Church of Purification

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Brother and sister attend an unusual church.
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All characters engaged in sexual activity are at least 18 years old.

Church of Purification

Joey and his sister Brittany had met Emily when they were eleven. It was a blistery cold winter day for delivering their papers. She had given them hot chocolate to warm themselves when they brought the daily news to her machine shop. It soon became a regular stop on their route.

Emily was about forty and apparently wealthy. She dressed in expensive clothes, drove a very nice car, and lived in an upscale neighborhood on the far west side of town. Her husband, Otis, had passed away a few years earlier.

Twins, Joey, and Brit, were from a poor family and the money they earned helped with the family finances. Their father was an alcoholic who rarely kept a job for more than a few weeks. Their mother worked as a waitress in a local bar. The twins did well in school but being poor in a fairly upscale school district limited their chances of making good friends. They had each other and were very close.

When spring arrived, Emily offered them chores at her house to earn extra money. They mowed her large lawn, worked in her garden, washed windows, and did a multitude of other tasks. The money they earned was always given to their mother to help with the bills. This went on for years and they became close to Emily.

As they grew, Brittany became a beautiful young woman and Joey grew into a handsome young man. They would turn eighteen a week before finishing their senior year in high school. Both would earn scholarships but not having financial resources from their family, knew that college wasn't in the cards for them. Both had gotten part time jobs as soon as they were old enough. Most of that income went toward the household. Between studies and work, neither had much of a social life.

About a month before they turned eighteen Brit began spending more time with Emily. At first she seemed troubled when she came home but after the second week she was back to her normal self.

On the Monday before their birthday Brittany went to her brother's room after school.

"Were you able to get Friday and Saturday off?" she asked.

"My boss wasn't thrilled about it, but yeah. What are you planning?"

"Our birthday is Friday. Emily wants to take us out for dinner then have an overnight at her house," Brit replied.

"An overnight?" he asked.

"God only knows where dad will be. Mom's working. I think spending the night in her fancy house could be fun."

"It would be like going to a nice hotel, I guess."

"We've never been to a nice hotel before, or even a cheap one for that matter," she said smiling.

"Is dinner a dress up thing?"

"Emily always dresses up. I'm wearing a dress. She said a polo and slacks for you. No sneakers," Brit advised.

"Does she have work for us on Saturday?" Joey asked.

"Work, no. But she does have something planned," his sister told him hesitantly.


"She'll tell us after dinner Friday."

"Do you know what it is?" he asked.

"Part of it, but she made me promise not to say anything."

"Is it something fun?"

"I suspect you're going to love it," his sister advised.



Emily picked them up at six-thirty on Friday.

"Happy Birthday!" she said grinning as they got in her Mercedes.

"Thanks," they both replied.

"We have reservations at St. Elmo's at seven," Emily advised.

"The one downtown?" Joey asked.

"That's the one," she said. "It's very expensive, but I want you to ignore the prices on the menu. Order what you want."

"How expensive?" Brittany asked.

"This is a special occasion. Don't even look at the cost," Emily told them.

"Okay," Brittany agreed.

The drive didn't take long, and Emily pulled up at the valet parking then led them to the door. A man in uniform opened the door and ushered them inside. The restaurant wasn't large, but it was elegant.

"Billington," Emily told the man just inside.

"Welcome to St. Elmo's. Right this way," he replied.

Joey felt underdressed. All the other male customers wore expensive suits. Brit looked at him grinning.

"Classy," she said.

"Very," her brother agreed.

Joey and his sister both felt like fish out of the water. Neither had ever been to a restaurant like this. Emily saw their uneasiness.

"Just follow my lead. You'll be fine," she assured them.

Water and menus were brought almost immediately. Their server arrived seconds later.

"Welcome to St. Elmo's. I'm Lauren. I'll be your server this evening," the waitress said. "May I get you something to drink, or would you like to see the wine list?"

"Dominus Cabernet Sauvignon," Emily replied.

"Is 2019 satisfactory?" Lauren asked.

"That's fine. We'd like the bottle."

"I'll need to see IDs on the young people," Lauren said looking at the twins. Both pulled out their IDs to show her. "Happy Birthday," she told them, smiling.

"Thank you," Brit replied.

"Take your time looking over the menu," she said walking briskly away.

