Caught In The Rain

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She planned to lose her virginity, but not how it panned out.
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Emily sat on the end of her bed, reading again through the various birthday cards she'd received from family and friends on her eighteenth birthday yesterday, Despite only moving to this house with her parents three weeks ago, she'd received cards from a couple of their new neighbours, including a present from Jack and Sarah, a couple in their forties who lived at the end of the cul-de-sac.

Reading another she blushed. It was from her friend Alice, and memories of last night at her house with their other friend Joanne flashed through her mind. The thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing. Both girls were almost six months older than she was.

"Hey girly, guess who's going out on Friday night?" Alice laughed as the video call started.

Joanne sat behind her and noticed the grimace on Emily's face.

"Come on Em, I know it's not your usual thing, but a few drinks at the new club in town now you're legally old enough to drink won't hurt, will it?" she said.

"Yeah, old enough to lose your virginity too now, well with a man anyway," Alice laughed.

Joanne playfully punched her friend and told her to stop teasing. Emily blushed again, recalling last night when she'd had a few drinks to celebrate her birthday, the girls had started daring each other to talk about boys they liked, girls too in Alice's case as she liked both. Joanne had dared Emily to kiss Alice, which she did after a shot of whisky, then when Alice dared her to kiss Joanne too things escalated.

Their kiss had been prolonged, only breaking off when Emily felt hands running under her skirt and up her thighs. Alice knelt between her legs, pushing them apart as she looked at Joanne, who kissed Emily again pushing her down onto the bed. While she did so, Alice had removed Emily's knickers and started tracing a finger along Emily's slit.

Emily had felt strange, in that she hadn't expected there to be much difference between using her own fingers. She hadn't thought about fancying Alice, or any girls for that matter, but the feeling was that good she'd let her carry on. Only when she felt Alice's tongue on her clit did she realise Joanne had moved, rubbing herself as she watched on. Just a minute later, Emily had cum for the first time with someone else. They'd all agreed it was a drunken fumble and wouldn't harm their friendship.

"I'll ask mum and dad if it's okay with them, you know they panic and fuss over me," Emily said.

Her mum frowned when she told her, they were going to a family party and because it was back by where they used to live, they were staying overnight.

"That's okay, Joanne said I could stay at hers afterwards," Emily lied.

She phoned Joanne soon after and was told to wear something sexy as John was going to be there too. Emily blushed again, John being her not-so-secret crush. He was the college go-to guy, most of the girls fancied him, some making it a lot more obvious than others. He'd seen Emily and smiled, Emily smiling back awkwardly, Alice laughing at her reaction when she told her John had approached her and asked who her blonde friend was.

Friday night came and Emily walked out to the cab that her friends were in, Alice wolf-whistling her as she got closer. She'd been pleased with how she looked in the mirror when she got ready. Her blonde shoulder length hair was down except for two thin plaits tied at the back, her black and pale blue dress complimented her black eyeliner and eyeshadow highlighting her ice blue eyes. Knowing John would be there, she'd been online and ordered some black hold up stockings and a black thong, not being brave enough to go into an actual shop to buy them. Her black heels made her look taller than her normal 5' 6", but helped make her calves look shapely too.

The night had been reasonably pleasant, John was indeed there and had bought the girls a round of drinks, then had a long conversation with Emily that got flirtier as it went on. Emily had already had a few drinks to calm her nerves and looking into John's dreamy eyes she found herself hoping he'd come back to her house with her and take her to bed. She excused herself, saying she needed the toilet, and returned to find him gone.

Looking around, she saw him now on the dancefloor dancing and grinding his body against another girl. Emily started sobbing, Alice telling her to forget him and look around for someone else to chat to.

"I don't feel too good, I'm going to get off home," Emily said, wiping her eyes.

Joanne pulled a face of despair which Emily noticed.

"You guys stay here, enjoy yourselves, you don't have to leave with me," Emily told them.

The girls took some persuading, but Emily told them repeatedly she'd been fine getting home, she'd had a few drinks but wasn't too drunk just yet. She left and phoned a cab which turned up shortly after. Emily got into the back seat, telling the driver where she needed to go to. She sat quietly, looking out of the window, then had a thought.

