Comforting the Brothers Pt. 07

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MTF Firefighter's life moves on with her family and friends.
10.1k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/17/2023
Created 12/11/2020
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Comforting the Brothers- Part Seven

When I came back to this story, I thought I would need two parts to complete Lana's story. I was surprised as I started writing how much depth there was to her and some of the people in her life. I hope I was able to help the readers understand her better.

If you have read my other stuff, you know I am big Disney fan and since none of my characters have visited in a while: Lana your story is ending, what are going to do in the final parts? You are going to Disney World!

The alarm on my phone started to make noise and I reached for it. I was surprised at how well I had slept last night, especially with being anxious about having to get to the airport so early. I rolled over to poke Sean and tell him to get up and realized I was the only one in bed. I sat up and looked around the room and heard the shower running in the bathroom.

"Good Morning... room in there for me?" I said knocking on the door and opening it at the same time.

"Of course, but only if you promise not to get frisky. We don't have time for that this morning." He said laughing.

"I will try not to but obviously you don't know how hot you are. Uh... I don't have time to wash my hair so just going to rinse off really quickly." I told him.

He stepped out from under the shower head to kiss me and then finished washing the soap off his body. I had used a clip put my hair up and moved under the shower and quickly soaped my body.

"Let me just make sure these are clean, okay." Sean said as he ran his hands over my boobs.

That immediately cause both our penis to start to swell.

"Seriously Sean... we can't... God that feels good though. I promise...tonight they are all yours to do whatever you want with them." I kissed him quickly while pushing him on his chest to move him away from me.

We climbed out and quickly toweled off. He brushed his teeth and put on some deodorant and left the bathroom. I did the same while also doing my makeup. I put my hair in a ponytail and stepped out of the bathroom. I dressed in a thong panty followed by my bra, black leggings, and a light blue t shirt with Mickey Mouse on the front. I laced up my tennis shoes to finish dressing.

The clock said four twenty-seven. We needed to walk out the door in three minutes. Our flight was at six-twenty and wanted to be at the airport at five o'clock. Luckily from my condo it was only a twenty-to-twenty-five-minute drive.

"Baby, I filled your Yeti with coffee, made sure the machine was off and unplugged. Ready to go?" Sean called out.

"Yes... Thank you." I said walking out of the bedroom.

Sean had a Yeti cup in each hand. He was wearing a memorial t-shirt from a line duty death in North Carolina and khaki shorts with tennis shoes on his feet. He had a baseball cap on his head that was turned backwards. I giggled thinking if he kept it like that Sally would be calling him Fuck Boy before we even got on the plane. I also realized it made him look hot.

I took the coffee from him and stepped over to my luggage. Sitting on top of my suitcase was a Daisy Duck Lounge fly back. I packed a plain black one last night. I turned and looked at Sean with a look of confusion.

"I will explain on the drive." He smiled at me.

I slipped it on my back and followed him out the door and down the stairs. We went over to my Jeep, he opened the back and loaded our suitcases in. I got in the passenger seat, and he got in the driver's seat. We had decided to take it to the airport because it would be easier to park.

"Hope I don't lose any testosterone from driving this thing. I was promised sex later tonight." He said as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"The best part is going to be all the guys who read the sticker on the back, see the color, and then see a man driving. And you weren't promised sex... you were promised the chance to play with my tits." I looked at him and winked.

"So... tell me about this backpack! Did everything fit in it? It is awesome." I said holding it on my lap and looking at it.

It had the top of Daisy's face with a big pink bow in her hair on the top of it. The bottom was pale lavender.

"Sally got that for you. She wanted you to have it at the start of the trip and gave it to me to surprise you. I slipped it my suitcase yesterday and then switched everything over this morning." Sean told me.

"Thanks for doing that... it was a cool surprise to start our trip." I responded.

We got to the airport just before five. Sean unloaded our luggage, and we headed to baggage drop. Our boarding passes were on our phone but we needed to get our luggage tags and check our bags.

"Hope you aren't going to walk this slow in the parks. Trying to cram a lot into four days, really three and half, will need to be moving faster than a turtle." I said over my shoulder to Sean.

"Walking slowly so I am behind you because of how those leggings fit your butt." He replied.

