Chrysalis Turns to Butterfly


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Charles left again on the Sunday. One of his departing comments was that he thought the negotiations would probably go on for at least a week longer than he originally thought. Marion was not too disturbed at that news. This was unusual for her, her life had hitherto revolved around Charles, his needs, his work and his habits; yet within a week or two she had seen a glimpse of another life. This other life would not be a replacement but rather one that could be lived from time to time. Marion would always be here for Charles and Marianne would emerge from the chrysalis to flutter brightly but briefly. Sylvie's words had struck home to her. There was more to life than the dull routine. With that thought in mind she picked up the phone on Monday to talk to Sylvie.

"Marion! It's so good to hear from you. I won't ask how your evening with Guy went. He hasn't stopped talking about you since."

"Oh! Did I disappoint?"

"Not at all. He told me he had never talked with such an interesting woman before. He also said one more beautiful. He's in thrall to you."

"I enjoyed the evening. Guy was so different to any man in the circles I know. He actually listened to me."

"So, Marion. Are you going out with him again?"

"Does he want to?"

"Of course he does."

"Well in that case I shall have to buy another dress from you. Any ideas?"

"Lots. But it will depend on you. When can you get here?"

"Any time this week."

"Make it Thursday. I have a new supplier who showed me some rather outrageous dresses. I'll get some in for you to look at."

"Sylvie. I don't want outrageous, I want sophisticated and very slightly naughty."

"Something that will slip off easily?"


"I know, I know. Leave it with me. See you Thursday?"

"Yes. I shall be there."


Marion drove into Tunbridge confidently knowing where she could park. She managed the narrow entrance without problem and locked the car. There was an entry system adjacent to the door with signs for 'Flat 1', Flat 2' and 'Shop'. No flat three? Guy had told her that their mother lived in flat three. She pressed the button for 'Shop'. Sylvie opened the door, smiling as she did so.

"Come on in, Marion. It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you Sylvie."

Sylvie showed Marion in, and as before took a sharp left turn inside the entrance, chatting as she did so.

"If you go straight on you come to the stairs that leads up to our flats. We can't do too much inside or outside the place as it's a listed building. We made this our front door as the parking area was at the back. The original front door leads in to the Boutique now. Come on through Marion and we'll have some coffee.

"Sylvie, I thought Guy told me that your mother lived in a flat here. I saw only buttons for flats one and two." Sylvie nodded.

"Yes. Mum's flat has a separate entrance."

"Oh. Is she here now?"

"No. She, well we have a villa in the Algarve. She spends most of her time there."

They chatted as Sylvie made the coffee. Marion mentioned that Charles was in Brussels and would only be home for the weekends.

"He says for the next three weeks, but I suspect that it will take longer than that." Sylvie turned and winked.

"So while the cat is away...?" Marion laughed.

"What do you take me for? I'm a happily married woman."

"Of course you are."

Marion changed the subject.

"So where are these outrageous dresses you promised me?"

"Yes. I'll go and get them, in the meantime why don't you get made up. It's all in the Parlour just help yourself. There's a strong possibility that Guy will join us for lunch and you will want to look your best."

"Sylvie. Why are you so keen to get me and Guy together?" Sylvie gave that some thought.

"I don't think that it was a conscious thought, more a reaction to what I saw when Guy joined us for lunch as Ugo's. You came alive, Marion. Your eyes sparkled and you flirted. I know Guy and he was just as interested as you were. That's why I made the suggestion that he take you to dinner. Where you go with him and what happens is up to you." Marion made no comment. Sylvie was right. She had felt a strong attraction to Guy. The more she had thought about it, the more she liked being Marianne. She didn't want to break up her marriage, but she thought that some excitement and colour in her life from time to time would be good. She smiled at Sylvie.

"Ok. Let's look at these dresses." Sylvie returned the smile and got up.

"Right. Let's see how daring Marianne can be."

Marion had just used some lipstick that morning and remembering how Sylvie had used the foundation and blusher she made herself up properly. Sylvie came in and stood behind her watching.

"You're being too subtle with the blusher." She commented. "Keep it light at first and then get more colour as you take it up to your cheekbones." Marion finally finished to Sylvie's satisfaction. "That's good! You've got the hang of it now."

