Command and Vanquish Ch. 01


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His throat tight, he authoritatively instructed her, "Slave…fix my bed." She did, and he turned to watch her. When she finished, she turned to face him nervously. What would be next, she wondered?

Rayth locked his deep sapphire eyes on her small frame. He wanted to ravish her…but he didn't want her to overly fear him. He looked at her with seriousness, and moved to her. He came closer and closer to her, until she was pushed against his bed, his body so near she could feel the heat off of his body. His muscular frame towered over her, his hair falling in his face as his burning eyes bore into her. Quietly but authoritatively he demanded, "Why wasn't my room ready, slave?"

She shook with fear. It had been a long while since he'd had reason to severely whip her. But she knew he was a good Master, and tried to muster confidence.

"Master, please have mercy, some of the guards sported with your room today, and I tried very hard to arrange it back to your standards. I apologize to my Master that the room wasn't ready, but please Master…I beg your mercy."

His face still hard, he raised an eyebrow and looked at her. She wouldn't meet his eyes, like a good slave. He looked around his room; everything was in good order. She must have done well. He smiled.

"It appears," he said softly, "I don't need to whip you." Why did he say that, he thought? Of course he wasn't going to whip her; he didn't want her to be overly afraid. His mind was again torn…what now? He looked down at her. Without thinking, he just said what he wanted: "Strip."

After only a moment's hesitation, Alenya removed her clothing in front of Lord Rayth. He said to her softly, "Now help me undress." Her hands moved to his clothing, and carefully, she began to remove each layer. Her hands glided over his muscular chest, his rippled torso, his powerful thighs. Her breath quickened at his magnificence. He had attended his body many times (he wouldn't let another slave touch him), but it always excited her to see her Master's gorgeous body. Moments like this, she felt lucky to be his slave.

His face remained serious. He knew his little slave well…she was highly obedient, but not blindly subservient. Sometimes, like now, he recognized her independence, and her subtle unspoken message to him that he didn't really own her. Why did she obey him then like she did? Could it be she did it…out of love for him?

Fully nude, he caressed the naked slave in front of him. He ran his hands over her milky white skin, using one hand to cup her chin. His serious, sensual eyes wanted to look into hers. She said so much with her eyes…and now as he looked into her upturned face, he saw it: admiration. She enjoyed being his, but as a good slave, she would never speak it unless given permission to speak to him. He pressed himself close to her, his hard shaft pressing into her soft exposed stomach.

"Slave," he said huskily, "do you…" he almost asked the question, but was afraid to hear the answer. He changed his course, "…lay on my floor." He laid her at the foot of his bed. His strong arms encompassed her body, and he whispered into her ear, "open your legs wide for me." Breathing heavily, she wrapped her legs in familiar eagerness around his back. Easily, he pressed into her, taking her in deep plunging strokes. Somewhere in the cloud of his pleasure, he felt himself superior to his best friend; Jem didn't know the kind of ecstasy he was feeling…yet…


Over the next three months, Jem spent most of his free time with Princess Isabella of Espinan, and when he wasn't with her, he was thinking about her. He kept his true identity a secret, never revealing he was royalty and only allowing her his nickname "Jem". Isabella at first was confident he was a state official spying on her, but as time went on, she relaxed and completely enjoyed his company. Whoever he was, she anticipated seeing him again from the second they parted. Their leisurely walks together were comfortable and commonplace, but exciting too…

"That's absolutely untrue! Whoever told you that?" asked Jem, his guards trailing discreetly behind.

"Sir, I was, in fact, educated by the finest professors in Espinan, and always paid close attention to pertinent writings on the subject. I would be hard pressed to believe that everything I know about it is wrong."

"Well maybe not EVERYthing, but certainly the forces coming from the Skeall Mountains were at their most advantageous position at the top of the hill, closing down onto the valley! Your theory suggests they should have been in very valley that they demolished!"

"But Jem, while their mission was a success, substantial loses were taken while forming their position. My suggestion from coming behind the mountain to meet the enemy forces at the valley opening shields them from attack while preparing their fighting position."

"Why fix what isn't broken?"

"Tell the child who lost her father that the battle strategy wasn't broken."

