Central High Blues Ch. 04


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"Yes, ma'am," I said. I started to walk into her kitchen, but then decided I wanted to go outside for some fresh air. "Let me know when I can come back in," I said before stepping outside.

I sat on the stoop of her front porch. It really was a nice day outside. I didn't know how many more beautiful late-summer days like this we would have left. It made me think that I really ought to use the pool when I got home. Now, I was thinking all of this, but it was just to distract my thoughts. I was a little nervous about Nurse Hamilton and Trina talking in there without me.

Nurse Hamilton seemed to know everything about me and about what went on at our school. She was also Heather's grandmother, and she seemed to know what was going on there as well. I really didn't know how she felt about me as a person. She might at that very moment be warning Trina to break up with me, knowing what an unfaithful scoundrel I was.

I am sure I was outside for five or six minutes, tops, but that really dragged out as I worried about what they were talking about inside. It was a relief when the two of them came to get me. Trina sat next to me and gave me a reassuring hug.

"Your turn," she said.

I turned to look up at Nurse Hamilton. "This will just take a minute, Josh, and I'll let you kids get going."

I stood and walked back inside. Nurse Hamilton closed the front door softly and turned to face me.

"You haven't told her about you and Heather, I presume?" She was looking at me when she asked, and she nodded her head when she saw my expression before I even had a chance to answer. "Look, Josh, you and I need to have a serious talk. You should take that lovely young lady home and come right back. No sense making her wait around outside for that long."

Once again she read my panicked expression, and she leaned in to give me a warm hug.

"Don't worry, sweetheart," she said, "The good Lord didn't put me on this earth to judge anybody. You have got some complicated issues to work through, and I want to help you with that."

I did as she instructed. Trina and I made out in my car in front of her house when I dropped her off, but she seemed relieved when I insisted on leaving instead of coming inside.

"You know I love you, right?" she asked after a long kiss. I smiled at her. She was beautiful in her insecurity.

"I only held off telling you I love you because it seemed too soon," I replied. We hugged again and she got out of the car. I stared at that sexy bottom as it swayed up onto her porch. Trina blew me a kiss before she disappeared inside her house.

I was terribly nervous when I got out of my car at Nurse Hamilton's house minutes later. She opened the front door as I walked up to the house, and she was all warm smiles as she welcomed me into her home again. Her hand felt somehow familiar as it ran over my back and lightly squeezed my shoulder.

"Oh, Josh," she said sadly, "You are a nervous wreck. That won't do at all."

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"It's okay, sweetheart," she said.

She took my hand and let me over to that leather sectional again, and she sat me down. She looked down at me critically and she frowned softly. Looking up at her, I was surprised to realize how attractive she was. It's not like I had some fetish for older women, either. She had those striking, classically beautiful features that you would expect to see on a movie starlet from the fifties, when they were in their prime. Heather's face looked like a gorgeous pixie, but her grandmother looked like a glamour model, just past her prime.

She seemed to debate something with herself while she looked at me. Finally she just shrugged before sitting next to me on the loveseat portion of the sectional. Her gigantic breasts jiggled around outrageously throughout the process, and she smiled when she saw me looking. She slid her hand over and gave my thigh a light squeeze.

"It's okay, sweetheart," she said, "It's quite a compliment for me, you know that?"

I was stunned when that soft hand slid to the inside of my thigh and squeezed the shaft of my dick. I looked into her eyes in disbelief. She gave me a squeeze and then released me, looking into my eyes the whole time.

"Josh, you can tell me anything. You look like you have a lot to get off your chest," she leaned in and kissed me, surprising me yet again. "I will never tell a soul, not even my granddaughter. Everything that happens here, stays here. Got it?"

I nodded, but didn't have a clue what to say. I was still nervous as hell, and she knew it. She smiled at me again, and there was something in the look she gave me that I had maybe seen once or twice before in my life. It was a look that said she knew already, and was just waiting for me to say it. She was listening out of courtesy so that I could get it out and feel better.

She turned and pulled her legs up onto the seat, facing me. She reached out with her right hand and gently pushed me back into the comfortable leather behind me. Her hand stayed on my chest, lightly stroking me as she spoke gently.

