Chaya aka Devyani

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How a girl with drive and determination made it quietly.
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1975 Chaya Calcutta

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This is partially based on a true incident, a key and eventual part of my sexual discovery, episodes and explorations in life. Only names and locations have been changed to protect the anonymity of everyone concerned. Some poetic license has been indulged in.

Readers will appreciate that there is a story here, with erotic description, as appropriate, It is not full of wham bam from the first para.

My thanks and gratitude to those patient readers and for your comments and reviews

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I had discovered masturbation, in a roundabout way, described elsewhere in my Personal Sexual Anthology. Ever since then, I had started to collect bra advertisements and any other sexy pictures from here and there, mostly movie magazines. One was a bikini clad acrobat, part of a circus brochure, another was a topless pic of a porn actress from a foreign porn magazine, which my friend at school gave me. These were pasted into a small notebook, which I kept hidden from prying eyes.

Chaya was our servant maid, who was maybe a year or two older, and she always had this kind of scornful look on her face whenever she encountered me at home. Her work was initially restricted to sweeping and mopping the house, and she tried to pose as if she was the Queen of Sheba, doing us a favour. In time, she took on laundry and cooking as well.

She was clear complexioned, with a robust look about her. She wore her thick, waist length hair in a braid. Sometimes two. I had observed her bosom filling out over the last couple of years. She had been with us for the past four or five years, I forget the accurate time frame. She was never walking. Only Strutting around like royalty.

When I was a few years younger, I stood below her, and in one year, in my eighth grade, I overtook her in height. I was not athletic, but had a decent physique, thanks to genes.

As was their won't, she was not used to wearing a bra. I remember overhearing my mother telling her to start wearing a bra, but she would always reply that it felt too tight.

Her dresswear consisted of hand me downs from the places she worked at. Mostly old school skirts, some shirts, a few expensive looking dresswear, no doubt discarded from some wealthy family.

She was also quite casual and lazy about work, and would often skim thru the magazines at home, though I guess she could not read. She would also do the mopping and sweeping, half heartedly. My mother was quite familiar with her tricks, and a sharp, occasional smack would set things right, for the next few days at least. It was not unknown to have lipstick and perfume bottles disappear from the houses she tended to. She was careful to grab only those that were almost over, counting on her mistresses absent mindedness to not notice the losses.

On some occasions, when I felt my Mom was being unfair, I would intervene, but would receive a severe ticking off from her, for intruding into an area which was not my concern. Keep your Civics lessons for school, she would admonish me. Servants have to be kept in their place.

It was one such occasion, when my mother was leaving home, that the wench misbehaved, and got a couple of raps, with instructions to finish up the work quickly. Dark hints of possible punishment were delivered as the door closed. Nangi karke, chappal se marungi[1], was the threat. It was a common threat from Mom, but I never saw her administer it. I could not help snigger, a bit loudly.

"Kya hasne ka hai"[2], she pouted, as she came into my room. I was preparing for my final board exams. We had completed the syllabus a few months ago and were going to classes for only half days, and then as exams drew nearer, we were given a month off as preparatory holidays.

I was reading my Chemistry text and the Biology text was next in line.

She was wearing a shirt, which was once white, a bit close fitted, and a faded blue skirt. Her bosom was well expressed thru the thin fabric. I could make out that there was no bra, not surprisingly, with the little nipple heads peeking out. I wondered whether she had any panties on. Well, it would not do to lift her skirt to check!!

In my mind, I was stripping her, trying to visualise her nude, getting a spanking. It was a new and a first time thought. Seeing someone punished in the nude was a common judgement, generally passed on younger kids, generally pre puberty. Boys got it in full view of the household and any chance visitors. Girls were spared the public humiliation, but got it nevertheless within the confines of the women's quarters.

Kuchh nahi[3], I replied, pretending to focus on my test paper. I looked at her, and she had this perpetual scowl pasted on as usual. Don't scowl always, you will look better if you smile, I advised. I have nothing to smile about, she replied, as she flounced out of the room. You can, if you want, I yelled after her.

