Circle of Lust Ch. 02

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Young female office workers and sex with older men.
15.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/09/2019
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Continues the story of young female office workers and their sexual experiences with older men.


My policy during the following week was to keep a low profile and keep out of Rainsby's way. I know it was very selfish of me to think that way, but, I just hoped he would have his hands full with Wendy and leave me alone. Unfortunately, on the following Friday, another one of my mistakes came to light. This time, I had managed to make a duplicate payment of a rather large amount to one of our creditors. The firm in question had written a rather high handed letter, gleefully pointing out the mistake and asking us to be more careful in future. Fortunately, the owner of the firm happened to be a personal friend of Rainsby and had offered to refund the money.

During the course of the morning, I was asked to go and see George Rainsby in his office. I was also told that he was seething with rage with what had occurred. So, with trembling knees and beating heart, I made my way down the stairs and round to his office door. I timidly knocked twice before he roared for me to come in. Then, I stood before him as he raved and ranted for two or three minutes before he calmed down. By that time I was a quivering wreck.

"Well what have you got to say for yourself?" He bellowed.

"I'm sorry," I bleated.

"SORRY" he yelled, "I expect you bloody are. And it's not the first time you've cocked up is it?"

"Nnnnnn no Sir," I choked as tears started to run down my cheeks.

"You won't get around me by crying," he pointed accusingly. "And I have no favourites in this office, no matter how pretty they are."

"Fortunately, Ron Blairstow understands all about cock ups and is prepared to send the cheque back...on one condition."

I raised my tear stained eyes at this and wondered what it could be.

"He wants to spank the girl who made the mistake...and that means you."


Rainsby folded his arms across his chest and just looked at me. "It means you've got to take one for the team, my dear. I can't afford to give money away like that. So, you have got to go to his offices, lie across his desk with your cute little bum in the air and let him give you six of the best."

"No, please, Mr. Rainsby I can't..."

"Yes you can, Miss Blondie, because there are quite a few adverse reports on your file now and enough for me to justify terminating your employment. So you had better get over there and sort this out for me. He'll give you the cheque when he is satisfied that he has punished you enough. Now go."

I wandered out of Rainsby's office in a daze and still trembling from the man's stinging attack on my capabilities. As if that weren't enough, I also had to visit the offices of Blairstow and Co. and submit to a spanking by one of his so called friends. Rainsby had written down the address for me and had fixed an appointment for 3.00 p.m. I didn't want to go, but what could I do? Rainsby had made it clear my job was on the line if I didn't come back with that cheque.

So it was with a heavy heart that I climbed up the stairs in the office block at the other side of town. They had my name at reception and told me to go right through to the office at the end of the corridor. It was labelled, Frank Blairstow, Managing Director and the door was open.

"Ah you must be Lynn, from Rainsby's" said an oldish guy in a dark suit as he closed the door behind me. "And very pretty too," he said appraising me from head to toe and taking my coat. "How old are you girl?" he enquired.

"I'm 19," I told him, as he continued to appraise me with lust filled eyes.

I was very nervous, standing there in a silver grey mini dress and matching high heels. Recently, I had also taken to wearing my hair up high which I hoped would give me a more business like look.

Blairstow went to his desk and waved a cheque at me. "You know you are going to get a spanking in return for this?" He gloated.

I could only nod, meekly, in acquiescence.

"Right then," he said gleefully, taking off his jacket. "Let's have you bending over the desk with your dress up around your waist."

"Oh but..."

"Look, we'll do this my way or not at all. Do you want me to ring George Rainsby and tell him you are not co-operating?"

"No..."I said miserably as I hoisted my dress up high and leaned over his desk.

"Oh fuck," he growled as he feasted his eyes on my wanton display.

Then I felt him tugging down my pale blue lace panties and bit my lip with shame. This was going to be even more humiliating than I had imagined. But down they came as he manoeuvred them off my feet and shoes. Then, imagine my embarrassment as he put them to his face and inhaled the smell from my crotch. "How delightful," he enthused.

Then, before I could say anything, he smacked me hard three times on my bare bum.


Oh!... the pain of it was unbearable and I screeched out in distress.


"Oh please stop," I pleaded. "No more, I beg of you." My bum was ON FIRE with a searing pain.

"Legs apart then, NOW," he commanded.

