Comforting the Brothers Pt. 04

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MTF Firefighter faces her past and life after tragedy.
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Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/17/2023
Created 12/11/2020
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Comforting the Brothers- Part 4

Part five and part six, the final part, should follow pretty quickly.

When I opened my eyes the natural light in my bedroom was very bright. I rolled over to look at the clock and it said eight fifteen. I hadn't looked at the clock when I fell asleep but assumed it was sometime after one in the morning. I didn't feel completely rested but I wasn't tired either.

I sat up and took a swig from the water on the night stand and picked up my phone to see if there were any new texts. That had been my routine for years but this morning it reminded me that was how I had found about the fire that had killed my brother firefighters a year ago. I wasn't sure why the memory of that morning was hitting me as I woke up this morning, the anniversary of that day was still two days away.

I remembered my shriek that morning had woken Mark up, he tried to console me but couldn't. I pushed him away and went into the guest room, using my phone, trying to get all the information I could. I had wanted to go to Rescue One's firehouse that morning to commiserate with my fellow firefighters but feared I would have been shunned because I was transgendered, so instead I had stayed isolated in my guest room.

I threw the covers back and got out of bed hoping to shake the memories. When I looked at my pillow case, I saw that it was covered with the remnants of my mascara, eyeliner, and other makeup. I headed to the bathroom to pee. In the bathroom mirror I saw the results of falling asleep crying while still wearing makeup on my face.

I sat to pee and when I did, I realized my butthole was a little sore and tender, the result of getting fucked by two different men about twelve hours apart. I wiped the tip of my penis and moved over to the sink to clean my face. I was happy to see that once I had done that, I didn't look too bad.

After brushing my teeth, I gathered the towels from the floor and then stripped off my bedding and took all of it to the washing machine. I was feeling more alive now that I been moving around some and decided to go for a quick run before breakfast. I wanted to avoid the gym this morning for some reason.

I did a slow three miles, enough to work up a sweat and get my heart rate going but not enough to wear me out. I did some stretching when I finished, then started to head into my condo. Right as I did this, I saw Christine's door open as she stepped out. There was going to be no way for us to avoid walking right past each other.

"Good Morning Christine." I said with a smile that I didn't really feel.

"Morning." She responded tersely.

We passed each other and I started to leave it at that but stopped. She was still walking away but I turned and talking to her back added.

"I hope you have a good day." I hoped it sounded sincere and upbeat.

She stopped suddenly and turned around. I attempted to see if there was anger in her face but partly because of her sunglasses I couldn't tell. She took a couple steps toward me.

"I saw on the news last night that the one-year anniversary of the fire is Monday. I am sure this is a tough time for you, and everyone in the fire department. I will be thinking about all of you. Hope you have a good day too." Her tone was sincere and when she finished, she turned and quickly walked to her car.

As I made my way up the steps, I felt the tears running down my face. It was the most words we had exchanged with each other in probably ten months. They were also the kindest words she had said to me in almost a year.

When her brother Mark rightfully ended our engagement, I had not only lost a fiancé, but I also lost one of my closest friends. Because she lived in the condo below me we would occasionally see each other but avoided any verbal interaction.

When I went inside, I drank a water bottle and ate a cliff bar and a yogurt for my breakfast. The anniversary dinner tonight was some fancy sit-down thing so I thought I would save a few calories today and make up for it tonight.

The rest of my morning and early afternoon were spent doing laundry and cleaning my condo, including remaking my bed and hanging up the towels. My phone had chirped around one with a text from my sister Sally saying she would pick me up on the way to get mom and would be here around five-thirty. It was very to the point.

I felt like my sister only tolerated me now and accepted that there were certain family things we would both have to attend. I was a little anxious about riding in a car alone with her and how tonight was going to go. It was a long way from where we had been when I considered her my best friend and I think she had felt the same way about me.

She had started dating a fireman from my department about nine months ago and it seemed serious. I didn't really know him since he worked on a different shift and on the other side of the city.

