and ever the conversationalist dug deep into it with his inquisitive nature. He had Mamma talking comfortably.

During the course of the evening, he complimented Mamma at least a couple of more times.

When we bid good night, Adio kissed her hand and thanked her for coming over.

After Adio went into our room, I accompanied Mamma in hers and carried with me a nightgown and nightie, not sure what she would prefer.

As she changed, we talked, "So...?"

Mamma said, "He is indeed a smooth talker. At least I'd give you this."

I smiled, "Mamma, please let him relax, and also, you should too."

Mamma replied, "That boy does have a smooth tongue and he can sweet talk anyone."

"ooh, I can assure you he can do a lot more with that tongue," I said it and then regretted saying it. I took my tongue out and bit it in my teeth, along with squinting my face to signal that I was sorry for what I said.

Mamma on the other hand ended up smiling.

Mamma had put on the nightie and sat on the bed. She opened her arms and welcomed me into a hug good night.

"Mamma, I am sorry I kept this from you. But it is important for me that you keep an open mind with Adio." I pleaded again.

Mamma kissed my cheek and then my forehead, "I promise."

"good night."

"good night."

Adio was waiting for me in the bedroom, anxious to hear the first report. It was important for him too, that Mamma approved of him. But I guess it was early days.

"It took me two years to like you, at least give her two days." I teased.

Adio gripped me in his arms and lifted me to kiss my lips, "aha."

"Do you like my Mamma?" I asked.

"I do, baby, I do. She is sooo beautiful." Adio inadvertently commented in the heat of the moment before kissing me again.

"More than me?" I asked. In between kisses.

"A lot more than you. She is elegant, she is beautiful, she is smart, she is classy." He went on.

Between kisses. "Really," I asked in mock agitation.

"Baby, you are everything that she has AND you are sexy," he announced, before diving in my mouth one more time.

I rolled my hands around his neck and pulled him into a deep tongue kiss.

"so you are saying my Mamma isn't sexy?" I teased him.

He was trapped, and he chose to show me how sexy I was to him.

His tongue did a wonderful job of raising the heat within me.

His hands groped my butt cheeks and started to pull my jeans down, along with my panties.

We untangled briefly to take our clothes off and within a minute he was lapping my pussy.

I remembered having told Mamma that Adio was wonderful with his tongue, this was what I had meant. He got me creaming in no time.

Ten minutes later, Adio was thrusting in and out of pussy in slow motion making love to me.

I was laying under him, as he looked me in the eyes and slowly pushed in and pulled out. We both had our eyes full of desire, looking towards each other.

I gave a muffled cry, "aaah, aaaah, aaaah," to his every thrust. Regretting at that moment, why I gave Mamma the room next door, where she could possibly hear me crying out in pleasure.

I looked at Adio and his eyes were closed. Not his usual style, but I pulled him into my mouth before delivering my exults in his mouth, in order to mute my cries.

I let off an, "aaaaaaah, aaaaaaah," in his mouth.

As soon as Adio realized I was cumming, he let loose his spray inside me with gusto. Every time he sprayed me deep with his cum and sperm, I felt a sense of fulfillment.

Like most nights, we slept in each other's arms naked.


When I got up in the morning, Adio was missing from the bed.

Mamma was an early morning person. Fortunately so was Adio. They had discussed the previous evening about their fondness for jogging and both were missing from the flat when I got up.

I was sipping coffee when Mamma and Adio came all sweaty and flushed. I saw Mamma wearing one of my shorts and T-shirts. Adio must have found whatever he could and must have given it to her for the jog.

Mamma's legs looked great in shorts. She waved at me, huffing, and I said, "good morning, Mamma."

Adio had taken her on his track, and they had done a five-mile run, Mamma's standard. Adio complimented Mamma, "I must admit, Maria, you had me crying." Both Mamma and I knew he was being polite.

Mamma smiled and sipped from my water sipper in her hand. Sweat on her cleavage and her armpits made her look sapped. Adio, too, was sweating in his t-shirt.

All three of us sat at the dining table, talking about random stuff. Only when I got up did Mamma see that I was sitting in my short slip and panties. Mamma would not react to seeing me like that, but she frowned given that Adio was around. Well, to be honest, Adio had seen me in way less than that, so I chose to ignore her frown and moved on toward the kitchen.

Adio noticed her concern and helped with diverting her attention.

"Maria, we would like to take you out to lunch today." Adio offered.

I was in the kitchen looking away, but when I heard him say that, I squinted my eyes. Mamma was usually very touchy with where we ate and was also very health conscious.

But she said, "sure. But you will have to let me choose the place." I smiled.

When Adio was in the shower, I gave Mamma a dress from my cupboard.

Mamma joined me and Adio at the breakfast table. She easily fit in my clothes and seeing her in that dress, I said, "Mamma, this fits you perfectly. And you look great in it."

Adio added before she could reply, "Maria, I must say you look beautiful."