A little while later, I heard her at work in the rest of the house, and it looked like she wanted to do my room at the very last. Something in me was hinting that today might be different, as there hardly was any face to face interaction with her before.

She strode into my room, as it it were her own kingdom, wielding the broom in her right hand, like it was a weapon. Witnessing her attitude and general scornfulness, I guffawed, "Arre baba! Looks like you are going to beat me with that!"

I swear, for the first time, I saw the scowl vanish, and a half smile played about. Hmm, If it is necessary, I will certainly use it, she retorted. Kaun? Aur nangi karke![4] You or I, as nude? I inquired politely. Let's see, depends on how you behave, was her pert reply. She was smiling big as she started to quickly sweep the room, and I left my desk to take a break, while she completed her work.

Walking out, I glanced back, she was on all fours near my bed, facing away from me. Her skirt had crept upwards over her bum, and I saw the glimpse of a red panty, so that answered my question of what she wore over her choot[5].

As I walked back in, a good 10 minutes later, I noticed her swabbing under my desk, and her skirt had ridden up a bit more. There was no panty on!! This girl is something, I mused, still wondering whether I had made a mistake. I stepped out again, this time with a brusque knock on the door, telling her to finish up quickly. She looked back, looked at her exposed bums, and tugged her skirt down. There was no sign of anything unusual indicated in her expression.

She came out shortly and went to our bathroom to wash her hands and things. I knew my mother never liked her to do that, they had their own wash area. Arre, udhar kya kar rahi ho[6], I called out. She came back into the room, wiping her hands on her skirt, and smelling of my mom's fragrant soap. Haath dhone se, sink thodi na ghis jayega, baba,[7] she replied cheekily.

Accha, chai bana doon?[8], she asked, somewhat more sweetly. I knew she had a soft spot for tea, and if I said yes, she would get a cup too. More for her sake, i consented, as I started to feel a bit softer towards her after what seem to be a better footing between us.

She brought the tea in after a few minutes, and giving me my cup, she squatted on the floor, and sipped hers. Could not see the panty aspect, the was she was squatting now. It seemed that she had let open the top button of her shirt. From my chair, I had a clear view of her youthful breasts. My little bugger got the signal, and started to stir up.

We finished the tea, and she got up and picked up my cup, dallying closer to me than was really necessary. While she did that, I had to freeze my hands to prevent them from squeezing her tits right away. Just brushing her bum was the most I could eke out, at first. Seeming to get some slight encouragement, by her moving closer, I ventured pushing my paw upskirt, It was confirmed, no panty. I had my hand in a fist, like a thumbs up, between her now spread out legs. She was trying to position her cunt lips over my thumb. I could feel wetness. Open season now, my other hand went into the shirt, seeking out the soft lumps.

We heard the front door open, and that put an end to any more of that. I grabbed her hand and squeezed some few rupees into her palm. I knew she could use it. She looked astonished, scrambled out and started making noises of washing in the kitchen.

She informed my mom that all was completed for the day and left. I could see the front door from my door, and as she turned, I saw her give me a wave and hugged herself with a big smile. Well, at least things will seem more pleasant hereon, as far as Chaya was concerned, were my thoughts.

My mother came into my room, saw me hard at work, and left me in peace.

For the next few days, I had to go to school to clarify some points with my teachers, and was not at home. That followed with my mother being at home all the time, with the reason that my final exams were approaching, and she needed to make sure I was eating properly and sleeping at the right time. She wasn't too worried about my scholastics, she knew I would do well. It was motherly concern, and I was grateful for it.

Flip side was, no more opportunity of dalliances with Chaya, interactions were at a very healthy distance, but definitely more cordial. Scowls, frowns and scorn were clearly off the agenda. And I was given the favour of smiles, and on some lucky moment, a cheeky swing of the butt.

Needless to mention, she was my jackoff fantasy during my deary days of Board examination preparations.

I failed to mention one incident, when she was cleaning my room, I had caught her sneaking a peek into my Biology textbook, and what was getting her interest there, I could not imagine at that point. Biology was not my strong point, and I hated the subject. Seemed to be too much mugging up and less of derivation, unlike Chemistry, Physics and Maths. It seemed to be like that to me, and that text was getting the least of my attention. I had already mugged up all the portions, enough to ensure good marks.

