Coercion of Anastasia

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Anastasia was taken in Dr. Camerone's exam room.
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I do not condone non-consensual sex real life. My first thought was to make this a roleplaying thing, but figured, why make it roleplay when it's already fiction? So... reminder: this is complete fiction. This is not real. It is indeed fake. Consent is absolutely necessary.

All characters involved in sexual activity are at least 18


I'm not sure exactly what it was. It could have been my 5'9" classic model-esque frame, complete with still-ripening 34A breasts. Maybe it was my pretty pink, full lips that even black girls could envy. Maybe it was my new hair, dyed blonde and cut short which my hairdresser said would show off more of my pretty facial features. With green eyes of glass and a smile that could kill, I am objectively stunning.

Maybe the combination of my girlish charm, my sexy body and the situation he found me in is what drove Dr. Camerone to rather forcibly take my virginity, but in retrospect, I'm so grateful he ignored all my resistance and disobedience and just took what he knew I wanted.

It happened after school during swim practice. Ms. Wellington, our swim coach, didn't really mandate us to wear our school team swimsuits to practice, as long as it wasn't too skimpy, so the girls and I would wear what we wanted. And like rebellious teenagers, we wanted to see how far we could push it, to see exactly how skimpy was too skimpy. It went from normal one-piece bathing suits to bikinis rather quickly and Coach Wellington never made a big deal about it since we were all girls.

So one day, I decided to wear a white, thong back bikini that I had bought online. When she saw that my booty was pretty much out in the back, she lightly berated me but how inappropriate it was and made me promise not to wear it to practice again. I was fine with that, I just figured that we now knew where the line was drawn. And rather than send me to the showers, she allowed me to practice in my sexy little swimsuit. I received plenty of compliments from the other girls, some for the audacity I displayed and others praised the cute outfit.

As practice got underway though, something unfortunate happened. I got into the water and began a lap, but I must have kicked off the wall wrong because as soon as I did I felt a sharp pain shoot through my right leg. I yelped and cried out before being rescued from the water by my team.

Once poolside, Coach Wellington examined me and determined I needed to go to the school nurse, even though I felt I only needed to sit out for a few minutes. But there was no convincing her so one of my teammates, Marcella, helped me walk the empty hallways of my high school, dripping wet, all the way to the nurse's office.

When we knocked on the door, we were surprised to see a man had opened to us. "Hi, what seems to be... the... the problem?" the man answered, seemingly caught off guard by something. It could have been the fact he usually only got injuries after school from the basketball or football team and he was startled to see a girl hurt. Or maybe he was mitten by my beauty at first sight. One could only speculate.

"I think I pulled something in my leg. I'm thinking I'll be fine after a few minutes of rest but Coach insisted I see you," I said.

"Yes, of course. You should always get checked out. Wouldn't wanna hurt that beautiful body of yours," he said smiling. My teammate and I just looked at each other and giggled naively at the complement I had just received from this good looking older man. He was probably in his mid forties, about six feet tall, in excellent shape, and crazy hot. He wasn't gigantic but he was chiseled by the hand of a god. He wore a pair of khakis and a blue, fitted polo shirt. I feasted on his body with lust in my eyes. He looked like he should have been on a magazine cover, with light brown skin, hazel eyes and a bit of salt and pepper stubble on his face. "Right this way," he said, standing to the side and motioning for me to come into his office. I told Marcella I'd be fine alone and she went back to practice while I stayed for the examination.

With his warm hand on my lower back, he led me to the small exam room in the back his office and shut the door behind us, locking it with a key. I sat atop the exam table, water still dripping down my body, acutely aware of the cool leather on my bare buttocks. "Now, which leg is it... uh, what did you say your name is?"

"Anastasia Volkova," I said. "And it's the right leg, but it really doesn't even hurt that much anymore. I guess I walked it off."

"Oh, such a pretty name for such a sexy young woman," he flattered, causing my cheeks to glow warm as a modest smile stretched across my face.

"Thank you Dr. Camerone," I said, having read his name off one of the certificates framed on the wall. I was surprised I had never seen him before even though I had never been hurt. I was familiar with most of the faculty being a senior.

