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"It's run the gamut, actually. But they've all been younger than me. These days, that isn't hard to do. The pool keeps getting bigger every day," I joked.

"Anyone as young as me?" she asked, obviously interested in this line of questioning.

"Actually, yes -- but only one. And it was a disaster."

"Ohhh, do tell," Cassie pressed on.

"Well, she was a very nice young lady, maybe a little older than you. But what drove me crazy was her fucking cell phone. She kept looking at it, and checking it, and she was sending a text when I came back from the bathroom at one point. It was a complete and utter turn-off, I have to tell you. And I should add that it's not unnoticed on my part that you have refrained from doing the same. I know it's a generational thing. But I think it's the most unsexy thing in the world and a slap in the face to the person you're with to boot."

"I didn't bring my phone, partly for that reason. I like to get away from it, honestly. And I know what you mean. But it goes both ways. There are some guys who are just as bad, maybe worse."

"Well, in any case, I thank you, Cassie. This is just a lovely evening."

I raised my glass and we toasted as we smiled warmly at one another. I wondered if any patrons were looking at us at that moment. Our conversation drifted toward dating and who we'd been out with and with what repercussions. Cassie had some very funny stories and I had a few of my own.

Every so often she would spread the fingers of both hands and weave them into her hair on either side of her head, brushing back her wild wonderful tresses, throwing them back over her shoulders. There was a flamboyant, but subtle, sexiness to this gesture that made my blood flow just a little faster.

She was not shy on eye contact, and neither was I. We gazed into one another's eyes as we conversed and both of us were getting lost in the view. Every once in awhile my gaze would drift southward to admire Cassie's upper torso. Her breasts, while not large, were still very nicely proportioned to her slender frame, and a subtle cleavage was always in evidence. I could also make out the profile of her nipples straining the bodice of her stylish dress.

"I can't believe I'm sitting here with you, Cassie. Not what I expected tonight, I can tell you."

"That makes two of us, Teddy. I was expecting to be dining on leftovers and seltzer. It is a Tuesday night after all."

"Well, this is a real treat and I'm so glad you're here. Thanks for agreeing to come," I said, stating the obvious.

"I can't say I was expecting a fine dining experience with a handsome older gentleman. I'm the one who should be doing the thanking," she replied.

We declined dessert when asked, but I suggested an after dinner drink to Cassie and she agreed.

"Let's share a glass of something," she suggested.

I ordered a nice tawny port and we took turns sipping. At one point our fingers met as we both reached for the stem, and I felt the electric shock bolt through my nervous system. We looked in each other's eyes and smiled.

"You know, I would have sprung for two glasses."

"I know," she replied sweetly, "but it's kind of fun to share the same glass."

She took another sip and looked at me over the rim of the glass. Those big brown eyes were so intoxicating in the flicker of the candlelight. I paid the check and followed Cassie back through the restaurant to the exit.

We soon found ourselves out on the street, wandering down Park Avenue South. The cold brisk March air felt good after the toasty surround of a crowded restaurant. The buzz of diners and busboys gave way to the honking of taxis and the cacophony of big city life. I offered Cassie my elbow for support.

"Cassie, I don't want you to go sprawling across a side street here. Those heels, as good as they look on you, are not boots made for walking."

The source of my Nancy Sinatra reference probably went over Cassie's head, but my intention did not. She grasped by arm tightly and pressed up against me as we walked south. "Isn't that your hotel?" Cassie asked as we walked by the W. "You can peel off, if you like. I'm perfectly fine."

"I hadn't planned on peelage occurring -- unless you're trying to get rid of me. To let a damsel as fine looking as you wander the streets of this dark city would seem a tragedy. I am fully intending to walk you home, wherever that is, and I will not take no for an answer."

"Well, thank you, then," she said as she gripped my upper arm a little tighter, leaning on me for support. "I'm still a few blocks away -- in the East Village."

"I think I can handle that. But I'm enjoying walking so close to you, so if you want to take the long way home, I'm okay with that too. We could hit Jersey on the way," I offered.

"No." she said with a grin. "These shoes will have seen enough use for one night. I'm looking forward to taking them off soon."

