Cara Steps Back In Time

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Librarian in crisis briefly gets away from her troubles.
3.2k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/27/2012
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Another story about Cara, the lesbian librarian who had pretty much run a major library for many years, and done so in a very dictatorial style. Recently though, things had started to go bad for the middle aged tyrant, and many who had suffered under her were enjoying the sudden turn in her fortune.

This story finds Cara taking a 'sabbatical' from her job as she called it, although those in the know knew it as a suspension that might end up in a dismissal as the investigation into her continued. Unable to bear not going to work, Cara decided to pack an overnight bag and just drive. Stay in some out of the way place where people wouldn't look at her while shaking her head and roll their eyes, and just not think about what was happening to her.

So Cara packed some casual clothes, leaving the business attire behind, and she laughed as she tossed the breast suppression band back into the dresser because she wasn't planning on being anywhere that men would be there leering salaciously at her mature buxom figure.

As Cara headed north seemingly with no destination in mind, her thoughts on the prospect of being an unemployed woman in her mid 50's, she found herself on roads that seemed vaguely familiar. She had driven well over 150 miles without stopping, and she shook her head at the one time she had almost pulled the car over to the shoulder before speeding up when she realized that the waifish hitchhiker was a boy instead of a girl.

"A predator to the end," she muttered to no one, and further down the road with dusk not far away she started looking for a place to stay.

There weren't many options, so when she drove up to a very modest motel with a strip of about ten rooms setback from the road, Cara pulled in. As she drove through the gravel to the office where the VACANCY sign confirmed what the nearly empty parking lot hinted at, she was hit with a sense of deja vu. She had been here before. What were the chances of that, she thought?

The feelings of deja vu intensified when Cara entered the office, and when the slender blonde woman came out to see who entered Cara felt like she was in a Twilight Zone episode. I know her - intimately - the librarian thought to herself before walking up to the desk.

The girl behind the desk hadn't changed a bit in close to 20 years, and that couldn't be but there she was. Cara in more caustic days would have described the woman as chinless with a hangdog expression and an anorexic build, but these days she was just a smiling young lady who was asking her if she needed a room.

"Uh - yes," Cara mumbled as she presented a credit card and her driver's license, and as she sorted through her mental rolodex she took a chance and added, "Elizabeth?"

"I get that a lot. Liz was my Mom. She's passed,," the clerk explained. "I'm Hannah."

"I'm so sorry," Cara replied and then said. "You're the spitting image of her."

"For better or worse as Mom would say," Hannah quipped, and as she looked at the license she lit up. "Cara? You're the librarian, aren't you?"

"Yes, but," Cara started to ask.

"Mom kept a diary, and there was a part about you," Hannah explained. "I was with my old man the weekend you stayed here."

"Your mother had me in her diary?"

"Yes, and nothing bad if that's what you're worried about," Hannah said with a laugh. "And as far as Mom, we had no secrets. One night?"

"I guess," Cara mused. "Your Mom. She was so young."

"Breast Cancer. As Mom said many times, of all the women to get breast cancer, how could I?"

Cara smiled at the faint memory of the self-depreciating motel owner who was pretty much flat chested, and when Hannah asked her what room she wanted and added, #6 has a new mattress, Cara took it.

"I'll try not to be too rowdy," Cara said as she went to the door.

"Look, Cara," Hannah said haltingly. "The only places around here to eat are Hannigan's down the road a bit, and a titty bar farther down that sells hot dogs and nachos. If you would want to, we could have dinner here. Nothing fancy so if..."

"Sounds perfect," Cara said, and after she went to get her bag and opened the door to the room, it hit her that this might have been the same room too.


"You're a good cook, especially with no notice," Cara said as she leaned back from the table.

"I think the wine you brought up here helped," Hannah noted. "Not used to drinking."

"No - oh wait. How old are you?"

"Almost 20, and don't apologize. Want to go into the other room of my palace? There's a TV in there."

"Talking is fine too," Cara said as she followed Hannah into the living room of the tiny apartment and sat on the love seat which was the only seating option. "I'd like to... well, not actually read your Mom's diary, but I'm curious about what she said about me."


"Yes, I mean I remember having a lot of fun with her," Cara said. :Just curious."

