Comforting the Brothers Pt. 03

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MTF Firefighter tries to move on after tragedy.
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Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/17/2023
Created 12/11/2020
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Comforting the Brothers- Part 3

I had originally planned to only write two parts of this story. When I finished the second part, I felt like there was more and was considering adding to it. Then I received a lot of negative comments about the actions of the main character. I realized that my words had failed to communicate what she was feeling and why she had done certain things, so I moved on to other projects.

I felt like I owed it to her to come back and try and do a better job of giving the reader an opportunity to understand her and get to know why she did/does certain things. As always with my stories, if you are looking for a quickie, this won't be for you, or you can skim to the fun parts.

You probably don't have to read the first two parts, but it would be helpful to understand the overall story. Also, for fun, look for some 'cameo' appearances in this. There will be numerous parts to close Lana's story.

The sound of the back up alarm seemed louder than normal this morning. I guided the fire truck into the bay of the firehouse as one of the firemen haphazardly gave me directions with his hands. When he indicated I should stop I pushed the button to put it into neutral, pulled the maxi-brake, and hit the engine shut off.

"I hope our relief is here, I am ready for the four-day break to start." My captain said from the seat next to me.

"Me too. Got any fun plans Cap?" I replied.

"Not really, mostly honey do chores for the wife and then the memorial service on Monday. You? Never mind, I am sure you have plenty of excitement planned as usual. See you at the memorial service, Lana." He said as he climbed out of the rig.

I jumped down from the driver's seat and saw my replacement, Tommy, walking down the side of the rig. He forced a smile before moving his eyes to my breasts, even wearing a sports bra, my chest was still curvy in my uniform t-shirt. I met him at the compartment where the drivers stored their gear. I was wearing my bunker pants, so I opened the compartment and reached in and grabbed my coat and helmet plus my technical rescue gear.

I moved over to my gear locker and hung up my coats and helmets. Dropping the suspenders of my bunker pants off my shoulders, I pushed the pants down and bent over to get them seated right over top of my boots.

I looked back over my shoulder as I started to stand and caught Tommy staring at my ass. You hate me being in this firehouse and being a member of this company, but you never miss a chance to check out my tits or ass do you, asshole, I thought.

"Busy day but only one working incident and that was in the afternoon. All the tools were cleaned up and we put on a new blade and gassed up the saw we used. Also got fuel for the rig late so you should be good there." I told him after storing my gear.

"Got it. Have a good break." He snorted and moved to the front to the rig to avoid having to talk to me.

These types of interactions still got to me deep down inside, but I never let anyone else see it or know it. The reality was Tommy, and the others who acted like him, knew I belonged here and had earned my right to be a member of this company. The fact that I was transgendered was their problem and I couldn't do anything about that.

I went up to the locker room. This firehouse had both men's and women's locker rooms and bunkrooms. I was one of only three women assigned to this company and we were each on different shifts, so we really only shared at shift change.

I stripped my bunk and then went to change. Even though we had not gotten a lot of sleep last night I was going to the gym this morning. I was really happy with how my body looked, at least my boobs, stomach, hips, ass, and legs and knew it was the result of all my work in the gym. Plus, it was one of the places that provided a diversion to my guilt and depression.

I removed the shorts I had been wearing under my bunker pants and the bikini cut panties I had on. While doing that I saw the one part of my body I wasn't happy with. I replaced the panties with a thong made for girls like me after tucking myself back between my legs and pulled on a pair of tight yoga pants that really showed off my ass. Then I removed my uniform t shirt and the sport bra I was wearing and replaced it with a sports bra that matched my yoga pants.

Moving to the sink I re-did my ponytail tightly pulling my hair back into it. I then washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on some light makeup, a little eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss mostly. I knew it was stupid since I was going to the gym, but I enjoyed looking feminine and enjoyed how some of the guys there looked at me even more. Especially the ones that pretended not to check me out like Tommy.

The door opened and Kenzie walked in. She smiled when she saw me finishing up my makeup. Kenzie was probably the most fit woman in our department. She was the same height as I was at five eight but outweighed me by twenty pounds of muscle. She was still curvy and attractive but there was no question she was fit.