A couple walking next to me both laughed, I felt my cheeks redden.

I looked for Sally and Jimmy as we checked our bags. When I didn't see them, I pulled my phone out and saw I had a text.

'At the gate. Woke up at three thirty because we were excited.' Sally had sent about fifteen minutes ago.

I told Sean they were at the gate already and after dropping our luggage off we headed to security. The line was short but filling up fast. Luckily it moved quickly, and our gate wasn't far. I saw Sally before she saw me and walked quickly to her. When she saw me, she jumped up and hugged me.

"I am so excited about this trip. Thank you for the bag it is amazing!" I told her.

"Glad you liked it. I know Donald was your favorite back when we were kids... thought Daisy might be your favorite now... plus... she is a bit of Diva which, frankly, fits you." She smiled.

"I love it! Really! I didn't get you anything though." I responded.

"It is okay... I have one more thing... hold on... Jimmy... get the... you know out of my back pack." She told him.

Jimmy and Sean were sitting and chatting.

"I see Fuck Boy is making it easy on me with the hat on backwards." Sally giggled. "Although I will admit when Jimmy wears his hat like that it makes me want to jump him."

"Trust me I understand." I smiled.

Jimmy handed Sally a bag and she handed it to me. I opened it and found a pair of pale lavender Minne Ears. Tears started to fill my eyes.

"Sally..." I couldn't continue.

She pulled me to her. "I know... I hate you didn't get to be who you really are as a kid and a teenager. I hope we can make up for a little of that on this trip."

They started to board our plane, I put my ears on my head and told our group I needed to pee really quickly. When I stepped in the bathroom and saw the ears on my head, I teared up a little. When I finished peeing, I touched up the mirror damage to my makeup and headed back to the gate.

Sean was waiting for me; I saw that Jimmy and Sally were in line to board. She was holding onto his arm and the way they were looking at each other was proof that they belonged together.

"They were a little excited and got in line already." Sean handed me my backpack and a water bottle. "Plus, Jimmy is super nervous. I don't know if he will make it until tomorrow night. She is still clueless, isn't she?"

"If she isn't, she hasn't told me she has any idea about the proposal." I said as we moved to the boarding line.

"And she is going to say yes? Will make a long couple of days if she doesn't." He laughed but his tone was partly serious.

"Yes... she told me three months ago, if he asked, she would say yes but was hoping he would wait a little longer. Plus, she has dropped him hints on the style of ring she wanted, and even some clues on how she would like to be asked." I explained to him as we showed our boarding passes at the gate and moved down the ramp to the plane.

I had gotten both of us aisle seats for the plane and we found our seats and settled in across from each other. I got on the internet and at seven o'clock logged into Genie Plus and started to make Lightning Lane plans and purchases. I got Individual Lightning Lane purchases for both Tron and Seven Dwarfs Mine Train in the afternoon and a Lightning Lane for Jungle Cruise for late afternoon.

It was a two-hour flight, I was surprised that I was able to sleep for most of it, waking up just before we started our descent. When I woke up, I looked over and saw Sean smiling at me. I wanted to get out of my seat and climb in his lap but was sure the flight attendant would frown at that.

We deboarded the plane and headed to the baggage pickup. Sally asked if I would call Lyft and I smiled and said yes. I had a couple of surprises for her and one of them was how we would get from MCO to our Disney Resort. Sean saw my bag and grabbed it off the carousel for me. I watched as Jimmy got his and Sally's bag. After a few minutes worrying about Sean's bag, it showed up and we headed toward the exit.

A man in black coat and tie was standing with a sign that had my last name on it. When Sally saw it, she looked at me confused. I made my way over to him and confirmed that he was our driver and we followed him to the Limo. After our bags were loaded, we climbed in and headed out of the pickup area.

"Wow... Lana... we are going to be arriving in style. Why the limo?" Sally asked.

"Just wanted to make the start special. Plus, I worked a lot of overtime the last year and felt a need for a little splurge." I told her.

"I like it. Thanks. I thought that overtime money was being set aside for.... You know." She hesitated at the end.

Sean had took my hand and smiled as she said it and I saw Sally smile as she realized that I had told him my future surgery plans.

"It is but some of it is for fun things." I smiled at her.