If there is more romantic thing than walking the streets of New York with a beautiful lady on your arm, then I don't know what it is. But this evening was a treat in so many ways -- and a part of me was hoping madly that it wasn't over yet. We arrived at her four floor walkup on East 12th and she turned to me. I waited expectantly -- for what, I didn't know. She slid her hand down my arm to take my hand into hers.

"I know you have to get up early tomorrow, but it's not that late, really. Could I pay you back with a night cap?" she said in a low sultry voice, looking with what, I liked to think, was a pleading look. I stroked my chin as if deep in thought; pondering weighty thoughts.

"Hmmmm. Do you have something stronger than seltzer?"

"I think that can be arranged," she said with a sexy smile.

I rubbed my chin some more, a furrowed brow expressing the depth of my contemplations. Cassie hauled off and whacked my arm.

"You are rude," she exclaimed, her face glowing. "You better decide soon or I'm going to retract the offer."

I sighed loudly.

"Well, if you insist," I said, conceding reluctantly. "Besides, I should see you to your immediate door with those impossible heels. I couldn't bear the thought of you keeling over and bouncing down four flights of stairs."

She opened the door and we began our ascent. I followed her much the way I had that afternoon -- admiring the curve and sway of her ass, sliding just below the thin black silk of her dress.

"What? No escalator?"

"No, we have one. It's just not working," she joked. "And besides, this is a test. Guys who can't make it up the stairs are not welcome. I like guys who can keep up with me."

I wasn't sure if the double meaning was intended or not, but I made sure I matched her step for step. She moved pretty nimbly for someone in spiked heels on a steep stair. We arrived at her studio, she fumbled with the locks and opened the door. We stepped inside and she flicked on the lights.

"Would you like a tour?" she asked in a joking manner.

It was a one room studio apartment, with a queen bed toward the front and a small living area with a sofa and two chairs to the rear. A small alcove off to the right housed a kitchenette, and the one other door in the room led to what I presumed was the bathroom. Two windows on the far wall opened onto a view I could not see, but guessed was brick walls in an alley.

She took me by the elbow and led me to the center of the room.

"Now turn around slowly," she instructed. I did as I was told.

"What do you think?" she asked brightly.

"Marvelous," I replied. "New York post-grad-school chic at its finest."

"Why thank you. Now why don't you take a seat in the parlor while I repair to the kitchen quarters and fetch us the night cap I promised?" I watched her as I sat down in one of the armless wooden chairs. A low glass and wrought iron coffee table sat between me and the sofa and it was covered with books and magazines. I glanced over at Cassie as she busied herself, pulling down a few glasses. I heard the glug of wine being poured and watched as she returned with a glass in each hand.

She handed me one and then sat down on the sofa, her dress riding high up her thighs as she did. She leaned her long legs to the side and reached down to unstrap her heels. There is something about watching a woman put on, or take off, a high heel, especially one with straps, that gets me every time. I watched with impunity, not caring if she felt the visual intrusion or not. She took off one, then the other, rubbed her feet briefly and then retrieved her glass; holding it up for a toast.

"To serendipity," she stated.

"Amen," I replied, and took a swig.

She jumped up and lit some candles, turned off a few, not all, the lights -- then turned on some music. Soft jazz began to drift through the high ceilinged space and suddenly the lighting, music and wine transformed the tiny studio into a very comfortable space.

Cassie leaned back against the back of the sofa and crossed her legs. The hem of the dress had slid way up her legs by this time, and she made no gesture to pull it down. She wasn't being immodest, but she certainly seemed to feel comfortable showing off the smooth skin of her very slender thighs. I admired her form over the rim of my glass as I took another sip. I felt an overwhelming urge to touch her; to feel her skin.

"It's so nice -- and so unexpected -- to have you here, Uncle Teddy. I wonder what our families would say if they saw us sitting here in my little apartment?"

"Oh, I don't know. We're just sitting here, enjoying some wine. listening to music It's not like we've done anything."

"Yet," she added. Her word hung in the air for a moment. She eyed me carefully as she raised her glass and took another sip of wine. As she did so, she uncrossed her legs and then casually brought them up to rest on her coffee table.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you not to put your feet on the table," I inquired.

"Yes. But this is my place, so I make the rules. And I like being comfortable here."