"You look good Lana. New workout outfit?" She asked with a big smile.

"Yep. Just got it. How are you doing this morning?" I asked.

"First day of my cycle and the cramps are awful this month. I almost called in sick." She called out stepping into the stall.

"I am sorry that sucks... but... it is a problem I wish I could have." I said.

"I know... I would be glad to give you mine." She laughed.

"Hope you feel better." I told her as I was packing my stuff into my small duffle bag.

"I know the anniversary is coming up... are you doing, okay? Let me know if you need to talk or a hug." Kaya said as I heard the toilet flush.

"Thanks. I will." I responded and quickly left the locker room.

I went into the kitchen to fill my Yeti cup with coffee. I would be lying if I didn't admit I also wanted to show off my workout clothes. I could say my motivation for doing that was mixed. Part of it was to show through my very obvious curves that I was a woman. Another part was I enjoyed the reaction I would get from the same men who would make nasty and disparaging comments, mostly behind my back, and would also blatantly stare and ogle my tits and ass.

That is what happened when I stepped into the kitchen. Two of the guys suddenly needed to top off their coffee as soon as I stepped behind the counter, and they couldn't see my butt anymore while sitting at the table. I filled my cup and purposefully rested my elbows on the counter which made my ass stick out. I sipped my coffee for about five minutes and then stood up and headed to the door.

"Have a good shift." I called out as I walked into the parking lot.

I did hear some good byes and even heard a couple of them including my name. When those things happened, I would have some remorse about my other actions. I knew that not every one of the guys I worked with had a problem with me. In fact, a lot of them were friendly and respectful.

I got to my Jeep and decided it was warm enough to pop out the freedom panels on the roof. I quickly did that and stored them in the back. My jeep was new. I bought it after my promotion to driver. It was a lavender color that screamed girl and the first accessory I had bought was a sticker for the rear window that said- "Silly Boy Jeeps are for Girls."

I pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards the gym thinking about how my fire service career had changed over the past year. After the fire that had killed the guys on Rescue Company One almost a year ago, a number of changes in staffing policies and other procedures had occurred.

One of those was requiring more senior and experienced personnel on the ladder companies. This had allowed me to pick up a lot of overtime shifts on the ladder companies and not spend my time vanquished to slow engine companies. The biggest change though was the recent creation of a second rescue company.

I pulled into the gym. This was also something new for our department. In a partnership with our city police department, along with a few of the neighboring fire and police departments in the area, a wellness center had been created. In one location you had a rehabilitation center for injured firemen and police officers, a gym with all the latest equipment and trainers who understood our jobs, and access to mental health clinicians and therapists.

I grabbed my water bottle, took a minute to look at my makeup in the visor mirror and headed inside. The gym area was full of a lot of guys who were getting off shift that morning, along with some that were on their four-day break. I got a few waves and nods from guys I knew. It felt like every time I came there were a few more of those and less occasions of guys ignoring me. I was somewhere in the middle of acceptance and rejection, a kind of indifference, I guess.

I had also felt like a few more were checking me out, not as a novelty, although there was still plenty of that, but looking at my curves and even possibly feeling some attraction to me. Unfortunately, I also knew that some of that was because I had developed a reputation of being a slut.

I figured that my ex-fiancée Mark thought I was a slut, and I was sure that his sister Christine did. My sister Sally wouldn't come right out and say it, but I was pretty sure she thought that also. My mom would never use the word slut to describe anyone, but she did comment that I needed to make some better choices in my social life. Thinking of Mark, even for a second was painful still even a year later.

I moved over to the stair machine and popped my earbuds in. Of all the different equipment in the gym, I knew that it was the most responsible for my fantastic legs, great butt, and keeping my tummy nice and flat. I was going to go for forty-minutes this morning and soon settled into a nice pace.

The stair machine also provided an opportunity to check out the eye candy moving around the gym. That included catching shy or slightly embarrassing waves from guys I had hooked up with over the last year.