"Are you having trouble being here like this?"

"No. You're your own person, even if you are as pretty as she was," Cara noted as she watched Hannah take off her blazer, and after shedding it sat in the other corner of the love seat and faced her while putting her arm over the back of the couch.

"Mom wasn't pretty. She knew that," Hannah said without emotion.

"I thought she was. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right Hannah?" Cara said with a smile as she looked at the lean blonde. "So when I tell you your Mom was pretty, and that I think you're pretty, just smile and nod."

"Okay," Hannah replied, her eyes watching her guest's as Cara looked at the slight girl now clad in a yellow sleeveless top, the nipples of her tiny breasts pressing against the cotton, and Cara couldn't help but notice the modest spray of long, strawberry blonde hairs that sprang into view with the lifting of the teen's upraised arm.

"Feels weird with me practically throwing myself as you," Hannah blurted out nervously. "In case you didn't notice."

"No, I thought you were flirting with me, and I'm flattered at that," Cara admitted. "Very."

"You were asking about Mom's diary," Hannah said in returning to the topic of conversation. "It wasn't exactly chock full of bawdiness. Too much of it was about my father and that was mostly her getting slapped around until he got tossed in jail. That's why the little bits of nice things stood out. Like I said, not many of them because she was - you know - and there aren't many of us around."

"I can imagine."

"If it wasn't for my gym teacher..." Hannah sighed.

"Thank heaven for gym teachers," Cara said with a grin. "It's always been my dream that all young ladies get the gym teachers they deserve."

"Mine was what you might call a stern taskmaster," Hannah recalled. "Miss Blount would keep me after class and make me run laps and do pushups, and then would drive me home because I had missed the bus. Miss Blount would yell at me, telling me to suck it up because most of the physical education instructors were wimps and she was the gym teacher I needed! She started making me shower before she would let me into her car because I would sweat so much, and then she started taking showers with me."

"Hmm... your gym teacher was even better than mine."

"Mom said you were - not mean but very - intimidating?" Hannah told her. "Not like my father was though. After I got older Mom would tell me that she always wished you would come back up here."

"I wish I had, but back then I was self-centered - even more than I am now," Cara confessed.

"Mom also said that she almost fainted when you took off your blouse and she saw how big your breasts were," Hannah said shyly, and the librarian had noticed that the girl's eyes had often drifted down to where her unharnessed breasts moved freely under her loose fitting blouse.

"As I recall, she regained her composure rather well," Cara noted and then asked, "Would you mind if I crept a little closer to you. Don't want to be - how did you say it? Intimidating?"

"Meet you halfway," Hannah said, and the two inched towards the center of the couch.

As soon as Hannah got close enough she practically leapt into Cara's arms, smothering the librarian with kisses and biting her lower lip before the older woman took control, pinning the girl's back into the loveseat and returning Hannah's passion with some of her own.

Cara's hand came up and cupped Hannah's left breast briefly before the lithe teen pulled back and started to lift her blouse off. Cara helped the top come off somewhat, stopping once the fabric went over the blonde's head to hold the blouse behind the couch and tangling Hannah's wrists, making her helpless.

Cara's eyes briefly took in the sight of Hannah's breasts, the lovely orbs mostly all aureola and nipple and made even smaller as Hannah's upper torso was stretched out, before the older woman leaned over and tried to take the whole teat into her mouth. She sucked hard on first the left breast and then the right while Hannah writhed and moaned under her oral assault before her lips nibbled upward into her cavernous armpit.

As Cara nibbled and kissed her way through the furry hollow - a gently scented underarm filled with hair that was fine and luxuriously soft - it was clear the teen wasn't used to having affection lavished in that area, and before Cara was done the girl was nearly falling over the back of the loveseat.

"I hope you have a bed nearby," Cara asked the blonde whose face was flushed and her breathing heavy, and the dazed blonde merely nodded as Cara helped her up and brought her in the general direction of where the librarian remembered the bedroom to be.

There was a dim light on in the bedroom, and Cara smiled when she saw Hannah standing there with her hands cupped over her breasts in a far too late attempt at modesty. Cara playfully took her hands away and chided her for being too late to hide her treasures.