I finally got to it one day, and while revising up the required portions to guarantee that I got distinction marks, I noticed that one page had it's top corner, turned down, like a bookmark. I hated that habit, though a lot of my class fellows did follow it. The chapter was "Reproductive Systems", and the section was "Humans".

I turned the page and there was a sketch of the human genitalia, both male and female, with all the parts pointed out. The erect human penis was not depicted! But the process of engorgement of the corpora cavernosa was describe in one line. The teacher had kind of spent a few minutes only on this chapter, I could recollect, and said that any question in the finals on this part of the syllabus was optional, and hence we need not spend much time. She was red in the face, and there was much giggling and hooting amongst the boys and girls in class that day. Class ended earlier than bell, that day.


I could guess who was behind bookmarking this page, and I was not only keen, but looking forward to see what it led to next.

I forgot to mention, on day one of my exams, I got a shy "Bhest of lock"[9], from her, as I passed her on my way out. It took me a few minutes to figure out what it was she had said, and it dawned, and my jolly lund[10], also approved of this turn of events with a small leap. My mother was in earshot, but as it was an auspicious occasion, she let it by. If anything, she seemed to be getting better work out of Chaya, and was grateful for small mercies. Domestic help was hard to get in a city.

Exams came, and kind of went by in a daze. The Board exams were followed by various entrance tests, and it was another fortnight before they were done. The blokes trying for seats in medical schools had another month though, but I had agreed with my parents that I was not cut out for medicine. At last they were done with. I did not even find time to jack off during those days. Now I just had to bide my time for the results and see what worked out for my graduate career.

This epic period in my life now in a quiet mode, my mother took off to visit some relatives. These said visits were postponed on account of my status of "Writing Exams". The status was, if there was Facebook then, would be changed to "Goofing Off"


I did not think too much of my being by myself when my Mom was leaving until she gave me list of things she wanted Chaya to do over the next two days. She said as you will be at home, you can make sure that she gets all these done. And she was off.

Chaya! All the fantasies came over me, and the li'l injun chugged up. I had idea whether Chaya was teasing me, or she was willing to do something, like, like, I really had no idea. Visions of the Kama Sutra and Ananga Ranga, with Khajuraho and Konark images were playing like a movie in my mind's eye.

The next day dawned, and I was asleep, as I had nothing to do. Chaya rang the doorbell and seeing that I had opened it, came in without a word.

I tried to back to sleep, but listening to the sounds of her bustling about in the kitchen, I went and washed up, and sat down in the living room. She got me a cup of tea and that was when I mentioned the list of things she had to do over the two or three days.

She stood and listened and stated, "I will quickly clean the house, and I have one more house to finish". "I will come and prepare lunch, and get the rest of Maaji's work done in the afternoon.", she went on.

I was sitting at my desk and listening to the radio, and all my text books were boxed up. There was some younger guy at school, who had asked for them, and I was glad to see the last of them.

She had come into my room to clean up, and she asked me, why have you put your books away. I explained that I did not need them anymore. So you have read every book completely, she quizzed. Yes, I said, and then recollected the bookmark. Reaching into the cardboard carton, I pulled out my Biology text, and showed her the bookmarked page. First I showed the text side of the page, and later the diagram side of the page, overleaf. Looks like you have been doing some reading too, I commented.

She blushed all of a sudden, and rushed out of my room. I think she had bookmarked the page to get to it quickly, to get to look at it in my absence, and had not realised that I had caught her at it.

She was sitting in the kitchen when I went to look for her, Biology text in hand. She had a scared look about her at that time, I was moved by her state. I sat down next to her and held her hand. She looked at me, unsure of my next move. Don't worry, I will not be telling anyone. It did not enter my mind then, that she was quite vulnerable, and may have consented to my taking some liberties with her. Like maybe a tight hug with tit squeeze and a kiss thrown in.