"It's odd." Marion mused. "At Finishing School they taught us how to make up, but not like this. Blusher? Lip gloss? They didn't say anything about those. Perhaps they thought that only loose women used those."

"Well if that's the case that puts me in that category." Sylvie grinned. "Happily!" Marion grinned with her.

"I'm warming to the idea." She replied wickedly.

The dresses were hanging in the changing room. Marion examined them with excitement. The one she really liked was a pale green with a handkerchief skirt. However the shawl neckline with multiple folds seemed to plunge to embarrassing depths. She held it against her, and looked in the mirror trying to imagine where the plunge would finish on her. Sylvie watched, saying nothing. It would be Marion's decision. Marion turned to Sylvie.

"I love this colour and the style, but I don't think I could wear something this revealing."

"You could wear a Pashmina round your shoulders and take it off when you are sitting with Guy, and then it would he alone who would enjoy the view."

"I don't even know it he is going to ask me out again."

"He will. I can guarantee that he will. Why don't you try it on?" Marion was tempted. She looked up and nodded smiling. She unbuttoned her frock preparing to slip it off.

"Take the bra off." Sylvie's tone was determined. Marion was about to argue then her mind said "Sod it".

The dress did fit very well. The handkerchief skirt dropped to within four inches her left ankle and rose just above her right knee. It was cut full with sufficient fabric to wrap over the exposure except when she sat down. Then the weight of the fabric slipped it away and exposed quite a lot of her thigh. The plunging neckline was not as bad as Marion had thought, finally closing at a point just below her breasts. However it gapped sufficiently to reveal the inside curve of her breasts. She turned sideways and was relieved that the cut was good enough not to reveal more.

"That looks absolutely stunning on you." Was Sylvie's comment. "The colour compliments your hair beautifully and it's perfect for your figure. Oh why was I given these balloons? I could never wear a dress like that. My boobs would be hanging out all the time."

"Are you sure?" Enquired Marion. "There is more of me on show than I have ever shown."

"I'm sure, Marion. It emphasises your femininity. When I saw it I knew that it would be right for you. Classic, sophisticated with a dash of sexy and you do have very pretty breasts." Marion blushed at the intimate compliment

"Ok. All I have to do now is get Guy to ask me."

"I told you. He will. Shall we go and grab some lunch?"

Marion as Marianne strode proudly along with Sylvie towards Ugo's. She wore the dress she was wearing the first time she accompanied Sylvie and held her head high, her nipples pushing at the silk of her dress proudly. Hugo was delighted to see them and wafted them through the crowded premises to the table. With glasses of Chardonnay in front of them they talked.

"Does your boutique ever get busy?" Marion enquired. "When I have visited there isn't anyone else for you to help."

"It's early days at the moment. I get quite a few ladies for beauty treatments but that is usually on Fridays or Saturdays. That's when I can sell a few dresses and shoes as well. Mondays through to Thursdays are quiet though, and I only take clients by appointment on those days."

"Your merchandise is good. You won't get rich if you charge as you charged me." Sylvie laughed.

"Getting rich isn't the point. Guy and I inherited the building and most of the block as well so I don't pay rent for the place nor for the flat." She lowered her voice. "Actually we own this place too, but Hugo doesn't know. He pays rent to a company which owns the property. We own the Company and Guy runs the property business. He has an office three doors away from the Boutique. As for what I charge you, I told you I won't make a profit out of my friends and I hope Marianne that you are my friend."

"I think that goes without saying." Sylvie smiled.

"Good. I seem to have lots of acquaintances but no real friends. They seem to think that I will pinch their men-friends."

"As if!" Sylvie laughed delightedly.

"See. You know me well already."

They were interrupted by a male voice.

"The place is crowded, yet I saw these two lovely ladies sitting together and wondered if they would like some male company."

"Guy!" Guy bent down and kissed Marianne on the cheek then kissed Sylvie in the same manner who said with a laugh.

"If you really insist, Guy, you can join us, but I warn you. Don't get your hopes up, we are closet Lesbians." Marianne had picked up her glass as Sylvie said that and put it down quickly as she began to giggle. Then she shocked both of them.

