Cara and the Lingering Mechanic

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Elevator repair woman haunts the librarian.
3.5k words

Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/27/2012
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Another story about Cara, a dominant lesbian librarian whose tastes were not mainstream, and Phyllis Gross, an elevator mechanic who serviced the library's lifts and took a liking to the arrogant woman who ran the show. A lesbian themed story with strong fetish appeal. Sensitive readers should read story tags before continuing.


Cara watched her friend/lover Nancy walk across the public floor of the library after giving her a subtle nod, and as Cara's eyes followed her long slender legs she came to the conclusion that all things considered, life was pretty good. The uproar regarding that infamous video of her waltzing around naked and toying with her occasional lover Laura while the entire thing was filled without the middle aged librarians knowledge was embarrassing, but in the end it helped her gain a friend and lover.

They come and they go, Cara mused to herself. Laura departs, and despite it all Cara regretted the way it ended. Nancy, the long and lean head of Research, had been there in her time of need and she was good company and a nice lover. Her furry parts were just as the creator made her, and while she was no Laura in the hair department Nancy was fine.

Still, although she was happy with the way things were with her fellow librarian over the last 2 months, with the two getting together one weekend night a week, Cara felt there was something missing. Nancy was her age, actually a couple of years her senior, and that was new for Cara who had always gravitated to women much younger. Nancy's androgynous body was almost devoid of curves, but while Cara had always been turned by small breasted women and Nancy certainly filled the bill there, there was something bland about her. There was no edge to their love making. and Cara had begun to yearn for something exciting.

Usually all it would take would be for her to think of the time she went to that horrible lipstick lesbian bar and got thrown out, or just as bad the time she let herself get picked up by that tattooed woman with the pussy that had been shaved long enough ago to make her mound look like a porcupine. Remembering that still made Cara dry heave, but she concluded that in the end she was the type of woman who would never be satisfied.


"We've got another prisoner," a clerk at the front desk quipped when the sound of the emergency button of the elevator rang out, the same staff only elevator that only went to the floors the collection was on, and Cara went over with the keys needed to at least get the thing down to the main floor.

Nobody was on it, just a cart of books that an employee put on there and sent it down while taking the stairs, and that was something a lot of staff did to avoid getting stuck. Cara put the 'out of order' sign on it and shut it down, and reluctantly went to call the company contracted to repair the thing. The librarian knew who would likely come to fix the aging lift, and she made a mental note to make herself scarce to avoid seeing that woman again.

That woman was Phyl and Cara regretted ever getting involved with her to begin with, because she was as rude and crude as a dozen dockworkers combined and seemed to revel in how obnoxious she was. Cara did acknowledge that she was initially interested at first because she was so different and she did have features that excited her, but after she barged in on that fateful day and dragged poor Laura into the staff ladies room, forcing herself on the innocent and then getting physical with her? No more of that even if Laura was gone.

As it turned out Cara was busy in the stacks when the repair person came and when the boss returned to the public area one of her clerks said that the elevator repair person had arrived and was working on the problem. Cara casually asked if she noticed who the company had sent and the woman made a face and said "I think it was a woman - here's her work order - Phyllis Gross."

The clerk snickered at that and Cara shook her head at the name which seemed to fit the butch, and then the librarian left to make herself scarce. Phyl Gross, she mused as she took some books that had been cataloged incorrectly and headed for a terminal in the back, keeping her eye out for the woman and hoping the thing got fixed fast.


Cara had been hiding behind an aisle of books on the level below the public floor. watching the open elevator door. Cara had gotten down there and had watched the broad shouldered elevator operator from behind, her blue uniform shirt a darker blue from the sweat stain that ran up her spine. Phyl had reached up and effortlessly pulled herself up through the hatch in the cab and while she had to get back to work Cara found herself staying there and waiting.

The woman had looked even rougher than usual with her short black hair now standing up straight, and from the way she cursed as she threw tools into her tool box the librarian was glad that they weren't on a public floor or she would have no choice but to confront her.

"Hey Jugs!" bellowed the raspy voice behind her, and Cara was so startled she dropped the book she had been holding. "Get a good look from here?"

"I - I was just looking to see if the elevator was fixed yet," Cara stammered.