"Hi, how much will the fare be?" she asked the driver.

He looked at the meter which was running and told her it would be around £15. Emily opened her bag, took her purse out, and looked inside. She had a £5 note and some change, counting it out she only had £11 in total. She told the driver.

"Is there anyone at home who can bring money out to me?" he asked.

Emily shook her head, knowing her parents were out. He looked at her in the rearview mirror.

"You could always pay me the rest in another way," he told her, moving his tongue against his cheek.

"Ew, I'm not giving you a blowjob you are a disgusting pervert," Emily cried out.

"Well, I'm only taking you so far until the meter reaches £11 then," he told her.

Emily pulled a face and went back to looking out of the window, until the driver pulled up. He grabbed his crotch, laughed and asked if she'd changed her mind. Emily handed over the money and sat watching as he counted it.

"Suit yourself love," he said, unlocking the doors so she could get out.

As he drove off, she looked about, new to the area she tried to get her bearings. She started to walk in the same direction they'd been driving, then saw a shop she recognised. She was about four streets away from home, around a twenty-minute walk. As she went to cross over, the heavens opened, and it started raining hard.

Emily started to feel the cold air more now as her arms got wet, her dress stuck to her skin as the rain lashed down. She took her heels off, but her nylon-clad feet kept finding small bricks and making her squeal, so she put them back on. She planned to run but was already soaked through anyway. Finally, she reached her street, walked up her driveway and went to get her keys out of her bag. No! Where was her bag?

She remembered taking her purse out of it to get the money out for the cab. After putting her purse back in, she'd put the bag on the floor by her feet. In her rush to get away from the driver, she'd left it in the cab. Oh well, she thought, I'll phone them and see if he can drop it off. The only problem with that idea was her phone was in her bag too, and she'd put it on vibrate mode. She stood by the door and screamed loudly in disappointment.

"Emily? Emily is that you?" she heard a voice say.

She turned to see Jack standing by his front door, looking over at her, and she waved.

"Are you okay?" You look soaked through, what are you doing outside?" he asked.

"I've lost my keys and my parents aren't in," she told him.

"Do you want to wait over here?" he asked, " at least come and dry out a little, I can see you shaking with cold from here."

Emily looked at her house, there were no windows open, and she couldn't even get into the garage. Reluctantly she trudged over to Jack's house and thanked him for helping. Walking into the house she heard a voice from the living room, Jack ushering her towards the kitchen.

"What time are they due back?" he asked.

"Not until tomorrow some time," Emily frowned.

"Well, you could stay over here if you want. You can have the bedroom upstairs and we'll sleep down here," Jack offered.

"Will Sarah not mind?" Emily asked.

"No, we sleep down here a lot," he responded.

"Now, you need to get out of those soaking wet clothes, they're stuck to you," he instructed.

Emily looked down at her body and blushed, her cold wet dress clung tightly to her body, her nipples erect from the cold and visible through the fabric. Jack pointed to the stairs and told her to go on up.

"Oh, hold on, let me be a gentleman and lead the way so I don't follow you up and see anything i shouldn't be seeing," he smiled.

He walked up, Emily following, then she walked into their bedroom. She stopped and gasped. Jack saw her face drop.

"Oh, sorry, I should have explained we have an ensuite bathroom," he told her.

He pointed to a door and told her there was a big towel already hanging up in there. He pointed to the floor, telling her to leave her wet clothes there and when he heard the shower start running, he'd come up and fetch them and put them to dry.

"I'll put them on the airer overnight and bring them back up in the morning. I'll knock the door, and if you don't answer or are still asleep, I'll leave them here for you to fetch," he instructed.

Emily smiled and thanked him, and he told her to sleep well, there was a TV at the end of the bed she could watch if she wasn't too tired yet. She waited until she'd heard his footsteps go down the stairs, then started to peel her wet clothes off herself. She slipped off the dress, bending to put it on the floor, then standing back straight caught a glimpse of herself in a full-length mirror.

