Cinder's Tentacular Spectacular

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Cinder the elf makes a new friend with an abundance of arms.
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Dungeon-appropriate attire

Cinder gritted her teeth and adjusted her top for what seemed like the hundredth time, although 'top' was a pretty generous word for the little triangle of fabric currently struggling to hold back the fleshy might of her breasts.

"Fuggin' thing," she grumbled, tugging the cloth back into place.

In the last chamber her party had explored, they'd all come across some kind of acid slug monster. After wrecking Micah's sword, the slug had gone on to pretty much completely dissolve Cinder's shirt, her pants, and one of her boots. She didn't know if the slug had some sort of vendetta against elves, but it continued to systematically destroy Cinder's outfit before Eulalie, the new thief they hired, had the bright idea to dump some salt on the little sluggy shithead.

Afterward, nobody admitted to having a spare shirt, so Cinder had been forced to dig through her pack for something to wear. Her two options had been a scratchy wool scarf the color of bugbear puke, or a bandanna with the words, 'I'm here for the Gangbang!' cross-stitched in big letters across it.

She'd picked the bandana, obviously.

Under normal circumstances, Cinder wouldn't have bothered covering up. It wouldn't be the first time she'd quested through a dungeon without a shirt, and honestly, she expected to come out of this one completely naked too. In her experience, it was just kinda how dungeons worked. Or rather, it was just kinda how Cinder worked them.

However, after the third time Eulalie had almost tumbled headfirst into a pit filled with spikes, Micah insisted that Cinder put something on.

"Look Cin," he said, spreading his hands helplessly, "our new thief is going to get herself killed if she can't concentrate, and she obviously isn't capable of focusing on anything else with your boobs hanging out. I mean look at them, just sitting there on your chest, looking all nice, and round, and... mmm." He licked his lips and trailed off, eyes fixed up her glorious rack as if mesmerized.

Cinder made a rude gesture and Micah snapped out of it, the enchantment of her chest temporarily broken.

"Honestly," he continued, clearing his throat, "none of us can really concentrate, and this dungeon is dangerous. The Dread Pirate Sayyida was a complete psycho about keeping her treasure safe."

"My tits aren't making anyone look at them," Cinder protested, shaking her innocent, ample chest for emphasis, "and it's not like it's my fault they're so great. Total genetic lottery over here."

Micah swallowed hard, stared, and lost the thread of the conversation again. It was fun watching him salivate, but in the end, Cinder relented.

Hence, the bandana.

Annoyed and a little horny (with her pants melted away, the warm dungeon air felt pretty good on her thighs and butt, and the looks Eulalie and the others were sending the elf's way had been a lot like getting gang-fucked by eyeballs), Cinder crept forward down the passage. Since Eulalie couldn't be trusted not to take a step without falling into a pit-trap, Cinder had volunteered to take point and scout ahead.

"Stupid elven wiles," she grumbled, throwing a peeved look over her shoulder back down the dim passageway where the rest of her party was taking a rest. "Sometimes they're just... I dunno, too wily."

Cinder glanced down at the caramel-tanned valley of her cleavage currently struggling to bounce free of her gangbang memorabilia bandana.

"Aw, what am I even talking about? I could never stay mad at you, girls. Go on and keep doin' your thing."

The elf sighed and propped her bow against a wall and stretched. She put her hands on her hips and arched her back, looking around at the gloomy environs of the dungeon.

The booby-trapped hideout of the Dread Pirate Sayyida wasn't actually so bad, as far as dungeons went. Instead of the usual rough-hewn rock walls, the passageways in this place were lined with barnacle-encrusted wood, presumably pulled from the hulls of ships that the pirate queen captured. There was also a distinctively nautical theme to the place, and all the fancy knots and compass roses made for a nice change of scenery.

Truth be told though, Cinder hadn't really wanted to come on this dungeon crawl in the first place. She'd partied a little too hearty the night before in Moletown, and Micah had only managed to drag her out of bed by promising to eat her out.

The man could lick a mean pussy and he wasn't afraid of getting his tongue stuck up in all the right places, but standing here with the remnants of a beery headache bouncing around her skull and her tits squeezed together in the vice of this stupid bandana, Cinder wasn't sure the morning's orgasms were worth all the hassle.

"There better be a big-ass pile of pirate treasure at the end of all this crap," she muttered to no one in particular.

