Comic Con Pt. 02

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Author continues to enjoy the Con.
12.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/13/2015
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This is a rewrite of Part II of a short series I wrote to try and capitalize on the whole ComicCon theme. I received feedback that is was abrupt and didn't touch like the Part I did. So I did this rewrite which lengthened the story. Let me know if you think this is better than the first part II.

All characters are participating in the fictional story of their own free will and are over eighteen years of age. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it.


The signing went well. Of course Roxie was approached on more than one occasion for an autograph though she insisted she was just a cosplayer. Finally, someone asked me where the Black Widow was. I laughed and said, "Oh Roxie here was Natasha yesterday. She is multi-talented."

After that, Jax got a lot more attention. I let her know not to sign autographs, "You really shouldn't sign any autographs just yet." I placed my hands on her thighs, "It really can be lucrative and you don't want to give up some that will go for a thousand dollars or more on the internet for free. If you wait, there will be more and then you won't get price gougers, technically stealing from your fans."

Then I kissed her lightly and turned back to the table. The Con sold all of the books they had available and one of the vendors had the forethought to bring a case as well and in the end, only two were left. David Webster was there, smiling and laughing with his fans. After the signing, he and his wife came over.

"I read your first book last night,' said David and his wife chimed in with "we". "I have to admit I enjoyed it very much. I was pleasantly surprised and that doesn't happen often. If you don't mind, I may approach my publicist and see about making a comment for your books."

"Mind," I said with a laugh, "I wouldn't mind at all. You are one of my favorite authors."

"Tomorrow, we don't have anything scheduled. We thought we'd hang here and then our flight is the next day at noonish. Would you like to join us for dinner tomorrow night?"

"I will if you let me treat," I responded seeing Jax's nod when I checked with her. David was about my age, but his wife was younger and both of them were friendly and I liked them.

We went over to make sure we would get placed in the Grand Parade into the Masquerade. They set us up with a spot and gave us numbers for the vote. We had about an hour to kill, so we went to the Green room and had a couple sandwiches that were passable. As we sat, Jax talked about Diane and David.

"You know, they are quite nice people," she said, "she is really funny and smart. And did you notice she looks like the description of David's main character?"

"No, I didn't notice that at all," I said, "but I guess it would make sense. He wrote his books about ten years ago. He mentioned they had been married for twelve years."

"You know, there is like this whole world behind the scenes that I never knew existed." she said to me and hugged my arm. "I think this is the best Con I have ever been to in my life."

"How long have you been going to Cons?" I asked.

"Um, let's see, my first one was when I was fourteen, so eight years ago," she said, "though, in just two months there will be the first Con I attended, so almost nine." She smiled at the memory. "The first Con was a birthday present from my Mom."

"Sounds like she is a cool Mom," I said, then her face kind of scrunched up.

"She... she died," Jax replied with a small sniffle, but she didn't expand upon it.

"I'm sorry, I know how hard that can be," I said my mind going to my dead wife and mother. "I lost my mother six years ago and my wife almost three. The hurt is still there. Not as bad, but still it is like a hole in my life that can't be filled."

She hugged me and I held her for a while until she got herself sorted out. She looked up at me and I grabbed a tissue and cleaned up the running mascara. Once I finished I kissed her softly on the lips and said, "You may want to reapply some of your makeup. Do you have it with you?"

She smiled weakly and replied, "I do, look." Then she pulled one of the pistols from the holster and ejected the 'power pack'. It opened to reveal a small makeup case. She kissed me harder and said, "Thanks. I don't think I've really had anyone understand what it is like before. You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me."

Then she fled to the ladies room and was gone for quite a little while before she came back. She was once again her bubbly self and clung to me. We were alone in the room so I turned her to me before we left it. "Look," I said, "right now, you want to get back into the fun. I get that. But we will talk about this later. You didn't scare me or turn me off. If anything, I feel closer to you and I am okay with that." then I leaned down and kissed her. It was hard and passionate and afterwards, she had to touch up her lipstick. But in the middle, I felt a kind of relaxation that was a release of the tension in her body.

"Thanks, lover," she said when she was done with the retouch. "I think, I think, oh hell, I think I may be falling for you. If that scares you off, I understand."