I knew I would probably never find a steady boyfriend, much less a husband, in the fire department but it didn't prevent me from finding physical pleasure with them. That pleasure was one of my escapes from the sadness, depression, and guilt I felt as a result of the guys I had worked with being killed in the fire and from sabotaging my relationship with Mark.

I had passed the fifteen-minute mark when someone climbed on the machine next to me. I looked over and saw Josh Spencer. He gave me a cautious smile, that I sort of returned, and started programing his machine for his workout. If you had told me a year ago that we would ever be in close proximity of each other, let alone smiling at each other I would have told you that you were crazy.

I saw he had said something but couldn't hear it because of my ear buds so I pulled one of them out.

"Sorry... didn't hear you, Lou." I responded using the short form of his rank of lieutenant.

"Said I would race you to the top." He grinned.

"Sure. Not sure if you know how much time I spend on this thing but am I feel pretty good about my chance of winning that race." I laughed and started to put my ear bud back in.

"Oh... a little cocky. Want to put a bet on it? And it is obvious how much you time you spend on it." He had leaned back and looked at my ass.

I had stopped putting the ear bud in, it was obvious he was going to continue to talk, and I felt my cheeks redden when he had checked out my ass. I struggled to come up with a witty response and couldn't.

"How about we just bet on whether you can keep up with me for the next twenty-five minutes." I finally said looking down and seeing I had already been going for almost twenty minutes.

"Okay... you are on. What is the bet?" He asked.

"Winner just gets the satisfaction of victory." I replied.

"Hmm... how about winner gets to name the prize." He said and slipped his ear buds in before I could respond.

I slipped my ear buds back in and then bumped my pace up two levels and smiled at him. He set his at the same level and gave me a big smile back. I hated that his smile stirred a little something in me. It was added by the fact that he was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt that showed off well defined muscles and the sleeve tattoo on his left arm. I hated that his face was easy on the eyes.

When the new rescue company, Rescue Two, was formed the captain was selected first and then the two lieutenants. The three of them, with the approval of the Special Operations Battalion Chief, then picked the drivers and firefighters that would be assigned to it. When I heard Josh was going to be one of the two lieutenants and have a role in deciding who got selected, I figured my chance to be picked was pretty much non-existent.

Captain Lopez had told me that he had been one of my biggest advocates for being selected and because he had worked with me on the original rescue company, Rescue One, that carried a lot of weight. He had even requested that I be assigned as his driver, but the captain picked me instead. Based on mine and Josh's history that had shocked me.

Josh had been the one that had exposed me to the fire department as being transgender. At that time, I was pretty much living as a woman on my days off but presenting as a man at work. We ran into each other at a restaurant brunch, and he said some awful things to me. My future fiancé, who was now my ex-fiancé, had punched him.

After that we pretty much despised each other and avoided any interaction. That was made easier when I was assigned to day work at head quarters and later to the slowest engine company in the department. The reality was he had done me a favor when he forced me out of the closet. He had accelerated what would have been my inevitable transition.

We also had a very negative encounter after the memorial service for Captain Tyler, Frank, and Lester. He had again said some ugly things, but I stood up to him and he had walked away embarrassed in front of the guys.

Now, even though we weren't on the same shift we would see each other at shift change. At first, we tried to ignore each other, then eventually we started to nod, and now we would greet each other and even exchange a few words. That was still a long way from our friendly, almost flirty, interaction this morning.

I bumped my machine up another level and looked over at him. He smiled back at me, but I could tell he wasn't happy about the increased pace. We had another ten minutes to go before we would hit twenty-five minutes. I tried to discreetly watch him out of the corner of my eye and could see him doing the same to me.

With five minutes to go he looked over at me and gave me a cocky wink. I hated that the wink turned me on. When I looked at him and saw the sweat being captured by his shirt, I felt my penis swell a little and prayed that my thong would keep it concealed in my tight leggings.

With two minutes to go I bumped the pace up again and this time I winked at him. I heard him take a deep breath as he matched me and saw that he was focusing on finishing now. When my machine hit forty-five minutes and his hit twenty-five, we both hit our stop bottom and fell forward resting our upper bodies on the machine.

