Clothes Shopping

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Butch finds shopping more fun than she ever thought.
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(This is the fifth story about my black butch female "Serena". Butches are as complex as any other human being. Some feel that they are men trapped in a woman's body. Most don't. They don't stand around hitching up their overalls and spitting tobacco while whistling at feminine women. Well, most of them don't. Like most of them, Serena is comfortable in who she is and how she appears to the world. That doesn't mean that she can't change a little though. This story takes place immediately after the previous one in the series "Serena and the Flutist".)


I had never known just what I had been missing by not spending time in the Women's areas of the various stores in just this one mall. Generally when I need clothes I drop by Sears, grab something from Men's clothing and head back out. My shoes come from there too, since I usually wear work boots or running shoes. I know that sounds stereotyped but after all, I'm butch for goodness sake. High heels are not in my repertoire. I'd probably fall off them and twist an ankle or something.

But I had not realized what a fertile area a woman's clothing store was for girl watching. I AM butch and enjoy the sight and sounds (and the feel but that comes later) of femmes. And they are all over in those stores and departments. College girls in tight shorts and mid-rift baring tops. Business women in heels and short skirts. Soccer moms in tight jeans and sweaters and boots. Slender figures and full figures and every kind in between. I was having the time of my life, even if Nan was slowly backing me into a corner on clothes.

So far I had managed to resist any attempt by my new girlfriend to get me into anything frilly. While I had enjoyed the crowd at Victoria's Secret I had escaped without trying on anything there. When she wasn't looking I had bought Nan a nearly transparent pale blue baby doll nightie I hoped to see her in one evening soon but that was different. I LOVE femmes in frilly, slinky and sexy clothing. It's just not for me.

I had given way on a couple of things. My little musician had got me to try on some better quality slacks and blouses that were really blouses and not men's shirts. I admit it, they felt nice and damn it I look rather good in them. No skirts, although she batted her eyelashes at me and spoke dreamily about how my legs would look. If I want to show my legs I'll wear shorts. Or jeans maybe, I had bought a couple pairs of them, yes, from the Ladies' Department, not the Men's. I am a woman after all and my curves are different. I admitted that they fit better than most of my old stuff. Well, I admitted it to myself anyway. There was no sense in giving Nan any more ammunition than she already had.

We had stopped long enough to eat lunch and put the first load away in the trunk of my car. I had enjoyed lunch, sitting in the outside section of one of the better class chain restaurants and devouring a plate of pasta. Who knew shopping took so much energy? My petite flutist also indulged herself. How did she eat so much and remain so little? Must be a femme secret.

After lunch the dragging around continued. This time we entered a large store catering only to women. The clothing was more expensive but I had to agree with Nan that the quality was excellent. She seemed to be looking for something in particular, which was a bit strange as she refused the offered help of the different saleswomen who approached us.

We circled the store twice and didn't stop to do anything more than just casually glance at the racks and displays. On the third pass I finally asked Nan what in the world was going on.

"I'm window shopping," she replied. Her tone was serious but there was a little devil dancing in her eyes that told me she was up to more than just that. I started to protest but she took me by the arm and guided me to a rack of pants suits.

"This is what I was looking for." she stated. But she wasn't looking at the clothing, although she was touching a rather nice looking dark blue outfit. Whoa! "Nice looking"? What was I thinking? And what was Nan looking at. I turned my head to follow her line of sight.

Her name tag read "Jessica". She was a lovely young woman, in her early twenties. She was full figured with black hair that fell halfway down her back. Her olive skin was smooth and her generous breasts strained at the white blouse she was wearing. A navy skirt with matching heels finished her outfit. She was smiling as Nan began to ask some questions regarding alterations and materials and other things that didn't capture my attention.

The two of them had the most animated discussion. Just as I was starting to feel left out, Jessica began pulling clothes from the racks around us and holding them up to me. Nan agreed on some choices and disagreed on others. The ones they agreed on go on a rolling cart. The others are hung back where they came from or laid to one side. When I raised my eyebrows at the ever growing piles they reassured me. Nan said the pile on the cart gave us a lot of choices and Jessica mentioned that she would put the discards up later.