The tone of her voice had taken on the slightest edge. I could feel her eyes on me -- and she could probably see mine on her, or on her legs, to be exact. Her shoeless long limbs were now cast directly in front of me, and the black fabric of her dress had risen to a point where it barely covered her. Both of her thighs were completely exposed, and the silk hem of her dress nestled down slightly at the northern apex of her legs, forming a dark triangle where my eyes now rested.

Without realizing it I had begun to thicken in my jeans, and now an old friend had come to visit and he was forming a generous bulge in my denim crotch. And as I shifted my eyes up to Cassie's, I could see that she had discovered my predicament and was wearing a bemused smile on her pretty face.

I suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable. What was I doing here? This was my friend's daughter, I was leering at and I was now getting visibly excited in her presence. I fidgeted slightly and moved my thighs, trying to relieve the pressure that was building between my legs. It was a not too subtle move.

"Geez, Cassie. Maybe I should, aah, like, I should go," I said, not sure exactly what I was trying to say or communicate. I needed some sign from her. I needed to make sure I wasn't crossing some invisible line.

"Well, Teddy," she said so softly I could barely hear her. "You could go -- out the door and back to your hotel. Or," she paused and put one of her long legs back down on the floor, the other still on table. "Or, you could just go down on me." She pulled her leg on the table up so her knee was in the air -- and now her dress rose up completely and the slender black triangular slice of what looked like a black thong came into view. I was transfixed -- and speechless -- and now very, very hard.

"Holy fuck," was the only thing that came out of my mouth. Eloquence was escaping me under the circumstances. But she saw my eyes locked on the moist darkness at the apex of her legs and knew she had me hooked -- and good. Cassie spread her legs a little wider and began to run her hands along her thighs, grazing her fingertips along her smooth skin. I was in awe at the sight and I could see her eyeing the thickened bulge in my jeans through lowered lids. I thought I heard the slightest moan come from the sofa.

"Teddy," Cassie said in a low sultry voice, just above a whisper. "There are three things you should know about me. First, I am really attracted to you. I always have been, but tonight sealed the deal. I want you, Teddy, and judging from that lovely bulge in your jeans, the feeling is mutual. Second, I am horny as hell tonight, not unusual for me, but more so than usual. If you stay you may find out what that means. And third, I love cock. I love it, Teddy," she said in a seething whisper. "Cock," she repeated, enunciating so it sounded like a dirty, filthy two syllable word.

As she spoke she began to undulate her hips and placed her hands on her upper thighs to frame the thin black triangle of silk covering her sex.

"Do you want to see me, Uncle Teddy?" she asked, knowing the answer full well. "May I show you?"

"Mmhmm," I grunted, now lowered to animalistic urges of the most basic kind and well beyond replying with actual words. .

"Take your cock out first, Teddy. You look so uncomfortable. Give it some air," she crooned.

The jeans I was wearing were too tight to just unzip and unfurl. I stood up, placed my sport coat on the back of my chair and unbuckled my belt. I did this slowly, watching her watching me; her fingers now pressing the silk of her thong deep into her barely hidden groove.

I was at full erection and felt like I was ready to burst out of my jeans. I unzipped carefully and the thin black material of my boxers bulged through the zipper. I heard Cassie moan slightly under her breath and rub her thong-clad clit. Rather than bending over to lower my trou, I clasped my thumbs in the waistline of my jeans and boxers and pushed them straight down to mid-thigh. My erection burst onto the scene rather ceremoniously, like the life of the party arriving to everyone's delight. It stood out firm and proud, sticking straight out through the tails of my white cotton shirt.

"Oh my God, Teddy. I had no idea," Cassie cooed with joy. "Oh, baby, we're all gonna have some fun."

I sat down to do the unceremonious part of disrobing: shoes, socks, jeans, boxers. I unbuttoned my shirt, but left it on. When finished I sat back against the wooden chair, legs spread, cock at full mast, bobbing slightly, balls tucked up as one with the long rigid shaft.

"Well, since we're trading secrets, let me show you mine," Cassie continued.

She reached across, hooked her fingers under the edge of her thong and pulled it out and to the side, exposing her pussy. I gaped -- there is no better way to put it -- at the sight before me. She lifted her ass up off the edge of the sofa a little to give me a full straight on view of one of the loveliest pussies I had ever laid my eyes on.

