Carpooling With My Sister


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When my thoughts came down from the clouds, I noticed my hands were gripping Mia's butt inside of her panties, and I was using them to help her grind her pussy against my cock. I loved the feel of her body pressed against mine, but I knew I'd cum in my underwear soon if I didn't stop this.

I pulled my hands out of her panties. I grabbed Mia by the waist and pushed her back as we continued to kiss. Once I had some room, I slipped my right hand into the front of her panties. I slipped a finger between her pussy lips and found her very wet. When I circled Mia's clit, she stopped kissing me to let out a moan. She gripped my shoulders with her hands as I continued circling her clit and panted out her pleasure.

Mia suddenly jumped off the couch. She said, "Let me make that easier for you," as she pulled down her panties and stepped out of them. While she was doing that, I stripped off my shirt.

Mia climbed back on the couch, this time straddling my right leg. She stood straight up on her knees to give my hand good access. She grabbed the top of the couch and said, "I love you, Jackson."

I slipped my fingers through Mia's light brown curls and down to her pussy. "I love you too, Mia." I parted her pussy lips and found her clit with my finger again. Mia let out a hiss of delight. As I resumed circling her clit, she shifted her hips to find a comfortable position and to guide my finger to the right spot.

Mia said, "I meant last night to be a one-time thing, but it felt so right, so good. It showed me how much I love you; how much I want to be with you. I've been struggling with my feelings all morning..."

"I want this to be an everyday thing, Mia."

Mia smiled. "I do too. It's crazy how fast things changed."

A line from The Princess Bride popped into my head. "This is true love. Do you think this happens every day?"

Mia giggled and then said in a loud, sing-song voice, "Wuv. Twue Wuv..."

I continued rubbing her clit where she had guided my finger. Mia went back to breathing deeply as she pressed her crotch against my hand.

I couldn't resist saying, "Tweasure your wuv."

Mia smiled briefly before going back to concentrating on the pleasure my hand was giving her. "Mmmmm...Oh...Oh...Oh...a little higher." I moved my finger a light higher on her clit. "Oh...Oh...Oh, yeah...Oh yeah."

Mia started quivering. Her hips jerked randomly. I moved my hand around to keep my finger on her clit. Her eyes were closed, and I drank in the pleasure on her face as she came.

A few seconds later, Mia opened her eyes. I dropped my hand, and Mia hopped off the couch. She tugged on my shorts and said, "Somebody is overdressed."

I stood up and pulled down my shorts and underwear. The only clothes we had left on were Mia's socks.

Mia climbed back onto the couch, grabbed the top of the couch with her hands, and wiggled her butt. "Are you ready to have sex on the couch for the first time?"

"Yes." I put one hand on her hip and guided my cock toward her pussy with the other hand. "I'm ready to make some happy memories on it."

"The first of many happy memories."

My cock touched her pussy. "You make me so happy, Mia."

I pushed a little forward, and my cock was inside of my sister. I put both of my hands on Mia's hips and pushed my cock slowly forward. Mia was very wet, but she was so tight that her pussy provided a lot of resistance. I took my time, enjoying every fraction of an inch my cock slid into Mia. We were lovers now. We had crossed the line that brothers and sisters weren't supposed to cross. It felt so wonderful, so right. I wasn't having sex on the couch; I was making love on the couch. To the woman who I'd soon be living with.

I continued my slow advance until my crotch pressed against Mia's butt. I was all the way in. I didn't move for a few moments, savoring how great it felt.

Mia said, "Stay there." She slowly rocked her hips forward, my cock slid a few inches out of her, and then she rocked her hips back until her butt was pressed against me again. "Stand still and let me fuck you." Mia slowly shifted her hips forward and back again.

"This feels incredible."

"I love being in control, which is why this is my favorite position on the couch."

Mia continued her cycles of rocking her hips forward and back. I put just my fingertips on the sides of her waist. When my cock came close to coming out, I pressed down to stop Mia.

It felt wonderful to have Mia do all the work; to just relax and enjoy. Pleasure flowed through my body as my cock slid back and forth through Mia's wetness. As I had nothing else to do, I admired Mia's marvelous body. She had a great ass with the perfect combination of fullness and firmness. She also had a muscular back and sexy shoulders. And her red hair looked so beautiful as it swung back and forth gently.

I said, "This is great."

Mia asked saucily, "Having fun?"

"Lots of fun. I'm going to have lots of fun living with you."

Mia let out a happy sigh. "You make me so happy, Jackson." Mia stopped moving her hips. "I've had my fun, and now I'm ready for a good fucking." I grabbed Mia's hips firmly. "Fuck me, Jackson. Fuck me good."

I pushed Mia forward a few inches and then pulled her hard back onto my cock.

"Oh yeah, Jackson."

Damn, she felt so great. I pushed her forward a bit further than last time and then pulled her hard back toward me again.