I swore some kinds of signals were passing between the two femmes that being a butch I couldn't decipher. But then I was enjoying the brush of Jessica's fingers over me as she examined one outfit after another. She stood very close behind me and I could not only inhale her perfume I could feel the heat of her full body. Was I imagining things or were her fingers lingering on my arms and shoulders? I shot a glance at Nan, who seemed only interested in the clothing. Her face revealed nothing.

The pair seemed to suddenly come to some kind of decision. Jessica pushed the cart towards a door with "Dressing Rooms" prominently displayed over it. Since Nan was matching her step for step I followed along.

The dressing rooms were much nicer than I was used to seeing. Instead of partitions and half-doors they were private cubicles with mirrored walls and chairs. The door closed behind us. There was a "snick" that I took to be a lock. I hoped so anyway because as Jessica began to sort through outfits Nan began to undress me.

"Nan!" I exclaimed.

"Oh for heaven's sake Serena. Just shuck down to your bra and panties. We have to try things on and obviously that is not going to happen properly if you are dressed."

Agreement came from Jessica, who wasn't even looking at me but rather was leaning over the cart and selecting an outfit. As I undressed I couldn't help but notice her skirt tighten across her rear end as well as the flexing of her leg muscles as she stretched over the cart.

I tried on various outfits. It was fun. The three of us laughed over some and applauded over others. I had to admit I was enjoying it. We finally had gone through everything and I was amazed at how much that I, Nan, WE had decided on. I sighed a bit regretfully.

"What is it?" asked Nan.

"Well this was fun. I'm sorry it's over."

As soon as I said those words I knew something was up. The glint in Nan's eyes gave it away. Before I could say anything else she stood on her toes and kissed me. I felt her fingers run up my side and over my bra. I tried to protest, to remind her that we weren't alone. Then I felt a second set of fingers dance up my other side and begin to stroke my other breast and I realized that Jessica was in on this, whatever it was.

In pretty much not time at all my bra was off and Nan seemed to have disappeared. Jessica was kissing me now, her taller and much fuller body pressed against mine and her hands cupping my breasts. A tongue entered my mouth for a long deep kiss and then Jessica stepped back just as I reached for her.

I could barely see Nan behind Jessica, but I could certainly see what she was doing. The same nimble fingers that danced across the keys of her flute were undoing buttons and tugging Jessica's blouse from her skirt. A low moan came from the saleswoman, then a sharper one. Now Nan was crouching behind the full figured woman. Nude pantyhose were pulled down along with a lacey and extremely skimpy pair of panties.

Whispered directions got Jessica to stand on one foot, balancing with one hand on the wall. Nan removed a high heel and drew the pantyhose and panties over a shapely foot that slipped back into the just abandoned shoe. A repeat on the other side and Nan stood back up. Her hands circled Jessica and slid up. A quick rug and the young woman's heavy breasts spilled free, only to be immediately covered by my little musician's hands.

Jessica moaned and her eyes opened wide. She stared at me while Nan's busy fingers immediately began to tease her big brown nipples to jutting points. The saleswoman gasped again when Nan's face appeared to me over her shoulder and a little pink tongue that I happened to know was as talented as the rest of its owner began to dance along Jessica's shoulder and neck.

I realized that Nan had hopped up to settle her cute little butt on the railing that circled the dressing room. Her legs held up Jessica's skirt, wrapped as they were around the bigger girl's waist. I knew Nan was athletic but goodness she never ceased to amaze me.

I stood there transfixed, watching Nan working over the young woman. I was just about to feel left out when my little cutie cocked one eye at me and lifted a questioning eyebrow. She looked at me then looked down Jessica's body; past the full breasts she was busy playing with to the wide spread shapely legs. I followed her gaze and caught a glimpse of a dark triangle peeking below the hoisted skirt.

Nan's eyes met mine. She gave me an exasperated look and jerked her head down. What was she trying to tell me? Then it dawned on me. She was suggesting that I... Oh NO! I didn't do things like that. I mean, I'm the rough, tough butch. I use my strapon or my body to top sexy females like Jessica. I pin them on beds or against walls and take them. I don't... and not from THAT position... I looked at those legs again and sighed.

