Central High Blues Ch. 08


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I sat up and turned off my alarm, then shook my head. Jesus! Where the fuck had that come from? Why would I do that to Principal Hill? I really liked her. I couldn't even fathom why I would fuck Linda. It wasn't like she was ugly, but I had never been attracted to her. Her gossipy nature had always bothered me. I was thinking about her as I got up and started getting dressed for school.

I guess what bothered me most was how gossip at my school had hurt so many people I cared about. On some level, I blamed Linda for it. Once Brenda Cahill had been branded a slut by those rumors, it became true. I guess there are women who fantasize about being gang-banged by a bunch of athletes, but most of them never actually do it. Thanks to her reputation, Brenda did.

I had to wonder if her reputation had factored into her "stealing" my sister's boyfriends. What might have otherwise been harmless flirting had turned into sex, leaving my sister in tears twice. How many other girls had been left in tears after the rumor mill had destroyed their reputations? I shook my head and checked my reflection in the mirror, making sure I looked okay.

Out of habit at that point, I checked to make sure my slacks wouldn't betray me if I got hard during school.

I was still thinking about Linda as I headed out to the kitchen. Mom was already awake, making breakfast for us when I got there. I walked up and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and she smiled at me.

"You look nice today, Joshua," she said brightly.

"Thanks, Mom," I replied. I looked her over and shook my head, smiling at her lovely face. "You look gorgeous as always."

That earned me an amazing smile, and then I understood why I hadn't thought of Linda as an attractive woman. My mother was drop-dead gorgeous. Linda was merely attractive, unable to compete with her.

Dad came out of the bedroom dressed for work and looking chipper. We hugged and shared a really nice, normal breakfast as a family. I nodded and looked at both of my parents.

"This is going to work," I said.

I totally believed it. My parents could hear that in my voice, and smiled at me. We didn't say much else. All three of us needed to eat and get going.

* * *

I had time to step inside and give Deirdre a big hug and a brief kiss before Trina and I left for school. In the car, Trina looked over at me and licked her lips, wincing a bit.

"Mom said...we left you a little, um, 'raw' down there, Josh. Is that true?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Sorry about that, I guess we got carried away."

"Ouch," she mumbled, shaking her head. "I wish I could kiss it for you and make it all better."

"Me too," I chuckled. "That would be fantastic."

Then I had to pay close attention as I drove through the erratic traffic and found a parking spot. We had time for a nice, thorough kiss before we sighed and got out of the car. Trina chuckled when I locked the car, shaking her head as she ran her eyes over the curves of the Mustang.

"I can't believe I've actually gotten used to riding in this car with you," she sighed. "I never imagined this could be my life." She wrapped her fingers through mine and gave my hand a squeeze.

I smiled and smooched her cheek as we started walking toward the school.

"Me neither."

We weren't early enough for me to stop in and talk to Principal Hill like I wanted to. As we walked by the front office, I looked through the big glass windows and saw Linda smiling and talking with a handful of students. She actually was kind of pretty. I shook my head, once again wondering where that came from. I knew she was happily married, knew she had three kids who were all much younger than me. After that dream, though, I couldn't stop picturing her bent over and moaning helplessly as I fucked her and filled her with a hot load of cum.

Trina and I separated to go to our lockers, and I caught up with her just before we reached the science wing. Lisa looked incredible that morning. I swallowed heavily as I watched her welcoming in students with that lovely smile on her lips. I knew what that sexy little mouth was capable of.

Oh, this is going to be tough! I thought.

When she looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back. My heart gave a little flutter in my chest, and I knew it wasn't a health problem. Damn, I really loved her.

"You look really nice today, Miss Green," I said.

Trina nodded in agreement next to me, and Lisa beamed. "Thank you so much! That's really nice of you."

We headed through the grid of lab tables, and joined Carla at ours. The second bell rang, and then Lisa was up at the whiteboard. Her sexy little butt wiggled from side to side as she erased a section of it, and I couldn't help but stare and recall just how much I had enjoyed sliding my hard cock between those firm cheeks. Damn. I was getting hard.

I forced myself to stop looking at her ass and concentrated on the lesson. My dick was still tender but firm when she finished lecturing and handed out worksheets. We all started working on them, but my mind wasn't entirely on that cell structure on the page in front of me.

