Chain of Events


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It was time to go and the show was about to start. I had planned it out and I was hoping it would work without making me look like the slut I was becoming. I was already aroused from thinking about what I was going to do. I could feel my nipples puckering and rubbing against the sheer net of my bra. My new panties were tighter than I was used to wearing and my inner lips were becoming engorged with blood and pushing themselves out so that they rubbed against the satin crotch.

I finished my drink and folded the paper before laying it back on the bench next to me. Uncrossing my legs, I made a motion to rise and then stopped with my knees spread apart as I pretended to search through my purse. My outright brazenness caused moisture to form in my pussy and my panty crotch felt cool to my bare pussy lips. I realized that my secretions had wet my panties and I was feeling the cooling effect as the moisture evaporated in the heat.

I heard a gasp from one of the guys and without looking at them I rose from my seat and walked into the building.

After dropping my purse and shoe box off at my desk, I hurried into the ladies room and locked myself into a stall. I lifted my skirt and bent over to examine my panties. There was a dark, wet spot decorating the crotch of my blue panties. The moisture had turned the panties almost transparent and I could see the outline of my lips as if they were printed on the material. I realized that the guys that I had flashed had been able to see me almost as if I wasn't wearing any panties.

I still wasn't used to the feeling of wiping my naked pussy lips after I peed and I found myself rubbing the tissue back and forth a few extra times. Folding several sheets of tissue into a small pad, I placed it against my pussy and held it in place with my panties. At least I wouldn't stain the panties any more than I had already done.

It seemed as if six o'clock would never come. The only problem with my late arrival days is that I have to work later in the evening. Finally it was time to leave and I decided to take a swing around to the soccer field on my way home. I rationalized that I had to see Phil to give him the money that I owed him.

The team was just about wrapping up their practice by the time I arrived at the field. One of the mothers had the back door of their SUV open and they were serving drinks and snacks to the kids. I saw Danny talking to one of the mothers and he looked up in surprise when he saw me walking towards him. She had her hand on his arm as they talked and when he saw me he said something to her and she quickly removed her hand and turned away to talk to another of the women standing nearby. A flash of suspicion crossed my mind and I filed the scene away for future reference.

I said hello to Danny and looked around for Heather. She was chattering away with some of her friends and she waved when she noticed I was there. Phil appeared with a bag of ice and he proceeded to tear it open and pour it into a cooler in the back of the SUV. Our eyes met and he smiled a big smile at me. He was wearing shorts and a muscle shirt. I was right, he did have hair on his back.

"I owe that man some money," I told Danny. "He bought the ice for the practice yesterday evening."

I took the money out of my purse and handed the purse to Danny.

"Here hold this. I'll be right back," I said.

Phil was busy in the back of the SUV but I could see him eyeing me as I walked towards him. He pretended to be interested in something in the cooler when I walked up to him.

"Here's the money I owe you," I said. "Thanks."

"No problem," he said. "Wait until I dry my hands off."

He wiped his wet hands on the front of his shorts and I could see him make a quick adjustment to himself at the same time.

When I lifted my eyes from his crotch, he smiled at me and said, "Every time you're around me I have to do that."

I could feel myself blush and I hoped no one else noticed it. "Don't be so cocky," I replied before I realized what was coming out of my mouth.

Phil laughed out loud at my comment and I felt my face and neck redden even more.

"My hands are still wet," he said in a low tone so no one else could hear him. "Would you mind putting the money in my pocket?"

"Stop that!" I replied softly. "Here you are, thank you," I said in a louder tone. "I really appreciate your help."

"No problem," he said. "Do you want to help pass out the sodas? They are probably cold by now."

I reached into the cooler at the same time that he did. I located a can of soda and he grasped my wrist in his hand. Our arms were touching and I was getting the familiar twinge in my groin that signaled another burst of secretions weeping from my pussy. I couldn't feel the cold water in the ice chest, my arm felt like it was on fire as electric shocks ran up and down its length.

He held my arm for a moment and whispered, "You look downright good enough to eat. I'll bet you taste better than any of these snacks."

I was about to reply when Danny's voice broke through my thoughts. "I'm getting ready to leave. Are you coming soon?" He said.

"I'll be right behind you," I replied and handed a can of soda to one of the girls.

"I'd like to be right behind you," Phil whispered to me.

I turned back towards the ice chest and said, "Stop talking like that. Someone will hear."

"I'll put your purse in your van and lock the door," Danny called as he walked away with Heather at his side. "I'll stop and get the chicken."

"Thanks," I replied. "I won't be long."

"Would you mind helping me carry this cooler back to my truck?" Phil asked.

"Sure, no problem! I'm heading that way myself," I replied.