"Holy fuck... no wonder you are in such great shape." He muttered.

"Congrats Lou... you were able to keep up with a girl. And did you just say I have a great shape?" I said while breathing heavily but smiling at him.

Josh returned the smile and laughed as he backed down off the machine while taking a big drink from his water bottle and whipping the sweat off his head with his towel. I did the same and we were standing on the floor looking at each other. It suddenly felt awkward.

"Lana, I am sorry I was such an asshole. I don't expect you to forgive me... what I did, said, all of it was unforgiveable. I needed to apologize for my sake though." He took another swig of water.

"I know you played a part in me getting assigned to Rescue Two. Thank you." I said in response.

We sheepishly smiled at each other and gave each other fist bumps. I headed off to do some squats and he went in the other direction. When I looked, I caught him looking back over his shoulder and watching me. I wasn't sure if the dampness I felt in my thong was sweat or I was leaking a little pre-cum.

I spent an hour doing squats, lunges, and stretching. I also spent it watching Josh working out and partly hating myself for being turned on by him. The rumor in the department was that he and his wife were going through some tough times and were separated right now.

"Hey Lana, are you going to be at the club tonight?"

I looked up and saw Brianne walking through the gym. She worked for a neighboring county fire department, and we had become friends. She was also a member of the local public safety LBGTQ advocacy group. She told me she was bisexual, but I had only seen her with girls.

"Hey Brianne, yes. A Friday night and first day of a four-day break. I will be there." I laughed.

"Great, I have a friend coming tonight that you might enjoy meeting." She responded.

"Great. See you tonight." I smiled.

I finished my workout and walked out of the gym. The fatigue from a busy night of running calls was catching up with me. I sensed someone behind me and turned and saw Josh.

"You following me, or just trying to get another look at my ass, Lou?" I said to him.

"Yes..." He laughed.

I got to my Jeep and stopped. He walked over and leaned on the hood.

"Something you wanted to talk about?" I asked him.

"I... well... what are you getting ready to do now?" He asked nervously.

"Head home, grab a shower, eat something and probably take a nap, why?" I responded.

"Sounds good... especially the shower part." He tried to hold my eyes as he said that.

"Are you... are you trying to hook up with me right now?" I asked shocked but at the same time not shocked.

"Yes." He said and gave me a cocky smile.

"Uh... you know that I still have some... boy parts, right?" It was pretty common knowledge that I hadn't had bottom gender confirmation surgery, but I wanted to hear his response.

"Yep. I will be honest. I am not real interested in those parts but the rest of you, I am very interested in." He laughed.

"Fuck... I can't believe I am saying this... follow me." I told him before climbing in my Jeep.

I watched as he went and got into his F-150. I pulled out and he pulled in behind me. It was a fifteen-minute drive to my condo and the entire ride there I knew what I was doing was mistake. A couple of times on the drive I told myself that when we got there, I would tell him I had changed my mind. Then I would remember how hot he had looked on the stair machine and change my mind.

I pulled into my designated spot and jumped out and pointed to a visitor spot for Josh to park in. I watched him back into the spot with the confidence of a fireman who was used to backing larger vehicles. I waited for him to cross the parking lot and then he followed me up to my second-floor condo.

I opened the door and stepped inside. Josh had followed right behind me and as soon as I dropped my duffle bag on the ground, he grabbed my hips and spun me towards him. I was surprised when he leaned down and kissed me. I returned the kiss, and his kiss became more passionate.

The second we stopped kissing he pulled my sports bra up over my breasts and over my head tossing it to the side. His hands and mouth attacked my boobs, it was surprising after how quickly he went at them to feel how tenderly he caressed, kissed, licked, and sucked on them. My thong was definitely being tested as my penis hardened.

I moved my hand to the front of his gym shorts and grasped a sizeable and extremely hard dick. He sighed loudly as I did it. I stroked it for about thirty seconds before grabbing the elastic of the shorts and pulling them down. He was wearing tight boxer briefs under them, and I slid them down also.