Central High Blues Ch. 09


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"Um, yes," she stammered, forcing her eyes back to my face. "I understand her thinking, of course. I could never allow your teacher to live with you, and Miss Cahill definitely needed someone to look after her. But it wasn't my idea to make you move out of your own home, Josh."

"Ah," I said, nodding. She looked really uncomfortable, so I gave her a reassuring smile and stepped forward to give her a hug. "It's okay," I murmured, "I wasn't mad at you or anything. It just caught me off-guard."

She stiffened when my arms wrapped around her, but then let out a soft sigh and relaxed into my embrace. Her hands slid up my sides and she tentatively returned the hug. Then she let out a sexy little moan when my stiff shaft pressed against the juncture of her right thigh. She was looking right into my eyes.

"I—I didn't want you to get the wrong idea," she whispered. "I didn't want you to think I had done all this just so you'd be living this close to me; so I could get you alone like this."

"I know," I replied softly.

"Good," she murmured.

Then we were suddenly kissing. At that close range, looking into each others' eyes the way we were, it felt inevitable. She was writhing sinuously in my arms, rubbing her body against mine. She was still wearing her blazer and skirt, the same outfit she had worn when I had seen her at school earlier. It was eerily similar to the one she'd worn in that dream I had the morning before—the dream in which I had bent her over her desk in her office and fucked her. The thought made me break off our kiss abruptly, leaving us both gasping.

I released her from the hug and took a step back. "Sorry," I panted, even though I wasn't sure I had been the one to initiate that kiss.

She shivered. "It's okay," she panted. After a moment, she turned and looked around the living room, dining area and kitchen. "I told your mother I would make sure you were all set here," she said. After looking around a bit more she nodded. "This looks nice."

Brenda's apartment had a homey feel to it. The sofa and matching stuffed chair were upholstered in earth tones; a mixture of browns, tans and a hint of orange. An inexpensive coffee table sat between them. There was a round dining room table with a beige table cloth surrounded by four chairs in the dining area, and the microwave in the kitchen was fairly new. A few dishes were in a plastic dish rack next to the sink, and the entire place had a faint scent of some kind of flower. Lilac, I think.

There was a bookshelf against one wall, completely packed with books. I hadn't really taken notice of them before. My eyes widened when I finally took note of the trophy sitting on top of the book shelf. It was a football trophy, given to the players when they had made the state championship game. I wondered which of them had given her that trophy, and of course it reminded me of the rumors of Brenda getting gang-banged by those players after that game. Principal Hill's voice snapped me back to the present.

"Do you have food?" she asked.

I chuckled when I realized I hadn't even looked. Given that Brenda had collapsed from malnutrition, I really should have checked that out earlier. "I didn't even think about it," I replied, shaking my head. "Let's see."

She followed me as I strolled over to the fridge and opened it. There was almost nothing inside; a partial stick of butter in a butter dish, a jar of salsa that was almost empty, three different kinds of salad dressing, mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise in the door of the fridge. There was a container of orange juice, but when I picked it up and shook it I could tell it was almost empty. I opened it and took a whiff before taking that last sip and tossing the empty container into the trash.

"I guess I'm going shopping," I sighed as I turned to face her again.

"Oh, okay," she replied.

I could tell from her expression and the way she fidgeted nervously that she was horny, but that she was torn by her professional obligation to behave. It looked like she was trying to come up with an excuse to stay. My dick gave a twitch in my shorts when I recalled eating her tasty pussy, and how much I had enjoyed fucking her before we went swimming that one afternoon. I gave her a smile.

"So, I obviously need groceries," I said. "Can you think of anything else I might need?"

She gulped and looked down at my crotch again. Damn, it was tempting. I walked up and put my hands on her shoulders, and gave her a brief smooch on the lips.

"You really should go home, Melissa," I murmured. "I need to go grocery shopping, and I still need to call my girlfriend to let her know what's going on. If you stay here..." I kissed her again and then shook my head, "I won't be able to hold back. I will fuck you, and I will come inside you, and I will get you pregnant."

"Ohhh," she groaned, dipping slightly as her knees buckled. She caught herself before I had to, and then she nodded. "I—I guess I'd better go, then," she muttered.