"Like that," Mia said.

Mia started rocking her hips in time with me, so I fucked her harder and deeper. God, I was getting so deep inside of her. Mia kept saying little encouragements. "Oh yeah." "Like that." "Fuck me good."

Faster and faster I fucked Mia. The faster we went, the more intense the pleasure. Our bodies made a loud slapping sound every time we came together. I stared at Mia's gorgeous ass as I fucked her again and again and again. The rest of the world faded away. It was only me and Mia, making marvelous love together.

Mia was now just saying, "Oh!" every time I slammed into her. I could feel sweat rolling down my body as I fucked my sister even harder. I felt the pleasure building and building until...

I said, 'I'm about to come." I didn't know what Mia would want me to do.

"Cum in me, Jackson."

I did a few more strokes, and then I pulled Mia hard against me as I started coming. Intense pleasure swept over my body as the first spurt shot into Mia. Deep, ragged breaths filled my lungs as I filled Mia with spurt after spurt. It felt so great. There was the physical pleasure, but also the deeper joy that Mia and I were truly lovers now. We were joined together in a special, mystical bond.

When I was done coming, I put a hand on Mia right below her chest. I spun as I sat down, so Mia was now in my lap. Her back was against my chest, and her head was on my shoulder.

I said, "I love you, Mia."

Mia turned her head slightly so she could see me. "I love you too, Jackson." She gave me a quick kiss and then put her head back on my shoulder. We held that position for a while, both of us catching our breath with me still inside of her.

Suddenly, it hit me what I had done - I had fucked my sister. It had felt so right, but I knew it was so wrong. I said, "Any regrets?"

Mia thought for a few moments before responding. "Some." After another pause, she added, "It's scary jumping into a relationship with you. I have no idea how we are going to make it work. But I want to make it work."

I nodded my head in agreement. "Ditto."

Mia stood up, my dick sliding out of her as she did. She grabbed her shirt and pressed it to her crotch while saying, "You need to shower and go to work. I'll look for apartments. Call me when you're done with work."


I knew I should get going, but there was something I wanted to do first.

I said, "The next time..." I felt so foolish I stopped.


"The next time we have sex...would you call me 'Sugar'?"

Mia laughed her silvery laugh, kissed me on the cheek, and said, "I'd love to."

Epilogue - Six months later
I got a call a little after seven. I was surprised to see it was Matt. "Hey, Matt. Long time, no hear."

"She's gone."

I laughed. "Who's gone?" It could only be one person.

"Janice. She got walked out of the building this afternoon."

"No shit! They didn't just let her go? They actually walked her out?"

"Hell yeah, man. It was the prettiest sight I've ever seen. Ding, dong; the witch is dead." He laughed.

Mia and I had been watching TV on the couch. Mia stood up and stretched as I said to Matt, "Tell me all about it."

"I don't know how much you know about the department after you left. It's been a steady exodus; about half the department. We've got a bunch of contractors and temps. Janice has moved some of our work offshore. Of course, our metrics are in the gutter."

I shook my head. "She should have been fired so long ago."

"Yeah, but Travis really liked her." Travis had been her boss. "But Travis left two months ago for a better job."

"Probably used Janice's slave-driving to get that promotion."

"No doubt. Anyway, we got our new director Monday." It was Wednesday. "Her name is Aubrey. First day, she gave our group a speech about her vision of how she'd manage her departments. Lots of good stuff; very different from how Janice managed us. I think she could tell something was up just by how our department received her speech."

Mia had taken our glasses to the kitchen. She was back now. She motioned for me to move to the end of the couch.

Matt continued, "So, this morning people in the department got invites to meet one-on-one with Aubrey. My meeting was in a little room with no windows. Aubrey opened the meeting by promising me confidentiality and then asked me questions about Janice. I let her know that I thought Janice was a terrible manager. She thanked me for my honesty and then called in the next person."

"The little chats of impending doom."

"Yeah. I've heard about them, and I was glad to finally do one."

Mia sat down between my legs and laid back slowly until her chest was pressed against my front. We frequently cuddled like this while we had long talks.

I asked, "So, what happened after the meetings?"

"We went back to our cubes and worked. Janice asked a few people how the meetings went, and they were all very guarded about it, saying nothing beyond it was a good meeting. Around three, Aubrey showed up with a RIF box." A medium-sized moving box with no top and holes on the side for handles. Big enough to hold a worker's personal items yet easily scannable by a manager to make sure no business items were being taken. "We watched Aubrey march down to Janice's cube. Do you remember how her cube is in the middle of all of our cubes, and how with the low walls everyone can see everything? It was like we all had a front-row seat."

"Of the best show you've ever seen?"

"The very, very best."

I pulled back a little bit. "You know, I've always felt that no one ever deserved to go through the embarrassment and humiliation of having to fill the RIF box in front of their coworkers. I've always hated seeing people being walked out. I've always felt like it was the company's fault, not theirs."

