Chance Encounter Ch. 18


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His brothers didn't like what Officer Leo had done, but they thought less of Miguel's criminal behavior. They told him he had a choice, find new friends or expect more of the same.

To the relief of his family Miguel found new friends at the Boys Club. He discovered something else; while he sucked at sports he excelled at long distance running. He kept representing the Boys Club track team until high school when he joined the high school track team. By the time he graduated he had a roomful of trophies. He also had no scholarship offers as track didn't bring in the dollars. Universities instead spent their money on football and basketball.

Officer Leo fingered Miguel's license before handing it back. He smiled, flashing super white teeth, "Miguel, you better wipe your face."

Miguel was wearing short sleeves so he used the shirt tail to wipe his face clean of Jean's juices. Miguel's real relief was not being caught by Officer Leo as he lapped up from Jean's palm his cum; that he thought would have been really awful.

Officer Leo grilled him about the girl in the back seat.

"Who's the girl?"

"My girlfriend."

"How old?"


"Good. I was afraid you were with a minor and I would have to take you in."

"How long have you been dating her?"

"15 months."

"Sounds serious."

"It is."

He moved on and said he kept track of me in high school, but lost track after Miguel graduated. Miguel told him he had a degree and was now close to getting his master's.

Leo looked at him and grinned, "I guess beating your ass paid off."

Miguel grinned back, "It did."

Leo extended his hand, "No hard feelings."

Miguel shook his hand, "No."

Leo then advised Miguel he needed to sit in the back of the squad car while he interviewed the girl.

He promised, "It won't take but a few minutes. Standard protocol. Make sure she's here of her own free will and of legal age. She should be dressed by now."

Miguel digested Officer Leo's last sentence. He wondered how long Leo had stood there watching as he ate Jean. He pictured the flashlight's beam as it scanned the length of Jean's body. He told himself he had nothing to worry about; Officer Leo was a good man.

He told Miguel procedures called for him to be handcuffed but since they knew each other and his interview with Jean was just a formality he would forego the handcuffs. Miguel thanked him before getting in the back seat of the car.

Before closing the door, Leo asked, "What's your girlfriend's name?"

He answered, "Jean."

Officer Leo said her name aloud, "Nice name. I like it. Pretty girl."

He opened the rear door of the police car. Miguel got in and sat down. Leo closed the door. He watched as Leo opened the back door to Jean's car. He couldn't see Jean as Leo's broad back blocked his view. Leo sat down closing the door behind him.

It was fifteen minutes before Leo and Jean exited the car. She came out the same side as him. He could hear them talking. She called him Leo and he called her Jean. They joked about leaving Miguel in the car. Leo told her she could get him out.

She answered rolling her eyes grinning, "I guess so."

Still grinning she walked to the door staring at Miguel. She looked through the glass. He grinned back. With a flourish she opened the door and announced, "We're free to go."

Miguel got out of the car. Jean closed the door behind him. She gave him a hug. He hugged her back. Leo watched. He was smiling. Jean asked Miguel, "Was Leo nicer this time than the first time you met?"

Her question surprised him. He didn't think Leo would have told Jean. Then again, they were in the back seat for fifteen minutes. He wondered what else they talked about.

"Yes, a lot nicer."

Leo said, "See Jean, I told you there are no hard feelings between Miguel and I. I was just doing my job."

He then asked, "Aren't you going to tell him?"

Jean said, "Give me a minute." She exchanged glances between Miguel and Leo as she talked, "Miguel, it's a small world. It turns out you're not the only one who knows Leo. I do too. His parents and mine are old friends. We haven't seen other in years. He was a lot older than us."

Miguel and Jean both believed things happened for a reason. After all these years there had to be a reason their paths crossed. Miguel wondered if Leo's presence prevented something bad from happening.

Leo answered, "And now the two of you are all grown up. Wow. Wedding bells in the future?"

Jean hooked her arm into Miguel's and answered, "Yes, maybe next summer."

Leo asked, "Are kids in the cards?"

Jean smiled at Miguel, "Yes, lots."

Leo chuckled, "Always the good Catholic. I'm not surprised. I just hope you're being careful."

