Cock Fight


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"Good God!" I exclaimed as he slowly turned so that everyone had an opportunity to marvel at the guy's equipment.

"I told you," Crystal giggled actually placing her hand into my lap where she began giving me an affectionate caress.

I had noticed earlier that several others had been doing a little of that during the first couple of bouts. Nothing too openly of course, and thought nothing of it really. After all, it was surprisingly curious for me to actually find myself enjoying such an interesting contest, and I found myself actually looking forward to watching this main event.

"Won't it actually be a disadvantage to have a cock that big?" I asked Danny, emphasizing the word "that". Because "that" was perhaps the biggest, thickest cock I had ever personally seen before.

"No, not really," he replied, his gaze along with everyone else's firmly glued to the monstrous shaft as The Swordsman slowly circled the ring allowing everyone to see him, and many who had the special reserved front row seats to actually reach out, allowing them all a brief quick pet or caress of his magnificent sword.

"What he gives up in quick easy points, he more than makes up for in style and technique," Danny finished, forgetting momentarily that he'd been speaking to me. "He's actually been behind on points many times, but he's always managed a victory one way or the other," he said grinning, only then turning to notice that Crystal had massaged my own cock sufficiently that it was bulging noticeably through my pants. Once again he grinned.

"Damn, now I wish Kevin had been able to make it this evening, I could use a little of that myself," he added with a mischievous smile.

It was then that the lights came down, with the only lights on, spotlighting the wrestling circle. The Swordsman had arrived perfectly on his side of the ring, with the Giant being the first one to enter, obviously beginning the match until such time as he would tag his partner to exchange places.

"Oh we go!" Danny stated breathlessly.

As I'd expected having watched the two previous matches, I figured there'd be several minutes of the two combatants circling one another before feigning, and then lunging at one another's pricks. Instead, The Swordsman merely stepped forward, giving the Giant a quick easy score as he reached out, easily clasping the other man's prick within his hand. It was almost as though he were taunting him in his own version of "rope a dope" by my way of thinking.

I noticed for the first time that the Giant was no slouch in the penis department either. His cock might not have been quite as big as The Swordsman's was, but under any other circumstances, it would draw a few appreciative looks as well.

The giant was almost becoming frustrated, standing there as The Swordsman simply allowed the man to stand there masturbating his cock. It had been a simple one-point award, after which The Swordsman could have moved away, or made some effort to reach out and grab the Giant's prick, which as I now understood would have resulted in another free-for-all. He didn't however, just standing there allowing the man to fondle him in ever-growing frustration by the look on his face. When it was obvious the Giant was losing both interest as well as his concentration, The Swordsman moved in a flurry that caught everyone by surprise.

With an agility that didn't match his size, The Swordsman slid between the Giant's legs, effectively causing the man to lose his grip on him for one thing, earning a "release" when he did it. But for another, he managed to capture the Giants prick inside his mouth without even using his hands.

As I'd seen earlier, the buzzer sounded immediately with the opponents quickly placing themselves center ring, the Giant lying on his back, hands behind his head while The Swordsman received thirty free seconds while he knelt beside the man, slowly, almost teasingly sucking his cock.

I watched as the Giant stared over towards his tag-team partner, unable to do anything at this point though it was obvious he was indicating to the other man that he was in need of relief, at least temporarily anyway. Whatever pleasure he was currently receiving while the clock slowly ticked away the seconds must have been excruciating for him, albeit in a pleasurable way.

To my side, I noticed only then that Danny had actually taken his cock from the inside of his pants and was gently stroking himself. Looking up, I noticed that several others within the crowd were now doing the same. Though many were busily doing each other including more than one set of women, and even what I'd initially thought to be a heterosexual couple sitting on the far end of the same row we were sitting in.

For myself, I had been absentmindedly enjoying the slow light caress of Crystal's hand upon my cock, but when she actually reached and began tugging on the zipper of my pants, I placed my hand over hers indicating that as good as what she was doing to me felt, I wasn't comfortable enough for her to actually take it out. All that did was make her laugh as she leaned over whispering to me.

"You're just being silly, doesn't it feel good?" she pressed further.