"Well that brings back a memory." Sylvie and Guy both looked at her.

"What?" They exclaimed together. Marianne smiled.

"I will say just two words. Finishing School." Guy was frustrated.

"You can't leave it there."

"Oh yes I can. You will have to let your imagination picture the rest."

Their conversation followed that topic for the rest of the meal, with Sylvie and Guy trying to coax out of Marianne some details, which she steadfastly refused to divulge. As they walked back to the Boutique, Sylvie went on ahead allowing Guy the opportunity to speak alone to Marianne.

"I so enjoyed our evening together. I would love to repeat it. Would you be agreeable to that?"

"Yes Guy. I would."

"I am so pleased. Would Tuesday or Wednesday next week suit you?"

"Perhaps Tuesday. Shall we make the same arrangements?"

"That will be perfect. It seemed that we have still got much more to talk about. I was fascinated by our conversation. And now it seems I have to ask even more." Marianne's eyes twinkled.

"Oh? And what would that be?"

"Finishing School."

"You do surprise me. What interest would dull old Finishing School be to you?"

"You never know."

They arrived back at the Boutique. Guy inclined his head and kissed Marianne's lips. She put her hand on his arm to hold the kiss a little longer than their previous kiss.

"I look forward to Tuesday." He told her in parting.

"So do I, Guy."


Marianne had quickly got used to the dress and the unusual but good feeling of freedom her breasts had. She had borrowed a Pashmina from Sylvie and that had been wrapped around her shoulders as they walked into the restaurant. She was pleased to see that the table was in an alcove so as soon as she was seated and with a confidence she didn't actually feel she let slip the Pashmina from her shoulders. Guy's expression made it worthwhile. His eyes widened, his pupils expanding rapidly and a warm smile split his lips.

"Marianne, you are undoubtedly the most beautiful of women. However I think I am sitting in the wrong place." His hand rested on the table and Marianne reached across and covered it with hers.

"Thank you, Guy. Where should you be sitting then?"

"Next to you, closer to Heaven."

Throughout the meal Marianne gained confidence, the look of wonder never left Guy's face and she was starting to enjoy his eyes wandering over what little he could see of her breasts. Then there was the attention of the waiter, who had a better view when standing at her side, she could tell her escort was becoming peeved at the tardiness the waiter showed when he served her. Guy drove the Range Rover back and parked alongside the Jaguar. He got out came round the front of the car and opened Marianne's door.

"Marianne it has been a superb evening and your looking so lovely was the sole reason for that. I didn't taste the food at all. You filled my senses all the time, Thank you." He took her hand and started to escort her to the Jaguar. Marianne took a deep breath and asked.

"Am I going home, is the evening over?" Guy stopped and looked into her eyes. His question was unspoken and her reply was also unspoken.


"That would be nice." He nodded.

His flat was very well furnished and although furnished as a single man would furnish was nonetheless not obviously a Bachelor pad. There were good modern landscapes on the wall and some vases of fresh flowers scented the air. The furniture was good solid English traditional and highly polished.

"Have a look around and I'll make some coffee." Marianne wandered around. She noticed a few framed photographs on a bureau and examined them. She recognised a young Guy and a young Sylvie with a couple who she suspected would be his mother and Sylvie's father. She was very pretty and he stood straight backed his military background obvious. Then there were other photographs one of an Army officer who had a lot of Guy about him. She guessed that it was Guy's father who was killed. Guy came back into the main room with two mugs of coffee and Marianne moved to meet him in the middle of the room. He put the coffee down and went to her, taking her in his arms. Her head came up and she offered her mouth, his lips joined hers as her arm circled his neck holding him in the embrace. Her mouth opened slightly and Guy accepted her offer with his tongue. The kiss went on and on. Marion had never been kissed like this before. Reluctantly their lips parted. Marianne had decided during the meal that she would give herself to him. Smiling at Guy and with a little fear and a pounding heart she asked him.

"Would you like to undress me, Guy?"