We kissed again, which was a mistake. Still, we managed just enough self-control for her to leave after that kiss. I watched her sexy ass sway as she walked away, but was surprised to see her turn just three doors down to let herself into her apartment. Before I could even get out the door, my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Coach Perrine.

"Are you coming to see me tonight?" she asked.

"I'm afraid not," I replied, sighing.

It was just too late for me to drive out to her place, and I really did need to get some food. As I locked the door behind me and got into my car, I explained what had happened after school. She was concerned when I explained Brenda's condition, and asked me a few questions I didn't know the answers to.

"I don't know," I said three times in succession, and then I said, "Look, Nurse Hamilton's granddaughter is staying there with her. She's a nurse—one of the ones who took care of me when I was in the hospital. She's in good hands. I can tell you she had no food in her refrigerator. That's why I'm on my way to the grocery store right now."

Then I had to explain my moving out, as well as the fact that Principal Hill lived too close for me to invite her over. "They're practically neighbors," I concluded, "She lives three doors down. In fact, she was just over to check on me right before you called."

"Oh, that sucks," Coach Perrine muttered. "Since that's closer to the school than my house, I thought I might stay with you for the rest of the week."

I had to groan at the thought. Then my phone buzzed again, letting me know I had another call. I glanced at it and then said, "I'm going to have to let you go. My mom is calling."

"Okay," she replied. "Thanks for letting me know what's going on. Good night, Josh."

"Good night." I switched over and said, "Hi, Mom. How's it going?"

Then I steered carefully into the parking lot in front of the grocery store and found a place to park.

"Principal Hill just called to let me know you were settled in, but you didn't have any food there. Should I bring you something?" she asked.

"I just pulled up at the grocery store," I replied. "I just figured I'd buy some groceries for my stay."

"Oh, right," she said. "I forgot we gave you that credit card."

"How's Brenda doing?" I asked.

"She's sleeping," Mom informed me quietly. "Heather made sure she drank enough fluids after dinner, so she didn't need another IV or anything. We're really lucky she was available."

Then I couldn't help but recall the last time Heather had been at our house, and pictured Heather and my mother taking turns eating my fresh cum out of each others' pussies. I managed to stifle my groan.

"Are you going to be able to control yourselves?" I asked softly, as I got out of the car.

She sighed. "Yes, Joshua, we'll be good. Heather and your dad are keeping me in line here. Once he made it clear that he would not allow anything to happen, Heather completely agreed." She lowered her voice to a whisper and added, "She won't even let me watch while she and Brenda go at it! It's a good thing your father is here to take care of me tonight. I am on fire."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I pictured it—my mom standing outside my locked bedroom door and listening in as Heather and Brenda moaned and pleasured each other. Then I blew out a breath as that incredible image popped into my head.

"Mom, I'm in the grocery store," I murmured, nodding at a woman who passed me with her shopping cart. "Do you want me to call you back when I get to the apartment?"

"No, that's okay," she sighed. "I love you sweetheart. Have a good night."

"Good night, Mom. I love you too." I hung up and then sighed as I grabbed a grocery cart and called Trina.

* * *

Trina was very excited to hear I had my own apartment, and that I would have it that weekend. It was clear she had really focused on that part of the story as soon as I said it.

"Does that mean we'll have the place all to ourselves all weekend?" she squeaked.

"Yes," I replied.

I couldn't help it. I pictured Trina writhing beneath me, eagerly welcoming my dick into her wonderful little pussy and encouraging me to finally come inside her. I got rock-hard, and of course I still hadn't changed clothes. Despite my best efforts to use the grocery cart to shield myself, three different middle-aged women glanced over and got an eyeful. Each time I noticed, I found a different older woman staring at my dick and licking her lips.

"Trina!" I hissed. "You need to stop. Just thinking about it has got me hard as a brick, and I'm in the middle of the grocery store! I swear, I just had a housewife staring at me like she wanted to eat me up."

Trina laughed out loud, and I had to smile just hearing that sound.

"So, what are you buying?" she asked.

