Clara's Toy Boy Solution

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Her husband was but a shell of his old self. Time to act.
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Clara was an angel, taking care of her husband John who, at the age of fifty, had developed Alzheimer's disease. It was so sad about how the guy she married, who was ten years older, and whom she loved an adored no longer recognised her because his condition had deteriorated in just the course of a year.

Clara's friend Joanne, who she'd met way back during her school days, frequently popped in to see her and try to give some comfort.

"You are one of the bravest persons I know Clara, the way you have adapted to your predicament," Joanna declared with a tear trickling down her cheek.

"I have to be, there has to be a reason there always is, that is my belief and it keeps me sane, Jo."

But Jo was quite aware that Clara, like her, was still in the prime of her life and needed the comfort and understanding John could no longer give.

Joanne gently suggested her friend should give her brother Jack more precedence, he had designs on Clara and had, with Jo, visited once or twice.

Clara was quite aware of Jack's interest and felt she was attracted to him. But all the time she felt she would have been cheating on John, even though her husband was no longer in the body she had shared with love. He was like a shell, sitting there like a stranger.

She also felt that Jack's interest was purely sympathetic so, despite her own needs, which were strong - the needs that could no longer be quenched with John, she knew just how difficult it would be for her to start an on-going physical and/or emotional relationship whilst John was still alive.

She told her friend quite candidly that she would be loyal to John for as long as he lived.

But Jo gently persisted. She knew John's life was limited but she knew Clara was still entitled to some quality of life which would enrich her and help her to cope with her dilemma. She knew her friend well enough to see the signs of deep depression.

Her solution was unusual but would overcome Clara's reluctance to encourage a committed relationship at this time.

Clara knew quite well, because they shared secrets, that her friend had been 'indulging' in a fiery situation with a young boy some years younger. Her excuse being that her partner could no longer 'do it' for her. And in the long run, Jason, that was the boy's name, enhanced her relationship with her partner, Phil so that was fine.

"But what if Phil finds out, what then, Jo?" Clara warned.

"I manage to be very prudent and Jason knows the score. He really is a delightful young man and has truly brought back the zip into my life."

"So why are you telling me all this right now?" Clara queried.

Jo did not have to say anything. Her look said everything.

"How dare you, with John still in my life. It may be fine for you to cheat but it is not for me, no way."

It seemed a very long friendship was coming to an abrupt end. And crying, Clara showed her to the door.

"How could you even suggest such a thing? First your brother and now a Toy Boy! I would feel; dreadful with John still alive. And I thought you knew me Jo."

"I was simply trying to help that's all, Clara. I care about you. You need something or someone in your life that can give you what you must know you would really want; that which you have missed for so long. I know John was a very passionate guy in his heyday."

"Just go!" Clara retorted angrily slamming the door as Jo exited.

But a after a week went by, Clara truly missed Jo's visits and constantly thought about what she had said and suggested in that 'look' she gave her- as much as her energy was chiefly taken up in caring for John she still experienced those things a woman feels at certain times , the need for comfort , romance and physical gratification.

A vibrator she had bought from Ann Summers was okay but she wanted more, much more. But how on earth could she achieve that and still be loyal to the man she loved, despite the fact that man was no longer present in the shell he once was? When he kept asking who she was first thing every morning when she saw to him, bathed and changed his clothes and the rest of it. It was a daunting task but she loved the man enough to give him her full attention.

But John could no longer be able to give her his love and that which was once his real self.

Over the period of a month, when Jo had been trying to telephone her and she slammed down the phone, she came to terms with herself. She Invited Jo around for coffee so they could chat about it.

"Just give it a try Clara, I am sure John would understand if he were able, you really must start being a little selfish and think of yourself. You will be so much the better for it, I know you will, remember I know you through and through."

She knew Jo meant well but was very apprehensive.

"It is common practice to take on a casual relationship where it is understood by both parties that no commitment is wanted. The idea is simply to use it whilst you have it, enjoy when you can, you don't want to end up a crinkly and miserable old maid do you?"

"I just feel that I should at least wait until John has passed on."