"Have either of you had alcohol before?" Emily asked.

"Dad gave us a taste of whiskey and beer," Joey replied.

"Sip it. Make it last through dinner. One glass is all you're getting. If you don't like it order something else," Emily instructed.

Joey opened the menu. His eyes widened when he saw the prices.

"Holy...," he said.

"Don't look at the prices," Emily scolded. "Order an appetizer, and an entree. We'll get dessert from a different menu."

"The cheapest appetizer on here is thirty bucks," Joey said.

Emily looked at him seriously. "Do not talk about or even consider the cost. This is a special celebration of your moving from childhood into adult life. It only happens once in a lifetime. This evening we're living high on the hog. Order what sounds good to you."

"Yes, ma'am," Brittany replied, looking wide eyed at her brother.

When Lauren returned with the wine they watched as Emily swirled it, sniffed it, then tasted it before giving a nod. Lauren poured each about half a glass. Emily ordered first, followed by Brittany, and finally Joey. He did a quick estimate in his head. Dinner for the three, not counting the wine or dessert, was almost six-hundred dollars.

It took almost two hours to get through dinner. Everything was delicious. Emily didn't even look at the bill before putting a black charge card in the folder.

The drive to Emily's house took about half an hour. Joey brought in the bags and put them in the guest rooms, then joined his sister and Emily in the living room. Emily had poured them each a glass of wine.

"Sit by your sister, there's something I'd like to talk to you about," Emily directed.

Joey took his place on the couch near Brittany. Emily sat in a chair facing them.

"Did you enjoy dinner?" she asked.

"I did, but I doubt I'll ever eat there again," Joey chuckled.

"It was really good," Brit agreed.

"Good. I don't go there often. Mostly with other people from my church after special celebrations. I'd like to make you both an offer. Don't agree to anything until you hear the entire thing. Agreed?"

Both nodded.

"I've known you both for quite a while now. I know you both want to go to college. I also know that financially you aren't able to do that. I'd like to pay for it. I'll cover tuition, books, supplies, meals, and housing for up to master's degrees."

"You're kidding?" Joey replied looking at her in amazement. Brittany said nothing but sat there smiling. "You knew about this?"

"She already told me. Listen to the rest," his sister replied.

"Nothing in this life comes without cost. I do require something from each of you. First, you must carry at least a B average. That should be simple for you."

Both nodded.

"I grew up in the Purification Church. At eighteen, I became an initiate. Our beliefs are somewhat non-traditional. In order to assure a place in what you think of as heaven we must go through a purification ceremony and live under that purification for a minimum of one year.

"Later in life, we bring someone new for the purification. That seals our entry. It's usually our child or children we bring in. Otis and I never had children. I wasn't able to do that. I'd like you two to undergo the purification as my children. Are you with me so far?" Emily asked.

"I think so," Joey said.

"I'm with you," Brittany agreed.

"We believe that before you reach the age of maturity, eighteen, there is no sin. At eighteen that changes. In traditional religion there are a myriad of sins. Everything from killing someone to eating too much dessert or even showing your hair in public. We believe that there are things in life that are just right or wrong - not sin. Murder, as an example is just wrong. Not a sin - it's just wrong.

"Our number one sin, and the one that keeps you from joining with the Mother God, is spillage."

"I'm not familiar with spillage," Joey said.

"As males mature, certain things happen to their bodies to prepare them to reproduce. I'm sure you're aware of most of those by now. Spillage is the waste of semen. To be purified the semen must be filtered through a woman. This is usually done by the mother, an aunt, a sister, or some other female relative."

Joey's brow raised. "What do you mean filtered?"

"Consumed by a female. Swallowed, specifically. Vaginal consumption is for people to reproduce," Emily advised.

"I'll bet a man started this church, huh?" Joey asked.

"No, it was founded by a woman. We believe it is the duty of the woman to act as the purifier for our men. In turn we are purified."

"Emily, I must have misunderstood either something or everything you've just said," Joey admitted.

"What have I said?"

"Well, women in your church give blowjobs and swallow the cum to purify the men," he replied.

"You aren't confused at all. We call it purification rather than blowjob. Cum is called manna. Usually a relative does it," Emily replied.

"Mom is definitely out. She's stab me with a kitchen knife at the suggestion. I know Brittany is out. It's incest and I'm pretty sure it's against the law."