"You're too polite to ask, so I'll tell you," she began, "I am eighty-five years old, Josh. I have been the school nurse at Central High for fifty-seven years now. Over that time, I have seen and heard it all. There is nothing you can tell me that will shock me."

She looked into my face and it felt like she was reading my mind again. I was thinking that she would be shocked if I told her about my mother and Beth. She shook her head and gave me a sad smile.

"You wouldn't be the first young person to tell me they were in a...taboo relationship," she said, "At least with you, it isn't an abusive one. It's not like your father raped you or something horrible like that. I've helped young people get through that before. Talk to me, Josh."

I had that one last reservation.

"I gave my word, Nurse Hamilton," I said, "I promised I would never tell a soul."

She nodded at that. Again, though, it was something she had heard a thousand times before.

"If you try to keep all of that bottled up inside you, it will make you sick," she said, "You need to think of this as a confessional, or a therapy session. We have a school counselor, and he's a really nice young man. But let's face it, he would lose his shit if you told him everything you've done this past year."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. Her eyes were smiling at me, and I felt some of the tension ooze from my shoulders.

"What about Heather?" I asked, "Do you really want to talk about what I have done with your granddaughter?"

She shrugged, once again causing her breasts to jiggle distractingly.

"I don't have a problem with it," she answered, "I would be there for her if she needed to talk about anything. I get the feeling, though, that your relationship with her isn't the problem. Heather loves you, of course. If she wasn't almost twice your age, she would really love to spend the rest of her life with you. Oh, she never said that to me, but she didn't have to."

That caught me by surprise. First, because I had no idea that Heather felt that way about me. Also, I had thought she was a lot younger—maybe twenty-five or so.

"Heather is thirty-three," Nurse Hamilton said.

Damn, that was just eerie. I thought.

Her hand was still on me. It had worked down to my belly and she was lightly rubbing her hand back and forth along the top of the waistband of my pants. I finally found my voice.

"You've read my medical file, right?" When she nodded, I continued. "Well, everything was normal before that. If I hadn't been in a coma for so long, I would probably have had a typical high school experience. I went through all those growth spurts while I was unconscious, though, and that made it all...what are you doing?"

She stopped and looked at me. Her hands had begun unbuttoning my pants.

"I wanted to help you relax," she said. There was no guilt or embarrassment in her voice or her demeanor, "and I wanted to see this big dick of yours."

I was only a little distracted as I lifted my hips and allowed her to slide my pants down. She pulled out my dick and began to stroke it softly. Once again, she looked right into my eyes.

"Please, go on," she said.

I got comfortable with her hands stroking me like that. It was unexpected. She wasn't jacking me off. Rather, it was arousing without pushing me towards a climax. I looked down at my dick and shook my head. It looked enormous in her little hands.

"I still haven't gotten used to that," I resumed, "My dick is so much bigger than it was before I got sick. It was the first thing I saw when I came out of my coma. Do you know the nurses Heather worked with? Sarah, Charlene and Jeannie?"

"Yes," she answered, "I have met all of those girls. I even saw you when you were in your coma, about seven months ago."

"Oh," I said, "I had no idea."

She smiled at me again.

"They were all doing things with you before you regained consciousness, weren't they?"

I nodded and finally realized there was no reason for me to hold back anything anymore.

"When I first woke up," I began, "Charlene was sucking my dick—only I didn't realize it was mine. I was so out of it, I thought I was watching a porno."

I told her everything, as best I could remember. Just being able to say it all out loud was an enormous relief. It felt completely natural, somehow, when Nurse Hamilton lay on her stomach and began to suck on my cock. I kept talking and she nodded as she nursed the pre-cum from me over the next hour.

I did gloss over the details of my physical therapy. She had read all of that in my file, after all, and that wasn't what was troubling me. When I got to the part of my hospital stay where I had begun to have really vigorous sex with all of the nurses, she finally released my dick from her mouth and spoke.

"This is great, Josh," she said, "I just didn't realize you had so much to tell me. Do you need to call your mother to let her know where you are?"

That caused me to glance at my watch for the first time since I had arrived. My parents would be getting home soon. Mom might already be there.

"That's a good idea," I sighed.

She got up and patted my cheek.