Hannah's blouse was hanging loosely around her neck where Cara had left it, and after she pulled it completely off she knelt down and undid the teen's slacks before slowly easing them down and off. The aging librarian smiled when she saw a faint trace of golden down under Hannah's belly button, and that smile grew when the fuzz first became a trail and then a lush triangle of strawberry blonde pubic hair that Cara inhaled before rising.

"Let me," Hannah whimpered as she took the bottom of Cara's blouse and pulled it upwards before burying her face in the librarian's deep cleavage while her overmatched hands tried to lift the pendulous breasts up around her face. The girl's hands managed to get Cara's slacks and panties from her soft tummy and down her legs before easing the older woman onto her back on the bed.

Cara let the teen have her way as Hannah struggled to get the librarian's panties from around her ankles before throwing them aside and spreading Cara's full thighs before diving into her plump pussy face first. What Hannah lacked in experience she more than made up for in enthusiasm, and when her tongue seemed to flag the older woman took over, putting Hannah on her back and pinning her down while dragging her pendulous breasts over the girl's tiny buds before hanging them over the blonde's face.

Cara slid down a bit so Hannah's lush bush rubbed against her swollen labia, and this made the girl giggle. The librarian could feel how wet Hannah was getting, and when she could wait no longer Cara slid down and worked her tongue into the furry opening. Hannah came fast and when Cara didn't stop the girl came again, blasting her face with her juices as she writhed under her.

"Oh wow!" was all Hannah could manage after she caught her breath, and as Cara slid next to the lean blonde she thought of that old saying about not being able to come home again. Maybe this wasn't home, but it was just what Cara needed.

Cara ended up spending almost two full days at the motel and never really using her room. She stayed in Hannah's office/apartment for the most part, and loved how Hannah couldn't keep her hands off her breasts, constantly sneaking up behind her to knead them. It got so that Cara didn't bother with a blouse because it got in the way of Hannah's affection, which bordered on worship like many girls did in her younger days.

Cara eventually left, leaving way more than the room cost, and when Hannah told her to come back up someday, Cara said she would. On the long ride home Cara thought of the fresh faced blonde most of the way, but as she neared home Cara's fantasies changed to dark images, mostly of the rough butch Phyl and how she abused her.

As Cara pulled off the interstate she looked over the river and thought of Laura who was probably still in that dingy apartment of hers and probably obediently under the thumb of Phyl if what the mechanic had said was true.

"I blew that one," Cara muttered as she thought about her furry former subordinate who looked better to Cara the more time passed. "Really blew it, like I have with most of the rest of my life."


In the not too distant future....

About a year later Cara found herself driving up north again, and it was like the car knew the way to that run down motel on it's own. It hadn't been a good year for Cara, to put it mildly, and she was hoping that coming back up here would brighten her spirits.

That was not to be because the rundown motel was now boarded up with FOR SALE signs on it. Clearly Hannah had either gone broke or gave up, so Cara pulled over and tried to figure out what to do since it would be dark soon and she was almost 3 hours from home. Cara finally started driving a little further down the road, hoping there would be someplace she could stay overnight.

The glow of neon signs peddling beer and liquor in the windows caught her eye, and Cara figured she needed a drink more than a room so she pulled into the sparsely filled parking lot. The sign indicated that this was the "gentleman's club" Hannah had mentioned, but that wouldn't have stopped Cara even in better times so she walked in.

As she went towards the bar Cara heard a couple of comments and snickers on the way, and she even stopped and gave one rube a cold glare, figuring that she had been in a couple of fist fights recently in her local lezzie bar - fights at her age she muttered to herself - and taking a swing at a man would be fun even if it wouldn't end well.

The bartender didn't even blink when she reached the bar and poured her Tullamore Dew without comment. As Cara sipped the lousy funk music got louder and a bored voice announced that taking the stage would be Sweet Sue, and as a blonde ran up to the pole a few handclaps greeted her. Cara glanced over briefly but then did a double take when she looked at the girl hugging the pole.

It couldn't be, Cara thought when she saw the plain face on the bored blonde, especially when Cara's eyes drifted down to enormous breasts that stuck out like torpedoes, but when Cara looked back at her face it was clear who this was. The brief expression of shock on Hannah's face confirmed it.

