CFNM Community

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The making of a CFNM community.
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Suresh was born to a typical middle-class Indian family and had an elder sister Varsha. When his dad, the sole breadwinner passed away when he was six (Varsha was 10), Kavitha, his mother had no idea how to raise them. Thankfully, an old friend mentioned about a gated community which was specifically for widow families. Kavitha was an expert in tailoring and this was what the landlady was looking for. She had her own garments company and she wanted more and more tailors. The salary was also low but since the rent was also kept to a minimum, it was perfect for Kavitha. They moved in and 12 years later, they were still living there. Varsha got an entry level BPO job after she completed College with very low scores. Thankfully, she was able to get day shifts.

The community had 12 apartments and they were all occupied by widow tailoring women. They all worked for the same landlady. The rent was low, the salary was low and there was hardly any maintenance workers. The women cleaned the whole block, tended the single garden, cleaned the small pool all by themselves. They all hoped that, when their kids turned 15+, they would get more help. Sadly, that did not happen. There were exactly 8 boys and 8 girls. Some, like Kavitha had a boy and a girl and others had a single boy/girl. The girls, naturally started helping out their mothers but the boys were naturally far too lazy. The mothers made a mistake and treated them with kid gloves. When the girls saw that the boys were being let off easy, they lost their motivation too. By the time the pandemic came in, they were all 18+ years old. Varsha was the oldest at 23 and was working in a BPO. Others were also either working or in College.

With the pandemic induced lockdown, the mothers had to make a choice. The landlady had to continue her business and she told the moms that they had to stay in the garments office to continue working. They had to stay full-time at the office and could come back home once a week based on the pandemic restrictions. If they left the job, they left the apartment as well. So, they had to move out from their apartments and move in to the garments office in which one floor was emptied to have beds. This was in the rental agreement which they renewed and agreed every year. So, the moms had to go and it would be up to their adult sons/daughters to take care of the apartments. However, the moms knew, from past experience, that they - especially the boys - would not do a good job and so, they came up with a solution.

They had all of them assemble in the garden. There were no chairs and one of the moms, named Rathna, who was the de facto leader spoke up.

"All right, we have an announcement." She talked about the moms moving out. The juniors already knew it. However, they never expected what would come next.

"This means, obviously, that you have to take care of the entire complex. All the houses, garden, pond, the garage etc has to be spotless. Then, on top of this, you need to be able to feed yourselves. There is no negotiation here. This needs to happen."

Suresh was keeping a straight face but it was hard not to feel apprehensive. It was not about the work. He was perhaps the only boy who could do all the above properly. Courtesy of his elder sister. She had no patience for any laziness or attitude from him. For the last four years, he had been going from school/Pre-uni to doing all the house chores while his mom and sis did the cooking. Varsha would then order him to follow her as she inspected his work. If she found anything less than satisfactory, she would make him do it again. He was terrified of Varsha. Actually, all the girls. They were far stronger than he was. However, Varsha was not a bully. As long as his work and studies were satisfactory, she never said even a word.

However, while he accepted this, he knew that the others wouldn't. He was already the "pussy" of the neighbourhood, according to the other boys. He didn't play with them as he had no time between his studies and chores. That made the rest of them tease him to no end. When one of them, Karan, had tried to rough him up once, Varsha had rescued him. Karan had been limping around for a week and didn't dare attack him physically. However, they called him all sorts of names and he was proud enough not to ask his sister to make them stop. Varsha also decided to not be too over-protective and this had emboldened Karan. His male ego slowly made his mind forget his earlier thrashing and convinced him it was a fluke. He was not scared of Varsha. And so, Suresh could figure out that today, he, Karan, would not accept things lying down and would be their downfall.

"So, two duties. Cooking and cleaning. The cooking alone is big enough that all other chores falls to the one who is not cooking. The girls have learnt at least the basics from us, so obviously, they will take that up while you boys would do the rest of the things. That means, waking up and cleaning the dishes, cleaning the house, cleaning the garden and the pond. The girls will help with the washing also."

