Cinder-Fucking-Ella Pt. 01 Ch. 01

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First Chapter of Cinderella.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/25/2024
Created 04/24/2024
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Cinder-Fucking-Ella Meets Prince. Chapter one, Part one.

Copyright Catcher78 all rights reserved.

Absolutely nobody getting fucked or fucking someone is under the age of eighteen.

Author's note: This is a modern take on the fairy tale that was originally written in the mid sixteen hundreds. And alas and alack, the last prince in the news was fired from the job for perving on little girls with Epstein and Maxwell, but let's see if our lovely heroine finds her prince.

Cindy thinks she remembers her mom who died when she was a toddler. She vaguely remembers sitting in this ratty old chair in an apartment (she swears she can remember the smell of urine and shit) while her mom's red hair was between this black guy's legs as her hair was held by his big meaty paws, then she was sitting on his lap facing Cindy screaming about how he was so fucking big.

Then her mom and her were in the chair, Cindy on her mom's lap as her mom huffed on this rock bong (Cindy's older knowledge clarified the memory). What happened next, Cindy will remember forever, the apartment door flying open the huge black man firing his pistol and the man in the chair firing his.

Smoke everywhere, from the guns and the bong and silence, absolute silence. Both black men shot in the face.

Cindy said, "Mama," to no response, Cindy turned in her mama's lap and saw the red hole in her mom's brown forehead and her brown eyes staring, but not seeing her baby.

Cindy's daddy, was a dirty cop in Seattle stationed in the Georgetown precinct. A gritty neighborhood, some small homes build after the first world war and fewer homes, older from late 1800s, huge former farmsteads. The streets and sidewalks, buckled from earthquakes going back to the 1940s, but never repaired.

Her Daddy Eddie was a dirty cop, because he ran a string of whores in the airport hotels across from SeaTac International Airport. He "acquired" his whores by murdering their pimp, a vicious Vietnamese skinny bastard who beat up his whores on a random basis, to keep them in line.

Normally pimps would use rock or heroin, but he was too cheap. Eddie got tired of picking up the battered women and bringing them to Harborview Hospital's emergency room and having to linger, only to take them out to the pimp's devices. There were ten whores and Eddie knew them all, nominally eighteen to twenty five or so.

One morning after dropping yet another beat up whore by the Thirteen Coins restaurant, Eddie saw the pimp's car (Chrysler Mini van) outside of Denny's. He entered Denny's both knew each other, the pimp DID pay Eddie for protection and stopped behind the pimp with his handcuffs in his hand. Rousted him out of the chair forward onto the countertop and cuffed him, loudly read him his rights (Mirandized him).

Searched the pimp and found one handgun in the small of his back, held there by his belt. The second handgun was in a holster on his ankle. Still not complete, Eddie found three knives. An illegal switch blade, an other illegal knife, this time a stiletto and finally a Swiss Army knife.

They walked out of the restaurant to the patrol car. Eddie put the pimp into the backseat still in cuffs. He leaned in, after looking about, to put the pimp into a seat belt, instead hitting the pimp repeatedly about the head and face with his Billy Club. If the pimp was not dead, he would never regain consciousness.

Eddie left the Billy Club on the ground next to the car on the pavement, like his safety vest along with disabled camera, they were things Eddie had stolen inside the precent and kept in a storage receptacle in the North End of Seattle miles away.

Eddie wended his way, after calling in a lunch break at three a.m. in the morning, towards the infamous Green River, where Gary Ridgeway had killed runaways and teenage whores. Eddie knew the spot he wanted and parked under a huge old maple tree some twenty feet off the road. He popped his trunk and there were two concrete cinderblocks and two separate strands of blue synthetic rope.

He carried all of this over to the banks of the river next to a fish shack, all the blackberry bushes were studiously removed. He ran back to the patrol car and opened the rear door and drug the pimp out and tossed him over his shoulder and half trotted and fast walked him to the cinderblocks. He tied strands to each block and then tied one around the pimps legs and the other around the pimp's neck. He carefully scuttled down the bank to the water's edge and rolled him into the water, the bank cut away deeply, so the pimp sank and there were bubbles.

The pimp had been alive. Eddie carefully stripped off the vest and threw it out into the water. It floated then sank.

Walking briskly back Eddie pulled out his vest there was duct tape over the camera and put it on the passenger seat, closed the doors and trunk and drove back to Dennys to await for the whores to check in after their night of work.

He called in a report that the pimp had been seen in an altercation and he was going to talk to his sex workers to see if they knew anything. He went into the restaurant and waited in front at a large table and as they filtered in he motioned for them to join them and he said they could eat whatever they wanted on him.