Jean blushed crimson pretending to be offended by Leo's allusion to safe sex, but clearly pleased with his comment, "Leo." She knew he got an eyeful of her in the back seat but she didn't want him to think she wasn't a virtuous woman so she lied, "We are being careful; that's why you didn't see us doing it. We're saving that for marriage. Right Miguel?"

Miguel hoped his face didn't reveal his surprise at her comment. He would ask her why later, but decided it was more prudent to lie with her.

"That's right Officer Leo. We're waiting."

Leo looked at Miguel. If he was skeptical Miguel couldn't tell. Leo figured they were telling the truth. Jean had always been a bit of a goody two shoes. When she was young she play acted being a nun. It was also obvious she had Miguel wrapped around her little finger. He would do anything she wanted.

He didn't know how to respond other than to say, "Good."

He decided to give them the standard lecture on lover's lane crime.

"You and Jean read the papers don't you?"

They both nodded yes.

"Remember what happened a few months ago. At Brackenridge park to the young couple. I helped secure the crime scene. It was horrific. Several men raped her which was bad enough, but what they did to her boyfriend was even worse. After making him watch, she was still a virgin, she watched as they beat and raped him. He wasn't small like you Miguel, but he was no match for them. I guess they surprised him. She's doing better, but he's having a hard time dealing with it. He blames himself for what happened to her but wishes he had fought them harder."

On that somber note, he shook Miguel's hands and opened his arms to Jean. She left Miguel's side and wrapped her arms around Leo. They squeezed each other tight. Miguel knew what Leo was feeling, Jean's big breasts flattening against his hard chest and her crotch against his.

He was a good 4 inches taller than Jean. She looked up at him. It was obvious to Miguel she was as awed by Leo as he was. It wasn't just his good looks or muscular build Leo had an aura about him. He exuded power and inspired confidence. One just sensed no matter the crisis Leo could handle it.

He stared back at her, "Promise me you'll be careful Jean."

Miguel might not have existed, "I promise, Leo."

He pursed his lips and she gave him a kiss. It was a chaste kiss, like a parent gave a child, but it sent a chill through Miguel.

He stopped his embrace of Jean. He told her, "I'll call you tomorrow and we can figure out a time for dinner. Tell your folks hello."

Miguel's jaw dropped. The temptation to tell him was great, but Leo decided to have Jean break the news.

While he walked to the driver's side of the patrol car Jean returned to Miguel and put her arm around his waist. She hugged him tight.

Leo looked at them before getting in the car, "I hope you like steak."

"I love steak," she answered.

He flashed his million dollar smile and got in. Before driving off he gave her another look and tipped his finger to Miguel. He mouthed, "I'll call you tomorrow."

They watched him drive off.

Miguel's voice sounded irritated, "What was that all about?"

She pulled him to face her. She kept her fingers hooked into his belt loops and pressed his crotch to hers.

Inside she was boiling over with excitement, but she knew she had to keep a lid on it.

Her voice was calm, "Remember my dad's demand? When Leo was in the car. We started talking and I told him what my dad had insisted on. He laughed saying it sounded like my dad. He remembered him as being very old school. He thought it would be funny if he showed up as my date. It would teach my dad a lesson seeing me with a much older man. Don't worry. It's just dinner."

Miguel felt powerless. It was junior high and high school all over again. The thought of losing Jean terrified him, but the tingling feeling coursing through his penis confused him. He was glad he wasn't erect, but figured if his crotch stayed pressed against Jean's much longer he would be.

He answered her, "Jean, Officer Leo is a great guy, but he just saw you naked."

She brushed off his reservation, "Miguel, Leo is not like that. I'm sure he's seen plenty of women naked. He's like an older brother. I can't wait to see my dad's reaction. He'll freak. Then he'll shut up. Running into Leo was perfect."

Miguel didn't share her enthusiasm but kept his opinion to himself. He might have been more inclined to side with her a few weeks ago before she had shared with him her fantasy. He remembered the way she drooled over the photos in Playgirl. Leo was certainly centerfold material.

He decided it was pointless to protest. Her dad had made up his mind and she was going to obey.

Jean thought Miguel looked a little pale. She suggested they go and get some ice cream.

They got in the car, but not before Miguel went in the back seat to grab the towel. He pictured what Leo saw, his head between Jean's legs. He told himself Officer Leo was an honorable man.