We each lifted a handle of the cooler and walked towards Phil's big truck in silence.

"Here, put it down while I open the tailgate," he said.

We set the cooler on the ground and he opened the tailgate and then he easily lifted the cooler and placed it on the bed of the truck.

"You didn't need my help to carry that," I laughed. "You could have done it all yourself."

"But then you wouldn't be here now, would you?" He laughed with me.

"I've got a six-pack of your favorite beer in the little cooler in the cab," he said. "Do you want one?"

I looked around the parking lot and saw that most of the cars belonging to the parents of the kids on my daughter's team had left the lot. More cars were arriving as the teams with later practice times showed up.

"Just one," I replied.

He opened the passenger door of the truck and said, "Wait 'til I close the tailgate. I always forget to do it."

I stood there between the open door and the cab of the truck. I would need help getting up into the cab and I wanted Phil to touch me again. That thought reminded me that the pad of tissue was still in my panties. A quick look around verified that no one could see me behind the door so I lifted the front of my skirt and quickly pulled the pad out. I was trying to decide what to do with it when Phil returned.

"Need some help?" He asked.

"You know I do," I replied.

I turned my back towards him and placed one hand on the seat and one of the armrest of the truck's door. Phil put his hands around my waist and hoisted me up until I could get my knee on the floor of the cab. Once I was situated he moved his right hand down from my waist and onto my leg.

"Hold on until I get a better grip," he said with a husky sound in his voice.

I knew what was coming and I let it happen. His hand moved up my leg and under my skirt. It didn't stop until he had his palm resting against my bare butt. His thumb was between my butt cheeks and his hand was squeezing my cheek.

I let out an involuntary gasp as the sensations flooded me.

"Am I hurting you?" He asked and moved his hand to grasp the inside of my thigh.

"No! You just surprised me, that's all," I replied.

"Good!" He replied and returned his hand to its former position. He lifted me by my butt and placed me on the seat facing him. I sat there for a moment before swinging my left leg into the cab. I was sitting on his hand as I twisted myself onto the seat. He pulled his hand out and stepping back, he closed the door.

I still had the folded up pad of damp tissue paper in my hand when he lifted himself into the driver's seat. He started the truck and when he turned the air conditioning on full blast the hot air came pouring out of the vents and hit us in the face.

"It'll cool down in a second or so," he said as he wiped his face with the back of his hand.

"Here, let me," I said and I kneeled up on the seat so I could reach his face with the tissue paper.

I wiped his forehead and moved the pad down his cheek to his upper lip. His nostrils flared when he got a whiff of my scent on the paper. He grabbed my wrist and held the paper to his face.

"Jesus Christ!" He said. "Where the hell did you have that hidden woman? I haven't smelled anything that good in a long time."

I laughed and settled down next to him on the seat.

"I can't stay long," I said. "I have to get home."

His arm came around my shoulders and he squeezed my arm. I could see his erection forming in his shorts and I felt my lips swelling against my panties. I had passed the point of no return and I was determined to carry this thing out until I was satisfied. A car passed and I realized that anybody that bothered to look could see us both sitting in the cab.

I squirmed around until I was lying across the seat with my head in his lap. His hand rested on my belly for a moment before he moved it down and slid it up under my blouse. Our eyes locked as he caressed my belly in little circles. He tried to push the waistband of my skirt down but it was too tight so he continued to circle my belly with the palm of his hand.

I could fell his erection against the back of my head and I moved my head a little to let him know that I was aware of it. When he again tried to slide his fingers under my waistband my fingers found the hook on the side of my skirt. I unhooked it and slid the zipper down. I rested my fingers on his arm as he continued to caress my belly. His fingers moved down under my waistband and when he located my navel he pushed one of his fingers into it and he sort of moved the flesh of my belly around using my navel as a finger hold. The twinges in my groin had turned into little spasms in my pussy. I was squeezing the muscles of my vagina in time with his moving of my belly.

Phil tried to push my blouse up so he could reach my breasts and I helped him by raising my shoulders off of the seat.

"Hey! Easy," he said. "I may need that some time."

I realized that I was crushing his penis against his belly as I supported my weight on the back of my head.

"God, I hope so," I responded while pulling my bra up and over my breasts. His hand never stopped moving and he fondled my left breast with a hand that felt huge against me. His fingers clasped my nipple and he gently stroked up and down on the sides of it. My nipples ached and I arched my back to press my breasts up into his hand.

I opened myself up to him. I bent my right knee and leaned it against the back of the seat. Stretching out my left leg, I wedged my foot into the corner of the door and the dashboard. Pulling the hem of my skirt up until I was sure that my panties were exposed to him. I waited.