I did as I was told, immediately, ANYTHING to appease my tormentor, ANYTHING to avoid the stinging misery of his big hard hand.

But then, he was reaching in between my legs and making me quiver as his fingers probed my exposed vagina. "Oh, Oh, no," I gasped, but, I dared not move from my position as he started to finger and caress me. Then he kneeled down behind and started to kiss my bum and feel my thighs before returning his attention to my vagina.

"Oh no please," I whimpered, "you mustn't."

"Oh, but you see, I must, you delightful little creature," he drooled. By then, he had two fingers well inside my pussy, causing absolute havoc. I closed my eyes and felt my knees tremble as he fingered me ruthlessly. "Oh, please don't," I gasped as I felt the last vestiges of my control slip away. Then, as those fingers slicked up with my sex juice, I heard him unzip his flies and take out his cock. My jaw dropped in alarm. This wasn't part of the deal I wanted to shout out...I only came for a smacking, but, unfortunately, I was in such a submissive state by then, I just shoved my bum up in the air and said nothing. Within seconds, he was inside me, his big cock pushing in easily, going in all the way. Then he was thrusting in and out, bucking and slamming his cock into my lubricated vagina and breathing obscenities thick and fast.

"I'm going to fuck the daylights out of you... you little blonde tart," he promised. "Fuck you, until you don't know what day it is."

All I could do was whimper and moan as he bounced me off his desk. His ramrod cock dominating our coupling. My wounded bum made me wince every time he slapped into me, but, other more telling sensations were beginning to assert themselves. "Oh please," I gasped...not knowing whether I wanted him to stop or carry on to the finish. But, in any case, there was no stopping him; he was firmly in charge and a fucking was what I was going to get whether I liked it or not. The trouble was, I did rather like what he was doing to me and I was too far gone to care. Soon, I was even pushing back at him, matching the relentless rhythm of his driving cock, a helpless young girl surrendering to the urgent lust of her conqueror.

Suddenly, I shuddered, as a violent spasm rocked my body, signalling the onset of an orgasm. As undiluted pleasure rippled through me, Blairstow, grunted and spurted his spunk deep inside me. Then we collapsed across his desk with him on top of me, my discarded panties inches from my face. I was stunned and exhausted with the ferocity of his sexual attack on me. All I could do was just stay there and moan softly as warm and wonderful feelings washed through my body, his spent cock still in place as I stayed trapped beneath him. It was several minutes before we uncoupled.

All I could do then was blush and fidget with embarrassment, as I quickly retrieved my panties and got dressed. Meanwhile, Blairstow had discarded his condom and was now brandishing a cheque in my face. "And next time you mess up, I'll have you back across here, for similar treatment" he promised. "I'll look forward to it."

As I tottered out of the building on high heels, I gently felt my throbbing backside. There was no way I was going to be able to sit on it for very long in the immediate future, so I decided to go straight home to a hot bath and some soothing ointment. As I hobbled to the bus stop I felt ashamed and humiliated, hoping and praying that no one I knew would see me in my distressed state.

I stood on the bus (there were vacant seats but I chose to stand all the way) and could hardly believe that I had so readily agreed to being smacked and fucked by Mr. Blairstow in his office. How submissive could a girl get? Just like it was with my own Boss, men of his age and authority just seemed to steamroll right over me to get what they wanted. I was pathetic. The shame of it burned in my cheeks all of the way home. Fortunately, I had a whole weekend to recover before going back to work.

"Rainsby's are going to open a new nightclub in Blackpool", squealed Nicole excitedly "and we've been invited to a special party the night before it opens." She was beaming with delight, like a little girl, as she waved her invitation in the air. Then her smile faded a little as she fell silent wondering why I wasn't jumping for joy like her. But, as young as I was, I had learned to be wary of the tricks and traps that men frequently used to lure naive young females like us to their downfall. So, although I loved going to parties of any kind, the brain of this particular dumb blonde started to think it through. It was a slow process.

I knew about Rainsby's latest moneymaking venture, of course. He had taken over some dilapidated premises on the South Shore and for the past two years had been steadily working on bringing it up to his exacting standards. He was a shrewd businessman all right; everyone acknowledged his prowess and skills. Apparently, he had acquired the building at a knock down price and had used mainly reclaimed materials to refurbish it. Now it seemed it was ready to open and rake in some profits.

