College Friends


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"I love you Michelle. I love this. Fucking you is perfect. You are perfect." He watched as she lifted her shoulders off of the bed, holding herself up with her free arm. Her heavy breasts began to swing back and forth with the rhythm of their fucking. Michelle instinctively lowered her body an inch to allow this movement to brush her nipples across their sheets. Her whole body felt shot through with fire, fire that then escaped through her asshole, her cunt, her nipples, and her fingertips.

"uuuhhh. Yes. Yeeees! YES!" Michelle started to quake as the orgasm hit her. Her whole body began shuddering, and it was a force of carnal will that kept her fingers moving in her cunt, feeling that perfect cock sliding in and out, so hard it pulled up at the walls of her cunt. She felt the tightness of the thumb in her ass, and how her asshole had relaxed to allow it such access. In the flashing waves of pleasure she briefly thought about what it would feel like for that to be a cock rather than a finger in her ass. "AAAAaAH!" she screamed, wanting to fuck forever but nearly passing out from the intensity.

Ron could hold on no longer as well, and began to pound into her in earnest, totally overwhelmed by the soft perfection of her sex, the tight wetness of her ass, and letting his eyes devour her tight, smooth body and swaying breasts. When her screams were at their height he let go, and felt surge after surge of his come filling her cunt, the already-wet noises of their fucking taking on an even wetter tone as the white jism began dripping over her fingers onto their bed. He felt the rush of warmth as her sex filled with their mutual juices, the smell of sex filling the air of their bedroom.

Finally the two collapsed, spooning on the bed. They were both slick with sweat that cooled in the night air, feeling the wetness of their sheets, reveling in the glow of their sex.

"I love you, Michelle. I love you forever. I want you forever."

"I know, Ron. I need you. I love you."


That night had happened a few years earlier. While they had had many nights like it since, it always stood out in Ron's memory as one of his favorites. He and Michelle had since graduated, moved on to careers, and saw less and less of their old friends, including JP.

JP had moved to the coast after spending several years working terrible jobs. As a long-haired, often-unwashed stoner he had trouble wooing employers, and his partying nature sometimes sabotaged the few jobs he landed. He still worked his charm with women, and he lived for the moments when he revealed his cock to a woman for the first time.

He knew not all members of the fairer sex cared about size, but he knew that their preconceptions about what a very large cock could do were powerful. While not outlandishly huge, his cock was at least eleven inches in length, and a bit wider than most. Not so big that it was overtly intimidating, but big enough that women's eyes widened at first sight.

JP had finally settled in the city for over a year, and invited his friends Ron and Michelle to visit him. He lived on the upper floor of an older house, his bedroom almost identical in condition and decoration to the room he kept in college. Ron and Michelle had rented a room in a B&B a mile away, knowing that JP's living quarters weren't optimal for someone who wasn't a girl he was gunning for.

The couple arrived on a Friday afternoon and met JP for drinks at his local haunt. Not one for sports bars or pub chains, JP's favorite tavern had only one small TV that no one watched. It was a bar for smokers, talkers, and career drinkers. JP was already a well-known regular, and the barman treated he and his friends with familiar cordiality.

JP told stories of his drunken and stoned escapades in his new town. He knew his friends led more buttoned-down lives, and that they appreciated living a bit vicariously through his exploits.

JP had known Michelle longer than Ron, but he and Ron had been instant friends when they did meet. Michelle had always been like the sister he's wished he had (rather than the cranky ones he'd gotten). The two of them had commiserated about their love lives back before Michelle had met Ron. Their relationship had always been close, and almost weirdly platonic.

JP wasn't blind. He knew that Michelle was a knockout, and when he saw breasts like hers he couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to get lost in them, with his head surrounded by their softness. He had suppressed most of these inclinations with Michelle, as he had seemingly no shortage of women vying for his attentions, especially while at school. But now that he had graduated, his conquests had become slightly less frequent than he would have preferred.

One of the last women he had slept with had in fact been another mutual college friend of his and Michelle's and Ron's, a woman named Mary. Mary had always been the party girl at school, a dark-haired, slightly overweight, outgoing socializer. She could drink nearly any man under the table, where she was likely to blow him without a second thought. Somehow she and JP had never ended up in each others' beds before graduating, but she corrected this oversight on her recent visit.