There was no sense in hanging around all day in some stuffy dungeon passage, so the auburn-haired elf shrugged, scooped up her bow, and started forward again. As soon as she took a second step, however, her right boob popped out of the bandana constraining her chest.

She cursed and prepared to rip the whole damn thing off- Eulalie and her wandering eyes be damned- when the floor creaked menacingly underneath her feet.

"No fucking way," Cinder swore, "distracted by my own tits!"

Then she was weightless and airborne, falling through a void as chunks of wood and stone splintered apart around her. Cinder flailed, all of the vaunted sylvan grace of her people going right out the window.

She had just enough time to let loose an undignified squawk of surprise as the darkness closed around her.

Fish out of water


Cinder landed with a thump, a wheeze, and the musical jangle of metal sliding on metal. The last noise seemed pretty out of place, but when Cinder opened her eyes and sat up, its source became clear.

"Guess I found the pirate's treasure horde," she groaned, looking around at the mountain of coins, gemstones, and shiny nicknacks that had provided a dubious cushion for her fall.

It was a little tricky to stand up, what with all of the shifting treasure underfoot, but Cinder eventually gained her feet and took stock of her new situation. She appeared to have crashed through the floor into one of the dungeon's lower levels, right into a literal island of treasure located in the middle of what appeared to be an underground sea.

The sea stretched off in all directions from the island's golden shores, disappearing into the darkness of the enormous cavern.

"Whoa," Cinder said, raking her fingers through her short-cropped red locks and staring at the subterranean sea. The still water had a strange teal luminosity to it, and every so often she caught a hint of sparkling light underneath its glassy surface as a school of fish swam by, their scales glowing with subtle cyan radiance.

In contrast to the dim glow of the water, the island Cinder had crashed into was positively bathed in golden light. The thick wooden masts of old ships were sunk into the surface of the little atoll at regular intervals. At their tops burned odd torches that gave off no smoke, but provided plenty of light.

Cinder recognized the spell powering the ensorcelled torches. "Everburning flame," she said, shading her eyes with a hand and peering up at the flickering brands. "Pretty nice. The old Dread Pirate must've had an enchanter on her crew."

By the light of the eternally burning torches, Cinder saw that the island wasn't made up solely of treasure, although jewels and gems lay as thickly on the ground as sand would on a regular beach.

The carved figureheads of ships reared up from piles of plunder, doubtlessly looted by the Dread Pirate from the vessels of vanquished foes. There were entire prows and forecastles just lying around, as if a fleet of vessels had been ripped right out of the oceans they'd once plied. Great sheets of old sail cloth stuck out of the heaps of wealth, suspended by ancient rigging and hanging limp in the warm, breezeless air of the great cavern.

It was as if a cyclone had swept through a shipyard and a king's treasury at the same time, and then proceeded to deposit the contents of both on this weird little island in the middle of an underground sea deep in the bowels of the earth.

Cinder spotted a ship's helm jutting up from a small fortune in blood red rubies to her left, so she gave the wheel a little spin. The wheel made a ragged, splintering sound as some critical mechanism inside of it broke. It fell apart, the weathered pieces crashing into a pile of shiny platinum marks.

Cinder winced at the noise and looked around guilty.

"Shit. Sorry," she apologized, although she wasn't sure to whom.

The elf peered up into the darkness above. If she squinted beyond the light of the torches, she could just make out the hole she'd fallen through. Not too far away down the island, there was a mostly-intact mainmast with a crow's nest on top of it. Cinder figured that it would probably serve as a pretty good ladder if she wanted to try and get out the way she came in. At that moment, however, the thought of all that climbing made Cinder feel tired.

"Blech. Just gonna catch my breath first, I think," she explained to no one in particular.

Cinder looked down at her treacherous bosom, which had of course flopped its way out of her top during her free fall. The bandana was nowhere to be found.

Welp. 'Prolly not gonna tell Maeryll about this one.

Her pale-haired companion was visiting a convent down by the Cut for a few days doing some research on who knew what.

Probably making all the nuns question their vows.

The elf sighed and reached down. She picked up a gold coin from the immense pile at her feet, then chucked it. The doubloon went skimming across the placid surface of the underground sea, cand Cinder watched until it finally disappeared beneath the faintly glowing water.