"Go ahead and make that call," she said, "I'm going to get some water. Would you like some?"

"Yes ma'am," I said.

I hadn't realized that I was thirsty until she had mentioned water. I had been talking for quite a while, though. I called my mother's cell phone.

"Should I tell her that I'm at your house, or just that I'm visiting with a friend from school?" I asked Nurse Hamilton.

"Tell her you're here," she replied without hesitation. "And thanks. I am happy to be your friend."

She handed me a tall, cool glass of water. My mother answered her phone before I got to drink any of it.

"Hey, Mom," I said, "I just wanted to let you know, I am at Nurse Hamilton's house. I will be here for a while, so you and Dad should probably eat dinner without me."

"Are you okay?" she asked, sounding concerned, "Did you get hurt today or something?"

"No, nothing's wrong," I replied, "We were just talking, and it's been really nice."

"Oh, okay," she replied, "Thanks for letting me know. Is there anything else?"

"No ma'am," I said, "That was it."

"Have fun, then. We'll see you later," she said.

After I hung up, I realized that I could have had this conversation with my mother three months ago. Now, though, she was a big part of the problem. I drank the entire glass of water in one long gulp. I realized that Nurse Hamilton was looking down at me expectantly again. When I met her gaze, she spoke up.

"Are you hungry, Josh? We could take a break and eat something if you'd like."

"I'm not really hungry," I replied, "Are you? We can take a break now and eat if you're hungry."

She took my hand again and helped me to my feet, then knelt and helped me out of my pants and boxers. She stood and squeezed my hand again.

"We'll eat something later," she said. "For now, let's get more comfortable."

I followed her and was not terribly surprised when she led me into her bedroom. She gently helped me out of my shirt and socks and had me lie on her bed. I was surprised when she undressed before joining me in her bed. I had not expected her to remove her clothes, and I was stunned at how amazing her body was—not just her enormous boobs, which were far larger than Heather's, and not just 'amazing for her age'—this woman had a smoking hot, matronly porn star body.

"How is that possible?" I breathed out as she rested her breasts on my thighs and kissed the tip of my dick.

"What's that?" she asked.

"You look like you could pass for my mom's sister," I answered, "My mom's younger sister, at that. And my mom doesn't look her age, either."

Now, that was a bit of an exaggeration, but only a bit. She had obvious laugh lines at the corners of her eyes and some creases on her forehead. There was noticeable grey in her hair, and there were a few scattered stretch marks on her body, but if you had told me she was forty-five instead of eighty-five, I would have believed it and thought she was in great shape.

Nurse Hamilton smiled around my dick before releasing it.

"You are quite the charmer," she said, "No wonder my granddaughter adores you. To answer your question, though, I always used a lot of Oil of Olay, especially on my breasts. I didn't want them to get all wrinkly and saggy as I got older. I exercise all the time, and I'm careful about what I eat. I'm sure my genes played a huge role as well."

"Wow," I replied as she took me back into her mouth. "Where was I? Oh, so Sarah decided she wanted to try taking me in her ass..."

Not long after that, I was getting more turned on as the filthy details poured out of my mouth. Nurse Hamilton pulled her mouth from me.

"Josh, when you need to come, just let it out. I'm ready for it."

Her mouth was more insistent when she took me back in. Three minutes or so later, I gasped out loud when she nursed a healthy load of semen out of me. Her mouth went back to slow, gentle sucking after that, but she never stopped. I regained my composure and continued telling her about my hospital stay. I had reached the point where my mother had flashed me, and I couldn't figure out if it was on purpose or not.

I even told her about my guilty, incestuous dreams about my mother. I was rock-hard in her mouth again. I was a little surprised when she stopped sucking my cock and stopped me in my tale. For the first time, she looked a little embarrassed as she rubbed her sore jaw. That made me feel guilty.

"I'm so sorry," I said, "Do you need a break?"

"It's not that," she said, rising from her belly, "It's just that I have gotten really turned on listening to you and sucking your cock. You don't mind, do you?"

I wasn't sure what she was asking as she slid up my body. I could not take my eyes off of her unbelievable breasts. Even when she took my cock in her hand, I was still staring at the fat nipple that was closing in on my face. She smiled down at me when she saw the light dawn in my eyes. She was sliding my cock into her pussy.