"Almost," Phyl replied and after taking a step back and looking Cara up and down she grinned that diabolical grin. "Look at you. Is that a little lip gloss? And your tits, they aren't strapped down quite as much. Either that or they're getting so big that the elastic band can't hold them in."

"Don't be vulgar," Cara said and cringed when the butch put her hands on the shelf behind Cara and leaned closer.

"Getting all girly these days? Trying to get people not to think you're the most closeted dyke in the department?"

"I have work to do," Cara said but couldn't get around Phyl's muscular arm so she stayed and blinked from the aroma.

"What the matter? You don't like my perfume?"

"Don't you ever bathe?"

"Of course I do. After you get off today we could go to your place and after you lick me from head to toe I'll let you give me a shower."

"Hardly. I'm shocked your company would permit you to represent them, giving the way you act and your callous disregard for hygiene."

"They put up with me for the same reason your bosses put up with you. I get the fucking job done. I bust my ass and sweat like a horse. These jerks I work with are as old as your elevator but they don't know what they're doing. They need me. They don't like me," Phyl chuckled. "The receptionist at our office? I heard she had a nickname for me she used when I wasn't around so I confronted her about it. She thought I was going to kick her ass but I finally got her to say it. Phylthy. Get it? I laughed my ass off."

"Your girlfriend isn't here any more, or so I was told.," Phyl continued after she stopped laughing. "You know, the one I was fingering in your toilet? Remember? And you got so jealous."

"Laura? She wasn't my girlfriend and I was not jealous."

"She sends her regards."


"Yeah, we got together last week."

"Nonsense, she would never go with you anywhere."

"I went to her place," Phyl explained. "Not hard to find out things about you public employees like addresses. I hate going to that side of the river. It makes my skin crawl, and her apartment? What a dump. Nowhere near as nice as your house."

"I don't believe any of this," Cara retorted as she got a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach and then listened as Phyl recited Laura's address.

"Second floor of the dump that's second from the end of the dead end street," Phyl continued. "She was shocked to see me - tried to tell me she had a husband who might be home any minute. I called bullshit on that because while there might be a husband you could tell by the place that he was long gone. She was a little reluctant at first, but I think that she more she thought about how much she liked how I made her feel that day, the more she wanted me. You're all the same."

"You can close your mouth and lose that dumb expression, and don't worry, she's still alive and well but I doubt she's ever going to be the same," Phyl snarled. "Few are, and nobody knows that better than you. She's all yours, once was enough for me. I prefer gals who don't wear training bras anymore. Her tits are pretty sad for sure, little droopy things - fried eggs I called them - that looked like they belonged on somebody twice her age,"

"Are you through?" Cara said.

"For now. We'll talk again after you get out. What time is closing? 5?"

"I work late."

"Not tonight you won't," Phyl informed the librarian, and before going back to the elevator Phyl grabbed the back of Cara's hair.

"I bet you're getting wet, aren't you? Phyl challenged. "Just like you got wet when you saw me with my hand down your girlfriend's pants in the bathroom, and don't insult my intelligence by denying that when I grabbed you by the throat right after that it turned you on. You like it rough, I remember that from being with you at your place."

At first Cara thought Phyl was going to kiss her, but instead the mechanic lifted her other arm and pushed Cara's face into the soggy fabric under her arm, rubbing her face in hard before releasing her grip.

"Just marking my territory," she snickered as she left. "See you later."


Around 5:10 Cara left the library and went to her car in the employee lot, all the way looking around for Phyl, and when she got to the car she locked the door and took a deep breath before starting the car Cara had washed her face but the scent of the repair woman seemed to linger in her nostrils. It was a pungent scent that was revolting yet in a way the librarian could not understand, erotic.

"Enough of Phyl," Cara said out loud for some reason, and as she drove home she made a mental note to call Nancy, not for any particular reason but just to return to normal.

Cara forgot about that after she pulled into her driveway and saw the motorcycle parked by the garage with the elevator repair woman leaning against it and waiting for her.

"Look," Cara started to say but Phyl simply walked up the path.

"I seem to recall you having a decent bourbon down at your bar. The ride made me thirsty."


"I'll take it in a glass this time - maybe raise my pinkie and sip in a tribute to you wearing lip gloss," Phyl said as she sat at one of the two stools and watched the librarian's hands tremble slightly as she poured, and smiled when she poured one for herself too. "You're excited. That's good, we'll party tonight."