I started getting ready around four, starting with a long shower. I put in extra time on both my hair and my makeup. There were going to be family members there that had never seen Lana and I wanted to look good.

I decided to repaint my nails, covering up the bright red with a subdued pink color. I took pride and joy in my nails, I wished they could be longer, but it was tough enough to keep them from breaking at work at the length they currently were.

When that was done, I went and pulled out a pink lace bra and a matching thong panty. After some consideration I also got out a new pair of sheer nude pantyhose. My dress could be worn without them, but I thought my legs would look better.

From my closet I pulled out my coral pink lace sheath dress. It was one of my favorites and it was the one I had worn the first time my mom had seen me in a dress and heels. She had been very complimentary about how I looked so I thought she would approve of it for tonight. She swore that everyone coming knew about my transition and was okay with it, but I was still apprehensive.

After I put everything on, I pulled out my nude four-inch platform pumps. These were also a favorite and I knew they really helped enhance both my legs and ass when I wore them. When I looked in the mirror, I was happy with what I saw knowing that I just needed to add some jewelry.

I moved over to my dresser and smiled as I saw my jewelry box, Sally had given it to me as a birthday present as I was going through my transition. She had found it on Etsy, it was covered with paintings of Disney Princesses on the outside. She laughed as she told me that I should have gotten something like this when I was around ten years old and was sorry that I had to wait almost twenty years to have one. It might have been the best gift I had ever received.

I opened my jewelry box and the first thing that caught my eye was my engagement ring. I had tried to give it back to Mark three times. The first time I had left it out with a note when he came to get his stuff right after we broke up. It was still sitting there when I came home from work the next day.

A month later I had waited until I saw him pull into the parking lot. He was living with his sister after our break up and it seemed like he did everything he could to avoid running into me. I had watched out the window and as soon as I saw his truck, I grabbed it and ran out the door and tried to give it to him. He got angry yelling that he had given it to me and didn't want to ever see it again while storming into his sister's condo.

About six months ago I had tried giving it to his sister one evening after knocking on her door. I hadn't seen Mark in a long time and didn't know where he was living or what he was doing. She quickly told me that he instructed her to refuse it if I tried to do this and slammed the door in my face.

I took out a pair of pearl earrings and switched them out with the small hoops I was currently wearing. I then got out the matching necklace. These had been presents from my mom when I told her I was going to live full time as a girl.

For some reason my attention went back to the engagement ring, and I pulled it out and held it up to look at. Without really thinking about it I slipped it on my left ring finger. I heard my phone chirping in the next room and walked out to get it. I saw several missed texts messages and they were all from my sister. Before I could open them, I heard a knock on my door.

"I texted you I was here and ready." She said angrily as I opened the door.

"What time is it? I am sorry." I responded quickly then looked back at my phone again. "Wait it is five twenty you said you would be here at five thirty."

"I said five... I am... what is on your finger... why are you wearing that?" She blurted out.

I looked down and saw the engagement ring and felt my face turn completely red. I looked up at her and saw her eyes were both wide and she had a scowl on her face.

"I... I guess... I guess I needed a little self-torture for a few minutes or something. I honestly can't really tell you why I am wearing it. I was getting my jewelry out for tonight and it was just there and..."

"Why do you still have it, you should have given it back to Mark." Sally cut me off.

"I tried... several times. He wouldn't take it back, I promise." I sounded like a kid explaining something to their mother.

"Whatever... are you almost ready to go. Mom is very worked up about tonight. I think she is worried that somehow, we are going to mess this up for her sister or something." Sally stepped completely inside and closed the door.

"Yes... let me put this back and get my purse. One minute I promise." I said as I moved quickly to my bedroom.

I slipped the ring off my finger and went over to my jewelry box and put it inside and closed the lid. In the closet I pulled out a purse that went well with my shoes and had a thin shoulder strap. I opened it and pretty much dumped the contents from my clutch from last night in to it. Walking back out to the family room I grabbed my phone and slipped it into the purse.

"You keep that ring in your room? In that cheap jewelry box?" Sally asked, looking at my hand.