"Incest laws are to prevent close relatives from reproducing. You can't reproduce from oral contact," his sister replied.

Joey looked at her in amazement. "You knew about this?"

"Emily told me about a month ago. I'll admit, I was a bit shocked. The more I thought about it the less shocked I was."

"You're okay with this?" Joey asked.

"As long as we follow the rules, I am," she said.

"What, specifically, are the rules?"

"For one year, beginning at the initiation, you don't masturbate. I take care of that using my mouth and swallow your cu...manna. No vaginal penetration," his sister advised.

"Other women in the congregation would be more than willing to help in your purification too. They have to offer. You aren't allowed to ask," Emily added.

"Where does that happen?"

"In church, of course. It's a common practice during services," Emily advised.

"People gives blowjobs at church!" he exclaimed.

"We purify. A blowjob is something done unrelated to purification or the church," Emily corrected.

"I'm just curious but it seems a bit one sided in favor of the male," Joey remarked.

"It doesn't have to be. A male can choose to use his mouth on a woman too," Emily told him. "That isn't typically done during service. And it isn't a requirement."

"It still seems weighted on the side of the men."

"If I get a boyfriend we can do whatever, but I'm still bound to my obligation to you."

"Brit, are you really okay with this?"

"I was appalled at first. I've never given or received oral sex, but I want to. I already love you. You're my brother and my best friend. I trust you. I do find you sexually attractive. And we both get college out of the deal," his sister said.

"You've never given a blow...purification?" he asked.

"No, but Emily has a toy I've practiced on."

Joey rearranged his stiffening package at his sister's comments.

"Getting uncomfortable?" Emily asked, looking at his crotch.

"Uh, yeah. I guess."

"Take off your trousers. I can help you with that," she offered.


"No point in being shy about it. If you agree to my offer a lot of people will be seeing you being purified."

"Do it. I've never seen one except on the computer," his sister said.

Emily reached over and put her hand on his hard cock.

"You'll feel much better afterward."

"When and where is the initiation thing?" he asked, knowing he was going to be hard for a long time.

"Eleven am tomorrow at the church is the initiation. What I'm hoping to do right now is a blowjob," Emily offered.

"Come on. I wanna see," his sister said.

Emily got out of her seat and knelt on the floor between his legs. Her hands began to expertly unfasten his trousers.

"Raise your hips," she told him.

When he did, she pulled his pants and underwear to his ankles. His rigid six-inch cock was standing straight up.

"I'll need to shave you before the initiation. We can do that when I'm done here. Brittany come closer so you can see better. You can touch but no mouth until tomorrow," Emily said.

Brit put her head on her brother's abdomen to watch. Emily took Brittany's hand and put it on her brother's balls.

"Massage gently," Emily told her. Joey moaned at his sister's touch. "This isn't going to last long."

Emily dragged her thumb up the underside of Joey's cock expressing pre-cum, then touched her finger to it.

"Stick out your tongue," she told Brittany. Then touched her wet finger to Brit's tongue. "Good huh?"

"I like it. Can I taste the cum too?"

"Manna, not cum. I'll give you some," Emily assured her.

Emily used his precum to lubricate the shaft then began stroking. She stopped after just a few strokes and let him go.

"Why'd you stop?" Brittany asked.

"He was about to explode. Like I said, this isn't going to last long. The second time will take longer."

Emily waited a moment before restarting with her hand. She quickly took the head in her mouth as Joey groaned and began shooting his load into her. His hips were bucking as he filled her mouth. Brittany saw cum running from the corner of Emily's mouth and used her finger to collect it. She put the cum coated finger into her mouth.

"I like that," she said.

As Joey became sensitive Emily pulled off. Her hand continued stroking but stayed clear of the sensitive head.

"Did you like it?" Brittany asked.

"Whew, that was a big one. Yeah, I liked it."

Joey's cock began to soften.

"Men are visual creatures. Their eyes and mind are almost as good as a touch. Get more manna on your finger and let him see you eat it. Watch what happens to his penis when you do," Emily told her.

As Brit did what Emily told her, Joey's cock returned quickly to full stature.

"She's your fantasy, isn't she?" Emily asked.

"Always has been," he replied.

"Why didn't you tell me?" his sister asked.