"Well, this is definitely fun, and I can't believe we are almost there." She snuggled into Jimmy who smiled at her.

It was a thirty-minute drive, and I was a little giddy about the next surprise I had for her. She had let me handle all the additional reservations and planning outside of her convention days. She thought we were going to the Disney Coronado Resort where her convention was. It was a nice place and considered a Disney Moderate Resort.

She was telling Jimmy a story from our last visit here and wasn't paying attention as we pulled into where we were actually staying. I climbed out first, followed by Sean, and then Jimmy. When Sally stepped out a look of confusion came over her face. She looked around and I could see her face when she realized where we were.

"Uh... Lana... why are we at the Polynesian?" She asked.

"Because this is where we are staying." I said with a big smile.

"Oh My God... really? Are you serious?" She asked.

I nodded and she squealed and grabbed me to hug me.

"Surprise. A little treat for being such a great sister. I love you." I told her.

When we broke apart, she had tears in her eyes. We stayed here with our parents once. Our dad had deployed with the fire department to Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina. He had made a large amount of overtime and took us to Disney World for Spring break the following year. We stayed at the Polynesian then, our only time in a deluxe resort. Sally and I were amazed by it.

We took our luggage to the bell stand. Our room wasn't ready, so we left our bags with them. It was ten thirty, so I led everyone to the lobby. We all took a seat, and I opened my back pack and handed out Magic Bands to everyone. I had gotten Sally a purple one, she had suggested a red one for Jimmy and I had an orange one for Sean, I had picked pink for me. I quickly explained them to the boys and said it was time to head to the Magic Kingdom.

"I can't believe we are staying here... still feel a little like I am dreaming or something." Sally said on the way to the monorail platform.

"I think this is going to be a wonderful trip." I responded and turned to Sean and put my arms around him and gave him a quick kiss.

Jimmy had wrapped his arms around Sally as we waited for the monorail to arrive. It was fairly full, but we found an almost empty car and we all sat on the bench seat. There was a family across the car from us in the other seat. As we were waiting a family with a stroller wheeled in.

Jimmy and Sean immediately stood up and offered their seats to the mom and two of the kids. The dad grabbed a handrail and told both me and Sally to sit down, he wanted to stand. The doors closed and we pulled away from the Polynesian. We hadn't gone far when the monorail stopped, probably to wait for another train to clear out of the Grand Floridian platform.

I looked over and then touched Sally's arm and pointed at the wedding pavilion next to the Grand Floridian. "Mom would love it if you had your wedding there."

"Yea... I can't imagine what that would cost. Plus... I would have to be proposed to for that happen. Not sure that is on Jimmy's agenda anytime soon." Sally replied.

"Really? It is obvious he loves you. Why do you say that." I asked.

"I don't know... just a feeling... and of course watching that is making want to marry him even more and my uterus crave his baby batter." She whispered in my ear, emphasizing the word that, as she pointed at Jimmy and Sean playing peek a boo with the baby in the stroller.

"Sally!" I punched her arm.

"I am serious... I bet Jimmy and Fuck Boy would be amazing dads." She said in a whisper again then her eyes widdened. "Oh shit... I... I am sorry Lana I wasn't thinking...."

I reached out and hugged her. "It is okay... and you are right."

The train started to move again. We went about six hundred feet or so and stopped at the Grand Floridan. We were there for about five minutes and people unloaded and loaded before we headed to our next stop and the Magic Kingdom.

After we got off the Monorail, I could feel Sally's energy and excitement building along with mine as we moved to the entrance. After going through security, we both touched our Magic Bands and did our finger prints and then instructed the boys on how to do it. Sean took my hand as we walked through the tunnel under the train station and into the circle at the end of Main Street, I saw that Sally and Jimmy were holding hands also.

When the castle came into sight, I could feel several emotions build in me. Some sadness as it hit me, I would never be able to be here with my dad again and see his joy as we walked down Main Street. Followed by a happiness of being her for the first time as a woman and with my sister. Finally, I was a little nervous wondering if Sean would find the joy, excitement, and contentment that being here brought me.

Sally elbowed me and pointed to Jimmy and Sean. You could see that they were taking in everything and so far, they were obviously impressed. We got in line for castle background pictures with the Disney photographer. After pretty much every possible combination could be taken, we headed deeper into the park.

