Coastal Cock Fest Ch. 05

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Campsite Cock Hunting.
5.2k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/23/2016
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We were approaching the end of the week and our time at the shithole which is Skegness and we'd spent almost every day and night of campus resulting in my whores easily getting fucked on each occasion.

After last night's debauchery they were both having a well earned relax in bed so that they could rest and recover. I'd spent any spare time I'd got looking around the campsite checking out who was around and whether it was possible to have some fun with my two whores right here on site throughout the day and night.

I believed that there was definite opportunities to get them humiliating situations and end up with some hard dick in them.

I'd decided on four tasks that I was going to present to each of my whores and they would have to complete them as soon as possible after receiving them. I wasn't going to set them to stricter dead line due to the nature of m orders and the fact that we were on a family holiday park.

Although my whores would have to be forward, brazen and direct to the point in public which would obviously cause them some embarrassment and humiliation they still had to be as discreet as possible.

By the time both my bitches were up, showered and looking respectable again it was almost two in the afternoon. I was happy to let them have that rest time but also keen to head down to our first location and get the ball rolling on today's tasks.

Once they'd finished breakfast I told them the plans for the day.

"Right whores," I began and I knew from the expressions on their faces that they knew I'd got plans for them today.

"Yes Owner," they both answered at the same time.

"Today is Thursday or should I say task Thursday, were going to spend the day on the park and for the rest of the day you will be given for tasks," I said to them as they sat listening at the table.

"Three of the of the tasks will test your own ability to seduce and one task will require a team effort and the ability to share and share a like," I said smiling at their blank faces.

"Firstly were going to the pool, you'll need a two piece bikini each and a towel that is all. I'll explain the first task on the way," I said and sent them off to get ready.

Needing only to pull on a bikini we were outside the caravan in minutes and ready to go. Fiona had selected a yellow two piece that had pink spots on, her huge tits were covered but the outline of her nipples were clear as the material stretched over her enormous jugs.

Alice wore a black two piece and she looked incredible, her young toned body displayed wonderfully in the bikini.

They had a towel each which I carried down to they pool so that they could be seen in their tiny bikini's with their tits and arses wobbling right from the caravan to the pool lounger.

Their outfits certainly achieved the desired affect as we passed the entertainment area as younger lads stopped to stare and husbands sneaked fleeting glances before attracting the attention of frowning wives.

We made it to the very large pool area and found three loungers over on the far side at the furthest point from the snack bar as all the loungers there were taken. the kiddy pool was also that end and I wanted to avoid that as much as possible so we set up at the deep end close to the sauna, steam room and Jacuzzi.

Distracted by all the blokes ogling my whores on the way down I'd completely forgot to tell them about their first challenge.

I went and fetched us a beer each from the snack stroke mini bar and settled in between the whores who were laid back on the lounger watching the pool area. I noticed a few men had noticed them and was confident their was chances for my whores here.

"So whores," I said and they sat more up right so that they showed they were listening to what I was about to say.

"Task one id you are willing to accept?" I laughed, "or should I say that you accept?" and they both nodded, "Each of you dirty whores are to pull one man in this pool area meaning the pool, sauna, steam room, jacuzzi or near the snack bar I really don't care," I told them.

"Once pulled take them back to our van, have sex, offer all your holes if they don't want them fine take it where they want to stick it and then return. Don't shower, leave that come in you," I said.

"Yes owner," they both mumbled.

"Once you've both completed that you move on to task two, your time starts now whores," I said and sat back with my beer.

I re positioned my lounger so that I was just behind both Fiona and Alice, this gave me a good idea of where they were looking and if they were trying to identify a potential man.

They were both actively scanning the area checking out men who might be a worth a crack, they did have to tread carefully due to the amount of women that were around as they wouldn't want to hit on the husband of one, not in plain sight of the wife anyway.

Alice was the first to move and slid sexily in to the pool from the edge and disappeared under the water then swam a width of the deep end before swimming back and hoisting her soaking wet body out the pool. she looked even more gorgeous dripping with water and walked straight past and in to the sauna room.