Towel in the trunk, he joined Jean in the front seat. At Sonic she ordered for the two of them. He felt queasy and went to the bathroom. He needed a few minutes away from Jean.

When he returned to the dining room Jean was already eating. She offered him a milk shake telling him it would help with his stomach ache.

Jean was so upbeat, her enthusiasm contagious. She kept telling him how great everything was going to turn out, to have faith in her. He assured her he did. She accused him of not not believing her. He assured her believed her. He convinced her he was on board. He promised he trusted her and no he wouldn't do anything childish like go on dates to get back at her. She asked him to promise and he told her, "I promise I won't date anyone but you."

She shared with Miguel what she knew. Leo worked weekends so they would have to go out during the week. She didn't think her parents would mind. As they talked he found himself answering questions she posed. Did she need to get her hair done? No. A new pedicure and manicure? Yes. Dress or pants? Dress. Which dress? Miguel's favorite, the burgundy one. Which shoes? The black high heels.

She squeezed Miguel's hand. "Isn't this fun? You helping me pick out what to wear. Should I leave it up to him or tell him what I want to do?"

"Leave it up to him."

"I think so too. I don't want to sound bossy. He remembers me as being very bossy."

Miguel laughed picturing them as children. He doubted if she got her way back then. Officer Leo didn't seem open to compromise.

"Stockings or pantyhose?"

He didn't know she owned stockings. "Stockings," he answered.

She continued squeezing and rubbing his hand. "I want you to be part of this Miguel. I wish you were going to be here to help me get ready."

Consciously he didn't share that wish, but her words stirred something in his subconscious, flipping a switch tied from his brain to his penis. It wasn't a huge electrical shock, but a steady flow of low current like a 9 volt battery makes in contact with one's tongue. Instead of his tongue getting all that juice it was his penis. Still soft, but full of electrical current. He sensed he was a hair breadth from climaxing. He wondered what it would feel like to cum with no erection.

He gave her the answer she wanted to hear and the one his subconscious told him to say, "I wish I were here to help you get ready."

She looked at him to see if he was serious. His face told her he was sincere. Her heart was galloping. Her mouth was dry. Her nipples were hard and her breasts heavy. Between her legs was a leaking dam needing to be plugged.

She answered loweing her voice, "Maybe one day you can."

He didn't purposely lower his but his words came out soft, "I'd like that."

She looked at him, "Let's take our drinks and go to my house. I know you have to get going."

She opened the driver's door and he got in followed by her. She felt completely in control and she loved the way it made her feel. She told him, "Turn on the radio. Find a station I like."

He did. He was quiet on the drive to her house looking at her and outside the window wondering why he rolled so easily. She said jump and his best answer was how high. He was pathetic. He was her little puppy dog. Even worse he was content with his role. It was hard to argue with her; she was just so damn good looking and more times than not she was right. Like Leo she inspired confidence. He felt their days as a couple were few. He thought they would make a good pair. It sickened him.

Jean told him to sit closer. She put her right hand on his knee. When she got to her house she was going to show him just appreciative he was. She was glad he hadn't argued with her. She knew he had reservations, but she would show him he had no reason to worry. He had yet again proven himself worthy. He was as her dad said, 'a keeper'.

She parked on the side of her house out of view. She turned off the ignition and looked at Miguel.

"I hope you know how much I love you. What you're doing isn't just sweet, but brave. You're doing it because you love me. I know you're worried, but you shouldn't be. It will all work out. After a couple of dates with Leo my dad will be off my back."

He wanted to believe her.

"If you think we're in love now you ain't seen nothing Miguel. After I'm done with Leo I'm going to show you what love is. I'm going to spoil you like you've never thought possible."

He smiled. She began showering him with kisses, soft ones all over his face. In between each kiss she told him, "I love you, I love you, I love you." He told her he loved her too.

She suddenly felt worried. She feared he was just going to get in his car and drive away and never come back, "Give me a chance Miguel. Trust me."

He assured her he was and he did.

"You don't sound like it."

He apologized. He explained he was just overwhelmed. It had been a lot to take in one evening and now he was having to leave just when he thought she needed him the most.

She told him, "I'm a big girl Miguel. I wish you were here too, but I can take care of myself."

He wasn't so sure.

She felt better and resumed kissing him. She whispered, "Miguel, do you have a condom?"