We had ridden several rides and had several snacks including one of my favorites, the Cheeseburger Egg Roll, when we found ourselves in front of It's a Small World. Sally looked at me and winked.

"Okay boys. It is a rule that on your first Disney visit you have to ride It's a Small World. Since Lana and I have ridden it before we don't have to. So, we will meet you right over there when you are done." She pointed to the front of Mickey's Philaharmonic.

"What? You really expect us to ride that? Just the two of us?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes... you heard her it is a rule. You have to do it." I told them.

"And if we don't?" Jimmy responded.

"Then no sex for you on this trip." Sally told them.

"Oh wait... I was promised sex this morning." Sean said.

"No... you weren't promised sex, you were promised you could play with my boobs. I have told you that twice." I smiled at him.

"Small World or cold showers... your choice." Sally said and grabbed my arm and started to walk away with me.

The boys caught up with us about forty minutes later in the place we agreed to meet. They both had a frown on their faces and mentioned the song being stuck in their head. They asked what we had been doing and said shopping. We showed them the sequin leopard print Minnie ears we had bought telling them they were required for our Animal Kingdom visit tomorrow.

We watched Mickey's Philaharmonic, one of my favorites, and then headed to Adventureland. We had a great skipper on the Jungle Cruise ride. Since it was their first trip the guys didn't know how important that was to the enjoyment of the experience. I think they were both surprised at how much fun they had.

"You know you can get a Dole Whip right up here." I said as we walked out of Adventure Land.

"Oh Jimmy... you should get one. They are really good. Almost a must do for a first timer." Sally said giving me a quick wink.

"Yea... Sean... you too. In fact, you both should probably get one every day you are here." I giggled.

I remembered when were kids my dad would always stop here for one and me, mom, and Sally would get a Mickey ice cream bar from the cart vendor close by. Then we would sit and just have a moment to rest on what was normally a hectic day.

We had made a dinner reservation at Crystal Palace for seven o'clock. Because of how I had stacked the Lightening Lanes with Genie plus and did the Individual Lightening Lanes we had ridden every ride in the Magic Kingdom by then. After a short wait on the porch, we were seated at our table.

"What were your favorite rides today?" I asked after we had been through the buffet.

"Easy for me... Tron." Sean said immediately.

"Yea... probably mine too but... The Haunted Mansion and Pirates were cool also. For the thrill Tron, for the theming or whatever those two." Jimmy said.

"It wasn't a Small World?" Sally asked with a deep laugh.

"Funny girl... just remember... you better make sure the reward for that is worth it." He replied.

"Has it ever not been?" She leaned over and kissed him.

"What are the plans tomorrow?" Sean asked.

"Animal Kingdom... early opening so we need to be at the bus stop by.... Six forty-five at the latest. Then the afternoon is pool time and the evening... Monorail Bar Crawl ending at dinner at Steak House 71 at the Contemporary." I told the table.

We each made two trips to the buffet and got desert. After a quick discussion we all decided to head back to our room. We were texted earlier in the afternoon that our room was ready, the room number, and bell services had moved our luggage. The Monorail took us back to the resort. Our rooms were next to each other, and we agreed to meet in the hall at six-thirty tomorrow morning.

Sean and I unpacked our suitcases and then I told him I was going to shower. He gave me a funny look when I said that.

"Uh... are you forgetting what you said this morning?" He asked.

"No... and you can play with them in the shower." I told him as I peeled my leggings off.

"You didn't say I could play with them. You said I could do whatever I wanted with them." He grinned.

"Oh... yea... I guess that is what I said. And... what do you want to do with them?" I said, looking him in the eye as I slowly pulled my shirt off and then undid my bra and dropped it to the floor.

"Well... I was wondering... if... I would like to... I wanted to maybe try..." He was nervous.

"You want to titty fuck me, don't you?" I said smiling at him.

He gulped... "Yes."

I pulled some lube out of my makeup bag and walked over to the bed and laid in the middle of it watching him the whole time. His eyes never left me, he pulled his shirt off and then dropped his shorts and boxers. I set the lube on the bed and used my hands to push my breasts together and smiled at him. When he climbed on the bed his dick was already hard.