Do I really want to stop seeing her? I had been so certain at breakfast this morning.

My mind then replayed my mother's advice from weeks earlier. "You're jumping ahead of yourself. You need to enjoy it while you can, instead of wondering how it will turn out." I had certainly enjoyed my petite biology teacher. My eyes wandered over and met hers, and she gave me a secretive smile before looking around a little nervously. My sensitive dick lurched in my boxers, and I was reminded that she was the one who had really made it that way. She had forced my dick into her tight little ass without fully lubricating us first.

Damn, she had been so horny and tight.

I shook my head and blew out a breath, and managed to finish the worksheet before class ended.

Calculus class got my mind off of my sexy little bio teacher in a hurry. Mr. Roush carefully explained three concepts that we would, in his words, "need to have this down like breathing. Everything for the next nine weeks will use these, one way or another." He was very patient, and encouraged us to ask questions. I felt confident I could work the problems he assigned, but that was right at the end of class and it was a lot of homework.

I groaned along with my classmates, but knew that Trina would have the same homework. We would be spending hours working on it at Nurse Hamilton's place after school. That was a bit of a relief, as I reflected on it and made my way to English class. We would be too busy working on that Calculus homework to fool around.

Miss Cahill gave me a nervous smile before straightening up and putting her "serious" face back on for class. About halfway through class, I raised my hand and asked a question. I really didn't mean to, but I phrased it so awkwardly that it didn't even make sense. That was frustrating, and I struggled to try to re-phrase the question. She shook her head, and I think everyone expected her to chew my ass again. Instead, she gave me a smile.

"I think I know what you're asking, Mr. Thompson, but it's not really part of this lesson. Okay? I can try to explain it after class, if you have time."

"Thanks, Miss Cahill," I said, nodding.

After class, I sat at the closest desk to hers while she answered the question I had been trying to ask. It was only tangentially related to our lesson that day, but she explained it clearly. I stared at her mouth and nodded. I was shocked to realize how hard I had gotten, and she was the one being good and professional. God, I wanted her so badly at that moment!

"That...that was amazing," I breathed. She smiled and shook her head dismissively, but I went on. "No, that really was just uncanny. I couldn't have botched my question any worse, but you just completely answered my question. You are an amazing teacher. I am lucky to have you—we all are. Thank you."

I could tell she was turned on, but we'd left the classroom door open. I didn't trust myself to get any closer to her, so I stood, smiled, and headed out the door.

* * *

After a brief stop at my locker, I headed toward the cafeteria. After three steps, I abruptly turned around and headed for the office instead. I would be heading over to Nurse Hamilton's house after school with Trina. This would be my only opportunity to talk with Principal Hill today.

When I arrived at the office, I saw Linda leaning over the counter talking with one of the teachers. I recognized her vaguely. Mrs. Charles taught freshman English and French. Like Linda, she was someone I had heard gossiping before I got sick. I heard Linda whisper, "...and then, after she was drunk, she sucked two boys' dicks right there!"

That pissed me off. I had no idea who she was talking about, but that poor girl didn't need a rumor like that dogging her for the rest of high school. I glanced over and saw Principal Hill's door was closed right as Linda looked over and saw me.

"Oh, hi, Josh!" she called out, smiling at me. Mrs. Charles smiled and nodded, backing away from the counter. "What can I do for you today?" Linda added.

"I need to talk to Principal Hill," I replied.

"She's with another student right now, but she should be available soon if you don't mind waiting."

I chewed the inside of my lip and nodded, and then had a wicked idea.

"Can I talk to you...privately, Linda? It's really personal."

Linda and Mrs. Charles both lit up at that.

"Of course!" Linda replied immediately. She looked around and then led me over to the small corner office that the school counselor used, since he wasn't there. Her eyes were bright when she closed the door and turned to me. "What is it?" she whispered.

I stepped close to her and sighed, resting my hand on her arm.

"I don't know how to tell you this, Linda, but I had a dream about you. I can't stop thinking about it." My hand slid up past her elbow, and I rested it on her hip. "I know you're happily married and you and my mom have been friends for years." She was still looking at my face and nodding, but her eyes shot open when I whispered, "I had a dream that we had an affair, Linda. God, it was so dirty and explicit. Like, I can't even look at you now without picturing you naked. And...you wanted to try everything."