"Yes... where else would I keep it and that jewelry box isn't cheap, at least not to me, to me it priceless." I said without really thinking.

When I looked up, I saw something had changed in my sister's face. She stared at me for a minute and a smile slowly came over her face.

"What?" I asked.

"You look great. That is the dress you wore the first time for mom, isn't it? She is going to be really happy to see it." She told me.

"Thanks... yes. You look amazing yourself. Royal blue really is your color... your eyes... has Jimmy had a chance to see you in that dress?" I responded.

"No... just got it this week." She blushed.

"Okay... I am ready. Sorry for making us late I could have sworn you told me five thirty." I moved to the door.

"I did... I am sorry. I was just being a bitch, Sis." Sally smiled as she walked through the door.

I was surprised how much I liked seeing her smile and how good her calling me Sis made me feel. I was suddenly looking forward to spending time with my sister this evening and I realized I was actually happy and upbeat. That lasted for about thirty more seconds.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs Sally suddenly came to a dead stop and I walked right into her knocking her forward with a little force. I was getting ready to say sorry when I saw why that had happened. Christine and Mark had just gotten out of her car and had stepped on the sidewalk we were headed for.

"Oh fuck." I heard Sally mutter.

I thought about turning and running back into my condo but by the time that thought had occurred it was too late, they both had seen us. I watched as Christine's eyes widened and she looked at Mark, then at me, and then back at Mark. Mark's eyes had never left me. His face didn't show shock or any emotion.

Sally moved tentavily forward and I followed her. After a few steps she looked back at me with an expression of, what the hell should I do? I shrugged my shoulders and kept moving while I watched Christine move over closer to her brother.

Eventually we were all about five feet away from each other. I didn't consciously decide to stop moving but I wasn't moving anymore. Mark was looking directly at me, and I held his stare.

"Hi Lana, you look nice. I think I remember that dress. Going out?" He said breaking the tidal wave of tension.

It suddenly dawned on me. I was wearing this same dress the first time we had met, under almost the same exact circumstances. Sally had picked me up to go to my mom's and Christine and Mark had run into us at this same spot.

"Uh... thank you. You look good also. We are going to an anniversary dinner for our aunt after we pick up our mom."

"Well have a good evening. Nice to see you also Sally." Mark responded and walked to the door.

Christine followed him while looking at me with maybe... sadness on her face. I didn't move, I just watched Mark and his sister heading to her door. When they got there, he turned back and saw me looking and he gave me a small wave that I returned. I saw just a hint of smile as he stepped inside.

When I sat in my sister's car tears were running down my face. Sally had reached into the console and pulled out a bunch of old fast-food napkins and handed them to me. She stayed silent but did reach out and put her hand on my arm.

After a few minutes I was able to get my crying under control. When that happened Sally removed her hand and I nervously reached up and pulled her sun visor down and opened the vanity mirror on the back of it.

"Um... please tell me your purse is full of makeup. Or at least eyeliner? I am pretty sure I have mascara in mine." I said, forcing a grin as I turned towards her.

"I think I so. It is on the back seat. Can you reach it?" She responded.

I reached back and was just able to grab it. I looked over and raised my eyebrow asking if it was okay to open her purse. She just nodded. I had to move some stuff around before finding her eyeliner. With what was in her purse and mine I was able to do a decent repair job.

We were five minutes away from mom's when Sally said. "Guess you still have some pretty strong feeling for Mark huh?"

"What made you think that? Was it catching me wearing his ring, which I swear is the first time I have ever done that, or was it the bawling my eyes out after seeing him?" I forced a laugh then tried to change the subject. "Tell me about Jimmy... is he... is he the one?"

"I... I don't want to jinx anything but if he asked me, I would say yes... I just hope he won't ask for a while longer. I want to be sure; you know." She said pulling into mom's driveway.

"Yeah... he seems like a great guy though." I responded.