The sound of the thirty second buzzer went off at that moment, drawing both her attention as well as mine back to the center ring as the Giant easily rolled away, forcing The Swordsman to relinquish his cock, though it was obvious he had made no real effort in keeping the man from doing so. He rolled immediately outside of the wide blue stripe encircling the ring, touching his partner's hand when he did. The Jackhammer immediately grinned and charged.

The swordsman easily sidestepped the man even as his hand shot out in a feeble attempt to grasp his cock. Running by, The Swordsman used his momentum to reach out, slapping the Jackhammer's ass as he did. Reminding me as I watched that it almost appeared as though watching a bull-fight, seeing the bull pass wildly, though safely by the matadors cape as he swirled it about the charging bulls head. In a way, it was though he had done that, scoring another half point when taking his prick within his hand, he allowed it to rub against the man's upper back as he slid by him. Realizing he'd missed, and been scored upon in the process, he seemed infuriated by it, turning again, charging again.

Rather than sidestepping him as everyone including the Jack Hammer expected, The Swordsman suddenly dropped onto all fours, causing the Hammer to unexpectedly bowl into him, tumbling over. Quick as a flash, The Swordsman was up; obviously timing his move, then dived onto the man's back headfirst. Except this time unlike I'd seen previously, The Swordsman managed to plant his cock against the twin cheeks of the other's ass while facing towards his feet.

"Holy shit! A reversal ass rub, worth thee and a half points!" Danny exclaimed excitedly.

To his credit, the Hammer really was quick. Though The Swordsman had obviously scored on a very tricky maneuver, he'd taken himself out of position slightly in doing so, making himself vulnerable. The Hammer quickly rolled, but had reached beneath The Swordsman in doing so, clasping his prick, rolling with it and actually forcing The Swordsman onto his back.

"Ah oh," Danny said worriedly.

Gaining a point for the cock-hold, the Hammer now pivoted on the cushioned canvas, springing himself into the air, still holding onto The Swordsman's prick in an effort to place himself in position for a quick and easy suck-down. Knowing this, as I realized he must have when having performed that first stunt we'd just witnessed, The Swordsman seemed to just lay there twisting onto his side which appeared almost painful to me as the other man was still holding on with all his might. Yet, in so doing, he actually catapulted himself in a somersault of sorts, coming into immediate direct contact with the other man's prick at almost the same exact moment the Hammer managed to make contact with his.

"A suck-down free for all?" I questioned.

Crystal giggled, "See? You're beginning to catch on!" she announced.

Rather than either one attempt to break away, both the Hammer as well as The Swordsman seemed content to contend with one another sucking cock simultaneously.

"Oh, this should be good!" Danny said sitting up even straighter in his chair, nearly standing, and perhaps might have had he not had his hand firmly wrapped around his prick, furiously stroking himself now.

Turning my attention away from Danny and back to the ring, we all watched as they continued on in their time consuming marathon, sucking one another's pricks. Finally, the Hammer actually groaned, raising his head up and away from The Swordsman's prick.

"Oh my God!" someone sitting in the row before us shouted. "Did you see that? A four point suck-off release!"

Apparently that was a very rare thing. The crowd was going crazy at this point cheering ecstatically. Even the ref was down on the canvas now, eye level his hand prepped to raise into the air as he watched The Swordsman devouring the man's prick as he in turn inched himself desperately on his back over towards the nearest blue stripe where his partner, the Giant now waited patiently, and worriedly to reach out and tag him.

"Not gonna happen!" Crystal said excitedly, watch this!

I didn't know what I was watching, but suddenly The Swordsman twisted, rolling the Hammer over though maintaining a firm suck-hold on his prick so that now the Swordsman was on his back with the Hammer above, scrambling even more fiercely, trying to make it to the blue stripe waiting for him on the floor. It was about at that very moment, that The Swordsman gripped both the man's legs, yanking them a part, as though about to make a wish with a turkey wishbone as I saw it, releasing one hand in the blink of an eye, skewering the man's puckered asshole with his finger.

The Hammer made it no further towards the outer stripe, suddenly collapsing down on the canvas as The Swordsman rolled again, only then releasing the man's prick with his mouth, yanking off the condom just as a second fountain of the man's spunk flew from the tip of his prick.