"Wars cause deaths, it's a fact, hard grim reality, but it happens, and it's necessary"

"What isn't necessary is the numbers. Every effort must be taken to preserve lives."

Jaimeth smiled. He certainly thought she was wrong, but he thought it amusing that she tried so hard. Not many people studied battle strategy who didn't have to. He had to. As they walked, they approached Royal Square, home to Prince's hall and the Queen's palace.

"I can't believe that you never come this far south in the kingdom. This is where all the fun is, my Princess."

The Princess cleared her throat. "Yes, well, I hope you understand my reasons for avoiding it. I believe my presence in this country might be resented enough. It might be unwise for me to flaunt it here in the Royal Square."

"Well…you're here now, and I promise, no one will bother us."

Princess Isabella looked up at him and smiled. He gave away so much to her. So, no one would bother them in the Royal Square? That makes him a Court official, or perhaps nobility. Maybe an administrator?

"I have been here, but only once, there in the Queen's court. She was lovely, though I was afraid of her. She is someone to aspire to." She turned. "Jem, what's that building there? It looks like a palace next to the actual palace."

"That? That's Prince's Hall. That's where 3 generations ago the King sent his sons to stay out of his hair. Now it's kind of a rite of passage for princes to live there. Princesses stay too, but for some reason, Princesses are more welcome at the King and Queen's palace. My grandmother says…" he stopped himself dead. He almost gave himself away by referring to the Queen as his grandmother.

Isabella picked up that he was avoiding something. Did he have family trouble?


"Never mind. Let's take a closer look at the hall." They stopped outside the gate, where two guards stood erect. "I wonder what it's like inside?" A smile in his voice as he asked.

Isabella smiled too. "I guess I'll have to wonder. I hear you need personal invitation from a Prince to enter inside."

"I don't know… I bet we can get in just to look. Common" he said, and pulled her arm lightly to try and get her through the gate. She froze. "Jem…" Her eyes looked up at the guards, then looked at their swords, somewhat afraid of what they might do. "Jem, I don't think this is a good idea. We're not supposed to be here, and no one will like it especially if I'M here."

"No, com'on, it will be fun" and he picked her up and carried her struggling frame through the gate.

The guards at the gate were terribly confused. What was this girl's reluctance to what the Prince was asking? Should they arrest her? But the Prince seemed unbothered. They both silently agreed that they should exert their deference to him, and hopefully the girl would do the same. One of the guards knelt to Jem as he passed through.

"Your majesty," he said.

Isabella went stiff in Jem's arms. She was in shock, and couldn't think. Jem set her down gently, stepped back, and smiled hesitantly.

"Your…majesty? J..Jem? I don't…well, what is…?"

Jem sighed. "Jem in short, somehow, even I don't get it, for 'Jaimeth.' I'm Prince Jaimeth, heir of Pangain. So you see? It's okay that we go in here. It's my place," he said with a cocky grin.

Isabella's jaw dropped, her eyes widened, her heart raced, and her stomach fell to the ground. Princess or not, she was in his country. After what was only three actual seconds, but felt like an eternity to her, she fell on her knees and put her head on the ground. "Your majesty…oh my, please your majesty," her accent making it difficult to understand her rapid speech, "forgive me for all of the insolence I have shown you…oh please your majesty, you should have told me who you were, I would have never been so disrespectful to you!"

Jem barely had time to react before she was making her knelt apologies. He went to his knees just as quickly, reached down, and quickly picked her head up.

"Hey, Princess…please. I wanted to talk to you, to get to know you, without you treating me different…treating me like you are now. You're so much more fun when you're arguing with me, I wouldn't have wanted to miss that. Please.." he spoke very softly beside her ear, "Please stand, join me inside...please."

She looked as though she may cry. "Your Majesty, I…"

He laughed and interrupted her, "I prefer you call me 'Jem'."

"Your majesty, I don't know if I can do that….do you know who I am? I'm indebted, me, bonded to your country. I'm low, I barely classify as good enough to be speaking with you…"

"How dare you," he jerked his head, eyes hard in mock seriousness. "You question my royal discretion?"