She was gone for ten minutes before returning very hot and sweaty, "can I have some money for a drink please?" she asked, "anyone else?" she asked and me and Fiona both ordered the same.

She was putting herself out there and on display and came as little surprise that whilst she was at the shack she began chatting to a lad in his twenties I guessed.

Their chat seemed jovial and lasted a few minutes before she collected the drinks and returned to the lounger, the boy sat with two friends kept looking over at her.

"Looks like you've started well young whore, new rule, you cant pick anyone from the same group as the other so don't get any ideas old whore," I said after seeing her look over at the other two lads, "you do your own ground work," I told them both but aimed it at Fiona.

I saw Fiona's expression change and she jumped up and headed in the pool and swam a few widths and then stayed over the far side leaning on the edge. Alice I saw was exchanging glances with the lad she'd spoke to and then she nodded her head in the direction of the steam and sauna room and headed over. She opted for the steam and headed in.

I watched the lad who sat for a minute and exchanged some words with his mates and then headed over himself. He looked at me as he passed but my expression remained the same. Both me Fiona watched him enter the room and I gave her a knowing smile.

Fiona hated these games i played where I pitted them against each other, I knew that she she felt disadvantaged because she was older and she assumed not in as good a shape as Alice. She was probably right but Fiona was damn sexy in her own right, big huge tits, great arse and a cunt hole to rival any eighteen year old.

I loved the fact that she felt inferior to her daughter though as she always acted more slutty it seemed in an attempt to prove to me that she was still my top whore. I never told her she'd always be my top whore as it made her constantly work at it.

Her face was a picture when Alice emerged twenty minutes later and came over to me with her friend in tow, "Owner can I have the key?" she asked bending close to my head to whisper in my ear.

"Of course young whore." I said loudly, or at least loud enough for her new friend to hear, "I assume your going to fuck?" i asked her.

Her face reddened before she answered, "Yes owner, I'm going to fuck," she said a little louder than before and she squirmed as did her friend.

I handed her the key and she left leading her victim off round the pool, his mates were giving him the thumbs up as he left with a big smile on his face. Fiona's face was a picture and she began looking around the pool area for a male who wasn't in the group from the one Alice had pulled from.

She swam a few more widths then walked around the pool slowly pushing out her tits and wiggling that beautiful arse of hers trying her best to grab the attention of any of the men.

Other than the two lads it seemed as though the men in the pool area were all with partners so she was getting a lot of looks but not a lot else so she soon returned to the lounger next to me.

"No one tickle your fancy whore?" I mocked.

"It's hard when they are all, with their wives," she said looking round at the six men in the room, most of which where glancing over at her but were sat with a scowling wife and kids.

I went to fetch us another drink and as I approached the shack a lone man strode in probably in his fifties and headed straight to the steam room.

No sooner had the steam room door shut Fiona was up off the lounger and heading in not wanting to miss the opportunity. I hung near the shack for five minutes and then took our drinks back to the loungers and headed in to the steam room myself.

I opened the door and saw two people sat on the left hand side and the talking stopped, I walked in closing the door behind me and made sure I passed close to Fiona and the man and said Hi.

They both said hi back and there was an uneasy silence for a minute or so.

It was very steamy and we could just about make each other out, that's why I spoke so that Fiona would know that it was me and she could carry on.

"So where were we?" I heard Fiona say.

"Errm," the bloke went to say seemingly embarrassed or reluctant to continue what was being said.

"Oh that's right I was just asking whether you were here alone or not?" Fiona said and I saw her dark body through the steam move a bit closer to the man's.

"Erm, I'm actually here with my wife but she's out meeting friends we have up the coast," he said.

A married man, this would be interesting. Not that she hasn't been with married men before but could she get this one to stray.

"Married long?" she asked and moved closer at the same time and put a hand out on his leg, "Ooh your so tense," she cooed at the man.

"Er, er," he stuttered, "twenty three years married," he finally said as i watched Fiona stroke his leg as the steam lifted a little.