"It doesn't scare me, baby," I said as I held her hands in mine, "I was thinking that earlier. But we can go as slow or quick as you want. For now, let's have some fun." We left the Green room together but not touching. She was very nearly sex incarnate as she walked and I was cool thunder ready to draw and shoot at a moments notice.

There were three other Marshalls in the Grand Parade, one Paulette, who was just a bit too short, and a JJ with her strappy armor showing all kinds of skin. None of them were up to Jax's standard though. I knew Jax made all her own costumes and frankly, they were as professional looking as you could hope. My leathers were made by a professional and I'd bet she could do at least as good a job.

"That's him!" "There he is, the real Max Hunter!" and other similar statements could be heard as we walked through the crowd in the Grand Parade. I heard more than a dozen comments about my Roxie as well. "She is so hot!" "I want to have that outfit!" and "Where are the others? I see Roxie." "Oh hey, that's Jax Monroe, with Zebediah Guillotine, where's my phone!"

We made it inside and I was surprised to see Diane Webster come in not far behind us. She was dressed in a military like uniform with the symbol for the Grayson Navy on it. It was form fitting and hugged her ass in a way that was totally hot. I pointed her out to Jax.

"Wow, she's looking hot," she said, "Do you see David? Hmm, wait here."

She moved quickly to Diane's side and pulled her over to where I was standing. Diane had gotten sandwiched between a couple gropers and had been unable to escape until Jax 'accidentally' stomped on one guys foot.

As they got to us, they were giggling. I heard Diane say, "I liked it, to a degree. But I wanted more say in the proceedings." Then she saw me and kissed me, hard. She was taller than Jax who was about the right height for the diminutive Roxie. Diane could easily have been the amazonian Paulette. It was obvious she thought so as well. "I just wish I had a Paulette costume. I'd love to hang on that other arm." then she did anyway.

The judging was next and the voting judges all reviewed us one by one and in couples. I kept Diane with us and Jax was smiling as she gave the judges our names and relation. In the end, Jax won the best female costume, I won male and a Spider-man/Kitty Pryde couple won the group prize. Diane was number three in the female category.

"Maybe next time, you could show more skin," said Jax, "I'd help you with a costume design. Who made yours?"

"I made it myself. I feel like that is how it is supposed to be done," she answered and hugged the smaller woman. "I still think the sarong and bikini top with the blue Centil skin would be awful wicked. Especially next to the authentic Roxie and Max."

The music started soon after and the ball was in full swing. At one point we asked Diane where David was at and she responded, "Well, David got sick a few years ago. It is a cancer that was destructive in nature. He can't, well, he just can't any more. When we are at these things, he gets very tired but insists that I go out and have a good, uh, well, you know, a good time."

She blushed and I excused myself to get the girls drinks. When I returned Diane was on the dance floor and Jax took me aside, "We need to help her. David thinks she goes out at these Cons and gets laid. But she hasn't done it even once. But she needs it. She loves him and can't get past the lack of knowing a person. She needs to be connected. She won't fuck, but she will make love."

"What are you suggesting?" I asked.

"I am suggesting that we take her to our room and make love with her. She is such a nice person and is in so much need right now. She is having a difficult time with all of it and it is driving her crazy." She came into my arms and looked up at me, "I would like to do this for her, with you. I've fantasized about it before and well, we're having fun, we may be falling for each other. But she has only the love and not the pleasure. We can give her pleasure can't we? Will you help me?"

I looked into her eyes, earnest with desire and question. Now my natural response would be no, I am not usually socially capable enough to enter into this kind of relationship. But the hypnosis must be working because I said yes.

"You know what, at this point, I'd do most anything you ask me. I will do this for you and for her." I leaned down and kissed her. Diane returned then and looked like she would turn and walk away. I grasped her arm and pulled her back. She turned and I pulled her into my embrace. A slow song came on and I said, "I think it is my dance."

I took her to the dance floor and held her close. She pressed against me and we danced until I felt her breathing deepen and she tucked her head against my shoulder. My cock made its presence known as we danced ad she grinned as she looked up at me. "Jax told you." she said.