Her black lace bra pushed her already decent 34C breasts upwards, accentuating her cleavage. Her thong clung to her mound, Emily glad she'd shaved completely, and she twisted her body to show how the thin material cut into her buttocks. The black stockings were a bonus, highlighting her shapely legs. Fuck John, he didn't know what he was missing,she thought.

She put the undies with her dress and turned on the shower. She heard the bedroom door open shortly after, and hoped it was Sarah that had come to fetch her clothes, not Jack seeing her stockings and lacy underwear. The water felt extra special on her cold skin, the shower gel minty and made her skin tingle. She stayed under the jets for an extra ten minutes, just enjoying the feel of the water trickling down her body.

She stepped out of the shower and picked a towel hanging up by the shower and wrapped it around herself. It smelt wonderful and was thick and fluffy. Wrapping it around herself she felt like it was giving her a hug. She stood on a mat, also thick and fluffy, the fibres tickling her toes. She dried herself off slowly, then saw a bath robe hanging up. It was as thick and warming as the towel had been. She walked out into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, drying her hair with the towel.

As she did so she looked around the room, it was neat and tidy but big wardrobes and drawer units adorned the walls. All the bedding was silk, the pillowcases, sheets and the mattress cover. Emily realised she had nothing to sleep in but brushing her hand across the pillowcase and feeling it cool to the touch, it wouldn't be so bad to sleep naked on.

After taking the towel back into the bedroom, she turned on the TV, she flicked through the channels for a while but couldn't find anything worth watching. Getting bored, she walked over to the door and opened it, listening out for Jack and Sarah, but hearing nothing. I might as well be nosey while I'm here she thought to herself.

The two huge wardrobes had mirrored doors and had a large shoe rack separating them. Emily opened the left hand one to see it contained Jack's clothes, with quite a lot of expensive looking suits and shirts amongst them. Walking to the other and opening it, she gasped. There were a lot of dresses inside, brand name and designer dresses, and again expensive looking. She pulled one out and checked it, to find Sarah was the same size as herself. She took off the robe and threw it on the bed, took the dress off the hanger and slipped it on.

She looked at herself in the mirror in this dress. Halter neck, floor length with a split right up to the upper thigh, she knew she looked amazing in it but also there was no way she'd ever be able to afford one. She tried on another, this one navy blue with a lace neckline, which clung to her body showing off all her curves, the lace showing off her cleavage. John wouldn't go off and dance with some other slut if she'd have been wearing this one, no way.

Hanging the dresses back up, she stood naked while looking through the others, then turned to the drawers by the side of the bed, Opening the top drawer, she gasped again. The drawer was full of lingerie, mostly lace, again all expensive looking. She pulled out a black Basque set, gold trimmed, and held it against herself, admiring herself in the mirror. There were several items in there, each one Emily wishing she owned, and then she pulled out something even better.

Emily wasn't the most adventurous and couldn't tell what the item was at first, trying to work out the angle the band and the straps went, twisting and holding it against herself a few times until she got it correct. It looked at first like a wide black belt, but with a zip down the middle. Holding it against her stomach Emily saw the were straps off the bottom for attaching to stockings, and straps from the top too. Holding them up, she realised they were shoulder straps that fastened around the neck.

Putting it on the bed, she sneaked over to the door again, peering out. Not only could she not hear anything, but the hallway light had also been switched off. Maybe Jack and Sarah had gone to sleep already. She quickly but silently went back to the bed and picked her newfound treasure. She pulled it around her waist and pulled up the zip, twisting it slightly to straighten it. The fabric stretched from her hips to right under her firm breasts. There were four straps at the top and she quickly noticed that two were fastened to the back, which she put her arms into, the other reached around and fastened behind her neck. Now all fastened, the four front straps sat perfectly on either side of her breasts, like a see-through bra.

Wow. She imagined John peeling off the dress from earlier and seeing Emily wearing this underneath. She delved into the drawer again and pulled out some black stockings. Sitting on the edge of the bed she pulled them on, stroking her legs as she did so, then fastened the straps to them. Wanting to complete the look, she found out a black G-string and pulled it on, fitting it over the straps. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked hot and felt very sexy wearing these. She turned and marvelled at her arse eating the string of the tiny panties.