She met the playfulness in his coffee-brown eyes, and felt the tension begin to melt away. After a few moments, she saw him again as the same man she had spent so much time with the past three months. He was extremely intelligent and discerning, but not overly intimidating. She had, and could, relax with him.

"Jem," she ventured cautiously, as if seeking approval, "just promise me something? If ever you find I'm not speaking to you correctly, or that I have been inappropriate to you, will you please take care and correct me? I don't want to…"

"And I don't want to have a friend who is afraid to speak to me," Jaimeth briskly interrupted. "What we've been doing the past three months, that's what I want to continue. No, it's true, I don't let anyone carry on however they'd like with me…"

"Sir, if I may? If you ARE Prince Jaimeth, then your reputation is a bit more harsh than that…"

"Wait, …I have a reputation? That you've heard of?" Jaimeth was amused and intrigued. "People talk about me?"

"Like a celebrity, Sir" Isabella came back with, happy that she seemed to have made him as uncomfortable as she felt. "I've heard gossip at the market. Everyone talks about what you do, where you go, the foods you like…the slaves you buy" she said slyly. This seemed to make him uneasy; he didn't want this woman to know how he enjoyed his slaves like he did. Women can be competitive.

"So what is my reputation?" he asked, almost afraid to hear her say it.

"I think 'bipolarity' sums it up best." She said with a smile. He threw his head back and laughed

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

She tensed a little as she said, "It's said that you can wipe your sister's tear with one hand, and whip a slave unconscious with the other."

"Nonsense. My slaves know better than to lose consciousness while I beat them." Isabella smile faintly. "That was a joke" he said.

"Was it?"

"Good question. Well, if you don't mind, beautiful Princess, I would be most honored if you would join me inside. I've arranged dinner for you, me, my family, and some of my closest friends."

"Oh Jem…" Isabella looked at herself nervously, "that sounds so exciting! But Sir, please, I'm not dressed, and my hair, oh, I just…well no one would think very well of me…"

Jem pressed a finger to her lips, looked into her eyes, and moved his lips inches away from her own. She could feel the puff of his breath on her lips as he lightly spoke to her, "there is a room not far from mine, filled with gowns, shoes, jewelry, brushes, baths, creams, all especially brought here just for you…and a dozen slaves waiting to assist you with anything you need. You're a welcome guest in my home; you will want for nothing."


Rayth looked over the report in front of him as slaves bustled about packing his belongings. Espinan soldiers had been spotted on the Pangain side of the border, although their intentions were unclear. The reporting commander requested presence from the palace to decide the next move. Jaimeth had a big night planned with his family, so Rayth didn't want to trouble him with it. Rayth would take care of it himself, and be back by morning before anyone missed him. Still…

Alenya was hurrying past, saw Rayth, and dropped beside him. "Master? Will you be needing bedding, or will the post have space there for you?"

Rayth didn't take his eyes from the report, but said "They'll have space there, but pack blankets for us anyway."

"'Us', Master? Is someone else going with you that I should pack for?"

Rayth broke his eyes from the report briefly to stroke her cheek. "From now on, anywhere I am, you will be. I don't want you more than 10 feet from me at any given time."

Alenya whipped her eyes up to meet his. She blushed. "Yes, Master." She hurried away, flattered, to pack belongings for the two of them.


Isabella walked to dinner arm in arm with Jem, trying to hold her head high and keep from nervously trembling. "Into the lions den" she thought, as she prepared to have dinner with a family that was at odds with her family. Would they think her inferior? Nothing she had on was even hers, but a gift from Jem! She tried to put the insecurities from her mind, but she couldn't stop the shaking. Jem noticed, stopped outside the dining hall, and motioned for the guards to delay opening the doors. He looked at Isabella and said to her softly with playfulness in his eyes, "I don't know about you, but I'm sweating bullets! I hear these people are vultures!"

Isabella mocked a sigh of relief, "Oh, I'm so glad you said it first, but I just find this whole family deplorable."

"Bunch of no good, bottom feeding snoots, ready to suck the life out of…"

"Please," Isabella interrupted, "you're being to generous." She bit her bottom lip and smiled at him, significantly more relaxed. He kissed her cheek long and light, then looked into her eyes kindly. "Want me to have them all killed for dinner entertainment?" he asked, back to playfulness.