I gave an exaggerated shudder and let my eyes wander down her body. At the same time, I let my hand slide down from her hip and gave her soft, generous bottom a squeeze. Her eyes were enormous and her lips opened and closed without a sound. I pulled my hand away and sighed.

"I know we can't ever do anything like that," I continued in a whisper, "but I can't stop thinking about it. I just wanted you to know. I think you are so sexy."

"Um, I—I—I—" she stammered.

"I know," I muttered. "I'll try to control myself." I licked my lips once again and gave her body a thorough looking-over before I sighed and stepped away.

Linda followed me shakily out of the counselor's office, and then the door to Principal Hill's office opened. A guy named Tommy walked out, a little red-faced. I gave Mrs. Charles a quick smile and headed over to the doorway to the principal's office.

"Have you got a minute, Doctor Hill?" I asked.

"Sure, Josh, come on in," she replied.

I couldn't hide my grin when I heard Mrs. Charles hiss, "What did he say?"

"I—I can't say," Linda stammered weakly.

I pulled the door closed quickly so they wouldn't hear me chuckling to myself. Principal Hill gave me a suspicious look then. Her eyes were narrowed, but I couldn't hold back my soft laughter.

"Sorry, ma'am," I managed after that. Then I walked around her desk so I could quietly share with her what I had just done to Linda. Her eyes were wide, but she was clearly amused.

"Oh, you're awful!" she whispered, shaking her head.

"The worst part is, for all she knows that's what I came to talk to you about—that I have a crush on her." I shook my head, still grinning.

Doctor Hill shook her head, and her expression became serious again.

"What did you come here to talk to me about, Josh?"

I nodded and let the smile drop from my face, sighing as I gathered my thoughts.

"I don't want to get anyone in trouble," I started, "so I can't even tell you who told me this. There's apparently a rumor going around that I've been a little too...familiar...with one of my teachers. Now, you know my dad and Mr. Delgado go back years. He and his family were over at our house a couple weekends back and we had a pool party. That may have been it. That's what I told the person who brought this to my attention. However, I had to wonder if someone in my neighborhood saw you or Nurse Hamilton at our house and mistook you for a teacher."

She looked appropriately concerned and nodded. I sighed and shook my head slightly.

"I really enjoyed having you over at our house, Doctor Hill—and not just because...well, you know." I couldn't help but lick my lips, and she shuddered. "Sorry," I muttered. "I wanted to have you over so you could relax and we could have another nice conversation like the one we had in front of the school. I wanted to have a nice dinner with you and my folks, where we could all relax and enjoy hanging out. Instead, I may have brought some unwelcome attention onto you. That was the last thing I wanted."

I shook my head, and again she nodded, letting me know she understood.

"Maybe I'm wrong, and nobody saw you," I continued softly. "I just thought it was something you should know. Just to be on the safe side, though, I plan to talk with my female teachers and tell them to be careful. I know how rumors can just fly around this place."

She grinned and gave a dark chuckle then. "Was that why you screwed with Linda like that? To disarm the rumor mill?"

"Guilty," I replied, holding my hands up in an "I surrender" motion in front of me. "If she thinks the rumor is about her, Linda won't be in a hurry to let it get around the school."

"God, I can't wait for this school year to be over," she growled. "I want you so bad right now, Mr. Thompson." She sighed then, and her shoulders dropped. "Right now, though, we just can't take that chance. You understand, don't you?"

I nodded. "Yes ma'am. And I feel exactly the same way. If I thought we could get away with it, I would take you right now." I chuckled softly, and added, "It's a good thing I have these baggy pants on, or everyone would see how turned on I am as soon as I walk out your door."

She bit her lip and shook her head, but smiled. Then her eyes widened a bit. "Oh, if you'd like I can talk to your English teacher, Miss Cahill. Her apartment is close to mine."

I thought for a second and nodded. "Just make sure she knows the rumor isn't about her when you tell her that," I suggested. "I wouldn't want her to feel paranoid, or think that people are talking about her that way."