I didn't really learn about kegel muscles or exercises until years later. I understand now that was how this remarkable woman kept her pussy in such astonishing condition. At that time, though, I was just blown away at how unbelievably tight her drenched pussy was. She groaned and fed me her nipples while she rode me. We took a half-hour break from my story.

At first, my mind was screaming, "You're fucking an eighty-five-year-old woman!" That passed quickly, though. My cock had been dying to unload inside Trina all day, and it was just happy to finally find itself back in the loving embrace of a welcoming pussy. Nurse Hamilton was just fantastic. Like her granddaughter, she kept her pussy and asshole waxed. Her first orgasm hit her almost as soon as I was sheathed inside her. She sighed contentedly, giving me a loving smile as her body shuddered on my lap.

She started to ride me gently after that, her muscles milking my shaft the entire time. Her gigantic tits occasionally obscured her face as she fed them to me.

"You can suck them harder if you like," she encouraged me.

I did, loving the way she moaned in appreciation. The way her talented pussy muscles worked over the length of my dick was just amazing. If she hadn't already sucked me through that earlier orgasm, I would not have lasted five minutes inside her. As it was, I felt like I was right on the brink of coming again for twenty minutes straight. She cooed happily, loving the fullness of my cock inside her. Her second orgasm coated my shaft and balls with slippery pussy juice.

Finally, she rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide, encouraging me to really pound her hard. That got both of us where we wanted to go in a hurry. She held my head in her hands and looked up into my eyes as my cock exploded inside her. She continued to hold me and stroke my face as her pussy drank my cum.

"Lovely," she murmured gently.

She wrapped her legs around me and gave me a long, slow kiss on my lips. When she looked into my eyes again, she said, "Please, continue. I think you were finally getting to the part you really need to talk about."

I lay on her chest with my cock still inside her and reached the point in my story when I arrived home from the hospital. She smiled at me when my erection returned. I was telling her about Leanne. I went on for a good fifteen minutes telling her about the complete history of my fixation over my goddess. By the time I realized that I had started fucking Nurse Hamilton again, I was well along, taking full length strokes and really driving in and out of her.

I stopped talking and fucking abruptly. I hadn't thought about Leanne at all for a good four or five days. She hadn't texted or called, which is what she had insisted upon. Still, I wondered how she was and what she was doing. Nurse Hamilton held me in her arms and legs, squeezing me softly in that full-body hug.

"I can help you with that," she said gently, "I can call Leanne and explain it to her. She has made a terrible mistake. You two should be talking every day, if she sincerely wants to spend the rest of her life with you."

"Is that it?" I asked, "Is that where everything went haywire for me?"

"I don't know," she answered. Her heels pressed my ass slightly, pushing my cock back into her to the hilt. "Why don't you keep going?"

I kissed her, and this time it was a smoldering, lustful, hungry kiss. I looked into her eyes and we both knew that I was thinking about Leanne while I fucked Nurse Hamilton. Her talented, ravenous pussy didn't seem to mind. Her expression told me she wasn't offended either. We moaned into each other's mouths when I came inside her a second time. That had been one intense coupling and orgasm, for both of us. She coaxed me off of her body so that she could get up from the bed.

"I'm going to need a shower," she said before kissing my lips again. "You're welcome to join me. After that, we'll have some dinner. I get the feeling we have a long night ahead of us."

I watched her voluptuous body for a minute as she walked into the bathroom. I shook my head in disbelief once again before rising to join her. She smiled at me and rose up on her tiptoes to kiss me in her bathtub. I marveled at her breasts as I soaped and cleaned them for her. She looked equally enamored of my dick as she scrubbed it for me. She finished washing me first and shooed me out of the bathroom. She wanted privacy at the end of her shower.

I dried myself and put my boxers back on. I thought about putting my t-shirt on, but it was a little funky. I had sweated profusely during the school day. I went into the kitchen and snooped through her cabinets and refrigerator. I thought about cooking dinner for us, but decided that was a little too presumptuous of me. When she emerged from the bathroom, wearing a bathrobe, I smiled at her from behind the kitchen counter.