My sister still thought the reason Mark and I weren't together was because I hadn't had enough experience with other people, and he had proposed to me too soon in our relationship. I don't think she realized part of what made seeing him suddenly today was that tomorrow was the anniversary of his proposal.

We walked up to mom's door and Sally lightly knocked on the door and we stepped inside. She called out that she would be down in a minute. I took that minute to look around, her house was spotless as always. I also noticed that she had added a pic of me as Lana to the wall, that brought a small smile to my face.

When she came down, we all exchanged compliments about our appearances along with the standard greetings of asking how we were each doing. When it was time to leave, we walked out to Sally's car, and I got in the back seat. I swore my mom had watched to make sure I got in like a lady and a small smile came over her face when I didn't flash anyone.

The drive to the restaurant was only twenty minutes. Mom mostly grilled Sally about Jimmy but she did ask me how things were going at work. When we pulled into the parking lot my sister and I got an admonishment that we needed to be sure to use our best manners. I saw Sally grin at me in the rearview mirror.

My aunt and uncle had reserved a private room in a restaurant that had five large tables with seating for eight at each. We were assigned to sit with my mom's other sister, her husband, their daughter and her husband, and our other cousin, who was my aunt's step son, it was her husband's second marriage. He had been a part of the family for over twenty years and wasn't married like me and Sally.

I took my seat and our cousin Dave sat down next to me. Sally was on the other side and our mom was next to her. As the rest of the family settled in, we exchanged greetings, and my aunt and cousin Allison made a point to compliment me on my dress and my jewelry.

"Never thought you would look so good when I first heard... well you know." Dave said quietly to me.

"Really... not sure if that is a compliment or what?" I said.

"You know... I meant it as one but as I said it... not sure it came out that way... huh." He smiled. "Let me try again... you look great Lana."

I smiled. "Thanks... you look good tonight also Dave."

"Can I get any of you a drink?" A waitress asked.

"I would like a white wine." I told her.

My sister told her the same.

"Bourbon and ginger ale for me." My cousin told her.

I couldn't hear what the others ordered. The acoustics with everyone in the room talking made it difficult to hear pretty much what anyone but Dave or Sally said.

Dave was a cop in one of the counties near where I worked so we talked about the typical job things related to public safety. My sister leaned in and offered some experiences from her nursing job in the ER and what Jimmy told her. Several times during the salad and bread courses people got up and made toasts to my aunt and uncle.

When the main course arrived, I was well into my third glass of wine and my cousin was on his third drink also. I had noticed that he had been spending a little extra time looking at my boobs and when I had gotten up to go to the bathroom, he had admired my legs when I walked back to the table.

When I sat down, I crossed my legs and turned a little toward him making sure the table cloth didn't cover them. The hem of my dress had slid up and a lot of my thigh was showing. It was fun watching him trying not to look. When I caught him one time I just winked.

When I ordered my fourth glass of wine, I got a look from my sister. I just shrugged my shoulders. The sadness and depression of the encounter with Mark was being pushed aside by the wine and the recognition of how I was being looked at by Dave. I also realized that I hadn't thought about the anniversary of the proposal or the fire in the last hour.

After dessert was served my aunt and uncle stood up and said a few words about how wonderful their marriage had been, how much they appreciated their family, and how happy they were that we had come out to celebrate with them. When that was finished people got up and started to mingle throughout the room.

I had a couple of uncomfortable encounters with distant family members who weren't excited that a transwoman was on their family tree now. Fortunately, that seemed to be the exception. People were slowly making their way out of the room but when Sally and I looked it appeared that our mom and her sister were comfortably settled in.

"Hey girls... any post dinner plans this evening? It isn't even nine o'clock." Dave said as he walked over to us.

"Not me. I am still trying to catch up on the sleep I missed working an extra shift two days ago." My sister answered quickly and moved over to where mom was.

"How about you Lana. I have heard you can party with the best of them." Dave winked at me.

"I came with my mom and sister so whenever they head out is the end of my night." I said.

"I am pretty sure you could get a Lyft to get home. You aren't going to force me to go out by myself, are you?" He responded.