"By which time," Jo added " you could well be past it, putting it bluntly, you need the warmth of a good man to tide you over, until the time John has passed - and you may well be ready for a permanent relationship once more. Surely that makes good sense Clara?

"You need good sex to make you feel the woman you once was, take it from me, Jason is a wonderfully gentle loving young man who has certainly done it for me. He simply enjoys being with older women and I am sure he would simply adore you, with your petite and very attractive figure.

"I mean; -just look at me, I am overweight and not half as pretty as you, but he can still give me his all and enjoy me and that is wonderful. I cherish Jason, Clara I really do, so how about giving him a try huh? Just for me. I just know you will feel so much better.

"And furthermore you don't need to hide anything away from poor John, he will not know anything and he has no need to. Just enjoy what you have whilst you have it, Clara; just let your hair down and it will be simply lovely for you."

"But that would be sharing wouldn't it. I never imagined you would be thinking of Jason. He is your guy, Jo?"

"Not at all, I told you. This won't be a committed relationship. It is just to see you over that's all. Jason is not committed to me and neither am I to him so all is fair and square. Just enjoy and you will with Jason I promise. I have shown you his picture and I know you are impressed. And he knows the score okay?"

"You do know me that much," Clara smiled and looked like she had made up her mind to go for it.

Without another word, Jo phoned Jason and made a first date for him to come along see Clara.

The soup was stirred and despite the primary reluctance and difficulties in accepting her friend's unusual suggestion she agreed. She even told John about it, although realising he could not understand, she just felt better for telling him that's all.

"Put your glad rags on for him Clara, he loves black and red underwear and sheer black net stockings. As for the rest, well I don't want to spoils it for you but, again knowing you, he will delight the pants off you."

So Clara was okay for it, any doubts now and she would go and tell John once more. She said she had a new friend coming to see her, He simply nodded and smiled and that made her feel right about it.

Greeting Jason at the door, he ventured in with a smile that rocked the ages, a smile that comforted her and she simply adored his deep set brown eyes, and that physique. Jo had said he worked out a lot in the gym and that was obvious

And the gym thing was a good starter for conversation as she invited him to take a pew on the settee and brought in some coffee and biscuits from the kitchen.

"Great, I love hobnobs" he said with a big wide smile .The chemical attraction was absolutely stunning, like she had met him before.

She said that maybe she should start doing something in the gym. "Exercise is so good for you huh Jason?"

"In moderation, everything in moderation, but I do prefer sexercise."

Clara gulped, surprised by his forthrightness and managed to say she was glad he did.

"Well looking at you, Clara I can see straight away that, with your figure there is in no real need of a workout, not that way anyway," and there was the look that said what he was there for her.

Gulping again and trying to contain herself she knew she was blushing. It had been a long time. She had she remembered to put on that sexy black and red underwear. Had she used the French perfume Jo hinted he would like, and most important, he was he attracted to her.

It was like he was reading her mind - he put his hand upon as cushion on the settee prompting her to join him and she knew how he felt about her then, his body language was telling her that and was his maleness really as prominent in his jeans as that when he arrived.? She thought not, and women notice those things, especially about a guy you want to snog.

It was like he had magic, It was enthralling and so thrilling to be there, sat next to a guy who looked everything she desired, just twenty two he was too, Jo had told her that and how well measured he was. His understanding of women was so mature for his age, and so knowledgeable for a guy so young, that he should understand the emotions and needs of women like Clara.

"Are you going to introduce me to John then Clara?"

That came as a bit of a surprise and yet she felt comfortable with the idea.

"He is probably watching TV right now in his room but I am sure he will respond, but don't expect too much"

"I won't Clara. I understand. My dad has the same."

"I'm sorry"

"It is okay, I take comfort in how you are managing and I want to make it right for you."

What he said she felt was so nice and considerate.

"This is Jason, John, he is a new friend."

John looked away from the screen slowly and muttered hello and then turned back to watch the screen.

"There" smiled Clara. He likes you."

"How can you tell?"

"He would have grunted if he didn't."

