Chips With Some Dip

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They watch the game, and both score!
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/23/2019
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June 2019

Syracuse, NY

I arrived at Marie's doorway all covered in sweat from my run. I had started at my hotel finishing at her home. She greeted me with a big hug and a smile.

Marie was a petite busty lady in her late forties with ash brown hair styled in a layered bob with skin so very white. I kissed on her cheek then made a remark about her being an American Snow White before I jumping into her shower.

"What's the plan for tonight?" I asked pulling on a fresh t-shirt, it was purple with a large red velociraptor on the front.

Marie blinked three times, as she tried to clear her mind after glimpsing my abs.

"Uh, sorry dear?" She tried to say before finally recovering. "It's basketball."

I took a seat beside her on the sofa and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. On the table before us were bowls of chips, a plate of fruits and veggies along with some bottles of water. It was just us that night, her kids were either out with their father, or staying with friends.

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed excitedly. "That Canadian team is going to win it tonight!"

"They are hardly Canadian." Marie corrected. "Almost all their players are American."

I chuckled as I pulled her in close for a kiss. If there were three words I could use to describe her, they'd be Mormon, Poly, and Innocent, with emphasis on the innocence!

The game progressed very well; the Canadian team lacked the home town advantage, but it didn't stop them from giving it all they had. They were taking bold risks, and it seemed to be paying off.

When I managed to peel my eyes from the TV I would steal flirty glances over at Marie. She wore a baby blue blouse that was low cut in the front, with large oval openings on the shoulders. That dark line of cleavage really had me sweating!

By the final quarter the two teams were still slugging it out, the Canadians seemed to be winning, but it still anybody's game! It reminded me of two veteran armies exhausted by war with enough energy for one last go at it. Much like the Battle of the Ardennes, victory could still be found by either side!

Marie jumped up into the air screaming, I was lost in thoughts about Patton kicking ass, completely missing her breasts swaying hypnotically with her as she leapt repeatedly.

"Pay attention!" She shouted shaking me. "They won!!"

I looked at the TV and it looked like VE day as the crowd surged onto the court! The screaming on the Television was drowned out by our own cheers of joy! The underdogs had done it! Like the boys of Bastogne, they held off the much larger foe to claim victory for themselves!

As Marie's chest pressed against me I remembered the real reason for my visit. I wasn't there to eat celery slices and pineapple chunks, I was there for our mutual pleasure! I could feel my penis engorging, then pushing into her stomach.

"Now, now!" Marie said wagging a finger at me. "I want to see the post game interviews. We can do that afterwards."

I sighed like a man who was told he had to wait another hour to get his million guilders. Marie sat down and when I huffed then sat beside her, she patted me on the leg.

On the TV a Canadian gent was giving an impromptu speech, if you're my age, you'd remember him as the lad in the wheel chair at a Canadian highschool. If you're younger you'd be listening to his songs.

"What did he say?" Marie said turning to me. "Chips? What does that mean?"

"I have no clue?" I said as bravely as McAuliffe would have declared.

"Come on! You're both..." She said with pleading eyes that wanted to say 'black' but the words wouldn't come out, instead she stammered out. "uh... foreigners."

I wanted to say 'Nuts', but I knew she wouldn't get my joke. So while I took a breath to buy time to speak, she said more.

"Chips and dip?" She said confused. "What could that really mean?"

It finally did dawn on me, so I decided to play a game on her.

"Chips and Dip is a game played by South Koreans. The better you know someone the harder you poke them in the anus with you hand/finger whenever they find you bent over." I said like I was quoting from the Koran.

Marie scrunched up her face up as if she were remembering a bad memory, then slapped my leg before laughing out loud.

"I lived in South Korea with my husband when he was stationed there!!" She declared laughing. "They play that game, but they don't call it that at all! Even the Korean words don't sound like Chips N Dip!"

"Ok..." I said trying to keep a straight face.

"Come on!" She said with a shove. "We won't do anything until you tell me!"

"Ok, I got it." I replied at an attempt to look serious, with little success.

"Come on! Out with it!" She said with her finger and thumb set up to pinch.

"Ok, ok, ok!" I said. "This one I heard in the Barclay's."

"That's not a place!" She declared defiantly.

"So... Chips N Dip is when a male gets down on his hands and knees between a woman's legs." I said slowly as if it were a secret.