She looked like she'd been recently waxed; the skin of her vagina was smooth and sleek. Her legs were still close enough together that her labia framed the inner lips with two long rolls of hairless soft flesh. The furls of her inner labia peeked through as two slender ridges of delicate skin, just coming out from their darkened lair.

Then she reached down with one hand, her fore and middle finger in an inverted vee, and she spread her lips apart while looking deep into my eyes. She saw them widen, no doubt. Her inner lips unfurled in a perfectly symmetrical display, and the deep wet pink gash of her core was exposed to me for the first time. At the apex of her pinkness was the tiny erect orb of her clit, uncloaked from its hood and peeking out shyly from the tender surrounding tissue; shining with excitement and expectation.

"Oh, Cassie," was all I was able to mutter.

I hadn't even realized my hand had wandered down to my own sex and was stroking to the sight of this lovely unveiling. And just as we were each sinking into a comfortable reverie and graphic mutual show, Cassie's cell phone rang. I hadn't noticed it before, but it was on the sofa next to her. I didn't expect her to answer it given our conversation earlier in the evening. But when she glanced at it and saw the caller ID her eyes got wide.

"Oh shit. It's my Dad. I forgot he was going to call tonight."

She picked up her phone and flicked in open.

"Daddy. Hi."

I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I had been so turned on that it took a few minutes for my raging erection to subside. But I stayed in the chair, squirming, as Cassie talked to her father and my excitement slowly ebbed and hung heavily between my thighs.

Marty and his wife, Carol, were heading into the city for the weekend and they were calling to make final arrangements. But while I was flagging and uneasy, Cassie continued to play with her pussy; smiling at me all the while as she talked to her father in the most natural voice; her legs splayed wide. I was amazed.

"Oh, you'll never guess who I ran into today," Cassie continued. "Uncle Teddy. Right in Barnes & Noble."

I could hear the scratchy voice of Marty asking questions on the other end and Cassie responding -- saying what a surprise it had been to run into me and how good I looked. If Marty had ever realized I had been sitting naked and fully erect in front of his daughter when he called, and that she was at that very moment playing with her pussy for my carnal pleasure, he probably would have grabbed a shotgun and blown my head off. I was suddenly feeling like maybe I should go when Cassie said goodnight to her father and snapped the phone shut.

"Now," she said standing. "Where were we?"

She stood before me running her hands slowly over her body, watching my reaction with lusty eyes. She reached behind and undid her zipper, then turned her back to me and took her time lowering the thin straps off her delicate shoulders. Then, in one motion, she let the dress fall to the floor in a tiny black heap. She was still facing away, but reached behind to cup her buttocks, lifting them slightly and letting them fall back in place with a tight fleshy jiggle. Then she turned.

I could not stop staring at her lovely shape and beautiful face. She was now wearing only the tiniest thong and seemed to feel quite comfortable in her current state of undress. The thin straps of the thong wrapped over and across the curves of her hips and ass and accentuated the graceful lines of her exquisite form. Her breasts were nice B cups with lovely upturned nipples standing at attention; pale in color, with small areolas. They bounced tightly against her rib cage as she moved. Her body was glorious -- slender, curvy, and very sensuous.

"Oh no! What happened to the boy?" she said sadly, eyeing my flagging manhood. "He'd been so alert a few minutes ago." I still sat with my legs slightly spread. My cock hung from the root, arching in a heavy cantilevered curve; dangling in that no man's land between flaccid and erect.

She came around the coffee table to kneel in front of me, pushing my knees further apart and hunkering down on her own. She opened her mouth, stuck her tongue out, and lifted the head of my dangling cock; cradling the head in the curve of her tongue. She was looking up at me with devilish eyes as her tongue stimulated that wonderful spot on the under ridge just below the head. She didn't use her hands, placing one on each thigh, as she opened her mouth and slowly enveloped the first few inches. The blood that had vacated my groin came roaring back, and in less than a minute Cassie brought my cock back from the dead, until it was standing straight and proud, thick with anticipation. She let it slide out of her mouth with a wet popping sound.

"Mmmm," she moaned. "That's more like it."