Jason chuckled and escorted Clara back into the lounge, hand in hand, His squeezing hers delicately.

"You are so brave, I go for that. And he won't mind at all, my being here huh?"

"Not at all, but in a way I wish he could realise and know I still love him."

"Well this is not about love, Clara. Liking yes and maybe caring. But you are a special, person and I will respect your wishes and try not to fall in love with you."

"I bet you tell that to all the women you meet" she laughed.

He just smiled wistfully and all was well, especially when she felt the touch of his first kiss indulge her lips.

The sheer feeling of his warmth crazed her into a sense of wellbeing, a realisation of what she had been missing for so very long.

"Just relax Clara. You are a very nice person and I can easily connect with you. You seem a little tense and you had no need."

She pointed out that it was just because this was so new and she had to adjust to John being in the next room.

"It does not worry me unduly, but I just need a little time that is all Jason."

"Take all the time you need baby, but let me caress you, I adore the way you look, so neat and exciting, "and when he gently stroked her long flowing hair she felt so good.

"You must have an exciting life, making women like me happy; I guess I have a lot of competition."

"Clara, do not be concerned, there are only two others at the moment, your friend Jo and a girl called Jackie I hope to make it big time with."

"You mean you want to form a committed relationship with her?" Clara queried holding back a little.

"Well yes, Jackie is my girlfriend and she knows and understands what I do."

"Oh! I see, "Clara continued, which means maybe that you aim not to get too close to women like me."

He laughed: "Why do you make it all seem so complicated. I simply adore women, but they have to be women I want to be with. I just love to make women like you happy and bring them out of their shell, to help them realise their potential."

"Is that what they call it now?" grinned Clara. "I guess you are used to sharing then?"

"Look, every woman is different right. Each woman I have been with is different, the way they are about making it with me, the smell and the taste of each woman is never the same, and each has their own sexual tendencies which I find, are always exciting and so appealing."

"I think I understand, Jason. You certainly have a charm I find hard to ignore."

"Then let's do it?"

"I had better see if John is asleep first."

She noticed how Jason touched himself there as she moved to check John, and when she returned, his hand was still there like he was gently coaxing himself, and she found that very sensual.

She felt quite horny then, she gently swayed her hind as she sat beside him and when he ardently kissed her again, feeling the touch of his lips pressing hers and the touch of his tongue on hers, she knew she was an absolute goner and was ready for whatever he wanted.

Jason asked carefully if she ever did anything with John now.

"I don't mean to be nosy, but I just wondered that's all, Does he have anything to give you now?"

Now primed as only a woman knows, she found it easy to discuss intimate details. And anyway talking about how it now was with John made her feel less guilty about what was going on right now

"He still likes me to oral him and I do try to please him. But whether or not he enjoys that anymore is anybody's guess. But when I do it he places his hand over my head like he is enjoying and that is good enough for me. He also likes me to crouch over his head and gently smother his face. That was always one of our favourite positions when he was well and we frequently enjoyed simultaneous oral sex with each other. I know from the way he moans he still enjoys that and this may sound crazy, and I don't know why I am telling you this, but he likes every morning to sniff the underwear I wore the previous day. I feel at least I can still give something of myself even though he does not seem to recognise me anymore."

As she spoke Jason felt for her hand and led it to his prominence which was well swollen. He prompted her to stroke him there, gradually releasing her hand to see if she would pull it away, but she didn't and when she was doing it of her own accord he knew she would soon be ready.

"Does John still get an erection, Clara?"

"Hardly, I can spend a long time simply sucking him but he never gets more than half -mast."

"And what about you, Clara, do you enjoy it anymore?"

"I enjoy giving him any pleasure I can. But as for myself I am afraid is has just become a chore. But at least I know I am giving of my best; to please the man who once was my lover.

"But this is so nice. God! How I have missed this Jason!"

"Then you don't need to anymore, baby. I am here for your pleasure, for our pleasure. Unzip me?"

She did without hesitation and it was there and so was she. Instinctively taking the head into her mouth with a deep longing and need, she was overwhelmed by Jason's ability to take it one step at a time so she could really enjoy him.