"You seem so tense Michael, let me give you a massage," Fiona said. Before he could protest Fiona was behind him on the upper leg and had a leg either side of him and had her pussy against the back of his head almost.

He attempted some feeble protest that fiona ignored and began rubbing his shoulders and down his hairy chest and over his larger than average stomach.

Seeing that Fiona wasn't going to stop he allowed her to continue and then asked a question back as he became more comfortable.

"So are you here alone Fiona or with the husband?" he asked and lent his head back in to her crutch, "oh i'm so sorry," he said.

"Don't be silly Michael," said Fiona and pulled his head back against her bikini bottoms, "yours isn't the first strange head I've had between my legs this week," she teased and let her hand wander past his stomach and on to his groin.

"Ooh what do we have here Michael," she teased and rubbed the bulge in his shorts.

"I'm so sorry," he began.

"Don't be Michael, I never did answer your question did I, This big thing here distracted me," she said again rubbing the tent in his shorts. "I'm married too Michael but he's not here," she said.

"Oh, I see," he said.

"Listen Michael I come here to have sex with strange men so I'm just going to put it out there for you. Let me take you back to my van and take care of that cock of yours, what do you say?" she asked him and pushed her hand under his waistband and ceased his cock.

He yelped at her brazen approach and then said, "Er, er, yes, er we have to be discreet," he mumbled.

"Don't worry about that Michael, now I'll wait outside and let that erection of yours subside before we head up to my van." she said and got up to leave.

When she had gone Michael began to apologise

for Fiona's behaviour, I had to laugh, "Don't worry she's been like it all week," I laughed.

"Ok," he said, he was definitely wondering whether to ask me if I'd been with her too but he was too nervous and embarrassed for that. We sat in silence for another five minutes then he got up now that he wasn't going to poke someones eye out.

"Bye," he said.

"Don't worry Michael you'll have a great time," I laughed.

When I stepped out the steam room some ten minutes later Alice had returned and was on the lounger, the three lads had gone.

"Well whore, are you full of come?" I asked.

"Yes owner, he came in my pussy and I pulled my bottoms back on like you asked," she said.

"I assume you saw old whore to pass the key over?"

"Yes we passed on the way back," she said.

We spent the next hour swimming in the pool and throwing a ball about whilst we waited for Fiona to get back, we actually had a really good time.

Fiona came back in alone just over an hour later, she joined us on the loungers and I asked her the same question.

"Yes he came in my pussy and It's still inside," she said.

"Good, now we can move on to task two," I said.

"It's twenty past four now whores and we've got until the bars close tonight at twelve to have at least bagged task four so this task is in your hands how you play it. Your are both to pull in the bar area, take him back and fuck not once but twice, again now showering or cleaning away come," I said.

"So do you stay to pull now then when we come out your on task three or do you go back to change then come out and begin task two?" I asked them.

They looked at each other for a second.

"Bare this in mind, task three is a team task so think about delays," I said as I scooped up my things and headed out the pool area with my whores in tow.

We had to almost pass the bar area on our way to the reception and exit so on our way past I stuck my head in the door. It was pretty busy, plenty of blokes of various ages watching what looked like old re-runs of a football match played at the weekend.

"Plenty of cock in there whores," I said closing the door and looking at them for a decision.

Fiona looked at her daughter and said, "shall we go now, we don't know what task three will involve," she said.

"Ok we'll go now," Alice replied.

"Fantastic, it's so nice to see mother and daughter working in harmony.

It made me smile when i thought about conversations they would of had a a couple of years ago before i enslaved Fiona. I suppose they spoke about normal mother and daughter stuff.

Now they were agreeing on whether it was better to go and whore themselves now or later as they didn't know what team task I'd be setting them. How relationships change I thought as Fiona followed by Alice entered the bar.

When I ventured in a minute or two later most people were now paying more attention to the two bikini clad females ordering drinks than the old football match. I ordered a drink at the opposite end of the bar and then pulled up a seat towards the back.

