Chloe and the Heat Wave


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"You can't be serious," Chloe responded good-naturedly.

"Well, it won't get any cooler. I hear it's supposed to break 100," her friend continued with a big smile.

"So what if it does?" the brunette said, trying to sound completely nonchalant even as she could feel her pulse speeding up.

"Then I think you'll have a very surprised and happy neighbor tonight, won't you?"

"And why are you so interested in my neighbor?" Chloe asked with genuine curiosity.

"I'm not," Brianna stated flatly. "But I think you're getting a bit of a thrill out of this, letting Ben take pictures and then share those with us." She paused, and then added, "You know, I'm not sure there ever was a peeping tom across the street from you. And as your friend, I find that very interesting."

Chloe could feel the blood rushing to her face, hoping she wasn't blushing too hard. She took a step closer to her friend, and in a quieter voice, confided, "You know, I do too. I was a little worried at first, but now I kind of feel like 'what the hell.'" She saw Brianna nod, so she continued. "You don't think that's like too weird or anything, do you?"

"Not at all," Brianna replied reassuringly. "I wasn't bullshitting you the other night, I mean, I think it's hot. Natasha has a bit of the same thing going sometime, and I admire that about both of you. Sometimes I wish I had the nerve...," and her voice trailed off.

"Well," the brunette answered, "I guess we'll see tonight whether I can follow through or not."

"Hope you do," her friend replied, and the two women smiled at each other before heading back to their desks.

And indeed, shortly after 3, it reached 100 degrees, topping out at 101 a half hour later. Almost immediately, Chloe's phone chimed, signally a text from Ben.

"It's officially over 100. I think we better meet up for dinner somewhere. Thai, maybe?"

"How about Italian," she texted back. "I'm think I'm going to need a couple of glasses of wine.

In response, she got a thumbs up. "Can't wait."

"I bet you can't," Chloe thought to herself as she looked up and noticed Brianna talking to another work colleague. When her friend looked up, she had a big smile on her face, and her first thought was "is she telling her about the dare?" In her head, the speculation continued: "Jeez," what's next, an all desks memo about me?" And even though she could see some charts spread out in front of the two of them, there was a part of Chloe that actually hoped Brianna was sharing the secret. But for now, she pushed that to the back of her mind and returned to the work on her desk.

The rest of the afternoon seemed to drag, and she was mildly annoyed when Ben said he would be a little bit late getting to the restaurant. But that actually turned out well, as it gave her a good head start on the bottle of wine, and she was then in a mood to eat at a more relaxed pace. By the time they finished, the bottle was empty, the sun was down, and the city was starting to cool off. Reports predicted that a storm front would come through overnight, and the heat wave would be breaking.

They enjoyed a leisurely walk, approaching their apartment building just as a bit of a breeze picked up.

"So, this is likely to be end of all these high temperatures," Ben offered, as he held the lobby door open for his girlfriend.

Chloe nodded, when suddenly an idea popped into her head. "Guess we better make the most of it," she said, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. She strolled across the lobby to the elevator, pressed the up button, and waited for her boyfriend to catch up with her.

The door slid open and they stepped into the empty elevator cab . Chloe placed one hand on the back side of the compartment, reaching down with the other to grab the heel of her shoe as the elevator started moving upward. "Here, Ben, do you mind holding these?" she asked, placing first one shoe, then the other, in her bag and handing it all to him.

When they reached the third floor, Ben stepped out but then turned back to see why Chloe hadn't followed. She remained standing at the back of cab and was starting to undo the buttons on her top. Ben looked at her, uncomprehending at first, then with a growing mix of panic and excitement. "Jesus Christ, Chloe, what are you doing?" he asked, as she undid the sixth and final button on the front of her cotton shirt. The elevator door closed with his girlfriend still in it, but not before he saw her blouse fall open to reveal the front of her bra and her smooth, flat tummy.

Glancing up, he noticed to his surprise that the elevator was going up. Unsure what to do next, he watched until he could tell it had stopped at the top floor. Had Chloe actually pushed that button, or had someone called the elevator and was about to be treated to the sight of his girlfriend taking off her clothes? He truly had no idea, but either way, he found it exciting.