Mary loved sex. She wanted it constantly. She wanted it with an overwhelming, all-consuming drive that was stereotypically reserved for men. Being an attractive, bright, incredibly sociable girl meant that she had no trouble feeding this need. Rare was the night she didn't end up riding a lucky man until he was spent.

While she was slightly heavy, she wore her weight with an effortless pride, and enjoyed the looks of ecstasy as her lovers lay beneath her, smothered by her copious breasts. Some of her men knew they were being used by a sexual insatiate of a woman, but few cared. Mary didn't certainly didn't. She usually had a steady boyfriend or lover, but it rarely stopped a conquest that presented itself. She had fucked every type, in every way. She loved cocks unconditionally, and was never happier than in the throes of coming on a lucky man's shaft.

Mary and JP had fucked for a week straight. JP's appetite for women was almost as insatiable as Mary's for men, and when they finally came together it was an explosion. JP had had his cock, hands, and even some toes in every wet hole in Mary's body, often without knowing when or why. Mary adored JP's larger-than-most (but not all of her men's) cock. It was big enough to fill her in the way she liked best - with his cock in her ass, and one of her favorite toys in her cunt.

Mary made noise. She was as loud a lover as she was an enthusiastic one. Her screams shook the house as she accepted JP's shaft, and more than once her partner wondered if his neighbors would think he was hurting her, the shrieks were so intense.

But that had been over a month prior, and JP had been on a bleak stretch of luck since. While he adored his regular bar, it would only see new women come in a bit infrequently. He met girls at his job as a clerk, but for some reason things just hadn't been clicking of late. His appetite was worked up to a fierce roar, and beating off wasn't stemming the tide.

So it was that as he sat at the bar with his two good friends, he realized just how attracted he was to his friend Michelle, the wife of his other friend Ron. He had gone his whole life thinking of her as a sister, but now something had clicked in his brain, in his heart, that made him look at the curvaceous beauty before him and desire her. Intensely. But he felt a shock at this sudden shift, and knew that he did not want to risk either of the friendships he had with this couple. So he did his best to keep his thoughts (and his eyes) to himself.

Michelle had worn one of her more revealing outfits for the occasion. She too had always seen JP as a good friend, and didn't feel as uncomfortable around him as other men. Her tight, low-cut shirt was just slightly too short to keep from exposing a gap at the top and back of her jeans. Ron, who was sitting behind her was treated to the sight of the top of his wife's ass cleft. He bought her another drink, knowing that a slight buzz would keep her from realizing the show he was getting.

JP was getting another show altogether. As the three of them chatted and drank, Michelle was less and less aware of the buttons on the top of her shirt. The she had left it unbuttoned to the middle of her chest, but as she shook with laughter at another story from JP, the topmost button she had fastened came undone. She had already had a couple glasses of the local brew, and didn't realize that the top edges of her lacy bra were peeking above the now wider-open collar of her shirt.

JP was having a devil of a time keeping his eyes off the mounds of heavenly flesh revealing themselves before him. Michelle's breasts had always been some of the largest (yet somehow proportionate to her body) that he had seen. He needed to do something to change the scene before his growing erections revealed the shift in his feelings toward Michelle.

"Hey guys, I have a suggestion. I have a new... appliance at my apartment, and I'd like you to help me break it in."

JP was referring to a new bong he'd picked up at a local head shop. Not the usual glass affair, it was a hand-crafted ceramic sculpture of a classic nude. JP was a prolific pot smoker, and owned several dozen pipes and bongs of various sizes and styles. He knew that Michelle enjoyed weed a great deal, and that Ron could be convinced to get high once in a while.

"Sure thing, JP. Just don't let us get too nuts - we have a rental car and I don't want to end up crashing the damned thing," Ron said.

"Yeah, that sounds like too much fun," Michelle smiled. She hadn't had a chance to get high in months, and knew that JP was a pot connoisseur.