Rathna stopped at this. She expected the boys to protest but they surprised her. They accepted it silently. Even Karan. Good boys! She thought internally and then the very next thought was, how come this is good when it is only the bare necessity? She continued.

"However, you boys have not given us the confidence that you will do a fine job. So, the girls will be in charge of you. Your task is not complete until they say it is complete and we expect full obedience there."

Rathna had carefully planned they keywords. "IN-charge", "obedience" it set off the male ego and Karan, as expected, flared up.

"I am not obeying any girl. I will do the job but not answer to any of these."

"These", Rathna replied. She turned around to look at Sita, Karan's mother who hung her head. Karan was a single son and she had fawned too much on him leading to this arrogant specimen in front of them. "The girls are THESE for you?"

Karan replied arrogantly and Rathna carefully led them to step two.

"Ok, Karan. You see that gate, it is covered with dust. Make it clean and spotless and I promise I won't put any girl in charge of any guy."

Karan snorted and went. He did a quick job of it and came back. Rathna went and inspected and nicely pointed out so many dusty spots that Karan seethed with rage.

"You see my point."

Karan flared up again. "I don't care. I am not answering to anyone."

"Boys, how many agree with Karan." 6 hands shot up. Suresh was the only one not to raise his hand. The other boys stared daggers at him and he stared back defiantly.

"You pussy," Karan started and couldn't even start on his next word as Varsha tackled him to the floor. She stood back, he rose and went after her but quickly found himself with both his arms pinned behind him. Varsha dragged him to Rathna.

"I should punish you just for that and your mom won't say anything. However, we now know that you cannot perform the basic tasks. How can we leave you without supervision? And, it is not for show. Any small dust allergy and you cannot go to the Doctor with this pandemic. So, this is the only solution."

Karan struggled with pain and humiliation as Varsha tightened her grip. The other boys knew Varsha's strength and made no effort to help Karan.

"Okay, we will give you a shot. Varsha, release him." Again, the keyword "release" only served to increase his anger.

"We will have a swimming challenge and you can pick a guy to note down the times. If even one boy is faster than even one girl, all the girls will do all the work including cooking, cleaning and so on. If not, we will go to the arrangement where the girls are in charge with the caveat that they will now have a more free hand."

"What does that mean?" Asked Karan.

Rathna turned to the girls. "Girls, I guess this is happening. GO and get your bikinis for swimming."

At the mention of bikinis, Karan salivated. Being a single son, he was not related to any of the girls and the thought of eight 18-22 year old girls in bikinis was making him excited. Excited enough to agree to the bet despite knowing how strong swimmers the girls were.

"Firstly, they will have the authority to physically punish you whenever you don't do the job well, which I assume will be all the time. They have full freedom. Secondly, they will choose a uniform for you and that is what you will be wearing for the whole time we are away. OF course, if you win, you get the same privileges."

Karan agreed. The rest of the boys agreed as well. Suresh agreed, too, knowing he had no choice. The girls changed into bikinis. The boys watched, mesmerised at the sight of bikinis. Suresh could feel his organ rising. Karan was ogling shamelessly. Vishwa was openly drooling. Even at his own younger sister Aishwarya. They couldn't help it. The girls were athletic and strong. They had participated in every sport they could get their hands on. They were proficient in Kho-kho, cricket, Basketball and swimming. Lean, mean athletic bodies in their bikinis was brilliant. Varsha had a healthy 34C set of breasts and Karan inwardly told himself, she would be his slave when they won. And the girls made no attempt to shield themselves. The towels were discarded to the side and they made no attempt to hide their open parts with their hands. Nor did they try to to position themselves in a way as to be hidden. They had planned all this with their moms and it was going perfectly. Varsha didn't even regret enslaving her own baby brother. This was good for him in the long run. She had pounded out any male entitlement he felt at a young age by frequently "persuading" him to massage her legs after the state-mandated free Karate lessons for women - one of the main reasons why they were so athletic and far stronger than the males.

They even had the uniforms ready. Not a difficult task since it was a loincloth. JUST! A! LOINCLOTH!