I let her know each time I added something to my cart, and a few times she suggested something else, or a different brand. It was a little exciting just thinking that I would be cooking for her and sharing meals with Trina. Sharing an apartment with her felt like a huge step in our relationship, even if it was only for the weekend. I finally ended the call when I got to the register. I had completely filled the cart by then. I wound up taking a dozen bags out to my car, and I'd spent almost two hundred dollars.

I thought about calling my parents to make sure it was okay, but then recalled several times my mother had spent more than that on groceries. Also, I was pretty sure Brenda would appreciate coming home to find some food in her refrigerator. Those thoughts distracted me as I made my way back to my car and started unloading my cart. It took a moment to realize one of the women who had noticed my "condition" inside the store had stopped just a few feet away with her empty grocery cart. I turned to her and gave her a smile.

"Good evening, ma'am," I said. I looked at her and did not recognize her at all. She looked to be in her early forties, with short brunette hair. Her wedding ring was obvious as she clutched the handle of her cart.

"You're that Josh Thompson boy, aren't you?" she asked quietly.

"Yes ma'am," I replied. When I nodded, she immediately looked down at my crotch again. I put the last two bags into the backseat and stood up, pulling my cart around. "I don't believe we've met," I said, holding out my hand.

"Oh, I'm Rachel," she replied. She added her last name, but it didn't ring a bell. I shook her hand, as she added, "I heard you had been in a coma, and I was just glad to see you're all better now."

"Thank you," I murmured.

She clung to my hand just an extra moment after I'd stopped shaking hers, and I couldn't miss the look on her face. Rachel wanted my dick. I felt like I could practically read her thoughts as I looked at her and we walked our carts over to the little cart return pen. She was a middle-aged housewife who had been married for years. When she had heard about me being in a coma, and sprouting an enormous dick, she had tried to picture it. I wondered how long it had fueled her fantasies, and wondered if she often cheated on her husband. After pushing my cart in, I gave her another smile.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Rachel," I said, "I really need to get going, though. I have a bunch of frozen stuff that will melt long before I could possibly tell you all about my hospital stay."

The way her head gave a slight jerk, I knew she had her own frozen food in her car, and it hadn't even crossed her mind.

"Oh, right!" she said, "Well, it was really nice to finally meet you too, Josh."

After I got into my car, I watched her pull out and head in the opposite direction. That woman didn't live anywhere near us. I had been wondering if perhaps one of her kids went to my school, but that was unlikely. I shook my head and drove back to the apartment. The whole way, I was picturing Rachel basically throwing herself at me and encouraging me to fuck her. I couldn't help but imagine her eyes going wide as I stretched her pussy with my thick shaft. When I parked in front of the apartment, I looked down at my renewed erection and chuckled.

"Just you and me tonight, buddy," I murmured, giving him a pat.

As I grabbed a few bags and carried them inside, I thought, Seriously, when was the last time I jacked off? It had been a while. Before I finished unloading the car, though, Principal Hill emerged from her apartment. She had obviously showered and her damp hair was in a ponytail, making her look like a different person. I had never seen her dressed this casually, either, in a t-shirt and shorts.

Well, just that one time; she had worn her hair in a ponytail when we had been swimming at my house...and that had been the only time I had fucked her.

"Let me give you a hand with those," she murmured.

"Thanks," I replied.

I didn't really know what else to say. When she leaned in to the back seat to grab two grocery bags, I could tell she wasn't wearing anything under that t-shirt or the shorts. She turned, smiled, and walked toward the apartment with those bags, and I reached in to grab the last two bags and the carton of milk. I used my hip to push the car door closed and followed her inside.

As I put away the food, she commented, "It's nice to see you bought healthy food, Josh. So many kids your age would have gotten nothing but junk food."

I smiled and pulled out a package of candy bars. "Well, it's not all healthy," I chuckled. "Would you like one?"

"Um, sure," she replied.

I opened the package and handed her one before putting the rest into the refrigerator. Then I went back to putting the rest of the groceries away. I glanced her way a few times as I did, smiling as she moaned softly and savored the chocolate.

She was still nervous, still horny. There was no missing her hard nipples in that shirt. I debated with myself right up to the point that I slid the last two items into the freezer and closed the door. She was a grown woman, capable of making her own choices. I had warned her before I left to go shopping, and she was back after she'd had plenty of time to think it over.