"Relax tits, or would you rather I call you Cara?"

"Cara is my name."

"Fine. Okay Cara, now let's see you relax."

"I am relaxed."

"I mean relaxed as in you taking off the stupid compression band," Phyl instructed, and when the librarian hesitated she added, "that wasn't a request. Would it help if I grabbed you by the neck? We can pretend that you don't want to show me your tits. I can play games."

"This gives you pleasure? Using violence to satisfy yourself?"

"Sometimes, but to be honest it's the threat of something happening that's a turn on," Phyl said. "And if you just stand there looking insulted, after I finish my drink I'll just leave."

"Fine," Cara said as she stared at Phyl from across the bar. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

Minutes passed and then Phyl lifted her glass one last time, and as she set it down and started to head towards the door she snickered when she saw Cara begin to unbutton her blouse, mumbling something as she did.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing," Cara mumbled but when Phyl insisted she repeat what she said Cara complied and suggested, "You're like The Pied Piper of Hamelin."

"Who the hell is that?"

"Mythical character from literature."

"Talk in riddles all you want. I'm no mythical anything. Now get out from behind the bar. I want to see better."

Cara shuffled around to the side of the bar her guest was sitting and as she undid the top buttons of her blouse Phyl poured herself another drink and seemed to enjoy the show.

"No sense pulling the blouse out from under your slacks because they're coming off anyway," Phyl declared. "Drop them first."

Cara found herself following her tormentors instructions, unbuttoning the slacks and letting them fall to her ankles and kicking them off along with her panties before shrugging her blouse off. The librarian undid the clasps of the band and unwrapped herself while Phyl voiced her displeasure.

"Keeping them under wraps - you're a damn fool," she opined. "You should let them hang out, I mean after all it's not like a lot of people haven't seen them."

"Only people I care for - usually."

"Those people you showed your home movies to, were they people you cared about?" Phyl suggested and savored the expression she got in return. "I'm guessing that you're the one I've heard people in other state agencies talking about."


"We have the contract for a bunch of state agencies, and I overheard some biddies talking a while back about some chunky broad with huge implants at the library showing her homemade porn movies to her staff," Phyl chortled.

"I don't have implants. You of all people should know that."

"I tried to think about who that could be until it hit me. I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling them that those breasts were the real thing. Keep unwrapping. There you go, now isn't that better? What did you say? You hate me?"

"I hate myself," Cara repeated, and when she was asked why she replied, "for just about everything. For doing what you tell me."

"You can't help yourself. You are who you are. We all are," Phyl said as she reached out and grabbed Cara's breasts to pull her closer, and then the mechanic grabbed Cara's nipples and pulled the massive breasts upwards with them.

"OWWW!" Cara cried out and grabbed the woman's wrists but that didn't stop her. "Please stop!"

"You sound like Laura did when I yanked her sad little hangers up to her eyes. Please stop?" Phyl mocked. "In a minute."

"Don't - I can't!" the wild-eyed librarian pleaded, almost like she was speaking in tongues until she closed her eyes and let her head fall backwards while her body stiffened.

"What's that?" Phyl asked when she heard a spattering sound, and when she looked down and saw a little puddle on the tiles and Cara's inner thighs wet she smiled and let go of her nipples. "Tsk tsk. Somebody had an accident, but was it pee or cum?"

"Smells like piss in here. No matter," she told Cara who was cradling her breasts tenderly, and as she took her hostess by the back of her neck and had her lead the way to the bedroom she noted, "either is fine because they're both delicious to me."


"Shit, this is some set-up you got here" Phyl said as she entered Cara's bedroom for the first time, and when she saw the mirror on the ceiling above the bed she laughed. "This where you take your movies? Where's the camera?"

"None. No camera," Cara replied, although there had been at one time, but when the system broke down she had taken it out. "I didn't take the recording."

"I know. Here, undress me," Phyl beckoned, and as Cara walked over to the mechanic she cursed every step she took. "Do it nice and slow, Librarian. That movie? I know you didn't take it. I fucked the girl who did, remember? Matter-of-fact, I saw the movie. Not the edited version but the whole thing. Have you seen that?