Again, the auditorium exploded in gleeful passion, watching as the first of The Swordsman's opponents fell in defeat. No longer needing to wait now for the tag, the Giant quickly approached reaching out, and immediately scoring a quick cock-hold. And once again, The Swordsman merely stood, allowing the man to continue to stand there pumping his prick with his hand, growing just as frustrated in doing so as he'd done previously.

I hadn't realized it, and how she'd managed it I didn't know. But suddenly the slightly cooler air caressing my exposed prick alerted me to the fact that Crystal had in fact pulled my erection from inside my pants. Stroking it with her hand, I glanced down, surprised, but no longer caring really that she'd accomplished that feat. Even Danny though glancing over towards us, smiling only briefly, returned his eyes back to the match, oblivious as to what was taking place not only next to him, but for the most part, throughout the entire auditorium at this point.

Many couples had by now given up all pretense at decorum, standing side by side, openly masturbating one another. Still others, some standing, with partners kneeling before them on the floor, giving them blowjobs, with one couple on the front row having thrown caution to the wind entirely, currently engaged in a mutual '69' of orally pleasuring one another even as the bout continued.

No longer constrained by the blue stripe circling the mat, the Giant charged into the ring, his intent obvious as barreled forward, reaching out and easily locating the think stiff phallus of his opponent. As before, The Swordsman merely stood allowing the Giant to fondle his prick openly before the still wildly cheering crowd.

The Swordsman even looked up, grinning at the audience stepping sideways forcing the Giant to follow maintaining his hold as he circled the ring, still grinning, still allowing his prick to be played with without any attempt to dislodge the Giant's hand as he in frustration continued working it with the hopes of achieving a quick victory. Though in truth, there was nothing about the expression on The Swordsman's face to indicate he was anywhere's near close to succumbing to the open manipulation of his marvelous sword. The Swordsman had timed his move, quick as a flash, when the Giant had allowed his guard down, The Swordsman spun, dropping to his knees when he did. In perfect position to capture the other man's prick, he didn't. Instead, he wrapped his arms about the man's legs, twisted, forcing him down onto the mat. As big as the Giant was however, equally strong in many respects, he appeared to recover quickly, twisting about himself so that the two combatants rolled about the mat, groping, clawing for an advantage until he had pinned The Swordsman down on his back though forced to move onto him in a head-to-toe embrace. Fortunately for him, even though he had made himself vulnerable in doing so, his size had made it difficult if not impossible to allow The Swordsman to reach him with his mouth, as he now easily accomplished himself. The Giant quickly located his prick, engulfing it inside his mouth and began sucking it with a fervor that worriedly hushed the crowd.

"Ah oh, I think your boys in trouble now!" I exclaimed speaking to Crystal who had momentarily quit jacking my cock as she too looked towards the two writhing bodies worriedly. Even Danny had quit stroking his cock, standing there with an expression of concern etched across his face.

"Come on! Come on! Roll! Break away! Do something!" he screamed out just as many others were doing, cheering The Swordsman on, fearful that he was in fact now in a precarious situation as the Giant manipulated the other's prick for all he was worth.

All The Swordsman could do was lay beneath the Giant, almost helplessly. With his weight, his size, it made it virtually impossible for The Swordsman to even attempt a mutual '69'. I watched as the favorite appeared to do nothing more than rock helplessly, pinned beneath the Giant who had stretched himself out, confident as he hand-jacked, knobbing the man's cock with his mouth in an effort to achieve the final victory.

"What the hell's he doing?" I actually found myself asking. About all he could do positioned as he was, almost uselessly reaching up to fondle the Giants ass, spreading his cheeks in some effort perhaps to catch the other off guard, or force him to lose concentration.

Slippery with oil, drenched with sweat, The Swordsman appeared to be making a feeble attempt with this tactic. Whatever he was doing to the Giants ass appeared to have no purpose, and certainly no advantage as the two continued to lie, as they were, dead center of the ring.

Even the couple who had been on the floor in their own pleasured '69' had taken note of the sudden hush, sitting up to gaze disbelievingly into the ring as The Swordsman appeared to teeter on the edge, giving in, succumbing finally to the ongoing continued onslaught that his enormous prick was being treated to. Even the referee, now lying prone on the mat, his face only inches away from the action, appeared to be ready to call the inevitable if it continued on in this fashion for much longer.