He took the hint and his hand left my breast and moved down my body until he was palming my pussy. I groaned a groan that came out of my chest and I raised my hips to give him complete access to me. Grabbing both of my breasts in my hands, I pulled and twisted on my nipples to try and massage the ache out of them.

"Oh God! Hurry! I can't stand it," I hissed.

Phil rubbed me through my panties for a few second and then he tried to worm his finger under the elastic of the leg. The elastic was tight and was cutting into me. Reaching down I raised my hips and pulled my panty crotch to the side. The back of my panties slid into my butt crack and gave him more room for his fingers.

"God damn, woman, you don't have any hair down there."

He leaned sideways to get a better look and my face ended up pressed into his belly.

"You're smothering me," I laughed into his belly.

He now had both hands near my pussy and it felt like a hundred fingers were touching me down there. My head was pressing against the steering wheel and I couldn't move it.

"Wait a minute! Let me up," I almost shouted.

Phil sat up and started apologizing for hurting me.

"It's OK. Just slide away from the steering wheel," I said.

He moved his body sideways and I turned my head so that I was facing him. He unsnapped his shorts and opened his fly. I reached in and took a hold of his penis through the slit in his boxers. It was hot and hard to my touch. Between the two of us we managed to get it out into the open. It was purple with engorged blood and his pre-cum ran out of the hole in a torrent.

Here I was – lying in the cab of a pickup truck with a guy playing with my pussy and my face not six inches away from a hardon. I licked it.

"Just like a teenager in a drive-in theatre," I thought.

At that moment, Phil pinched my clitoris with the fingers of one hand and inserted several fingers of his other hand into my vagina. I yelled and thrust my hips up into his hand. Phil stroked my clitoris like a little penis and I knew I was seconds away from an orgasm.

I squeezed his penis and licked it again. Phil let out a grunt and the hole opened up and I knew what was next. All I could think about was my orgasm and his sticky semen in my hair. I did the only logical thing that I could. I closed my mouth over the head of his penis and took his cum into my mouth. Each spurt was accompanied by a grunt from Phil and an accompanying groan from me as my orgasm peaked right along with his.

We were quiet for a few moments. I slowly became aware of the sound of the truck's mufflers and the roar of the cold air pumping out from the air conditioning vents. I could taste Phil's semen in my mouth and my body shuddered each time that he moved his fingers along my sensitive clitoris.

A vision of Danny sitting at our kitchen table with a box of fried chicken broke into my thoughts.

"Oh shit! I have to get going," I said.

Scrambling to a sitting position I pulled my bra back down into place and yanked my panty crotch back where it belonged. My skirt was turned around and I had trouble finding the zipper to hook it back up.

"God, that was great," Phil said.

He leaned over to kiss me and I tilted my head back and met his lips. I pushed my tongue into his mouth to make sure that he got a taste of his own semen. He pulled back away from me and looked at me with a strange look in his eyes.

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" He ordered. "Wear a skirt again tomorrow night. I like you in dresses."

The spell was broken. I had done what I had started out to do. I didn't have a plan for a next time and I didn't like his attitude.

"There won't be a next time," I responded. "See you around."

I could still taste his semen in my mouth as I drove towards home. I straightened my clothes and brushed my hair while moving along with the evening traffic.

"I wish I had that beer to wash his taste out of my mouth," I said aloud.

Danny and the kids would be waiting. I conjured up the look of surprise that would show on Danny's face when he saw my bare pussy for the first time.

I pulled into our driveway and parked next to Danny's car. I sat there for a moment and reflected on what had occurred during the last few days. I felt guilty about what I had done but at the same time I felt free of my demons.

"It's good to be home," I said aloud. "I think I'll stay here."

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ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 1 year ago

The truth always comes out. Eventually she will find herself divorced and Phil will find himself crippled. Then Danny can go find a better woman. They are out there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is the distasteful story of an aging, plump and perpetually sweaty slut with lumpy cellulite whose highest claim to fame is pretty feet. The detailed descriptions of her secretion saturated panties and panty hose evoke nausea rather than lust. She should thank her lucky stars that her husband finds her desirable and focus her affection on that hapless idiot.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotalmost 3 years ago

Finally a story where the woman gets away with it. Wish there were more stories like this one, instead of those with a weak minded husbands that can only get off by watching their wife's with another man. Or the husband that looses his wife and family because work is more important to him than his wife and family. Keep up the good work and hope to see more stories like this from you.

RB8BY3WIDERB8BY3WIDEalmost 3 years ago

She is just a ugly minded slut cheating on her husband and getting away with it. Hope he tells her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I'm sad to read stories like this where good mothers and women destroy their marriages because they won't accept the truth. I feel bad for the family.

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