As he watched them, he was struck by how they were really just girls, because it was mostly pancakes and hot cocoa and a side of bacon, the occasional fried egg. He knew though, they were broken and once a whore almost always a whore. He told them once they were all settled that the pimp was gone, forever and he was the pimp. They were all ecstatic.

They knew nobody would beat them up or worse or steal the money and that he would get rid of the leach boyfriends. He told them he would never beat them, ever. Further, he said that he would never get rid of them, instead that when they had kids or started to fatten up, they could work in his massage parlors and fuck a higher quality john.

Now this next idea floored them and several said they wanted his baby in response to his idea, such a wonderful man that the was that smoldering eyes were telling him of the rapturous moments soon to come his way. The idea was that they got to keep thirty percent of everything, every day. He would provide them with mobile card readers, which would allow for more spontaneous tips, (always get the card processed first tips would be way higher if paid before). Lastly, every fifth john the money was all for them.

There were twenty two of them there that night. Breakfast at Denny's cost him seven hundred dollars. It was interesting though there were four married women with kids and their husband's saw as part of their journey to take care of their kids.

There were three women, actually six, who were queer in love. The rest were not at this time married, some had kids. One voluptuous ebony goddess stood up and walked past his chair and stopped. She pulled one of her extremely large tits out through scoop neck and forced Eddie's mouth to the nipple and he hungrily nursed and she WAS lactating.

After drinking for close to five minutes, Gloria said, come on baby boy, let's go home Mama take care of you. And she did. Her last baby, was eight years old at that point, three years older than Cindy.

Eddie was enthralled. He'd nurse while she rode him cowboy style. He weighed maybe one hundred and sixty two pounds dripping wet and Gloria was easily two hundred and eighty pounds. Gloria, while a schemer for sure, was in love with Eddie. He was nicely hung for a white boy, nine inches of skinny dick that hammered her cunt with so much frequency and precision, brushing her clit, her G-spot and her cervix.

When she approached her climax she sounded like cross between a jackass heehawing and a lost yearling calf. When she did come it sounded to the neighborhood like a ferry boat was landing atop Queen Anne Hill. Uhhhhhh huh huh!!!!

They married quickly. Cindy did not like Stacia nor they were startlingly stupid and mean. When her daddy was not around Gloria treated Cindy like she was a shit spot on the carpet. Actually made her clean up cum all over the carpet with her tongue after Drizzy's graduation party, which amounted to the Gloria, Stacia and Drizzy ridden hard by a dozen or so men from the hood, the daughters being as dark as Gloria. Cindy had almond colored skin with freckles and reddish brown hair and subject to ridicule for having white blood in her.

Eddie had a kink though. He loved fucking married women. Fucking them after the conquest for years, making the wife pregnant if possible, breaking up the marriage, giving them babies until paternity tests became cheap. He especially delighted in cuckolding his best friends. He would tell Gloria, that at some point a new fraternal organization to rival the Masonic Lodge would be the Son's of Eddie.

Eddie was one of Seattle's finest, who would dare do anything to him. He had repeatedly fucked the sister of his best friend. She looked like Anna Kendrick the actress and singer or for you oldsters, Valerie Bertinelli or a cross. Similar gorgeous face. Her second son was Eddie's too and they fucked like monkeys.

She loved her husband and the idea of a having an upstanding husband and after the first year away in California where they were besot in love. Upon their return, the wife quit fucking him under the guise of being afraid what the birth control pill would do to her body and gave him hand jobs regularly for a month or so, then said she did not want to kiss him anymore. He knew upon some thinking, that she had sucked some guy off.

But he didn't want to believe against hope that she was cheating. He had taken a job as a Microsoft paid consultant in a Plano, Texas based reseller of the company's products and consulting services. Some idiot had sold the software company on the idea of being able to package the consulting services, along with some of the software company's kluge-ware and well the husband said it was bullshit and unsellable.

So instead of firing him on the spot, Microsoft hired him and he returned home two days early and pulled into his remote home to see Eddie's unmarked car parked in his spot in the carport. He got out and felt the hood and it was cold. He kept some work clothes in a workshop attached to the carport. He put on Carhart jeans and some steel toed half boots from his time in the Navy and a thick denim shirt buttoned down to the wrist and neck high.

He grabbed a stained brown Louisville Slugger model K-165 and checked the front door and it was unlocked. The master bedroom was down a flight of stairs and he heard the shower going and his wife singing her heart out.