The three retreated to JP's apartment, where JP passed out glasses of wine before setting to work loading his bong. He hit it at least four times before passing the sculpture to Michelle. He knew his own tolerance was extremely high, and that even the potent buds he currently had would need a head start to get him stoned.

Ron was having some misgivings about the situation as he watched the pipe exchange hands. He didn't love weed, and had in fact had negative reactions on a few occasions, leading him to believe that he had some kind of physiological aversion to pot. He also knew that Michelle was going to lose what little control she had left (after the drinks at the bar) once she got high. Ron was feeling pretty tipsy himself, and was genuinely worried about how they would get back to their rented room. JP's apartment was pleasant, but fairly messy, and with only his bed, a small couch, and an armchair as potential places to crash.

Michelle was excited. In her lightly drunken state she clutched the sculpted bong and drew her first hit deeply. She wasn't an expert pot smoker, having gotten high with friends on occasion in high school and college. Underestimating how potent JP's current stash was, she began coughing almost immediately, letting out great gouts of smoke as she did so, laughing as tears rose in her eyes from the intensity of it.

Ron and JP laughed at Michelle, and everyone relaxed into an easy glow together, with their conversation starting back up, only being interrupted for one of them to hit the bong again.

Ron tried to limit himself, knowing his tolerance was low in addition to any negative effects the pot might have on him. He felt good after the first few hits, and was allowing himself to be more and more relaxed with his wife and friend, laughing uproariously at the jokes flying around the room, and smiling at these two great people he had in his life.

JP was relaxing too. Weed mellowed him out, especially at the early stages of his high, and he managed to keep himself from getting too worked up at the luminously beautiful girl laughing next to him. Michelle seemed to glow, smiling a mile wide and shaking out her long blond locks as she chatted and joked with her friend and husband. Her shirt was still unbuttoned to a dangerously low level, and JP's cock stirred a little each time he noticed this fact. Michelle was also wearing one of her most flattering, tight pairs of jeans, and he had an idea of how low they were riding as Michelle sat cross-legged on his bedroom floor.

Michelle looked out at her two best friends. Ron was the love of her life, and she watched him with unabashed affection. He was her physical ideal, having worked hard over the last few years to get in shape. He was solidly muscular, with that perfect, slight definition to his physique that she couldn't resist. She always felt a twinge in her panties when she watched him peel a shirt off to get in the shower or in bed.

Thinking about her husband this way was starting to have a profound effect on Michelle, and almost without thinking about it she blurted out "How about we watch a porn!" She laughed at herself, sat up straight and smiled. "Do you still have that crazy vampire one we gave you back when?"

JP laughed and smiled. "How do you think I deal with not having a date in weeks? Of course!" Everyone in the room broke out in laughter, the pot amplifying their mirth. JP was infamous almost as much for working his own cock as he was for convincing other girls to do it for him. It was a running gag among his friends that he and his hand could fuck for hours.

"Well then, where is it?" Michelle asked, swaying just a little as she sat up, then steadying herself.

"Just under the shelf next to the TV" JP replied. He was closest to the shelf, but had just loaded and lit the bong again. He nodded his head to his left, and Michelle moved on to her hands and knees to crawl across the circle of seated friends to grab the tape.

As she did, JP nearly dropped the bong. He had looked up in time to watch as Michelle crawled toward his left side. Leaned completely over, he could see directly down her shirt, seeing in entirety the lacy black bra, which ended low enough to reveal the hint of an areola near the center of each breast. Breasts which were now swaying slightly in front of his face as Michelle retrieved the tape and popped it in his old VCR. Michelle's eyes were now half-closed in her intoxicated state, but she looked to the left and saw JP's eyes on her chest.

"Hey JP, save it for the vampire sluts in the movie, yeah? Sheesh." she said, a little embarrassed, but also slightly thrilled. Pot made her very horny, and this was the most pot she had had in some time. She knew that by the end of the movie she would need Ron to fuck her, and fuck her well. She was too high to be truly bothered by JP's gaze, and she felt as safe around him as she would a brother.

Ron was a bit upset, but also thrilled noticing JP's stare at his wife's body. He knew men desired her, and it fueled his own desire for her. "She's mine," he would think, proudly, when he noticed a stranger undressing her with their eyes. Ron was also starting to feel one of the ill effects he had had in the past when high: the room was starting to spin a bit. Not so badly that he felt sick, but certainly disoriented.