"Yes, she did," I responded, "We would be honored if you would allow us to help you with your problem. Tonight. Now if you are ready."

"This is unexpected, but desired as well. Give me a minute to talk to Jax and then we can leave when you are ready." I kissed her cheek and walked her back to Jax. I stood there until my erection calmed and then excused myself and went to the Paulette cosplayer.

"Your costume is very good," I said, "But I think JJ or Stix would be closer to your size. Or you could try Sue, you'd be a sexy doctor."

She was surprised by the attention but took it in stride. She told me her name, Jessica something, and we talked for a few minutes. Then I asked her about the skin color. It turned out she used the same brand I did which is probably one of the best on the market. She had some in her purse and I bought it from her for twice what it costs, danced a dance with her, kissed her cheek and returned to Jax and Diane. Jax looked at me when I returned and I flashed her a view of the blue skin color. She smiled and we left the ball. I gave my prize to Diane and we crossed the street. As we neared the entrance, Diane took off her tag and let go of my arm. We went in to the hotel past the paparazzi without incident.

On the elevator, there was an older couple riding up a few floors. When they got off, I pulled out the Skin Tint and showed it to Diane. She blushed and I pushed her up against the wall. "So you read in the book that Paulette and Roxie were lovers, right?" I asked her while I unbuttoned her 'uniform' coat. "I always wondered what was under one of these."

Jax moved closer and pulled Diane's head down to kiss her. Diane moaned as they kissed and I got the jacket open. Beneath it, she had a black form fitting tank top that was actually part of the dress pants, with built in bra-like support. I held her coat in one arm and cupped her ass and watched while Jax squeezed her tits. Diane's C cup breasts were larger than Jax's small Bs. We returned to propriety as the elevator stopped on our floor. Jax took her hand and led her to our suite. Once inside, Jax pulled the straps off Diane's shoulders and freed her tits.

"I haven't ever done this before," Jax said to Diane, "Let me know if I do something you don't like." Then she captured a breast and took the nipple in her mouth and began to lick and suck. I helped Diane take off her shoes and pulled the uniform bottoms off, dragging her underwear with it. As I stood, I ran my hand up her leg past her pussy, rubbing through her small triangle of pubic hair then pressing on her belly button. She looked over at me and I winked then kissed her hard and fast. She was a good kisser, responsive and explorative. She pushed her tongue into my mouth and we played tag with each other.

I finally broke the kiss and said, "Jax." I handed her the can of Body Tint and said, "Why don't you help Paulette get ready. Then leave her to dry and come to the bed."

"Okay, Rick," she said and kissed me hard, "I am so turned on right now." Then she drug Diane along with her to the bathroom. They didn't close the door, I mean why. So I could hear her saying. "Okay, Diane, I did this earlier for Rick. It is easiest if you just stand in the bathtub." She sprayed and lifted one breast then the other to get the underside. "You are so sexy, Diane. I've never been attracted to a woman before. But look, feel, I am all wet." This was followed by a gasp and a short silence. "Okay, enough. I need to finish this so we can play."

My text went off then. I was a bit surprised because only a few people have my text number. I checked and it was a text from David. It read:

I know what you are doing for Diane. I appreciate it. She is a very sexual woman. Since I got sick, she hasn't had someone to help her with that. I want you to know that you have my respect, admiration, permission and thanks for what you are doing. Weird as that may sound. We'll talk tomorrow. I don't expect her back tonight. Let's meet for breakfast around 10, all four of us.

I moved to the other side of the room and let Jax and Diane have a bit of privacy while she became Paulette. Jax came out a few minutes later and I was in my skivvies. Jax stripped down also and we kissed for a bit. Diane came out looking sexy as hell in her blue skin. She was naked and a little self conscious. I pulled off my underwear and stood, walked to her and took her hand.

"I am afraid I am not eleven inches," I said indicating my turgid seven and a half inches of cock.

"God, I am so glad of that, David was eight and it was sometimes too much." she said as she absently grasped my cock and started to gently pull it.

"It won't get any bigger," I said, "but it might go off if you aren't careful. You are one beautiful woman and having you tug my cock is sexy as hell. But I want to make sure you cannot walk tomorrow."