She bent and opened the bottom drawer and without looking put her hand in, feeling something quite hard. She plucked it out, to see she had a realistic cock in her hand. The dildo was around 8" long, and Emily held it flat along her palm as she stared at it, running a finger along the pronounced veins, her fingernail into the very tip. She'd never handled a real cock, and it was the first time she'd seen a dildo that looked like one. Running her hands over it, she could feel herself getting more and more turned on. She knelt by the bed, side on to the mirrors, and held the cock on the bed pointing upwards.

"So John, do you like this then?" she whispered as she started running her hands down each side of the dildo.

Holding the base, she started stroking the cock, imagining watching John with his eyes closed at how well she wanked him, now and again watching herself in the mirror.

"You want me to blow you? Okay, but I've never done so before so be patient with me," she whispered again.

She leaned the dildo more towards herself now, still gripping the base, and opened her mouth and took the end of the dildo in. She clamped her mouth shut, wanking the dildo into her mouth. She slid her mouth a little further down until she gagged. She had to get used to her mouth being stretched, not trying too much too soon. She watched herself in the mirror constantly now, watching her mouth work on the cock, impressed with herself that she could now take half of the cock without gagging.

"You want me to get up on the bed?" she whispered now.

Emily got up on all fours and dipped her head back onto the dildo. As she did so she slid a hand down and into the front of the G-string, feeling how wet she had got and imagining the fingers were Johns.

"Ready? Ready for what?" she asked, "Oh, you want to fuck me? Be gentle then, you know I'm a virgin still," she told the imaginary John.

Still holding the dildo steady, she turned and lined the dildo up behind herself, pushing the G-string across one buttock and let the dildo slide between her wet labia, pushing them apart. She felt the very tip push into her, and taking a deep breath she pushed her hips back. The first couple of inches were in now, and she paused as she got used to the feeling. Emily looked back over her shoulder, seeing her hole spread wide to accommodate the dildo, her lips gripping either side of it.

She took the dildo out and moved right to the bottom of the bed and repeated what she'd just done, now having a better close up view. Now she started to move on the dildo, watching as her hole stretched almost effortlessly around the shaft. It hurt, but not as much as she'd been expecting, and the pleasure far outweighed it anyway.

She took her time, biting her lip as she got braver, until she pushed down onto the dildo and felt her buttocks touch against her hand, still gripping the base. She moved her hand and looked, pleased with herself that she'd taken near enough all of the dildo. She rode it for a short while further, then stood up.

She pulled the dildo slowly from herself, then peeled down the G-string. Fuck, the gusset was soaking wet, it would be obvious it had been worn. She made a conscious effort to make sure she at least washed it out later. For now, she threw it onto the bed. Emily grabbed all of the pillows, and laying on her back, arse nearly hanging off the end, she opened her legs wide. With the pillows under her head she could watch in the mirror as she pushed the dildo back into herself, groaning loudly as it filled her once more.

Now and again, she'd stop thrusting and pull it right out, watching her pussy gaping until it constricted, then she'd open herself up again. She felt her body start to tremble, and knew where this was leading, however this was new territory. She made herself cum plenty of times with her fingers, this would be different. She desperately tried to keep her eyes open to keep watching, She thrust the dildo quicker, her wrist starting to hurt a little, but not wanting to stop. She imagined John thrusting quicker and quicker, trying to cum with her, and her other hand reached down, and her fingers found her clit.

Emily arched her back, pushing onto the dildo, her other hand a blur now on her clit, her moans and groans getting louder and louder. Her hips bounced up off the bed, Emily knew this was going to be a good strong orgasm. Just as she started to cum, just as she groaned louder than before, the door opened and Sarah, and then Jack, appeared in the doorway, the landing light highlighting them.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuucccckkkk," Emily cried out as she couldn't stop pushing the dildo inside herself through her orgasm, despite her audience.

Neither moved, neither said anything, they just stood still watching on. Emily finally stopped, her body limp, her hands dropping to her sides, the dildo still plugging her pussy, her eyes closed.

"Are you really still a virgin?" she heard Sarah ask.