"What the fuck," he muttered to himself, as he pushed the button on their floor to call the elevator back. It took almost a minute for the cab to return, and when the door opened again, it was empty. The only sign of Chloe was a crumbled blue shirt on the floor of the compartment, which he dutifully picked up and tried to stuff in the bag he was still carrying. He then got in, pushed the button for the top floor, and proceeded to try to catch up with his stripping girlfriend.

When the door opened on the fifth floor, he got out, but here, too, there was no sight of Chloe. He looked up and down the length of the main hallway and saw nothing. He then heard the sound of a closing door from around the corner at one end of the corridor. He hurried down to check on the noise, only to discover a much shorter hallway with no sign of Chloe. However, at the end of it was a door leading to a stairway, rarely used by tenants but required by local fire codes. And over that doorknob, something was hanging.

He walked quietly down to the end, not wishing to make any sound that would draw people out of their apartments. As he got closer, he could tell exactly what was draped over the handle -- Chloe's lightweight sateen pants. He quickly grabbed them and placed them over his arm, having run out of room in her bag, and opened the door only to hear the sound of another door slamming several floors below.

"She must have gone back to our floor," he thought as he bounded down the stairs, almost tripping at one point in his rush to catch up with her. He threw open the door to the third floor, dashed down the short corridor and turned into the longer hallway and looked down toward the entrance to their apartment. Nothing, and no sign of any activity.

Realizing that Chloe's key was in the bag that he was carrying, he was certain she couldn't have gotten into their unit. So, he reasoned, she must be still roaming the hallways. But on which floor? "Shit," he thought to himself, "she must have gone down to either the second floor or the lobby." He reversed his steps, opened the door to the stairway, and proceeded down one floor.

By now, whatever panic he had felt had been completely overwhelmed by the excitement of trying to catch up with his semi-nude girlfriend. He exited the stairway onto the second floor, walking quickly down the hallway until he came to the turn onto the longer corridor. There was no sign of Chloe, but there in front of the elevator appeared to be another item of discarded clothing.

By the time he got there, he realized the elevator was moving. "Damn," he thought to himself, "just missed her." Then bending over, he felt his cock twitching in his pants as he picked up the blue lace-trimmed bra that he just seen Chloe wearing minutes ago in the elevator. He shook his head in amazement, realizing that the elevator was descending to the lobby.

At this point all he could was press the call button and wait. It seemed like an eternity before the elevator reversed direction and reappeared on the second floor. And this time, when the door opened, the only sign that his girlfriend had been there was the crumpled set of white panties left on the elevator floor.

"Oh my god," was his only thought. "What if anyone sees her!" He jumped into the cab and pounded on the first floor button as if that would make the elevator doors close quickly, fidgeting and sweating during what seemed to be the slowest elevator ride he had ever endured.

The door opened and there stood Chloe completely naked, glancing in both directions but making no attempt to cover herself. "Well, what took you, Ben? I've been waiting forever." She chuckled softly, and then gestured toward the front door, where he could see an older couple approaching the building.

He grabbed her and pulled her into the elevator, causing her to tumble into him. "Well, you could at least wait until we're in our apartment. What are you, some kind of sex maniac," she said with a huge grin.

Ben was frantically trying to reach around her to get to the floor buttons on the inside of the cab, but Chloe seemed determine to keep leaning into and pressing him against the back of the elevator. They both could hear the sound of the door to the lobby opening and voices speaking to other another. Just in time, he managed to free himself and reached out to press 3. The doors started to close and he could hear a man saying, "Oh well, guess we just missed that one."

"If only they knew what they missed," Ben said to Chloe as he reached down to pick up her panties from the floor. "You know, you're completely crazy."

"Me?" she exclaimed. "Seems to me that you and our friends are the crazy ones, insisting I have to prance around naked just because we're having a heat wave."

"That was supposed to be in our apartment and just for that peeping Tom neighbor of ours," he said. "Not out here in public."

"Oh, and what about your pictures? Who have you been sending them to?" she asked with a mischievous glean in her eye.

"Well, I had to get proof that you did the dare, right?" he pleaded.

"And how are you doing with that tonight?" she asked." With that, the door opened on their floor, and she proceeded to calmly stroll down the hall, swaying her hips and treating Ben to a view of her firm ass moving back and forth with each step.