Michelle had pressed play, and sat back to watch. The TV sat on a low stool opposite JP's bed, and the three friends arranged themselves on the floor sitting with their backs to the bed itself. Michelle was in the center, with JP to her left and Ron to her right. The weed had finally run out - JP had taken 3 hits to every one that Ron or Michelle did, and he was starting to feel extremely high. Not quite disconnected, but floating. His brief embarrassment at being caught ogling Michelle was relieved when the screen came to life with the image of campily-dressed women and men fucking on screen.

The conversation mimicked in many ways the one that had taken place at JP's college party years earlier: weren't porns weird, look at her fake tits, aren't money shots gross, etc. JP wasn't completely aware of it, but gradually Ron had said less and less in their conversation, and it was apparent he was stoned out of his mind. JP recalled that Ron didn't always react well to weed, but it was far too late to do much about that. He had a supply of candy and chips that he knew would be devoured by his guests as soon as their appetites for food caught up with them, and he hoped that would make Ron feel better.

As the movie continued to play, JP and Michelle each noticed that the other was squirming now and then. JP was dealing with a painful hard on, not wanting to adjust his crotch with his hand, but not managing to get comfortable.

Michelle was starting to feel heat building in her sex, and knew that the combination of weed and images of fucking and sucking were starting to drive her crazy with lust. She shimmied her legs up and down in turn, rubbing her crotch lightly against the floor, trying not to be too overt.

Michelle then turned to her husband. Ron smiled at her with his bloodshot eyes half closed. Michelle smiled back, overwhelmed with the need to have some release to the need she was feeling. She leaned in and started to kiss Ron, her tongue moving in his mouth as he hummed, happy and lost in his stoned state.

JP watched as Michelle kissed her husband, and took the opportunity to adjust his clothed erection. Moving his cock with his hand made it jump. He watched as one of Ron's hands touched the side of one of Michelle's tits. Eyes entirely closed now, Ron reached down the middle of Michelle's shirt, his hand disappearing between the folds of her shirt and the only-slightly concealed globes therein. Ron's hand then dropped down, pulling open another button on Michelle's shirt, leaving only two fastened as she leaned over him, kissing him deeply.

Michelle realized after a moment or two that her husband was drifting in and out of consciousness. She felt a wave of lust-filled frustration hit her as she realized that chances were slim that she would get him to fuck her that night. She sat down with a sigh, looking over her shoulder at the images on the screen. Two women were locked in a 69 with each other, with 'Dracula's' cock embedded in the ass of one. Michelle then glanced over at JP who quickly turned his gaze back to the TV.

Michelle noticed that JP's hand was still resting on his own jeans' crotch, and she smiled knowing that he too was being somewhat tortured by the scenario of not being able to do anything about the lust he was feeling. Like the rest of their college friends, she knew he was a famous masturbator as well as womanizer.

"JP, this is making me crazy. Ron is basically passed out, and I am losing it," she said.

"I know," he smiled. "I am going nuts too. But there's not much I can do with you guys here."

Michelle smiled and a thought occurred to her horny, stoned mind. "JP, I know you beat off - who doesn't. I'm not going to stop you if you take care of yourself. I might have to deal with myself as well." She knew she would never have said something like that if she was sober, but it was flowing out now with abandon.

"Um. Are you sure?" JP frowned at her, not sure if she was kidding.

Michelle laughed and sat down between the two men again. "We can keep our hands in our pants, then neither of us will actually be able to see. Once we're done, we can pass out and see if we even remember this in the morning." Michelle kept here eyes on the action on the screen as she spoke.

JP followed her gaze, and thought to himself, "why the hell not?" He turned back to Michelle, who looked at him, eyes slowly blinking as she smiled back. "Ok. I gotta do something or I think I'm going to explode."

"Ok then. Don't mind me then," she said, unbuttoning the top of her tight jeans to allow room for her hand and wrist. Her eyes fixed again on the screen, she licked two fingers on her right hand, then pushed them under the waist of her now partially-revealed black panties.