I had the caravan key again so whatever happened they would have to come over here in front of all these people and ask for the key. I'm sure that all the blokes will think that it is embarrassing for me, but if they only knew hey!

I was actually pretty amazed at how quickly things progressed in the bar area when there wasn't any other woman around, wives or girlfriends.

I noticed a few blokes from earlier and around the site that most definitely had partners and children. It seemed that with a bit of freedom and a few beers in them they were a lot more forward and eager to get close to the women they spent most of the time avoiding.

Both of them were talking to three guys stood at the bar, or should I say the guys were talking at their tits but that was by the by. They both knew the rule of not men from the same group so one was going to have to split off.

Surprisingly it was Alice that left the three men with her mother and she crossed the room to a table with a lone man sat on it, he was motioning her over and she had accepted the offer.

She sat down near him and quickly got chatting, the man was older, probably late thirties and looked pretty rough with tattoo's on his arms and neck.

Fiona's giggle made me turn and it seemed that she was moving things along quickly as i watched one of the three men reach out and rub a finger tip over her nipple outline. She allowed him to do this and then excused herself and came over to me.

"Can i have the key please owner I've found a fuck," she said.

"Didn't take long whore, have you told them your an easy lay?" I asked hand her the key.

"No i'm going to ask one of them back now owner," she said.

"Make sure you they all know that your an easy lay, actually ask loudly enough that some of the men around you know what a easy lay you are. Tell the one you choose that you the easiest lay he'll ever find," i told her.

"Yes owner," she said and trotted back to the three men at the bar.

I went to the bar and stood closer to where fiona was and ordered another bottle of beer and a bag of crisps.

Fiona did as instructed and i saw a few heads turn as she spoke.

"Steve, will you come back to my van with me?" she said to the tallest of the three in the middle.

"What now? what for?" he asked looking her up and down, her face turning crimson.

"For sex, i'm an easy lay, I fancy you and want to have sex with you," she announced as smirks and laughter began to be heard.

"Are you serious slut?" he asked.

"Serious, i'm the easiest lay you'll ever have Steve, come back with me," she asked him again.

A man next to them said, "If you don't lad I will," and laughter rang out round the bar.

He necked the last quarter of his pint and said. "let's go," and he left being led unashamedly by Fiona through the bar.

Three minutes later Alice left with tattoo man.

I gave it twenty minutes and headed back to the caravan myself, I had to get ready too i thought. When i approached the van the unmistakable squeals of both my whores could be heard from twenty meters away.

Luckily for me it didn't look as though any of the neighbouring caravans were in, I let myself in the bottom door to the lounge and was hit by a smell of sex, and the site of Alice on all fours with tattoo man going hammer and tongues in her cunt behind her.

"What the fuck!" he shouted and stopped fucking her and pulled out, the first thing i noticed was his thick cock, it was wide and covered in big veins, i bet she was enjoying that i thought.

"Don't mind me I'm going to take a shower, you enjoy my whore some more, she's got strict instructions," I said and walked up to the shower end.

"Weird cunts," he said but pushed his dick back up Alice any how and she cried out as she was filled to the brim.

"Oh yesss give me that thick dick," she shouted.

I pushed open the door to the double room and Fiona looked at me with a glazed look in her eyes like she'd just come. She was open legged facing the door sliding up and down a huge eight plus inch thick cock.

She smiled as she lowered herself down and gritted her teeth until her cunt had devoured the entire strange length. She then rocked back and forth and smiled at me and mouthed thank you.

I went to shower which took me five minutes and then shaved, when I came out and checked in on Fiona, she was on her back with her legs wrapped tightly round Steve's tattooed back pulling him deep inside as he thrust his cock up her.

I went down to one of the side rooms where some of my clothes were kept and could hear Alice still hard at it in the lounge area. By the time I was done Fiona was just taking a load in her cunt and I stood to watch Steve's arse clench and he filled my old whores hole.

I went back down towards the lounge when I heard Alice say, "Please, Please one more time, fuck me again," she begged.