Ben was dumbfounded, frozen in place in the elevator as he realized that he should in fact be taking pictures. In a sudden moment of clarity, he stepped into the corridor, grabbed his phone from his pocket, started shooting. Chloe reached their apartment, turned to face him, and stood patiently at their front door, checking her nails. Meanwhile, Ben continued pressing the button on his phone, trying to take more pictures with shaking hands.

Chloe glanced casually around and finally looked down at her exposed breasts. "Oh, they must really have the air conditioning on high here in the halls," she exclaimed to Ben, flicking a fingernail against one of her erect nipples. "I better get inside. Have a key, Benny? I don't seem to have mine on me at the moment," she smiled as she patted her hips.

He rushed forward, awkwardly pulling a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. Chloe slowly eased past him and walked directly into the darkened living room. "Oh Benjamin," she called out as he followed behind her and turned on the kitchen lights, "I could swear I just saw him, but then his lights went out. He must know we're at home."

Suddenly it dawned on Ben that Chloe was the only one who had ever claimed to actually see their peeping Tom neighbor. He had never observed him; in fact there was no evidence that he even existed. And Chloe's hallway striptease wasn't done for the benefit of a lonely guy living across the street. Ben was the only one who would ever see that, or least he was until Chloe reminded him to take some pictures.

She had made the whole thing up! But that realization only made everything more exciting to Ben. He entered the living room, still carrying her bra and panties in his hand. "I think you dropped these outside," he said, for the first time fully understanding the nature of her game.

"Well, it was over 100 today, so here I am," she said, walking right up to the window, spreading her arms upward and widening her stance slightly as if to make sure she was fully exposing herself to any curious neighbor.

Ben couldn't help himself. He took his phone out again and started snapping more pictures, her naked backside framed perfectly as she slowly brought her arms down to her sides.

Hearing the clicking sound and knowing just what he was up to, Chloe glanced back over her shoulder at him. "You are enjoying this, aren't you Benny?" she said unable to suppress a giggle.

"Almost as much as you," he said, acknowledging the reality of what Chloe had been doing for the last week.

She turned and walked toward him, with a warm sensation pulsing through her as she put on such a brazen display, and gently moved her hand against the front of Ben's pants. She starting running her hand up and down the material, making a soft, appreciative purr as she replied, "I'd say it's pretty much of a tie."

She then returned to the window, getting ready to close the curtains. "I don't recall any time limit on this, so do you think our neighbor has seen enough for one evening?"

"He probably has," Ben said with a smirk, " but I'm not sure everyone else has. Let's get at least a few pictures as proof this really happened."

"Oh, you think you might forget?" she asked as she reached out to grab the curtains and start to pull them shut.

"Wait," her boyfriend called out, grabbing his phone again. "Just one or two more," he pleaded, motioning Chloe to turn and face him.

"You know, I should throw on a robe. I actually am a little chilly," she said with a chuckle, slowly turning halfway towards Ben. Her naked figure now revealed in profile, she reached up with her hands and gently began massaging her breasts.

No matter what Chloe said about the temperature in the room, Ben was now very warm. His fingers fumbled with his phone, barely able to capture one or two images. He watched in awe as his girlfriend gently tugged on her already extended nipples and then dropped her hands down to coyly cover her pussy as she completed her turn toward him.

Chloe's B cup breasts, although small, displayed no sag, and her round quarter-sized areolas were perfectly centered on each orb with the now pointy nipples angled slightly upward. It was all Ben could do to hold his phone steady as he snapped several more pictures, hoping he might be allowed to share one of the images with their friends.

"Just one more," Chloe said, enjoying her command of the situation. She took a few steps back toward the window until she could feel the window sill against her butt. She then leaned back, spreading her legs slightly to hold herself upright as she pressed her ass cheeks against the glass. Her neatly trimmed bush, with its light tangle of brown curls, was now fully revealed to his camera, and Ben snapped away.

"Hey, Bennie, we're not doing a medical textbook here," she said as he tried to move closer, and she stood up with her hands once again covering her most private parts. "Some things are still just between the two of us," she said as she beckoned him forward. With that, he gladly dropped his phone on the couch, then knelt in front of the brunette, with first his fingers and then his tongue pressing deep into her moist folds exploring the areas the camera couldn't see.