"No," Cara said as she undid the buttons of the dirty uniform top, exposing the butch's thick neck which she wanted so much to strangle.

"That's a real hoot. You can see every inch of your hairy honey in that version," Phyl said. "You should see your eyes light up when you attack that kid. You're a dyke after my own heart."

Cara said nothing but kept undoing the buttons until she reached the belt of Phyl's trousers. Following orders, Cara undid the button and pulled the zipper down, the sound resembling a growling dog, and then eased the trousers down the mechanic's thickly muscled thighs and hairy calves.

Phyl's baggy boxer shorts were old and worn, and when the librarian tugged them down the pungent smell of the mechanic's sex made Cara shiver, or maybe it was seeing Phyl's wild and untamed jungle of hair that overflowed her delta. Despite herself Cara found herself leaning forward until her nose was being tickled by the pubic hair, but then Cara found herself being yanked to her feet.

"You haven't finished up here," Phyl reminded the librarian, referring to the uniform top which hung unbuttoned on her, and as Cara pulled it off of the mechanic's incredibly muscular upper torso she found herself wishing Phyl didn't have the chain tattoo on her bulging bicep. She also wished she didn't find herself so attracted to this repulsive woman.

"I'm still sweaty," Phyl chuckled when Cara struggled getting the damp and tight wife beater off of her, and after she lifted her arms to allow Cara to pull it over her head Phyl kept her arms up, flexing her muscles and enjoying watching Cara try not to look as she added, "my nipples need sucking."

Like a moth drawn to the flame Cara leaned into the mechanic, her hands on Phyl's broad back as she wrapped her lips around the thick nipple which rested on barely discernible swell of her breast, and as she suckled hungrily Cara heard Phyl purr with contentment. The sound she made was more a growl than a purr but it sent a chill through Cara's body as she went back and forth sucking hard on Phyl's nipples.

Without even realizing it, Cara's hands slid off of Phyl's moist and broad back and slid up to her sides where her thumbs found the soggy tufts of hair that filled the mechanic's chiseled armpits, and as her mouth sucked and her thumbs stroked the tart scent of Phyl filled her nostrils. Cara found herself inhaling deeply to take it all in, leaning her nostrils in that direction, and that was when her eyes met Phyl's.

"What?" Cara stammered

"I've broken you. That arrogant and bossy bitch that thought she owned the library along with every hairy honey that wandered in? She's gone. I ate her up and spat her out. I own you," Phyl spat.

"I - I'm just as strong as I ever was," Cara sniffed, but the steely look the mechanic gave her said otherwise.

"You would always make cracks about my appearance, or about the way I smelled at the end of the day? A day that was filled with actual labor and not pinkies elevated bullshit and bossing people around, but you just gave yourself away," Phyl maintained. "I saw the way you inhaled just now, taking in my funk like it was perfume."

"You're crazy," Cara said without conviction as the mechanic held her scalp in an iron grip.

"I bet you think about me all the time, even when you're fucking the skinny broad at the library," Phyl said. "I've been missing a bandana, something I use to wipe my brow during work. I bet you grabbed it and when you miss me you put it over your nose and pretend I'm there with you. If I'm wrong, just say so and I'll leave."

"Just like I thought," Phyl laughed. "Don't take it so hard, Cara. You weren't easy but in the end, like everyone else I want, you lose."

Cara said nothing, but she didn't have to because her eyes spoke volumes. Phyl pulled the librarian's face to hers and kissed her almost savagely before pulling her face back to her nipple and then yanking in up under her upraised arm.

"What Phyl wants," the butch mechanic concluded as she felt Cara's tongue swabbing loudly while snorting like an animal, "Phyl gets."

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GymTeacherYouDeserveGymTeacherYouDeserveover 2 years ago


I was so excited to read another one of your Cara stories, and you delivered bigly! The patience paid off--Phylthy is my all time favorite antagonist of your Cara stories. As always, your dialogue is hilarious and realistic. And I really like how you spent a little time talking about Phyl's pubic hair.

Hope when you write whatever next story you have in mind, there's plenty of hairy pussy and hairy pussy licking. Maybe some edging too.

Thanks for coming through with another favorite!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Way too negative for me!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Bravo. More please.

AliceGeeAliceGeealmost 3 years ago

Well that was different. Well written and strangely arousing which probably says a lot about me.

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