Marie leaned in close with a hand on my knee, we had both forgotten the game on the TV. She looked into my eyes hoping to glean some deeper meaning from my words.

"He presses his lips against her... uh lips." I said in a lower tone.

Marie moved closer to me, now deeply enthralled by my tale. If we were armies, I now had her deep inside my Falaise Gap, and it was time to close the trap upon her!

"Then the male exhales like he his blowing up a balloon!" I said yelling the last bit.

Marie looked shocked and puzzled all at once. She had never heard of the Barclay Islands, and how someone there knew this story was beyond her. Fire and fury rose inside her, but as she shoved me humour returned immediately!

"Shut the front door!" Marie roared! "Firstly there's no mention of Chips or Dip!"

I almost fell on the floor laughing.

"Why are you so upset?" I asked wiping a tear from my eye.

"Never you mind!" She roared all fired up again!

This time I did land on the floor, laughing all the way down! Getting back up, I couldn't breath. I had completely destroyed her in ways I didn't quite know with that joke.

Rising I felt that I had one more joke left in me.

"I have to use your latrine madam." I said with tears on my cheeks.

"Go if you must, I'm not missing this!" She said discovering the TV again.

I grabbed the bowl of chips, clutching them close to my body as if it were the printed plans for Operation Totalize.

"What are you doing?" She asked suddenly discovering me in her home.

"I may need a snack while I'm gone..." I said making up a lame excuse.

"You... uh... Barclay people are weird!" She said trying at a joke.

"Madam." I exclaimed politely. "I am Dutch/Aruban, and was born in Rotterdam."

"Rotterdam?" She asked.

"If you ask if it's in Ford county Mississippi, you will wear these chips!" I stated with a wink.

"I have not heard of that location, but there is a Rotterdam in Louisiana up the delta from my husband's brother's..." She said, but I had marched off missing the end of it.

I went to her bathroom, set the bowl of chips on the closed toilet lid, then shut the door, taking care to lock it. I wanted no distractions or interruptions.

All of my playing around with Marie had gotten me fired up! I needed relief much sooner than she could provide. I stood facing the bowl then lowered my pants to free my aching penis.

It was long hard black and in desperate need of attention! As if I were oiling a gun for use, I stroked my cock slowly to get it to full length.

Some men cannot just stand in a bathroom and Jerk off, but after several tours in Afghanistan with the Dutch army, I tell you that it can be done! Back then there was no Wi-Fi to provide naughty images, and having a full-charge on a phone filled with pornography was a luxury I did not have.

My mind thought about Marie's round white tits, and her pink nipples waiting to be sucked upon. My penis hardened further still at my memories of doing just that in the past!

When I felt I was ready, I put my hand on the wall to steady myself in my time of greatest need. In my mind's eye I thought about the time she let me cum in her face, then the other time I came on her breasts pressed together.

What set me over the edge was my memory of fucking her from behind and cumming inside her during a conference call! It was very recent and was my freshest memory of her.

I came with the violence and power of Operation Totalize put into action! Cum fired out of my piss slit to land upon the chips, I moved my dick to one side of the bowl stroking hard, then to the other side to pound out some more.

At the end I beat my meat even harder, making sweat appear on my brow! Cum flew out to land in tiny drops all over the chips!

Taking a breath then looking down at my handiwork I saw that I had done wonderful! Jizz blanketed most of the top layer of chips, with large white clumps laying in the middle. It looked as if I had put sour cream on it.

I shook my cock over the bowl to get the last drops out, which by now was a long trickle of clear goo. I was proud of my single soldier, I tucked him away with the promise he would not be kept hidden for long.

After washing my hands I walked back out with the bowl, then set it down in front of Marie. She was too engrossed in the TV to mind that I had left and now returned.

"They better not trade him!" She said pointing at the screen.

"He will follow the money, that's what they all do." I said remembering how soccer players in Europe would go everywhere and anywhere to make their fortunes.

"What took so long in there?" Marie asked as she reached for a chip, her eyes still on the screen.

"I had a lot to work out." I said holding in a snicker.

I couldn't stare at her, so using my peripheral vision I observed her taking a chip with a large clump of my DNA into her mouth. She didn't seem to notice it at all as she chewed.