I still wanted to give her the opportunity to leave, just in case I had misread her intentions. "I really should grab a shower before bed," I murmured, taking two steps to give her another soft hug. I looked into her eyes again. "Thanks for checking up on me, Principal Hill. I probably would have gone to bed without even thinking about looking in the refrigerator, and I would have gone to school hungry in the morning."

This time, it was clearly her pulling my head down for a kiss. She pushed her tongue into my mouth insistently and rubbed her hard nipples against my chest. When my hard cock pressed against her, she groaned into my mouth and sent shivers through me. Then she was pulling me along insistently, still kissing me as she backed her way into the bedroom. Her hand reached out to flick on the light switch, and it took me just a second to realize her apartment probably had the same floor plan, so she knew her way into the bedroom.

She finally released me and turned to look at the room for just a second before taking my hand and pulling me toward the bed. When she released my hand and turned around, I licked my lips nervously and watched her pull that t-shirt up over her head. Her breasts stood out proudly and her rock-hard nipples made my mouth water.

"I didn't buy any condoms," I murmured.

She nodded as she slid her shorts down her sexy legs. "I know," she said simply. Then she lay back on the bed and spread her legs wide, showing me her glistening little wet pussy in all its glory.

I slowly pulled my shirt over my head, but I was too horny to think straight. I slid my shorts and boxers down my legs and followed my hard dick as it led the way into the bed and then into that hot, horny pussy that was so eager to welcome it inside.

"Ohhh," I moaned, "That feels incredible."

"Oh, yes," she purred in agreement. Then her legs wrapped around me and her ankles pressed insistently into my buttocks. "Please, Josh," she groaned, "Fuck me! Fuck me hard and deep! I want you to fill me up completely."

Her hard nipples were right in my face, and I bent to suck one of them into my mouth. She groaned again, and I savored the way her pussy felt as I pushed my full length slowly inside her. It felt perfect as I fucked my sweet principal, and it was evidently just as amazing for her. After less than a dozen strokes she shuddered and cried out in orgasm, and her pussy clutched me tightly. I held still with my full length buried inside her and enjoyed the sensation.

It was all so pleasurable that I lost myself in the sensations. I loved sucking her hard nipples, the wonderful feel of her wet and welcoming pussy, and the noises she made as I fucked her and she urged me on. Her ankles continued to press into my backside as I plunged my cock balls-deep inside her again and again. It felt like the most natural thing in the world when I came inside her.

"Yes! Oh, yes!" she gasped, wrapping her legs around me tightly and holding me to her as she felt it.

I slid up her body so we could kiss while I erupted deep in her sweetly-gripping pussy. She moaned into my mouth, and then broke off the kiss as she gasped through an intense-looking orgasm of her own.

"Oh! Oh! It's so perfect!" she sobbed.

"Oh, yes it is," I groaned in agreement.

It was so perfect that I barely softened at all. I kissed her some more, and then I was once again hard. As soon as I thrust into her again, her eyes went wide.

"Oh!" she gasped, "Oh, you're still—oh, yes!"

I fucked her a little harder and faster that second time, but it still felt perfect. She came several times before I cried out and filled her with my second load. After that we lay in Brenda's bed and held each other. Once I caught my breath, I rolled us over so she could lie on top of me. She rested the side of her face on my chest and sighed happily. My spent cock was still inside her. It just felt nice to hold her in my arms after what we had shared.

I might have been able to get hard and fuck her again, but I was wiped out after the long day I'd had. When I realized I was dozing off, I murmured an apology. She smiled and slid up to kiss me again, and sighed when my dick slipped out of her.

"It's okay, Josh," she assured me. "Go to sleep. You can shower in the morning. In the meantime," she added as she slid down my body, "I'll take care of this."

Her mouth felt wonderfully soft as she used it to gently clean my sloppy cock. I think I got hard in her mouth, but then I was asleep.

* * *

When my alarm went off in the morning, I was all out of sorts. My phone was still in the pocket of my shorts, which were on the floor. Principal Hill had left, of course, to return to her own apartment. When I first woke up, though, I had to try to figure out where I was. I stumbled around in the darkened room until I found my phone and turned off the alarm. I stared at the time, and groaned when I realized it was time to get up and get ready for school.