We got up and shared a brief hug. She groaned when she felt my hard shaft pressed against her, but we didn't say anything else until she opened her office door. Then she cleared her throat and said, "Thank you for sharing that with me, Josh. I'll make sure it doesn't become a problem."

"Thank you, ma'am," I replied.

It was all I could do not to burst out laughing when she said, "Linda, could you come into my office please? We need to talk."

* * *

There wasn't time for me to grab anything to eat for lunch, and I was glad my mom had made such a big breakfast for us that morning. It gave me an odd warm feeling when that thought ran through my head. I had thoroughly enjoyed all the incredible sex I had with her, but I felt like it had cost me "having my real mom" if that makes any sense.

I desperately wanted that normal relationship back with my parents. That was why I was willing to sacrifice my relationship with my beautiful, horny teachers. I kept telling myself that as I walked down the halls to the science wing. Lisa was sharing lunch with Mr. Delgado in her classroom when I arrived, and they were both laughing when I walked in to join them.

"You're late, Josh!" she chuckled.

I gave them a warm smile. "Sorry about that. I had to see Doctor Hill."

Both teachers raised their eyebrows at that. "Oh?" Mr. Delgado asked.

"Yeah," I said, frowning. "Apparently there has been a rumor going around that I have had 'an inappropriate relationship' with one of my teachers. I figure it's because we had you two over for that pool party. I think it sucks—pardon my French—but we probably can't have you over again until after the school year."

Mr. Delgado sighed loudly. "Damn. I didn't even think about that. You're not in trouble, are you Josh?"

"No sir," I replied. "Doctor Hill just warned me to be more careful. She doesn't want to have to fire anyone, or give someone an evaluation that has something like that in it. I promised her I would be more careful." I looked at Lisa's face and had to swallow the lump in my throat. It was tough to force a smile. "I figure Trina and I will be spending a lot more time together, and hopefully that will put these rumors to rest."

Lisa just nodded at me, but...Oh, damn did I want to hug her at that moment. I forced myself to look back over at Mr. Delgado and gave him a sad smile. "I hope this doesn't screw up your friendship with my dad."

He waved it off. "Nah, we'll be fine. I'm sure we'll still hang out; just not at your house for the next few months." He finished the last few bites of his lunch and wiped his mouth with a napkin before getting up. "Miss Green, thank you for your lovely company at lunch again," he murmured.

She smiled. "Always a pleasure, Mr. Delgado."

It was tough for me not to be able to hug her or say anything as I got up and followed him to his classroom. On the bright side, I did get a nice hug from Trina when she arrived a minute later. Mr. Delgado arched an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

* * *

I only said anything to my Art teachers to make it look like I was covering my bases the way I had told Principal Hill I would. In retrospect, that was a mistake. When I took them aside and whispered what was going on—pretty much the same story I had told Doctor Hill—Miss Rogers pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

"That is so fucked up," she whispered.

Miss Chase and I both looked at her sharply, unable to believe she was using that kind of language in school. When she pulled her hand away from her face, she saw the look on our faces and murmured an apology.

"Sorry, that just really pisses me off. We're all adults, now that you're eighteen, and they're telling us we can't even think about doing something adults should be able to enjoy?" She shook her head angrily, and then...I had to suppress a shudder at the way she suddenly looked me over. "It makes me want to do something, just to give 'Big Brother' the finger," she growled.

My mouth dropped open in disbelief. I turned to Miss Chase, but her eyes were on my torso or crotch, and she licked her lips like she was picturing me naked. It was the first time I had been able to discern the shape of her breasts beneath one of her loose, flowing shirts. At that moment, her prominent nipples pushed out the fabric damn near an inch.

Oh, fuck! What had I done?

Seriously, these were my only two female teachers who hadn't shown any interest in me, and now...

I cleared my throat carefully. "I just wanted to let you know," I mumbled. "I promise, I'll be careful not to say or do anything inappropriate."

As I turned and walked back over to my seat, I couldn't miss the way Miss Rogers growled, "That's what you think."

Every time I met their gaze for the rest of class, I had to swallow heavily. Good God, they looked like they were in heat! I think they would have stripped off my clothes and fucked me right on the spot if they could have gotten away with it. I gave a surprised little hop in my seat when Miss Chase murmured right into my ear at the end of class. I was just dusting my finished drawing.