"I thought you'd think I was a perv."

"I guess we're both pervs then. Tomorrow I'm sucking that thing."

"Hopefully, somebody's sucking it again pretty soon. It's ready again."

"We'll shave you first," Emily told him.


Emily expertly shaved him as she demonstrated her technique to Brittany.

"I have some questions about tomorrow," Brit said.

"What questions?" Emily asked.

"Well, what is the church like?"

Emily chuckled. "It's a building, like any other church. Are you asking about the congregation and service?"

"Yeah, that would have been a better way to phrase it."

"Women outnumber the men by probably two to one. About half the congregation are singles. The rest are paired up. You'll see a lot of mother's and sons. A few fathers and daughters. The rest of the couples are married or at least live as married couples. Brothers and sisters are rare, and you two will be the only twins I've ever seen there.

"It's common, during and after service, to see a woman purifying a man. Seeing actual sex, isn't unheard of, but mostly it's oral. After service it's pretty common to see two or more women purifying the same man then sharing the manna between them. With Joey being a young good-looking guy, he'll get a lot of attention if he wants it."

"I can say no?" he asked.

"You both can. Just say 'I'm with Joey.' or 'I'm with Brittany.' Everyone will respect that."

"I thought you said the men aren't supposed to ask," Brittany reminded her.

"They aren't. Some will anyway. Brit, you're a good-looking hot girl. You will be approached. There are more than enough willing women to go around. Just say 'I'm with Joey. Don't get possessive of each other. Decide between you how you want to deal with others," Emily told them.

"I don't care how much attention Joey gets, but I'm only with him," Brittany said. "Are you okay with that?" she asked her brother.

"Yeah, if that's what you want."

"What is the initiation like?" Brit asked.

"Our pastor will give a short sermon first. Then she will call me up so I can introduce you as my initiates. You'll be backstage until then. They'll bring out a large chair for Joey. It's designed for purification. It even has a padded stoop for Brittany to kneel on. Then you do your thing."

"On stage. In front of everyone?" Joey asked.

"Yes, right on stage. There are also cameras around. Brittany will be filmed from several angles and shown on the big screen."

"I don't want that video shared," she said.

"It won't be. It isn't being recorded anyway. No cameras or phones in the temple. Who you see, what you see, hear, and do is kept private. You may even run into someone you know."

"What do we wear?" Joey asked.

"You can wear whatever you want. Once we arrive you'll be given a robe to cover with. Brittany gets a different robe. The men in the congregation are usually bare below the waist."

"And the women?" Joey asked.

"Fully clothed," Emily replied. "All shaved, go take a shower and meet us in the living room. Don't bother to dress," she said leaving the bathroom.

Brittany ran her hand over his groin. "Smooth. It makes you look bigger."

"Is mine average size?" he asked.

"It's huge compared to what I've seen. But that was just kids and babies I babysat," she chuckled.

"You're a big help."

"Ask Emily. She's apparently seen a bunch of them."

"You're really going through with this?" her brother asked.

"I'd do you right now if Emily would let me. She's adamant about no mouth until tomorrow."

"When do I get to do you?"

"After church, I guess. Have you ever done it?"

"No, but I watched videos," he said.

"Those are actors putting on a show."

"Most of them are. I like the amateurs. I figure an amateur lesbian should know what she's doing."

"I guess we'll find out. We'll need to be careful at home," she warned.

"Mom's gone every evening and if dad's at home he's passed out."

"How often do you jerk off?" his sister asked.

"Two, maybe three times a day. Why?"

"I probably need to stock up on ChapStick. Take your shower," she said leaving the bathroom.


"You're sure that video will be kept private?" Brit asked Emily.

"I am. Everything that happens there is kept private. It has to be that way."

"How did you get into the church?" Brit asked.

"Through my parents. I was my father's initiate. That's where I met Otis. He was with his mother and aunt. I think I purified him more that first year than they did. I loved doing it. Not just Otis and my dad either. If I saw a stiffy, I was on it." She chuckled. "I'm still that way sometimes."

"Joey asked me about his size," Brittany confided.

"Men worry too much about that. He's above average. I didn't measure but I'd guess he's six and a half or seven. Nice girth too. I'll reassure him."

"Reassure him about what?" Joey asked walking in the room.