Later that night, sprawled across their bed, Ben finally rolled over, got up and retreated into the bathroom. Chloe, too, began to stir, and slowly lowered her legs over the side of the bed. Slipping on an oversized tee shirt, she made her way in the dark to the kitchen and filled a glass of water from the tap. Standing in the dark, she could hear the dim but persistent buzz of a phone and a glow inside her handbag.

Picking up the bag from the chair where Ben had dropped it several hours before, she dug down to the bottom to retrieve the device. As she studied the message, a smile crept across her face. She called out to Ben, asking where he had left his phone, and he replied that he thought he had dropped it on the sofa. Reappearing in their bedroom a minute later, having located it wedged between two cushions, she casually tossed it to Ben.

Almost immediately, another loud buzzing sound was heard, this time coming from both of their phones. "What's going on?"he asked, as he noticed his screen was filled with messages.

"I think our friends having been trying to get in touch," Chloe replied, slipping back into bed and snuggling up close to her boyfriend.

"Of course," Ben said as he realized that they had completely forgotten to keep them posted on the status of Chloe's dare. "They've been asking me for hours whether you went through with it."

"And if so," she replied, leaning against him so she too could watch as he read through the texts. "They appear to be demanding some sort of evidence."

As Chloe read the texts to him, Ben began scrolling through the various images on his phone. They started with a couple of selfies from dinner, then the shots of her outside their apartment door, more as she faced the window with her ass fully visible to the camera, the shots of her in profile, and finally the full frontal one of Chloe in all her glory.

"So, which one do you think I should send them as proof?" he asked, gently stroking her hair as she nestled into his shoulder.

"Well," she said with a soft laugh as she pointed to one of the shots of her walking from the elevator to their door, "I've always thought I had a cute butt."

"I could send that one," he said with some hesitation. "But you know, they may not believe that you actually got naked for our neighbor."

"So, one of those?" Chloe asked, tentatively pointing to the pictures of her profiled against the open curtains, her breasts clearly visible to the camera.

"Maybe," Ben answered, "if that's what you'd like me to do," unable to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

Perhaps she was too tired to think clearly, or maybe she was enjoying this all just a little too much, but as she sat next to him looking at the dozen or more images Ben had taken, she made a decision. With a shrug of her shoulders, she told her boyfriend, "Oh just send as many as you want," and watched as he hurriedly typed a text, checked off eight or ten pictures, and sent them off to the six friends. He then pointed to the last one of her, facing the camera with legs spread. "And maybe just one more, you know, so there's no doubt."

"Why not," she answered as she snuggled closer to him and watched as he sent the final image to their six friends.

Placing his phone down on the table at the side of his bed and wrapping his arm back around her, Ben whispered in her ear, "You are just amazing, Chloe."

Just then a loud crash of thunder was heard, and rain started, slowly at first, then coming down in torrents and beating against the window. "Well, that's the end of the heat wave," Ben offered. He laughed softly and added, "And the end of the dare."

"Guess so," said Chloe. And then, with a smile, speaking almost to herself, she started to add, "Unless...," but she was interrupted by their phones vibrating in rapid succession as texts started pouring in.

"Oh wow, looks like everyone's still awake and responding," he exclaimed as he started to reach for his phone.

"Just leave it there, please babe?" she asked, snuggling closer to him. "It's late. Everyone's enjoyed my little show, and we both need some sleep. And besides," she whispered, "think how much fun it will be reading all their texts in the morning."

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ArgosF57ArgosF5710 months ago

Très heureux de vous retrouver.....vous faites partie des tops dans ma selection

j'ai hâte de voir encore plus de vos histoires

un lecteur de France

damiano17damiano1710 months ago

That was a very welcome surprise. It's great that you are back. I hope that we'll have more of Chloe, or Lisa, or Nikki in the future. Or any other new character and story. 5 stars from me as always.

TimerisTimeris10 months ago

It's been a long time, but well worth the wait. Great story!

zooliciouszoolicious11 months ago

Really amazing HOT fun

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