"No more pain you say? That's a good sign, but we still should take a look to be sure. Could you lie backwards on the bed please?" As soon as I lay back, he began to massage my foot. It felt good but was a bit offputting. "Just let me know if you start to feel pain again."

His hands were like magic and I could hardly believe this was a medical examination and not a massage. "Wow, you have such cute little feet, Anastasia. I wish I had a girl with feet this pretty. It'd be hard to keep my lips off 'em!"

"Um, thanks," I said nervously, finding that complement a little on the weird side. He started to work his way up to my ankle, then my calf and then my thigh.

"So, how often do you trim or shave?" Mr. Camerone asked, surprisingly.

"Oh Uh, I shave my legs about once a-"

"No. I meant your pussy. I can see that you're not shaven through your bikini."

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I'll cover up!" I said in utter embarrassment. I had gone half a swim practice with my sparse, brown pubic hair on display through the material that apparently became translucent when wet. I should have known not to shop for a bikini at a cheap online lingerie store. But as I put my hands in front of my crotch and began to sit up, Dr. Camerone was forcing me back down with his incredible arm strength and pushed my hand back to my side in a motion that felt more aggressive than it was.

"No need to cover up, baby girl. I see these types of things all the time. Please, just relax and tell me when it starts to hurt."

My heart was starting to stir and pitter patter a little quicker. He flashed his dominant nature and I felt a tinge of danger. But I told myself to relax, that he was just doing his job. I didn't want to cause any trouble, especially with someone in authority. Not only that, but the feeling of being controlled by someone so handsome and gruff gave me a slight sexual thrill I wasn't willing to admit to myself just yet. After calming myself, I decided to answer his intrusive question. "If... um, if you still needed to know, I don't ever shave down there."

"I thought so. But I think it's really sexy for a woman to have some hair on her pussy. Especially if it's not all wild and coarse, but naturally tame and neat like yours." When he said that, it dawned on me that his question had no medical relevance. He was just casually asking about my pubic hair.

I didn't know whether to thank him for his compliment or get out of there as quickly as possible. But I didn't want to make something out of nothing, so I simply lay silently as his hands ascended my thigh. I thought about telling him it started to hurt, but that would have surely prolonged my visit. His hands began kneading the flesh right at the juncture of thigh and pelvis and I thought this is where he'd declare me fine and let me go, but I was wrong.

His fingers slowly made a trail of little massages from the front of the meeting of my hip and thigh going toward the inner part. "Open your legs for me, please, Anastasia." I was a little relieved for a second because I thought he was trying to be careful not to touch my flower. But when I spread my legs, his two fingers rubbed up and down the soppy bikini bottoms, right where it covered my private parts.

I didn't know what to do. His touch definitely turned me on but I didn't want him to know and I definitely didn't want it to go any further. "Hey, that's... that's my..."

"Your cunt, I know. Sometimes a leg injury can be felt there as well... or you could have a hernia. Does it hurt when I rub your pussy like this?" He said, still running his finger in circles around the apex of my vagina. I grabbed his muscular wrist and tried to stop his hand from pleasuring me. It started to feel surprisingly good but my mind was made up.

"Stop it, Mr. Camerone," I whispered shakily. My strength was no match for his and he only stopped groping me when he was wanted to.

"Ok, Anastasia. I know this may be uncomfortable but it is necessary. I need to be one hundred percent certain you're ready to get back in the water. I could lose my job if you end up hurting yourself again," he said.

"But... do you have to touch me there to do the exam? Isn't there another way?" I pleaded, hoping he would just stop on his own and finish his exam the normal way.

"Ok, stand up, please," he said and I promptly obeyed, thinking the weird part was over. "Now put your hands flat on the table. Good, just like that." I was standing with my back to Dr. Camerone in a wet thong bikini that was really just a pair of skimpy panties, my sensitive nipples jutting through the soft triangular cups, bent slightly over due to the height of the table. "Y'know, Anastasia, you have the most perfect ass I've ever seen," he whispered with his lips just grazing the top tip of my ear. He then pressed his nose against my dripping, feathery hair and took a long whiff. "And you smell so wonderful. You are truly a walking wet dream."