I was on my knees, my hands sliding up the back of those full curvy legs. Up close they were even lovelier than when they showed under her skit. That skirt was up around her waist, displaying her black curly bush and a full round bubble butt that my hands ached to hold. Since I saw no reason to deny my desire I reached out and grabbed it in both hands. It felt as good as it looked, rounded and firm and more than filling my grip. I kneaded it like it and watched her lower body quiver with each squeeze. I could trust Nan to take care of the upper half.

I was tentative at first. After all, I hadn't gone down on another woman in quite a while. I studied the full curves of Jessica's legs. I leaned forward, kissing the inside of those legs. Growing bolder I went back and forth from one to the other. I could taste her skin, her excitement already flavoring her as traces of her wetness flowed from her.

This close I could really drink in the scent rising from Jessica's pussy. Her fine black hairs were coated with hanging droplets like dew. I could see another trickle sliding down the inside of her thighs, a match to the one I had already sampled. I didn't even attempt to resist. I opened my mouth and ran my tongue up that trickle until I reached the folds of her labia and clamped my mouth right on her.

Jessica let out a squeal that was instantly muffled by what I guessed was Nan stopping up her mouth with a kiss. That's sort of what it sounded like to my ears anyway. I could have been wrong; two firm full legs were now draped over my shoulders. From the increasing pressure the thighs were applying to the sides of my head, and incidentally my ears, I was pretty sure a pair of shapely ankles was locked on my back. If not, then this woman had leg strength I was just going to HAVE to try our one day with her pinned by my strapon.

In the meantime my primary concern was to avoid drowning. I had thought Jessica was wet before but I had been mistaken. She was gushing now. Whatever Nan was doing to her breasts, hopefully combined with my tongue and lips was driving her wild.

I was certainly working at it. I licked and lapped. I used my tongue on her bush and labia and then entered her and explored there. I squezed hard on that firm ass. I curled my tongue inside her and felt her juices run freely. I accepted them, letting them flow into my mouth. I had forgotten what a woman tasted like first hand, or "first tongued" might be a better phrase. She was delicious.

My fingers continued to work Jessica's ass. I suddenly encountered an obstruction, one that wildly bucked and ground on that ass. It was Nan of course. I touched her legs and then HER soaking pussy. A vagrant thought flashed through my mind. When had she had time to shed her panties? Or had she not worn any at all? Regardless, she was humping Jessica's ass as fervently as I was tonguing her pussy. I could feel Nan's own nectar running down Jessica's cleft and knew it was mingling with the bigger girl's juices, giving me a double dose.

I could feel Jessica shuddering. I was pistoning my tongue in and out of her as fast as I could. Her hips were swaying back and forth, first grinding herself on my face and then apparently driving back to Nan. That was working; I heard a muffled noise I immediately recognized as the onset of the symphony's number one flutist's orgasm. It was echoed by an unfamiliar sound that I knew was another woman cumming. Since I knew it wasn't me, it was Jessica. Then I realized that although she WAS announcing her orgasm that I was wrong about my not having one. I had ground my thighs together so hard I had triggered one of my own. Who says weight training doesn't have unexpected benefits?

I didn't have to have the next one solo. Jessica pushed me back, flipped and straddled me and had my panties down my legs before I could do much more than get three good breaths. I need them as I tipped my head up and went back to work on her. The black curls of her pussy were completely drenched by now. I think got as much of her sweet juices by sucking them clean as I did with my tongue making its second trip inside of her.

She was doing a marvelous job of teasing my clit when she buried her face in me and started bucking and squealing right up into me. She was wiggling wildly and her tongue was buried in me so deeply I hoped she could get it back out. Later. MUCH later. I had no idea what was making her act so wild but I hoped whatever the cause was didn't go away.

I had caught Jessica's ass in my hands again. As I ran my fingers over those curvy mounds I discovered what was setting her off like that. I encountered Nan's hand in her cleft, obviously with at least one finger jammed up Jessica's ass. I'd have to remember that if I ever saw this saleswoman again to use a bit of ass play.