Cara moved down the bar near the dancer's stage, and managed to exchange a few words with Hannah who seemed happy to see her but said because the owner was a prick she couldn't talk to anybody until closing time.

"Unless you buy a lap dance," Hannah added, and although Cara winced at the prospect of spending 40 bucks to have Hannah grind on her for 5 minutes, she coughed up the money.

Hannah led Cara to a dark corner in the back, and the older woman noticed her 2 twenties go from Hannah to some Soprano's lookalike as the two passed.

"This is good," Hannah said as Cara slid into the cushioned seat with duct tape holding it together, and the girl shook her head at the comments from the bar clowns who had seen them go back there. "So what are you doing back up here? Starved for entertainment?"

"I was coming back to your motel..." Cara said before she was interrupted.

"The bank's motel. I folded a few months ago."

"Too bad. It wasn't a bad place. I liked both of the proprietors I met," Cara quipped.

"I'm flattered. Look. Do me a favor. Touch me or something so people don't think you're a cop or something," Hannah asked, and when Cara brought her hands up to Hannah's ribs and slid them up until her thumbs were under the girl's arms. massaging the moist skin that was smooth as silk Hannah giggled.

"Hairless from the neck down," Hannah announced.

"I see something else changed," Cara noted as she nodded down to the huge breasts that were as big as her own.

"Rocco bought them for me," Hannah revealed. "He said they might stop guys from looking at my face."


"You can feel them if you want," Hannah offered, adding, "I wanted tits as awesome as yours but - oh well - maybe as time goes by they'll get better."

"I liked the natural Hannah's breasts a lot better," Cara opined as she briefly squeezed the rock hard fake boobs.

"Wouldn't make a nickel here with those little ping pong balls I used t have," Hannah explained , and as Earth, Wind and Fire faded the girl shrugged as she stood up and said, "Sorry. Songs over. Hey, how have you been doing?"

"About as good as you I guess," Cara lamented.

"Say, can you dance? You've got the jugs for it, and they have afternoon dancers for the more mature crowd. I could put in a good word for you with Rocco," the blonde offered.

"No thanks," Cara replied and after a peck on the cheek she bid Hannah farewell, stopping at the bar for a nightcap..

As Cara was leaving another dancer took the stage, and as she glanced at the poor middle aged woman whose hanging breasts could not quite hide her belly as she danced awkwardly, Cara was chuckling as she imagined herself playing out the string in this backwoods hellhole but then realized she was in no position to talk.


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GymTeacherYouDeserveGymTeacherYouDeserveover 2 years ago

So excited to read your latest!!


1. Have you considered (since you seem interested) in taking Miss Blount and making it your own? I wouldn't put this character with Cara as I think suspension of disbelief would ruin this. How about a student, or student teacher--kind of an extended Cara universe canon? Your dialogue is often hilarious and your butch characters are perfectly suited to this (and so are some of your male characters). If you've considered this, remember...take your time. Make it your own.

2. Cara in this story has some chemistry with Hannah that resonates. Could be the start of a "settling down" arc. You already know that PHYL is one of my favorite characters. I would be eager to see more of her. Again, this could be part of an extended universe in this franchise (God, I HATE talking like a damn Star Wars neckbeard!)

3. You're right with hesitating on a stripper arc for Cara. It doesn't fit. You exhibited enough surface knowledge on how libraries operate. Because of this, Cara as an educator in a professional setting works. To move her this drastically will destroy suspension of disbelief and take some of your readers out of the story.

4. GREAT descriptions. You spent your (normally) usual time talking about the pit and pubic hair. Again, pit hair or leg hair ain't thang...but a woman's gotta have a thick bush. Nonna that bald pussy shit. Keep on truckin' there.

5. Have you considered "stitching" a few of your stories--not just the Cara ones--but a few of your other stories? What I mean by this is: Cannibalize some plot lines from previous ones in order to build a larger "novella" or "novel" sized story. The shorter stories become stand alones and/or a sub plot to the larger overall plot of a long story.

Thanks again for delivering another tale in the Cara saga. I love them all!

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