They knew they would win. The boys had no chance. While they had whiled away playing computer games, the girls had worked vigourously on their fitness. The state-mandated Karate lessons had shaped their bodies fit. However, it also made them objectively desirable. Varsha came to the edge of the pool first. She was wearing a proper bikini and a strong strand and her straps were all the covering she had behind. The panties covered every last millimetre of her buttocks. Some of the other women had purchased a lower size which showed off some of their cheeks. Varsha, however, was adamant. The boys here had no right to see even a small section of it, she decided. Before jumping in, she bent down one last time, ostensibly to flick some dust from her leg.

Karan groaned. The rest of the boys had a similar reaction. The sight of the 23-year old Varsha, in a proper bikini and bending over in front of them washed away everything from their minds. They all know how powerful swimmers were the girls and yet, they could hardly think about it and were now foolishly continuing with their bet.

Rathna smiled. Even Sita, Karan's own mother, smiled. Her son deserved the humiliation he was about to get. They had discussed the plan with the girls in detail. Right down to using Karan as the bait. They knew that all they had to do was talk about girls being in charge and the boys would protest belligerently. And yet, ironically, that action itself was going to take the domination to an extreme level. They had already purchased loincloths for the boys to use. She thought about the eight boys, all in loincloths, with their arms crossed and walking behind the girls waiting for their commands and the thought made her wet. She remembered how her late husband made her wait on him hand and foot and this was the only way she could take revenge.

Kavitha was thinking the same thing. She could see her vision clearly. Suresh would spend the whole day in his loincloth. He would wake up and be doing the dishes. In a loincloth! Just, a loincloth. The top part, fully bare. Legs, fully bare. The loincloth itself would only cover the butt-crack and expose a decent amount of his cheeks. Butt-crack! She chuckled. And, while he was doing the dishes, Varsha would walk down regally dressed from head to toe. Suresh would instantly kneel down and ask her if she wanted Coffee. Varsha would say yes, wait for his Coffee and then march back and drink it while suresh continued on the dishes. Then, he would come down and beg her to inspect his work. Varsha would make him walk while still kneeling and inspect the dishes. If she found something wrong, off came the loincloth. Suresh would be spanked, fully in the nude by his sister and he would beg for mercy and promise to do better the next time.

Rathna had a daughter Aishwarya and a son, Vishwa. While Aishwarya was younger by two years, there was no doubt on the emotional age. Aishwarya was far more matured than Vishwa could even dream of. And, Aishwarya and Rathna were both furious at him. He had just-passed his engineering. No honours, no job offers and no girlfriends. He was still a virgin while Aishu was in a steady relationship with her Engineering classmate and had already hit double digits with him. When Vishwa missed his last on-campus placement, they were both furious. What was even more aggravating was his attitude! He walked around without a care in the world. Even a simple 300000 Rs PA was enough for Rathna to cut back her work hours and here he was, still a mouth to feed, still a body to clothe and so on. Well, at least one problem would get solved now, Rathna thought. No more clothing for Vishwa. He would only be wearing his loincloth from here on out. In fact, she had a strong suspicion that Aishu would not even let him wear that and make him walk around. Naked! Completely! In front of all the fully clothed girls and their mother. And, his mother. She was grinning in satisfaction as Varsha rose from the water, completing her swim in 7 seconds.

The speed should have made the boys nervous but their eyes and minds were blown away. At the sight of Varsha, in a bikini, raising from the water with drops of water flowing from her exposed body. Vishwa ogled her openly from head to toe. He had no idea he would regret it less than two days later while Varsha gave him the same treatment. Ogling him head to toe with the only difference being that he would be fully nude. For now, Aishu was next and she wore a string bikini. Just like Varsha, she had no qualms and no hesitation as she walked majestically in full view of all the boys. Unlike Varsha, her string bikini exposed the ends of her butt-cheeks and the boys could not take their eyes away from it. Knowing it, Aishu enjoyed it. Boys had no idea how much girls loved being ogled at. Knowing they were an object of such desire was always great. The only thing holding them back was the safety issue. That was not a problem for Aishu as she knew she could take on three of them effortlessly. With that fear gone, she swished her buttocks proudly as she wandered to the edge of the pool. As discussed, she bent down and flicked some dust from her feet. Then, she adjusted her panty string. The panty slid down just enough to reveal the top of her butt-crack, as she had planned. Even Rathna was shocked at the level of teasing. What was even more shocking was the obvious bulge in her own son's pants. At the sight of his own sister. It was the final straw. Sita decided that even a loincloth was too good for him. He would serve all the girls in his life completely naked and deserve it 100%.