Jittery, scared and turned on all at the same time, I blushed at the compliments of an obviously perverted man. But I wasn't willing to just give in. "Dr. Camerone, I think you're taking this a little too far. You know this isn't right. And if you stop now, I promise I won't tell anybody."

"Shhhhhh," he hushed me with a finger to my lips, now standing beside me. He stared adoringly at me, brushing my wet hair behind my ear with his finger and then leaned in slowly, pressing his soft but firm lips to mine. Not really sure why, I kissed him back. When our mouths parted again I opened my eyes.

"See, it's not that bad, is it? I know you liked it," he said.

"I... I did... a little... but I'm only 18 and you're the school nurse. We shouldn't be-"

"Its ok Anastasia. I won't do anything to you that you wouldn't like me to do. But luckily for you, I know what you want better than you do. It's the same thing that all young girls want, for a real man to do what the boys your age are afraid to do."

"Sir, I don't want you to do anything but finish this exam so I can get back to practice. Can we please, please do that? Please?" I begged, not wanting to accuse him of any wrongdoing but trying my best to convey the message that I was rejecting his advances.

"Ok, little Ms. Volkova. Whatever you want," he smiled warmly, making me feel more comfortable since I didn't catch the double meaning of his words. He said whatever I want, not whatever I say. I had missed it at the time.

He dropped to his knees behind me as I stood straight up at his direction. He put his hands right on the back part of the juncture of my thigh and butt. It did feel a little flirty but I know a doctor sometimes has to touch a patient in all different kinds of places. I filed it under normal behavior in my mind and relaxed. The thumb of his right hand squeezed and rubbed the flesh just underneath my butt cheek, sometimes lifting the meat of it up and I knew he had a clear view, whether by chance or purpose.

His other hand started going toward my upper inner thigh, which is when I realized he wasn't even wearing any gloves. But I reasoned that he might have needed to feel every muscle and tendon in order to do his job properly. The true test would be whether he would try to touch my goodie again, a move I was anticipating, mostly in trepidation but somewhere in me was a desire for the nice sensations that came with it. What he actually did was even more audacious.

I felt his hands come off of my wet skin and a second later he was pulling on the string of my bikini, loosening the feeble knot. "Hey!" I exclaimed, grabbing my soggy bottoms just in time to keep them from falling off.

"I need better access, so I have to remove these, Anastasia," he explained.

"But... sir... I'm already wearing a tiny bikini! You can see and feel everything!" I pouted, twisting to look down at the kneeling man.

"Not everything, darling. And it's not like I haven't seen an ass or pussy before. I am a real doctor y'know. Besides, the thing only covers up a small portion of your body. Would it hurt you to show only a tiny teeny weeny bit more?" He suggested all while smiling wickedly.

I held on, just looking down at him, unsure what to say or do. But he made the decision for me, slowly and easily pulling my bikini out of my grip and down my legs. Alarms went off in my nervous system, shouting that I was being undressed and molested by a strange man. But rather than fight or fly, I somehow convinced myself that he had a point. That maybe he did need better access, that it really didn't matter since he was a doctor and it was only the last five percent of my body. Albeit, an important five percent.

"There. Isn't that better? It feels good for a strong man to take your clothes for you when you're scared, doesn't it? I bet the young boys never even try to take your panties off," he said, tossing my bottoms aside. I can admit it now that it absolutely did feel good, but paradoxically mixed with terror. I was standing naked in front of a man I just met minutes ago, and he kept doing things I didn't want him to, overriding my will. I never thought fear and powerlessness could make me feel so horny. But I could admit none of what I felt, so I stayed calm, and hoped his boundary had been reached, that it was enough for him to simply have a young girl bottom half naked in his examination room.

I engaged him in conversation, trying to talk away the nerves. "No sir, Mr. Camerone. Nobody has ever taken off my panties, except my daddy. I'm... I'm still a virgin," I said nervously, only then realizing I had opened up the window for sex talk. He resumed kneading the same spot just below my bottom, but this time with a hand supporting each cheek. I was content to think there was a medical explanation for it.

"A virgin? Wow, you are such a precious little thing. So, no one has ever even touched your pussy before?"

"No," I stated, wincing at my goodie being called a 'pussy'.