"No. The smell of blood might mix with the aroma of my wine."

"Very well, we'll just have to deal with them then." They both tried to hide their smiles as the guards opened the doors and they walked into the dining hall.


The military post on the boarder was bustling with activity when Rayth's entourage arrived. The Espinans had been detained, and the interrogations would take all night. After several hours of travel, then several more hours of excited operations, Rayth was exhausted. He demanded to be shown to his quarters, and he was given a sparsely furnished private room. Alenya, heeding his order to be with him always, followed behind him.

The room was dark, and Rayth collapsed into bed, barely pulling off his clothes. He was half asleep upon hitting the mattress, but a lingering though kept him awake: what was Alenya going to do?

Without opening his eyes, Rayth's deep voice asked, "Slave?"

Alenya had taken a blanket and situated herself at the foot of his bed. At the sound of his voice, she knelt, ready to bring him anything. "Yes, Master?"

He shifted, realizing she was going to sleep on the floor. "Are you cold down there?"

"I'm alright, Master."

"I didn't ask about your general condition, I asked if you were cold; it's a yes or no question."

A little surprised, she responded, "Yes, Master, I'm a little cold."

Rayth was silent for a moment. Trying to hide his juvenile nervousness, he offered, "Come up here and get in bed with me." Hesitantly, she lay in the bed beside him, careful not to touch her Master; a slave could be punished for touching a Master unbidden. As she laid in the dark, Rayth's piercing blue eyes were open and watching her. A few moments later, he gently pulled the covers around her, pulled her close, and fell asleep to the scent of her skin.


After dinner, Jem walked Isabella to the patio to attempt to have some privacy with her. "Thank you for coming this evening," he said softly and kindly to her.

She laughed, her accent coming through, "Thank yourself, my Prince, for surprising me this way! What a nice surprise it was….thank YOU Jem. This was lovely." Too lovely. Too good to be true, she told herself. She was cautious, knowing it was all going to end. For all she knew, this was it.

But surprise number 2 for her: "Will you stay tonight? I mean, I can have you escorted back to your home, but if you stayed it would be a guest room, because we can't…you know…well I can't reproduce because…"

Isabella laughed. "Yes, I understand. But may I ask why stay?"

Jem for the first time since she met him looked entirely insecure. It was dark, but she knew he was blushing, his head was down, and he was debating on what to say.

Finally, he managed to mumble, "It just feels right for me to go to sleep, knowing you're under the same roof as me."

Now Isabella didn't know what to say. Quietly, she said, "Alright…but again I don't have clothes or…"

"Stop…" he said, and shook his head, "….you will want for nothing."

They stood silently for a long moment. Then, because it felt right, she slipped her arms around him and they held one another tightly. She pressed her head into his chest, taking in the scent of him, as he kissed her soft hair. "Thank you, Jem." She said.

"Do you want a man brought to your room for the night? I'd have him chained for you, if you'd like?" She laughed, "No, that's quite generous, but I've never…well…"

He pulled her away from him, "You're kidding???" "No." She said shyly. He thought for a moment. "Well…wow. If you ever want to, I can have one of my slaves treat you well. He'll know I'll have him killed if he doesn't."

"No, that's fine for now."

"Alright. Let me have someone show you to your room; it's easy to get lost. Take whatever you need, and don't be afraid to ask. Let me know if you request something and don't have it. Someone will scream their apology to you."

Isabella cleared her throat, "I'm sure everything will be satisfactory." She only had one personal slave, but she was more like a friend than employee. She wasn't used to treating slaves harshly.

"Good night then, beautiful, and thank you again."

"Good night Jem, will I see you in the morning."

"Of course, but no agenda, no hurry."

Softly, they kissed goodnight.

As Prince Jaimeth was cooling the flush on his face with the night air, Navin strolled up from behind him.


Jem turned to face him, surprised a bit that he was there. Jem smiled, "What do you think? She's pretty nice, isn't she?"

Navin raised his eyebrows a bit. "Yes Sir, the Princess is a wonderful young lady."

Jem's smile faded a bit, "Well hell, Navin, don't sound so formal." Jem suddenly looked a bit worried, but collected himself. "If you have something to say, say it."