"What does one person even do with all this money?" Cinder wondered aloud, thinking of the Dread Pirate and her treasure horde.

Evidently, the answer to that was to stuff it deep in a booby-trapped dungeon like a psychopath and never spend it, which seemed pretty dumb. The elf shrugged and rolled her shoulders, preparing to make the ascent up the crow's nest. It was about that time that the water started to bubble.

As the still surface of the underground sea became frothy with bubbles, Cinder decided that she probably shouldn't have tossed that coin. She looked around for her bow, and her heart sank a little when she saw the weapon lying next to a silver-chased chalice, snapped right in half.

"Fuck." She must've broken it during the fall.

She cast about for some other method of defending herself, and her gaze settled on the hilt of a sword poking out from a nearby treasure pile. She pulled it free, grimacing at the frankly unnecessary amount of gemstones embedded into the crossguard- it was tacky as fuck- but a few feet of gaudy steel was better than no feet of steel at all.

Cinder dropped into a defensive stance, alert and ready.

The water continued to bubble and froth, and out of the churn emerged a pair of eyes. They were enormous, roughly the size of dinner plates (if a troll was setting the table, maybe), and reflected the light of the ever-burning torches with a wet, liquid shine. The eyes blinked, and a few long, flexible tentacles rose from the sea, dripping with faintly glowing water.

It kind of looked like an octopus, although it was the biggest frigging octopus Cinder had ever seen. As she stared at the creature, a word floated up in her brain.

"No way, are you a freaking kraken?" Cinder exclaimed.

The thing in the water paused, and its giant eyes took on an air of contemplation. It finally shrugged, as if to say, 'I dunno, man.' With all those tentacles writhing around in the water, the shrug was a pretty impressive sight.

Kraken or not, it was at the very least- as her friend Emily would say in the sailor's tongue- 'un monstre de les profondeurs.'

"Cool," Cinder said, straightening out of her fighting crouch. "I'm Cinder," she said, pointing at her bare chest. "What's your name?"

The kraken, or whatever it was, hesitated.

"Oh sorry," the elf said, realizing she was still holding a sword. She tossed the glittering blade aside and spread her hands, palms up. "You just spooked me is all. I'm not gonna hurt you."

The thing in the water blinked at her skeptically, but swam its great, hidden bulk closer until a few of its tentacles could coil among the coins scattered across the island. The tentacles were a mixed bag. Some were the kind one might expect from a giant octopus-beast, covered with suckers and thick as birch saplings. But along with those workman-like appendages, Cinder spotted several that looked a lot more...

Well, fun.

The more convivial tentacles squirmed and writhed, twitching among the coins. Prehensile and decidedly phallic to Cinder's eyes, they were surprisingly pretty too. The coloring of the monster's coils was a smooth ombre, transitioning from a deep navy blue closer to the kraken's body, towards a light, almost pinkish violet at their glans-shaped tips.

Oh shit, Cinder thought, feeling a sudden heat igniting deep within the core of the ravenous furnace that served as her sex drive. Might be fun to take those things for a ride.

Or let them take her for one.

"So, what's your name?" Cinder repeated.

The kraken made a weird burbling, fluting noise from under the water in reply.

"Huh," the elf said, putting her hands on her hips. "Well, I can't pronounce that, so how about... Billy the Squid?"

The octopus-thing blew a wet, rude noise that sent up a cascade of luminescent bubbles from the softly glowing water.

"Ok ok," Cinder replied, holding up her hands. "You're right, that's a terrible name. What about Cephanie?"

The kraken's eyes narrowed at her.

"Fine, alright." Cinder groped around for something better, "How do you feel about 'Jules?'"

The multitude of the kraken's wiggling arms twitched into a convoluted shrug.

"Nice," Cinder said. "So, how did you learn to understand people, Jules?"

The kraken- Jules- hesitated, then sent a tentacle slithering forward. This one had a pattern of dark navy spots and was thinner than the others Cinder had seen so far. The tentacle coiled and released, sending a great big glob of black ink squirting out from its tip.

The ink splashed onto the remains of a nearby ship's hull, and Jules's spotted tentacle darted out, the end of it dragging through the ink. In no time at all, he'd drawn a stick figure on the wood, sporting a very simplistic but still recognizable pirate hat.

"Ok," Cinder said slowly, crossing her arms underneath her heavy breasts and chewing her lip in thought. "So it was the Dread Pirate Sayyida who taught you?" she guessed.