"These invitations are not easy to get hold of" she whispered conspiratorially. "Not many people from work have been invited."

"I thought opening night was the big event," I said, "that's what all the publicity has been about. You know, free drinks, V.I.P. guests and a special cabaret. So what's this about a party? It sounds a bit suspicious to me."

Nicole pouted. "Don't be so mean," she chided. "Besides, it would be ever so rude to say no, especially when I have promised to go."

"Who have you promised?" I asked.

"Mr. Rainsby" she muttered avoiding eye contact with me. "He says it's a special party, no expense spared. Only his very favourite people are going."

I frowned as I weighed it up. "And did he mention about me going?"

"Yes, he said I should bring a pal...and then he said why not bring Lynn."

"I don't know," I said shaking my head, "I just don't trust the guy."

"Oh come on," gushed Nicole enthusiastically. "It'll be great, you'll see. I mean how often do we get the chance to go to a really special night out like this?"

In the end, despite my misgivings, she talked me into it and soon we were talking excitedly about what to wear and maybe buying something special for the occasion.

As we walked through the doors that night, our eyes widened in wonder, "Wow!" We both said at once, because, whoever had designed and furnished the place they had certainly done a great job. The carpets and decor were very plush and expensive looking with elaborate chandeliers overhead. Two bouncers in evening dress stepped forward and took our invitations. "Welcome to Rainsby's night club and restaurant" they smiled as they watched us saunter towards a full length mirror ahead of us up the corridor.

Nicole looked great in a short and sexy lime green cocktail dress which showed off the curves of her superb young body to perfection. She looked so pretty in carefully applied make up and lipstick that I was glad I had taken so much time over my own appearance. I was wearing a black velvet mini dress with my hair up in a bun and a nice jade necklace and matching earrings. With our short dresses, it was hard to tell which of us was showing the most leg and I knew that we would get lots of admiring glances from all the male guests.

We were quickly ushered through to the restaurant and the roomful of people who were already there. Waiters circulated with tray full of drinks and soon we were sipping wine and surrounded by a small group of older men trying to make our acquaintance. Then, Rainsby appeared in a smart tuxedo and drew us to one side. He was obviously in a good mood and was pleased to see us. "I'm sitting you next to two important business friends of mine, so, be nice to them and make sure they have a good time. I need to get them signed up to a deal I'm cooking up."

So we found ourselves sitting at a table with two well-dressed older men. I was very put out about Rainsby's sly manoeuvre and wasn't very good company for Oldfield, a shy unobtrusive sort of chap who did his best to engage me in conversation. I got the impression he just wasn't used to talking to a teenage girl like me. Nicole, on the other hand, was in her element talking and flirting with Stillman, a smooth greasy chap of 50 plus who apparently had a chain of pawnbroker shops in the Manchester area. After a very nice 3 course meal, more wine was brought to the table and I started to relax as I started on my third glass of the evening.

"And what sort of business are you in?" I asked Oldfield sweetly. "Oh, I'm in the loans business," he smiled, relieved I suppose that he could talk to me about something familiar to him. That got the conversation going and I even told him about my job at Rainsby's and what I did there. At some point, Nicole and I went off to the ladies together and I could tell she was on a high, probably, because of all the drink we had consumed. "Isn't it just great," she enthused, "we don't often get the chance to go to something special like this, mingling with rich businessmen."

She started to apply some more pink lipstick and her lovely eyes were bright with excitement. "Mr. Stillman said I was a very beautiful young lady," she beamed happily.

"That's because he wants to get inside your panties," I said coldly.

"Ohhh you are always so cynical" she scolded. He's a very nice man and a real gentleman," she trilled, "why must you always think the worst of men?"

"Just watch it, that's all," I warned her ..."And take it easy with the drink."

When we got back to the restaurant the dancing had started and our dinner companions ushered us through to the cabaret room. This time we were seated at a large table with about 12 other people including Rainsby and a few older women. As I sat down, Oldfield handed me a large glass of white wine. "We got you girls some drinks," he beamed "before the queues form at the bar."

After a while, Nicole and I got up together to dance to a well-known pop tune and I sensed that quite a few lecherous eyes were upon us as we swayed around in our short sexy dresses moving our bodies to the music. It was at this point that I started to feel a little strange. At, first, I thought it was the wine but normally even 2 or 3 glasses never had that sort of effect on me. I looked at Nicole and we steadied each other as we left the floor. Whatever it was that was making me feel like that, she seemed to be in the same state.