I led her to the bed and lay her down. Jax and I played with her for a long time, stroking her and finding her hot spots. Diane was very interested in cock though she stuck a couple fingers inside Jax until I went down on her. At that point, she lost all track of everything else. Jax made love to her breasts then moved down next to me and watched for a second the scooted up and gave it a try. I gave a couple pointers and soon she was licking Diane's pussy like she was born to it. Diane got her first orgasm then while I was finger fucking Jax. I pulled my dripping fingers up to Diane's mouth and had her clean them off.

"How does Jax taste, Diane?" I asked, "would you like to lick her pussy?"

Diane nodded still gulping breath from her orgasm. I pulled Diane up and kissed her soundly while Jax positioned herself. I gave Diane pointers as well and demonstrated on the tasty pussy laid out before us. I encouraged Diane to enjoy it by punctuating her successes with stokes on her clit and pussy. When I thought she had it down, I told her to stick her fingers in and concentrate on Jax's clit. Diane's ass was in the air and her juices were running down the insides of her legs. I spread her legs a little bit and pushed inside her. She gasped and flapped her mouth a few times, as I speared her. I reminded her to keep licking and began to stroke her pussy. At 34, Diane's pussy was tight and juicy. I began to move faster as Jax's stimulation grew, trying to match us all up. I played with Diane's clit and let it go when necessary. Jax was first to cum with just a little squirt covering Diane's face. I pulled out and flipped Diane over. Nothing excites me as much as missionary and pressing against my partner while I bring her to orgasm. Jax kissed her then me and I tasted Jax on both their faces and I kissed them.

Jax moved away a bit and said, "No, Rick. Fuck her like there is no tomorrow. She can feel you inside her but can't let go. Make her let go."

I angled down a bit and pulled her knees up and apart, "Am I deep enough in you?"

"Any... deeper and... you'd be... choking me..." she grunted out.

"Your pussy feels like heaven, Diane. I will do this for you any time you need it. Jax will help and we will love you like you need. Now hold your legs there." I moved her hands to hold her legs and kissed her again before I knelt up and shoved one thumb in her ass and rubbed her clit with the other.

"Oh god yes, Rick, fuck me, Jax, Jax, kiss me beauty," she cried out and we assaulted her, pushing her up and over the hump to thrill. She cried out my name then Jax's then David's and burst into a huge orgasm. I couldn't take the sensation as she began to squeeze my cock with her pussy and I came. I spurted at least eight or nine squirts of cum into her pussy.

"Yes, Diane," I said, 'This is my seed, claiming you, marking my territory. Now you are one of my girls."

"Oh god, Rick!: she exclaimed as she started to cum again, "Jax, Rick, love me, love me!"

We came together, Diane and I then we turned on Jax and made her cum with our fingers and tongues. We collapsed together in a tangle of limbs. A few minutes later, Diane tried to extricate herself.

"I should get back before David starts to worry." she said as she tried to push past my arms.

"No," I said, "David texted me earlier. He thanked me and told me to make sure you got all you needed and that he didn't expect you home tonight. We will have breakfast with him at ten in the restaurant downstairs."

"Oh my god," she said, " I think I love you two and I love my David so much. I know you are probably done with me for the night now. So I can go sleep in the other bed."

"Don't you dare move, woman," I said.

"We aren't done with you yet, Diane," said Jax. She looked at the clock and continued, "It is only midnight. we have you for hours still. I've seen a few things in porn films I want to try with you and I want to see him fuck you some more while you are licking me. We are so, not done with you and your body hasn't even started to release has it?"

Diane shook her head no, "I... I... don't know... what to say."

"Don't say anything, just let's get down there and suck that beautiful cock together."


The rest of the evening went beautifully. Diane nearly passed out from all the pleasure and I managed to cum far more than I had in years. We fell asleep around two in the morning and I woke them up in the morning eating Diane's and then Jax's pussy while they made out and rubbed each other's tits. Then Jax made Diane straddle me, stating that she could have me later and Diane needed that one last orgasm. But I wasn't ready for another orgasm yet this morning though I was able to maintain an erection and got Diane off with one more big orgasm. Then I held them both, one straddling each knee and we made out with each other.