Silently the husband turned right into the bedroom and Eddie was lying flat on his stomach, naked and his manhood glistening with the husband's wife cunt juices as well as Eddie's cum pooling off the end of his long skinny nine inches of dick.

He raised the Louisville Slugger above his head and swung across the small of Eddie's back, instantly pulverizing Eddie's vertebrae and his spinal column, driving air out of Eddie's lungs with a whoosh. Once more as the wife happily sang the overweight husband squashed Eddie's head, brains and surprisingly little blood landing on the coverlet.

The husband was overweight, but he'd been an athlete in school, two offers of baseball scholarship came his way, but he'd gone through a homeless phase with parents and a brother struck dead by God's loving hand, randomly. So he missed baseball and it turned out he'd married a cheating skank.

He quickly gathered up the body and as quietly as possible carried the one hundred and sixty pounds of shit up and out sided and put the body with coverlet into the back of his 1990 Isuzu Trooper, 4X4 SUV. He quietly drove out his three hundred foot driveway onto Indianola Road NE and drove to Bremerton and caught the ferry from Bremerton. It was approaching nine in the evening and he was on the upper side ramp of the tunnel and it was dark now. The husband thought no guts no glory.

He got out of the car. There was one behind him and in front of him, but all of them had gone upstairs to the lounge. He unlocked two rear doors and opened them both up and grabbed the corpse in the blanket and in two seconds had it out of the drunk and over the bar and it fell forty feet to the dark waters of Puget Sound. There was no screaming outcry.

The fat guy closed and locked the rear doors and got inside and rolled down the passenger window and then his. He felt like his heart was going to explode and the cool air helped, but he jumped out of car and rushed to the rail where Eddie had slid over, he vomited and vomited. He felt as if his nuts might fly out of his mouth, but soon it was just dry heaves. A ferry worker approached and said, "Sir have you had too much to drink?"

He stood and told the her, the ferry worker, "No death in my family. My marriage."

He drove off the ferry and connected to I-5 headed south towards Portland and made it there in about three hours, give or take and checked into a Comfort Inn. He showed his driver's license and a credit card but paid with cash. He had his clothes.

There was a strip mall with convenience store. He bought a bottle of Jim Beam bourbon, cheap surprisingly good and a small jar of Adam's peanut butter and six breakfast sandwiches, sausage and eggs on a bagel. He was a fat guy after all.

He went back to the front desk and paid for two more days. He went to the room and put the sandwiches in the little refrigerator and stripped off the clothes he was wearing. Those were going to be disappeared. He took a shower and put on some old sweats and poured himself a tumbler of bourbon with two cubes of ice and set it on the bed stand.

He found the remote and found the porn channels and found a video where this stunningly beautiful red head and what looked like a high school girl have a threesome with black man who was long and thin maybe six foot eight and his dick improbably looked to be fourteen or fifteen inches.

It was variations on a theme. He was taking the red head from behind and she took all of it like a champ and while she ate the beautiful girl with perfect tits B-Cups. She had her mouth sucking on the poor girls clit and her fingers getting her G-spot. That girl was a real beauty.

She had one toe curling orgasm after another until she passed out. I don't think the red head came, but the black dude came hard into the red heads cunt. There was a quick jump cut (thinking the girl need to be revived) where the girl's long pink tongue and then whole mouth was doing a cleanup on aisle cunt and red head came hard on the pretty girls face. She crawled up over the voluptuous red heads' body, leaving her thigh between Red's legs and she destroyer her tits licking and biting and gave her two hickeys on the outside of each tit and the redhead exclaimed her love for the girl and begged for her to take her hard.

The fat guy came hard. He knew his head was badly fucked up. Badly.

Day three he went to the business center and created a Hotmail account and emailed his wife that a special project had come up and he would not be able to come home for a while. He never did come home. He filed for divorce in Las Vegas, four months later.

The wife had never called her husband.

Her life had vortexed into a shit hurricane. She had to call the Kitsap Sheriff's office and say that her married lover and father of one of her children's car had come and made love to her for a week, she was hoping for another kid.

Then she was confronted with Eddie's wife and kids. CPS had sniffed around hinting she was a bad mother. The police came with subpoena to use black lights to search for Eddie's blood. She didn't see how there could be any.

She had meant to call her husband, but fuck three months and she didn't call. He was her old pair of tennis shoes, money and love and I'd pushed him away so long ago and now this. She felt the weight of her wretched behavior, oh God, what have I done, I threw away man who loved me.

End of Cinder Fucking Ella meets Prince chapter one part one.

Coming soon Chapter two part one Cindy discovers Hell.

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