"Not even a rub? Or a little licky lick?" He asked, letting his hands roam up my bottom, spreading the flesh as he squished, grasped and rubbed it up, down and apart. I was panicking but found something or other to rationalize his behavior.

"No. Nothing like that."

"Wow. So, no one has made a woman out of you yet, not even your father?"

"What!? Ewww!" I chirped, giggling a little bit at his absurd comment. "Like I said. Not a soul."

"So I'm the only one lucky enough to see this beautiful sight. Such a pretty pussy and asshole. It's a shame more people can't enjoy what I am."

"Mr. Camerone," I snapped, turning around, inadvertently aligning his eyes with my bushy crotch, "you keep saying such dirty words to me." I wasn't brave enough to address the real elephant in the room.

"Vagina and anus, then. You have a sweet looking vagina and a cute anus. Better?"

"Can we just... finish the exam normally? Without the extra commentary?" I sighed. After getting a nice, long look at my middle parts, Mr. Camerone stood up and I covered my vagina with both hands.

"I will if you do something for me."

"Yes sir, what is it?" I said eagerly.

"Your top. Take it off."

"But... but why?"

"I've already seen you pus... uh, vagina and anus. I wanna see your breasts now. Just consider this a full-body exam."

"I... I don't-" before I could refuse, he reached around me and pulled the string that held my bikini top up. I instinctively caught the flimsy wet piece of cloth, pressing it to my boobs with an arm across my meager chest and the other hand barely covering my pubic hairs.

"Remove your hands, Anastasia," he said in a cool but threatening tone. Rather than suffer the defeat of having him rip my last piece of clothing off, I lifted my arm and let it fall to the floor. "Good girl," he complimented me as I stood naked, wet and, well, wet in his office.

"Such sublime tits," he whispered, then helped himself to a healthy handful, though my small breasts didn't actually fill his hand.

"They're so not sublime," I mumbled, embarrassed more than ever about my breast size. I had always been insecure about them since I was such a late bloomer. While all the other girls with the B and even C cups were getting attention from boys, I was stuck with the flat chest like a boy. I was ecstatic when I felt the soreness of swelling that indicated nature was finally ready to adorn me with a woman's bosom.

"What? Are you kidding, Ana? These are absolute treasures. Perfection! You'll see when you're my age when all the other girls' tits are at their knee caps and yours still look fresh and springy. Even now though, yours are far superior to the others I've seen," he went on, never taking his hands off my chest and never stopping motion. I couldn't believe I was being flattered by a man who was presently groping me against my will! And worse, I ate up every word, blushing and smiling as he worshipped my body with words and hands. Even now, thanks to him, I am so much more proud of my chest than ever before. Though I appreciate him now, in the moment I was searching for ways to stop this speeding train.

"Thank you, Dr. Camerone. I... I appreciate the kind words and all but I don't think this is an appropriate way to do an examination. I want you to stop it now, okay? You've had your fun with me but now I think it's time to quit," I said as sternly as I dared after mustering up a modicum of courage.

"It has been fun... for me. But... I'm concerned about you. Aren't you having fun?"

Now, there's a trick question, I thought to myself, but still wanted to convey a clear message that I really didn't want him to continue to touch my body. "No, sir. I am not having fun. I'm really uncomfortable right now and, and I... think... you... you should- what're you doing?"

"You're right. I have been having all the fun," he said after unbuttoning his shirt, which is what startled me, as he lifted it over his head and threw it away. "I should be a bit more fair, more altruistic, and let you enjoy me like I'm enjoying you," he said as he undid his belt and dropped his khakis to the floor. I stood in utter shock, not just at his boldness, but at how sexy his body looked and the fact I did not want to take my eyes off his chest full of black whiskers peppered with grey.

Of their own accord, my eyes shifted lower, passing the hem of his underwear and landing on the very noticeable protrusion jutting toward me in his purple boxer briefs. I told myself to cover my eyes but the signal never made it to my hands, my brain occupied with the task of flooding my genitals with warm, tingly liquid.

"Would you like to see what's in here, Pretty One?" Mr. Camerone surveyed. Only my nerves, my shyness and my sense of innocence held me back from shouting 'yes, please'. "You've earned it, Anastasia. You deserve to see it, to touch it. Your very first cock, sweetheart."