It was not like her first oral experience when as a teenager, which was all over in a matter of seconds, leaving her unfulfilled and smothered with his sex.

"Just take your time baby" Jason suggested and she saw that he had fitted a cock ring to hold him back until they were both ready. "I want to see you enjoying, knowing that you want that makes it all very worthwhile for me."

And she did take her time, she heard his sounds of pleasure each time she sucked him deep into her mouth and he arranged himself to pleasure her simultaneously, lifting her skirt and running his fingers slowly up the inside of her thigh, and, as her sucking grew stronger she ventured to roll him in her mouth and lick his length, and his balls as his fingers found her, slipping the seam of her thong aside he probed gently inside, making her so very hot and frenzied.

Then after a while she stopped to take a breath, moved herself to accommodate his gentle teasing fingers into her.

"I really think we ought to go to bed don't you Clara?" His expression showed he was desperate and she liked that. She had never known a man so desperate since John in their heyday.

She smiled happily, adjusted her skirt and beckoned him up the stairs to her bedroom. The walls were decorated in burgundy and it felt warm and inviting.

"Best we get undressed baby?"

She smiled and nodded and he watched her, telling her how sexy she looked in her black underwear.

"You can keep those on, "Jason whispered referring to her underwear. " It leaves something to the imagination; I want to discover you nice and slow."

She smiled happily; this guy was everything a girl could wish for. For the first time in years there she was undressing in front of a guy she wanted to fuck. She felt the urge to tease and move her hips in a provocative manner, the way she knew guys liked. He kept on saying she was beautiful and he was a very lucky guy.

Then he urged her to lay on the bed as he undressed.

"Leave those on?" she asked when he was about to down to his boxer shorts.

And he did. And he snuggled on the bed beside her and she was with man again after so long. Feeling his strength and versatility as he moved against her, touching and feeling her all over whilst he continued to ravish her body with kisses

He kissed her sublime, and she too, rubbing his chest and down under like a natural and it felt so very good.

"Thank you for being here for me, you don't know what it means to me Jason," she whispered.

"You don't have to thank me, just show me you are enjoying and that means everything to me, honest."

They continued simply to enjoy each other on a voyage of discovery, gradually removing each other's under garments and tasting the juice of love.

Jason looked deeply into her blue eyes, arranged her so that she was a lying full on her back, lifting her legs up beneath her knees and spreading them wide apart.

"Please, be gentle at first Jason? It has been a long time."

She felt him submerge into her and it was heaven, the feel of pure unadulterated young cock sliding deeply inside as she sighed joyfully accepting his fuck, the utter wonderful sounds of unashamed sex they both shared, and the use of those base words that seemed always very appropriate during intercourse. It was a complete and very deep union contributing to beautiful and wonderfully gratifying experience of two people, male and female, enjoying each other to the hilt.

Then Jason asked if he could take her from the back. That she looked so endearing and would love to take her both ways. But she said she would rather wait, she needed time that's all. But not to discourage her new lover she offered another slow deep throat experience which she loved so much.

Soon she was deep into the feel and magic of two people sharing something so personal and intimate and she showed him just how much she enjoyed him both orally and taking him from above, feeling his hugeness move inside her, she in control manoeuvring her hips to accommodate his length in so many sensual ways .

And then talking him yet again full into her mouth, she released his cock tie and inviting him to feed her. The taste if cock was pungent and beautiful, the taste of his cream made for the perfect crescendo.

The cob webs gone, Clara was alive and open again thanks to lovely Jason and all those pent up frustrations removed.

And this was just the beginning...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Wow that's why women are called whores. No wonder there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love older women with hot asses lusting after younger guys

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
true story

I am a 22 year old male. I met a 42 year old lady who has a hubby with parkinson's disease and he is unable to get an erection. I make love to her twice a week and now she is expecting our child,

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Spouses cheating while their loved ones wither and die, pure crap.

tabbymidnitetabbymidniteover 9 years ago
Cool story

A needed story I am sure there are many ladies out there like this, as well as men. Thank you for writing a very much arousing story..

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