Aishu clocked a steady 8.5 seconds. The rest of the girls followed and the boys had their fill. The girls dried themselves and changed. The boys' target was clear. The slowest girl took 10.9 seconds. All that needed to happen was one boy to do faster than that. When the boys turned to look at the girls, all of them now fully dressed, they were hit. The sight of them in bikinis had distracted them from their own knowledge that none of them were that good. Karan was the first to go and when he took 15 seconds, the boys knew they were finished. Karan reached for the towel when Varsha snatched it.

"You can stand over there. You will get your towel when all the boys are done. You will get it along with your new uniforms after you lose spectacularly."

Karan stared at her in defeat. He now knew they were going to lose. He wanted to rage and storm at her but knew he was had. He went and stood at the corner she had mentioned. And, of course, it was the corner where there was no shade as opposed to where the girls were lounging, fully clothed and in stark contrast to him in his underwear. All he could do now was to hope against hope that at least one of them would be good enough. Obviously, they weren't. The last to go was Suresh and he clocked the slowest 18.5 seconds. The fastest boy clocked 12.9 seconds against the slowest 10.9 seconds of the girls. It was over, the boys had lost.

The girls went inside and came back with the packages. The boys could see that it was really, really small. The boys were given the orders. Walk into the DIY single-occupancy cabana. The one that the girls painstakingly constructed while the boys were playing video games upstairs. They would have full privacy. They would then toss their undies outside and would get the package thrown inside. They could wear what was in it and come out from the other side. In full view of the other ladies while away from the sights of the boys. Their defeat had shut their mouths as Varsha controlled them easily. She was holding all eight packages and signalled Karan to go in.

Karan was suspicious? Why was the uniform package so small? Why did they have to toss their undies to get it? However, there was a look in Varsha's eyes that told him no objection would be entertained. Suresh was already working things out. Their specific orders was to remove their undies first, dry off and then ask for the uniform. The simplest explanation was that they wanted them to be completely naked and have no choice other than to wear the uniform, whatever it was. That meant it was obviously something humiliating. OH God! Was it a thong? He knew that, no matter what it was, he would wear it silently. He had no choice. But, he hoped and prayed that the girls, which included his own sister and mother would have some mercy. But, looking at the contemptuous face of Varsha, he knew it was not to be.

Karan went in seething with rage and humiliation. Per the instructions, he dried himself and tossed his underwear outside. He came to realise that he was completely naked. He now had to wear whatever it was in the package. The small package. The package came in and hit him on the head. He was sure Varsha planned this. He opened it and got the shock of his life.

Loincloth! IT was called Langoti in the local language. It was not happening. He was in a dream. Wasn't he. No, he realised. They expected him to walk around wearing this? He thought of it. His earlier fantasy was Varsha, in a school girl uniform bringing him his Tea. Now, he realised the opposite was going to happen. He, in his loincloth would bring Varsha her tea. Her shoes. Her breakfast. And, so on. And, wait for her next orders. He thought of cleaning the pool. In his loincloth. In front of the fully clothed girls as they watched him with contempt. And, he would have to go to Varsha and ask her to inspect his work. She would walk around regally while he would walk behind her, his arms folded and still in his loincloth until she had fully inspected it.

"Wh-what is this?"

"That is your uniform, boy. Hurry up and come out wearing it or I could come in and drag you out without it." That galvanised him. And so, he pulled it up. He tightened the string and looked down at himself.

Exposed! Head to toe with a small loincloth in his midriff covering his privates. As it turned out, not even that, he realised as the back flap fully exposed the ends of his buttocks.