"They better not trade him!" She declared a second time as she leaned forward for another chip with more cum on it.

"Yes..." I said.

"What do you know!" She said with a mouthful of cum and chips, pointing a finger at me. "The Lakers can't afford him, they have too many good and expensive players already on the payroll!"

"What I know is you are eating chips and dip." I stated plainly.

"Yeah so?" She said taking more to eat.

I held back my laughter as I saw my DNA between her teeth as she licked her lips to get all the salty goo. She seemed suddenly addicted to my special brand of snacks.

"You're eating chips with my dip!" I said more sternly.

Marie took several more and ate them. She seemed baffled, but enjoyed the treat.

"So?" She asked jerking a thumb at the screen. "What's that gotta do with him?"

"Nothing at all." I said. "But I made a special dip for your chips."

"Aw that's nice dear, you did a good job." Marie said smiling as she tried to touch my face.

"Ah!!" I shrieked falling onto the floor again. "Don't touch me with those hands!"

"You Dutch men are so bizarre!" She declared taking a handful of my specially coated snacks.

"It's covered in cum Marie!" I said on my ass laughing all the while.

"What's that?" Marie asked.

"You know jizz?" I said using the American word for it.

"Come again?" She asked more confused.

"Oh I will!" I declared.

Marie seemed frustrated at my use of puns as she spoke. "Out with it man!"

I had to take a deep breath before I could speak. "I jerked off all over your chips. How are they?"

"Oh!" Marie remarked. "That's all? You should have told me, I would have helped."

Another round of laughter overtook me! Marie is a good, honest woman, she really would have jerked me off too! Now knowing the truth, she looked at the bowl to seek out the best chips with the most black DNA on them.

"You did a good job!" She declared. "Tastes very good!"

It dawned on me right then and there, all the snacks she had laid out, celery, pineapple, the bowl of chips. I wondered who tricked whom?

"Stand up dear." Marie ordered. "Let me see if we can't get you hard again."

I was never one to refuse a lady, so I stood, then stepped closer. She tugged at my waist band and was startled by my swinging cock.

"My my!" Remarked grasping it.

I opened my mouth to say something witty, but the air had been sucked from my lungs when she put my caramel coloured tool in her mouth.

Her lips were soft as she kissed the head, then forgetting all about teasing me she submerged it as deep as it could go into her esophagus. I was mightily impressed, there were few women able to tackle so many inches! Her teeth touched neither head nor shaft as she pushed deeper and deeper.

I looked over her should to see if my penis were going to emerge from her rear end! I then shifted my gaze down her blue blouse. Her round breasts jiggled as she pulled her head back to take a breath.

Like a dedicated trooper she went back into the fray without complaint! I was certain that I'd feel her nose pressed against my body when she had gotten all eight inches into herself.

I didn't have pockets to put my hands into, nor did it seem right to put them behind my head. Placing them on her head or shoulders seemed pointless, she was a woman possessed and there was little I could do to help in any way. I finally put them behind my back.

Marie pulled her head back to take another breath, although I nutted recently, I feared that if she kept that up, I very likely would again!

I helped Marie to her feet, then bent her over the sofa, she didn't struggle with me. Instead surrendering herself to my guidance. She gasped when I yanked at her trousers to reveal her very white, and very nice behind.

Wasting little time, I moved closer to push my deep throated coated black cock into her. She grunted when the head had been inserted, then grunted again as I pushed further. I wasn't the first black man she'd been with, but her petite pussy could only handle so much.

"Oh yes!" She said softly as she came.

I could feel her juices lubricating my dick. I pulled back until only the head remained. Like a battering ram of old, I wanted to hammer away as hard as I could!

"Don't tease me!" She begged. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!"

I laughed at her words, she wasn't the sort to swear; her curse jar for the poor would get a few more coins.

Granting her wish I placed my hands on her hips and squeezing tightly I pushed forward. She grunted in deep appreciation as our bodies slapped together.

I kept doing her doggy style for some time, she loved this position because she had not control. I liked it because I could make her cum so much so fast.

Heat overcame me, so I stripped off my shirt, then stepping out of my sports pants, I could feel the cool air of her home. Marie seemed overheated as well so stepping back I helped her out of her pants.