This second time around I didn't last near as long as I had the first time before letting out a yell, fortunately right into Jessica, and shuddered to another lovely orgasm. Jessica was right behind me and still had a surprising amount of woman's juices to offer me, all of which I accepted. Even in the heat of the moment I mentally sighed to myself. Here I was a simple, well ordered and settled butch and this petite woman was just rearranging my life and making me do all sorts of things I hadn't even thought of in years. Okay, so they were all delightful fun. Still...

We eventually managed to untangle ourselves from the pile we had made, a three woman pile since Nan had climbed on top of Jessica, the better to finger her ass as well as hump herself on the other woman's body. We got dressed, shared a couple of sloppy kisses and piled all the clothes we had chosen back on the cart and rolled it to the register. Jessica looked completely cool and professional; or rather she did after Nan caught her starting to leave the dressing room with her skirt caught in the back of her pantyhose. She rang us up, accepted my charge card for an unbelievable amount of money and helped us to get out of the store. She never broke character, except for one little naughty grin and a wink as we were shaking hands when Nan and I departed.

I walked with rather rubbery legs to the car. Nan looked just fine, darn her. I stared the car. Before shifting into reverse and backing out of the parking lot I looked at my little cutie and asked the question that had been on my mind for some time.

"Why the trips around the store?"

"I told you, I was window shopping." Nan grinned. "But I wasn't window shopping for clothes, although I spotted several nice outfits, a couple of them even for me. I was window shopping for likely prospects for exactly what happened. Jessica watched us, you, from the moment we came in. I saw her wandering around the center area of the store as we circled the perimeter. She couldn't take her eyes off you. By the time I saw her lick her lips twice I knew we were going to have fun."

I shook my head. "God, you were so busy seducing her I wasn't sure there was going to be anything left for me," I mock complained. "And you didn't leave me any room to push her up against the wall and..." I broke off and glared at her. "You did that on purpose didn't you? You positioned her like that, kept your hands on her breasts, all so that the only way I could get her was to go down on her?"

Nan's eyes twinkled at me. "And I could tell how much you hated it. Face it Serena, you loved it. You have been so busy with your strapon and topping everyone in reach that you had forgotten how much fun oral sex is, both getting and giving. You now only gave that charming saleswoman two orgasms just from your lips but you had one yourself when you weren't even being touched. Now wasn't that worth it?"

I tried to grumble but I had to give in on two counts. First of all, she was right. I had an enormous amount of fun without doing any so-called "butch things". Second, I had to marvel at the way that Nan had set me up, and not just with Jessica either. The bags that filled the trunk and back seat of my car proved that. How had she got me to but all these clothes?

When we got back to my place Nan kissed me, told me she needed to go home for a while and she'd call me later. She reminded me she had rehearsal tomorrow and that she had gone a couple of days now without practice. She needed to sit down with her flute for at least a few hours. She kissed me again.

"I don't know where we are going Serena, if indeed we're going anywhere. I know I like you a lot and I think you feel the same way about me. I want to see what develops but I don't want to push things. Besides," she smiled a little Cheshire cat grin, "You might want to see what kind of impression you are going to have on the women with your new outfits. Speaking of that," she dug a piece of paper out of her pocketbook. "This is Jessica's number and yes, she would love to have you bend her over and give her a hammering with your strapon. She gets off work at five and I told her you would pick her up at six. Take care." One more kiss and she was out the door. Faintly I heard her singing again. In Italian. Didn't she know anything besides opera?

I took the pile of packages upstairs and started hanging up and putting away my new wardrobe. The pants suits DID look sharp. I grinned myself thinking of Nan. I didn't know where we were going either, but it would be fun no matter what happened. Of course, I was going to have to keep an eye on her. The next thing I knew she'd be trying to get me into high heels.

(The End)

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Whew. This androgynous guy wished to squeeze in with and taste them.

rgraham666rgraham666almost 16 years ago
Missed this…

When it first went up.

But it's as good as anything else you've written.

Well done.

SimpleGiftsSimpleGiftsalmost 16 years ago
As always, a pleasure

Very well composed, and your "voice" is always authentic and intriguing. Thanks for another great contribution.

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