He told her he didn't.

She went back to kissing him. He loved the way she french kissed. Her kisses were so sensuous. He knew if he had a condom they would do it. He regretted not having one in his wallet. Her question made him feel better, but also made him wonder if it was a question she would ask Leo.

She broke from their kiss and told him, "Miguel, I don't care. I want you in me."

He was going to urge her to be cautious, but the look on her face told him she wouldn't be denied. She wanted the two of them to be joined and the absence of a condom wasn't going to stop them.

He had never been in her vagina without a condom. The idea excited and scared him. He knew he would climax quickly. She might get pregnant.

She sensed his conflict.

"Miguel, I won't get pregnant. I just want you in me. Don't worry about me climaxing. I don't care if you cum quick."

An idea popped into her head. She wondered why she hadn't thought of it before. She wanted the closeness of intercourse.

"Miguel, unzip your pants and take your penis out, but hand me my purse first."

He handed Jean her purse wondering what she needed out of it. She pulled out a small jar of Vaseline. She opened the lid and told him, "Take some and spread it on your penis."

He did wondering if she thought Vaseline was a spermicide.

She lifted her dress up and straddled him. She slowly sank down, "Put in in my butt, Miguel."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. Just go slow."

To make sure he hit the right hole she kept her sex pressed against his abdomen leaving a wet trail on his shirt. She did the guiding telling him to move it. When she felt the corona against her rosebud she lowered herself onto him.

It was a good pain she felt. It had been a while. She was glad he was smaller than Buck.

Fully inside her she asked him how it felt.

"Great. Tight. How about you? Does it feel good?"

"It does. I feel stretched."

He liked hearing her say his penis stretched her.

She said, "I was planning on riding you, but it might be better if I just sit here and you do the thrusting."

He noted she was right. He moved his hands to her bottom. Before grabbing each of her buttocks he felt where his penis entered her. He wanted to savor the moment. Unlike when he took her virgin pussy there was no blood and from what he could tell very little discomfort. He ran his finger around the area where his penis and her anus met. She did feel stretched and he felt big.

He grabbed a cheek and lifted her. She helped by pulling on the top of the car seat. He was glad she was strong. She sat there as he moved his pelvis up and and down sliding his cock in and out of her. She wished he could pet her because his penis felt wonderful making her think of the times Buck fucked her.

She looked at Miguel and told him she loved him.

He told her he loved her too. Whatever hurt and reservations he was having seemed inconsequential as he told himself, "Jean really loves me. This woman wants to be my wife."

What surprised both of them was his endurance. Inside her vagina even with a condom on he rarely lasted a minute. Inside her much tighter ass without the deadening effect of latex he went close to five.

Jean's insistence on having some form of intercourse was to snap Miguel out of the funk she knew he was in, to remind him they weren't done, to make him feel desired and loved. It accomplished her goal because at the moment he climaxed he had decided neither Jean's dad, Leo, or any other man was going to run him off. He would weather whatever they threw at him. She was one day going to be his wife.

After he climaxed he thanked her and mumbled how much he loved her. She told him she loved him too. As his penis softened her sphincter pushed him out. He whispered into her ear, "Jean, do you want me to eat you?"

She looked at him, "Would you? I want you too. I was thinking of asking you, but wondered if it might gross you out."

"It doesn't gross me out. I've licked you there before."

"But I want you to lick all of me down there. I just thought you might not want to. You can pet me if you want to."

"Don't be silly Jean. I want to eat you. How are we going to do this?"

"I want to ride you Miguel. How about you lay down? I can keep an eye out for my dad."

"If your dad comes outside Jean we're busted. My shirt and pants are soaking wet."

She laughed and he joined her. What they were doing was insane.

She got off of him. She stood up, her body half bent over as he went from sitting to lying on his back. He told her he was ready.

She placed a knee on the seat. He scooted further down towards the driver's door bringing his legs up to make room.

She wanted his tongue on her ass first then her vagina. When she felt his tongue touch her anus she began to push down returning to him the ejaculate he had deposited in her. He didn't retreat but lapped it up. He then began to probe her now loose bottom for more. She realized as he french kissed her ass she wasn't going to need his tongue on her vagina. His analingus triggered in her a massive orgasm.