The two men were at our side before we got halfway back to the table. "You girls look as though you need some fresh air" said Stillman smoothly, taking charge. Then, brushing aside any protest he ushered us out of the room and into the corridor outside. "Well go up onto the terrace," he said firmly, pressing the button for a lift. And, like a couple of zombies, Nicole and I were taken up to the roof garden.

Unfortunately, the fresh air on the roof seemed to make us worse. Nicole seemed as drowsy and confused as me as we were led to a quiet part of the building down one flight of steps. Soon afterwards, I was vaguely aware of Stillman turning a key in a latch and we were in a residential flat of some kind. Then as soon as the door slammed behind us, the attitude and manner of our escorts seemed to change. No longer were they polite courteous gentleman we had talked to down stairs. Suddenly, we had a pair of dirty old men on our hands with only one thing on their minds. Stillman pushed Nicole into one bedroom while Oldfield guided me purposefully into another.

Before I could even focus on what was happening, Oldfield, had unzipped my dress at the back and had me stepping out of it. "Jesus, what fucking body," he breathed, as I stood unsteadily in my high heels wearing nothing but a pair of stay up nylons and black lace panties. Then the breath was knocked out of me as he pushed me onto the bed and jumped on top of me. Despite my partially drugged state, the shock of it seemed to bring me to my senses, because, I started to struggle and kick my legs in the air. Meanwhile his eager hands were already tugging my panties down. Bravely, I fought on, but, with every second I could feel my strength ebbing away. Then his triumphant grunt told me he had succeeded in wrestling them off me. My eyes pleaded with him for mercy, but, all they saw was him sniffing at the crotch with lustful intent. As I lay there, helplessly, panting and whimpering, he peeled off my stockings, one by one, muttering as to the length and shapeliness of my legs. The man seemed to go mad with lust and desire. He spread my legs wide and started to lick purposely at my newly shaven pussy. I couldn't help but groan out loud at the amazing sensation of it. Moments later, I felt my clitoris stir with excitement. Sex was definitely on the menu. Then his eager hands were all over my naked body, feeling everything I had. "Ohhh what great tits you've got," he enthused. "Real nice handfuls they are. " Then his open mouth was on them taking huge mouthfuls and licking sucking and teasing my nipples.

There was absolutely nothing I could do. The brief and unsuccessful struggle over my panties had left me exhausted. In any case the drug, whatever it was, that they had slipped into our drinks had done its work. Now, I had no choice but to lie back and watch him ravage and enjoy my naked young body. My lethargic predicament seemed to drive him to new heights of lust as he realised he could do exactly what he wanted. Gone was the shy gentleman I had coaxed into conversation downstairs, now he was a sex monster whose sexual appetite knew no bounds. Pretty soon, he had his hand on my thigh and his fingers in pussyland.

It was then that I heard sounds from next door. Poor Nicole was sobbing as I heard the sounds of her backside being slapped. What a sadistic bastard, I thought, so much for Nicole's assertions that he was a "nice man and a real gentleman." What was it about such men that they wanted to administer pain to a helpless young female. Not that Oldfield was any better, for as soon as he heard what was going on next door he rolled me over and had my bum sticking up in a provocative pose across his knee.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

His big hand came down hard, over and over and over again.

Smack! Smack!

It was all too much. I bit my lip and winced with the stinging pain. "Please stop" I managed to shout, "I'll do anything ...ANYTHING."

With eyes blazing with lust he demanded a blowjob and in the circumstances I could hardly refuse. Stepping out of his clothes he produced a big cock, ramrod hard and waved it under my nose. My eyes widened with wonder. I was always fascinated when I saw a man's penis, especially in its erect state. It had been that way since I was a young girl. I resisted a strong urge to reach out and grab hold of it. That would just encourage him and I still hoped he would just leave me alone and go. Then he told me he had never had his cock sucked before and was desperate to try it. Apparently, it was something his wife would never do for him and he was very excited at the idea of forcing me to do it. Well, what could I do? I didn't want to be smacked again, it bloody hurt. Besides, I had done it a couple of times for my last boyfriend before we split up. So, It was no big deal, a cock is a cock is a cock...