Marion guided the car into her drive in the early hours. She had enjoyed the drive back from Tunbridge, it seemed as if the car reflected her mood, purring softly as she was and then when she pressed down on the accelerator it growled like the big cat of its namesake. The sky was just starting to lighten, turning from black to a greyish blue with a promise of another fine day when she arrived home. Too excited to go to bed she walked through and looked out over the garden, the double glazing of the patio doors reflecting her image. On a whim she slipped out of her dress and regarded the reflection, speaking as Marion to Marianne, her Alta ego.

"I have been you for thirty six years and never knew you were in me, never imagined that our body could give us so much pleasure. I have screamed in ecstasy and used words I have never used before. I feel as if I have just been released from prison and the good things in life are there for my taking." Marion slid open the doors and stepped out, naked but for her French Panties and with her arms spread wide embraced the morning and the feel of cool air on her skin. Even that teased her hypersensitive flesh reminding her of the touch of Guy's hands and tongue on her earlier. The remembrance of his tongue started a slow flow of emission between her legs. She had been shocked when he had placed his head between her thighs, but the first touch of his tongue had banished all the teaching that this was unnatural. Far from it, it was the most natural and beautiful of kisses and she reacted to it. Her face flushed as she recalled. That was the second climax he had shared with her. The first was just his fingers, so knowingly finding places on her body that she had never thought could be erogenous. The third was also upon his tongue and the fourth was when he filled her. How glorious that was, as this beautiful man took control of her centre and with his heat and hardness carried her to Nirvana. She understood now why men and women put such importance on making love. Good sex was a drug, you took it once and from then on you had to give yourself gladly to it again and again.

She went upstairs and started to run a bath. She needed to get back to normality at the same time questioning what normality really was. As she relaxed in the hot water her mind started to put things in place. Marion had been and still was a calm reasoned person, and what had happened was undoubtedly not something that the reasoned Marion would do. She cast her mind back a few weeks and her yearning for something. Was this the something she desired? Could she remain Marion and allow Marianne to emerge from time to time to find the excitement that was missing from Marion's life? Then of course there was Charles. She knew she couldn't hide her attachment forever, but could she hide it long enough to take her fill of excitement and call an end to it? How would Guy react if she told him that it was over; how would he react if she told him that this was just for fun and not serious? There were many questions with few answers. Her musing could not answer them now so she put them aside for the moment. Answers would come eventually and she would handle them when it happened.

Marion's upbringing had focussed a great deal on not showing your feelings; the essence of 'sang-froid', a French phrase which seemed to apply particularly to the English. So it was natural to her to disguise her thoughts.

She didn't need that pose when Charles returned home on Friday; he was in a foul mood, more concerned with the negotiations than his wife's well-being. It would appear that the shot across the French bows had been circumvented by the Spanish, Italians and Greeks; who wanted to include their Olive groves as fruit farming.

"In Horticultural terms Olives are, of course fruit." He ranted. "But they are mainly for producing cooking oil. If we allow that there will be little of the budget left for anybody else. Even the French are worried about it." Marion was amused. It would appear the subsidies were not so much about helping farmers but more about getting an advantage over the other members of the Union. So much for European collaboration! Such was his mood that Marion poured him a drink. He was particularly fond of Islay single Malt.

He looked at her fondly as she gave him the tumbler.

"Marion, you are the perfect wife for me, thank you. It just shows how right our marriage was, I just wish..." He stopped there.

"What were you going to say, Charles?"

"Oh nothing. Nothing of consequence." Marion sensed the discomfort brought about by his unguarded remark. Diplomatically she steered the conversation in a different direction.

"Do you think the negotiations will be finished soon?" She enquired.

"I doubt it. We haven't even got to the stage of quotas." He seemed relieved. "This argument about Olives will probably take all of next week if I'm not mistaken. Once that is resolved we still have to define what a fruit farm is and what it isn't. If the definition we agree is substantially different as to the present then everyone will have to submit amended statistics, which will need to be verified. Only then can we start on the business of actually deciding the subsidies. I suspect my dear that it is going to be at least another three to four weeks."

"You will need a holiday when it's over." He brightened.

"Marion, you are right. We'll go up to Scotland for a week or so. You always enjoy that." Marion's thoughts were of somewhere sunny and hot, but Charles liked Scotland and had taken her acquiescence in the past as proof that she enjoyed the area as much as he did.