I sat down on the sofa and beckoned her to me with a curled finger. She did as I instructed, climbing into my lap to impale herself on my dark meat. With our height differences we choose those positions that allow us the most intimacy.

"Don't move." I commanded.

Marie shifted as my cock pulsed inside her.


"I warned you!" I stated pulling my hand from her ass cheek, which had a bright red hand mark.

"A smack like that, and I'll never stay still again!" Marie remarked.

I wanted to give her another for her smart attitude, but her clothing was an obstacle I could not abide! Like the allies storming the Siegfried Line, I accepted nothing less than total victory. I pulled up her shirt to reveal a baby blue brassiere underneath!

Surprised, but not undaunted I pressed my face into her milk white cleavage then wrapped my arms around her body. I could feel her pussy tightening in anticipation.

After more attempts than I'll admit I had the clasp undone. When that baby blue bra came off I felt like cumming once again. Marie's nipples were large and pink, up around her neck you could see how flush I had made her.

"May I ride you now..." Marie asked with sassy.

"Not yet." I cautioned.

"Please?" She teased.

I nodded my head and she started riding. Words will not do justice to describe how she fucked me. The best way I could explain it would be to same she flexed her thigh muscles causing her body to rise. When she relaxed, her body came back down.

While she did this, I didn't sit there dumbly watching, I worshiped her incredible jugs! With one had I weighed a breast, and my other hand I held a breast to my mouth. I felt like a man with a beer in each hand!

Amid her riding I could feel her vaginal muscles contracting repeatedly, I just knew she was cumming non-stop!

I pulled my head back to get my breath back, we both locked eyes and in the heat of the moment Marie started to bring her mouth to mine! Time started to slow down as my mind raced! Escape was not possible... or was it?

"Ah!!" Marie cried out as I moved sideways on the sofa. "What are you doing!"

In my haste I flipped over onto my back laying down on her sofa. Marie managed to hold on, and surprisingly my penis stayed inside her!

Recovering she placed her hands on the arm of the sofa over top of my head then started thrusting her hips down upon me. I wished that she owned a mirror so I could see my black cock entering and leaving her pink pussy over and over again!

When I felt like I was going to explode for the third time, I knew it was time for me to take the drivers seat. I wrapped my large brown arms about Marie, then rotated. We both grunted a few times as I made my way on top.

I had run the equivalent to a half-marathon to her house and now I moved my ass with the same intensity!

With my legs pushing against the arm of the sofa, I drove down with the single minded determination that would make Patton blush. Marie shrieked like a woman possessed underneath me!

Depending on the angle of thrust I could feel her ample bosom smooshing between us. It only served to tease me as my orgasm approached! I wanted to lean down to kiss them, but due to our height difference, that was not to be.

"Fuck me, fuck me harder!" Marie cried out, with all modesty forgotten.

"Nnnnnnuuuuuutttttttsssssss!!" I roared out!

"Aaaaaahhhhh!!" Marie cried out in unison with me.

I could feel my sperm exploding forth from me into Marie. It felt like the breakout of the allied forces from Normandy as my semen swam as deep as they could go inside her.

As if a weight had been lifted from me I exhaled as I fought to stay conscious. Below me Marie was covered in our mutual sweat, fighting to catch her breath.

She escaped out from under me, grabbing a fistful of chips.

"These really are good!" She declared leaving the room.

I was very certain that I had passed out, as I was awoke with a blanket wrapped about me, and her minty flavoured lips. I kissed her back deeply, I seriously debated a third go, but when she joined me on the sofa we both passed out.

"You gotta wake up." Marie said leaning over me and peppering me with kisses.

I opened my eyes to a darkened room, the TV was off, Marie was dressed, and apparent had cleaned up the living room.

"Waarom wat is er?" I said in Dutch; I was so tired I didn't know what language to speak.

"No over nights." Marie said cheerfully.

I knew her husband, even fought him once too! That was a battle that was technically a draw, a fight I didn't want to repeat. I got up, and started to dress.

"Want a ride?" She asked as I put my shoes on.

"No I'll run." I said wiping sleep from my eyes.

"Take one of my husband's pistols with you." Marie suggested as she looked around for one.

I was shocked that he'd have one so handy by the door.

"It's alright, I'll just run fast." I said knowing that New York State had tight gun laws by American standards.

"Suit yourself." She said smiling as if it were an umbrella.