Suddenly with a strength that seemed impossible, perhaps in a last ditch desperation, The Swordsman slowly began arching his back, forcing the Giant to rise with him even though the effort seemed futile, useless as he hung on, his hands pumping The Swordsman's cock, his mouth suctioned about it, expending all his strength as he strove to get him off and claim complete and total victory.

"He's losing it!" Danny yelled dejectedly, surprised at the obvious outcome, disappointed that The Swordsman could have gotten himself so trapped in this position for so long.

"What the?" Crystal exclaimed a second later.

I too was looking, disbelief, surprise as The Swordsman suddenly rolled with both a speed, and strength no one thought possible. The Giant made every effort possible to hold on, throwing himself with the roll, expecting to merely ride The Swordsman out, tumbling as they did, yet inevitably remaining in his advantageous position. Just as suddenly however, feeling the other man's weight shift, The Swordsman rolled back the other way, surprising the Giant. Rather than leaping up as everyone expected him to do, The Swordsman spun himself on the mat grasping the Giants legs, twisting as he did keeping him pinned faced down on the mat. In the next instant he planted himself between them, pulling the Giants legs apart with every ounce of strength he had left, then collapsed against him as though expended himself, unable to continue.

The look on the Giants face was one of utter surprise. Total shock. He actually cried out a second later, his voice easily heard against the rapidly escalating cries of jubilation as the crowd began to cheer The Swordsman's clever escape, not as yet fully understanding what had taken place, what was taking place even as the Giant's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Oh my God!" Danny suddenly screamed as sudden realization came to him. "The Swordsman just scored a five point fuck! Unbelievable!"

"A what?" I asked both he as well as Crystal, not as yet aware nor understanding myself what had happened, or even how.

The Swordsman was however comfortably positioned, his arms now worming themselves beneath the other's waist. The Giant struggled, but now his struggles appeared useless as he thrashed momentarily, then as suddenly as it had all began, he quit struggling, collapsing completely, calmly against the mat. Moments later, The Swordsman backed away, rolling the Giant over. The man's condom in hand now as he held it up, the obvious so readily apparent, the referee blowing his whistle, victory in hand, awarded. Almost at once full and complete pandemonium seemed to erupt throughout the entire hall. Those who had continued to fondle and caress one another, now did so towards obvious release. Those who had sat within the first row were now treated to The Swordsman, as he purposely strode towards them, removing his sheath, self-stroking his cock much to everyone's delight. Incredibly, less than a minute before doing so, he began pumping out his own creamy nectar, proving perhaps just how close he had been to defeat, or showing perhaps otherwise just how much control he really had. Choosing to climax when he chose to, rather than succumbing to the ministrations of another no matter how pleasurable they might have been.

As he stood beside me, I watched a streamer of spunk erupt from the tip of Danny's cock to arch high into the air towards the rubberized mat, just as many others were also doing in what appeared to be a tribute of sorts to the spectacular performance, so highly charged, so surprisingly erotic in a contest of wit and skills that I had not thought possible.

Even as my own ecstasy slipped smoothly down Crystal's throat, I did not fully feel it or understand it at first, too caught up in the wild frenzied displays taking place about me, as The Swordsman continued pumping out streamer after streamer of his own hot-white liquid into and upon the rejoicing crowd sitting before him.

"Come on baby," Crystal urged finally sitting up as she wiped the last traces of my pleasure from her lips. "I think it's time we went home and enjoyed our own little Cock-fight," she teased pulling on me to awaken my senses back to the present.

"Wouldn't that be more like a 'Cat-fight' on your part?" I quipped back as I finally tucked my still hardened prick away back inside my pants.

"Well, not if I wear a strap-on," she said almost threateningly.

I laughed, "Lead the way, 'Swordswoman', you're on!"

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 1 year ago

LOL great writing, humor and "fight"

nic331nic331about 8 years ago

lol, that was AWESOME!

blkboneblkboneover 10 years ago
The bell sound

Love it.,love it....can't wait until the next match...didn't keep. Me waiting

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Loved it!

Loved it! wouldn't mind trying that myself!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Well written, unique, but weird. Is such an event for real?

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