But like a gentleman, I desisted, and told her to make us both a cup of tea. I went back to my desk and fiddled with the tuner on the transistor radio, looking for a Shortwave channel with music.

She brought in the tea, and as before, squatted down, with her own cup. She had one knee up, exposing her crotch, which was without any panty. This fact did not miss my notice, but I gave no indication of the same. We sipped, and looked into each other's eyes. She looked away after a moment, and finishing her tea, came up to pick up my empty cup. She lingered at my desk, as the first time, but this time, I peaked up the gumption to draw her closer. Babuji, she gasped. This was the first time she had addressed me respectfully. But she did not resist.

I opened the page in the Biology text, and asked her what was her interest in the subject. She smiled shyly and did not reply.

I have seen the woman's parts only in the book, I went on, in a very casual tone. She looked at me curiously, and "Liar!". You didn't have anyone to show you? What about the girls in your class? Could you not ask any of them?

Whaaat!! I exploded. Impossible!

Why, what would she do?

Maybe slap me.

Thals all, isn't it. Worth to take the risk don't you think? Chaya certainly had her risk-reward perspective clear.

Maybe she would tell the teacher.

Teacher will slap you, that all. The boys in my street ask me all the time. I will tell you, most girls will agree.

There was a couple of minutes of silence, as I tried to absorb this philosophy, and I could see her line of reasoning. Sunaina may have agreed, and so may have Mithali. Poornima, wow, she was some beauty. I went into a reverie about my class girls. And then I heard, distantly, "Babooji, aap mere dekhna chahenge?[11]"

I gulped, breaking out of day dream. Seeing the unspoken desire in my eyes, she unbuttoned her shirt and came closer. Close enough for me to also get a stronger whiff of the mustard oil used by these folk on their body. I explored the twin mounds, and ran my fingers and palm of both my hands over them. She came closer and sat on my lap, while I was having the time of my life, enjoying the willing offering by Chaya. In a minute or so, her nipples hardened, and she was moaning softly. She hugged me closer and tighter while I was attending to a gentle mammary massage.

Aap mere mamme bahut acche pyaar sey dabathe ho


Yeh gully ke chokre, bahut daba ke pis the haim, mere mamme ko

Accha, ye gully mein intna badmashi hota hai.

Ha Babooji, bahut badmashi hota hai. Lekin, aap mujhe bahut pasand aaye, Babooji


You are pressing my breasts with a lot of love


The guys in my street, they squeeze the hell out of my tits

Oh, there is such mischief going on there?

Yes Sir, there is a lot of mischief. But I have come to like you a lot, Sir


I moved my lips and ventured to suck one tit. She pressed against my mouth as I ran my touque over her hard and erect nipple, and tasted the mustard. She pulled back and offered the other breast. Her moans grew harder and she moved one hand down to her pussy. Her skirt was over my knees, but as she lifted it, I could feel the dampness of her vaginal front. She came with a red flush all over her, and collapsed into me, as my now fully erect dick, stood at attention for duty, very patiently.

Aap ka lowda khada ho gaya? ( Is your cock erect now?)

Haan, pura tayyar hai (Yes, it's fully ready)

Kiske liye, she giggled (For what)

Tere liye (For you)

Dikhayiye ga na, Babooji, (show it to me please, Sir)

I pushed her off my lap, and pulled down my shorts and briefs. In the interim, my fellow got a bit bored with the conversation and drooped off to stand at ease.

I pulled my clothes off, and stood nude for the first time in my life, in front of the servant girl. You should also take off your dress, I asked. She obliged, and was in the same state as I. We moved closer and started running our hands over each other and feeling each other intensely.

We sat down and continued our explorations. Soon, we were on the floor, writing together like snakes entwined.

We were very tender with each other, all her rough attitude had morphed into a more loving nature, and we kissed each other, at one point, with our tongues in each other's. I place pne finger to her slit, and probed the inner passage gently. She seemed to like it very much, and was pressing her clit against my finger. I did not realise that it was a clit, just felt a hardish pint. I continued on her pussy, while she was squeezing and rubbing my cock and balls. At one point. Her finger seemed to feel like being near my arsehole, but she withdrew it.