Jules made an enthusiastic wiggle with his ink-spitting appendage.


Cinder figured she got the long and short of it. The Dread Pirate had probably nabbed Jules from the ocean when he'd been a wee sea-beast, then set him down here to guard her treasure as an extra nasty surprise for greedy adventurers. Still, Jules didn't really seem like the people-eating type. Maybe old Sayyida had visited her stolen horde of money so often that she'd struck up some kind of friendship with the kraken?

"So what, she came down here and you two... just chatted it up?"

Cinder had to admit she was curious about the topics of conversation between a bloodthirsty pirate and a kraken.

Did they chat about the weather, or the best way to sink a ship, or what?

Jules gave another one of his involved, wriggling shrugs. His ink-spitter reared up again, and he made a few addendums to the drawing of the Dread Pirate. Cinder watched curiously as he sketched out what looked like a whole bunch of tendrils all around the stick figure. The position and angle of the ink-rendered tentacles suggested that whatever Sayyida and Jules had been up to, it hadn't just been talking about the weather.

"Wait a sec- are you saying you two were banging?"

Jules wriggled, and his dinner-plate eyes looked smug.

"Heh," the elf said, "awesome. Seems like the Dread Pirate enjoyed being on the receiving end of the plundering sometimes, eh?"

Not that Cinder could blame the girl. The idea of all those tentacles wrapping around her naked body, coiling across her bare flesh, thrusting and exploring slipping and sliding and filling her up...

Cinder's nipples stiffened at the raunchy images her daydream conjured, and she unconsciously chewed her lower lip. Jules seemed to notice her excitement, and his great eyes swiveled to stare fixedly at her chest.

Cinder didn't mind- she was pretty damn proud of her tits. Each was considerably more than a handful, and they were capped with areola as large (and much more valuable, to Cinder's mind) as the golden doubloons littering the surface of the island she currently stood on.

Her breasts tested the seams of just about every outfit she wore, and when she had her shirt off (which was more often than not) they lay upon her chest with a provocative hang, positively begging to be touched, squeezed and tasted. Indeed, her boobs were so nice that Yolandi, the Brothelkeeper of Antwoord, had once paid a flesh thief to try and steal them for herself.

If that wasn't a compliment, then Cinder didn't know what was.

"You like them, huh?" she said, teasing a finger around one of the fat, hard nipples. "I like 'em too, although they've been getting me into a lot of trouble lately." Cinder glanced up at the hole in the ceiling, then shrugged. "But you know what? I kind of like getting into trouble."

The curvy elf certainly had Jules's interest now. Cinder wasn't super sure of what exactly krakens thought was hot. Maybe Jules would've preferred it if she'd had a bunch of tentacles herself, or a big, gaping octopussy. Even so, judging by all the exciting twitching the mass of his pseudopods were engaged in, whatever she was doing now was working just fine.

Several of Jules's blue-purple tentacles quivered, shivering in excitement. Cinder let her hands trail from her magnificent breasts and down to the flare of her hips. She hooked her fingers under the band of her underwear- the last piece of clothing she had on- and tugged it upwards, giving the lavish lips of her vulva a nice wedgie with the fabric.

"Do you miss those conversations with your pirate girlfriend?" Cinder asked innocently. "You know, I'm considered a pretty good conversationalist myself."

Maeryll might've disputed that, but hey, she wasn't here to argue.

Cinder turned around and arched her back, popping out her butt a little as she pulled her underwear up tighter. The generous peach of her suntanned ass practically swallowed the straining blue fabric, and she gave her butt a provocative little shake. The spasmodic twitching of Jules's tentacles indicated he enjoyed the sight of that very much indeed.

Alas, Cinder was pretty hard on her underthings, and this particular pair of panties had been through a lot. Being used as a prop to showcase Cinder's assets to a horny sea-beast proved to be the final indignity it was willing to bear. Her underwear came apart with a ripping, snapping noise, and Cinder was left holding a shred of rather damp fabric.

"Oops," she said, and gave Jules a wicked little wink.

The elven woman wasn't sure if it was the saucy twinkle in her mischievous brown eyes, or the smell of her excitement on her ruined underwear, but either way, Jules and his many tumescent appendages decided they'd had enough of waiting. They surged forward in a ravenous looking mass.