"But you'll make an exception for Janice."

"Ab-so-lutely! Firing her was the right thing for the company to do. And while she was filling up her RIF box, she suffered just a fraction of the embarrassment and humiliation she dished out. God, it was so stressful working for her. When I started working in my new job, I felt like this huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders."

"My doc has put me on blood pressure meds."

I said sadly, "I can believe it. Hopefully, you can get back off them soon. So, what happened after Aubrey gave her the RIF box?"

"We all pretended to be working, but we were watching Janice. It didn't take her long to fill the box. Then she picked up the box and started down the aisle. I tried to keep my face somber as she walked toward me, but once she was past me, I busted out a huge grin. I looked at my coworkers, and they were all grinning too. Once she was away from our area. I felt this need to go to the bathroom. And to use the bathroom near HR."

I chuckled. "So, you followed her on her walk of shame to HR?"

"You got it! From a discrete distance of course. Amazingly, three other people in the department had that same urge to go to the bathroom. Once she went into the HR director's office, and the door was closed, we all walked back to the department. We tried to act cool, but it was really hard to keep the happiness in. When we got back to the department, everyone was the same way. We did some serious celebrating - high fives, chest bumps, hugs; you name it. And we all kept singing 'Ding dong, the witch is dead'. People dropped by to celebrate with us. It was great. It was like the best end-of-the-school-year party ever. At five, we all went to the Rose and Crown and continued partying there."

"Are you still there? I'll come join you."

"I'm not there. There may be some still people there."

I turned the idea of going over a few times. "People have probably left. Maybe I could join you guys for lunch tomorrow?"

"Let's do that. It'd be great to see you again. How ya doing?"

"Doing great. I'm loving the new job. Mia and I got a new apartment. She decorated it, and it looks great. Like something from a magazine. You should come over sometime."

"How is Mia doing?"

"Doing great." I gave Mia a little hug. "She recently got promoted from Analyst to Analyst II. Got a nice raise." I was really proud of her getting that promotion.

"Would you consider coming back to the department?"

I gave it a few seconds of thought and then said, "No. I got a nice pay bump when I took this job, and I'm doing bigger dollar work now."

While I was saying that, Mia grabbed my hand and slipped it under her nightshirt. I was now gliding my hand over the smooth skin of her stomach.

Matt's voice turned serious. "I left the party early to go back to the office. I found Aubrey and told her that I think you'd be the best choice to be the new department manager. I said that everyone in the department liked you, and you were respected in the company. You also knew more about the departmental processes than just about anyone."

I felt a huge surge of appreciation toward Matt. That was just a tremendous thing to do for someone else. I asked, "What did she say to that?"

"She said that it sounded promising and asked me to get your resume."

"Thanks man. Thanks a lot. I'll get it to you. And then we'll find a date for you to come over."

We talked a little more and then hung up. I told Mia everything Matt said. I asked her, "What do you think?"

"It sounds good to me."

"I'd have to work a lot of overtime at first until everyone was trained and everything was under control."

"We've done fine with you working a lot of overtime. I just need notice beforehand. It's your choice."

I kissed the back of Mia's neck. She was the perfect woman as far as I was concerned. I had been so happy since that morning we decided to accept that we loved each other.

I thought through the pros and cons of taking the job. My hand drifted down her stomach. "I think I should take it. Get us more financial security." I made a little circle with my fingers on her skin above her panties. "For someday."

Mia turned her head and kissed me as I continued to make circles with my fingers. "For some day."

Author's Notes:
* A huge thanks to my editor Tigersman and the others who contributed to this story: haplessfool, footlovin69, TM, Zoomie69, mycuriousnature, and Vix Giovanni
* Please vote and comment! They are my only "payment" for this story
* If you liked the story, you should read my extended Author's Notes here
* If you find any typos or grammar problems, please PM them to me, and I will post a cleaned-up version of this story
* If you send me a PM, please have a valid email address on your LitE account so I can reply back if I choose
* I have several other stories similar to this one. Click here to read them.

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Tuskum1Tuskum1about 1 month ago

Outstanding story. The buildup was just the right pace. I enjoyed the way you took your time constructing the events surrounding thier circumstance. The plot details seemed reasonably air tight. Having secondary and even tertiary characters and settings really added dimension to this story. Well done.

Coochielover71Coochielover71about 1 month ago

Very, very good story. Thoroughly enjoyed.

westendwestendabout 2 months ago

Great story, really enjoyed it. I liked the way Mia played it...he gave her many chances to back out, but she had made up her mind. Great! You author very good stories.

RocketMan12RocketMan12about 2 months ago

Who are these people ? Who talk like that. No tension at all between brother and sister.

wuz2bluwuz2bluabout 2 months ago

Wonderful story! Full of heart as well as heat, and believable while still being a warm fantasy to allow us to escape our regular lives.

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