Company Property

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Woman is sentenced to lesbian Judicial Slavery.
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This is a work of fiction. This story takes place in an alternate universe where Judicial Slavery is legal. The rules here are the same as in one of my previous stories called Spouse Slaves . For more similar stories, Gamblnluck has several very good stories on Judicial Slavery. Non-violent felonies carry a punishment of forced slavery. Violent felons are still incarcerated. There is also the opportunity for free people to enter indentured service for a negotiated period of time.

Of course, this story has elements of non-consensual sex. This story also contains scenes of bondage, BDSM, and sexual slavery. In this case, there is also forced lesbianism. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, stop reading now. I should also warn you that there is only lesbian sex in this story.

There is one chapter that includes sister on sister incest. If that offends you, skip Chapter 9. That is the only chapter that has that in it. Unfortunately, it is also the chapter that the main character finally breaks and becomes the total slave she is.

Company Property:

Chapter 1. Intro:

6:00 AM. I wake up to the alarm. My muscles are sore from working yesterday. With a groan, I stretch out. At 35-years-old, it's not like I've never worked before. I mean, I've been working since I was still in high school. Sure, those were just part time jobs that didn't really require much strenuous effort, but it was still work. I continued to work part time through college. I even had a couple summer internships. After I graduated with my MBA, I went to work full time.

As for being in shape, I played soccer in high school, then kept in shape in the gym. No, I was never a gym rat, but I did my daily workouts after work every day. It wasn't like strenuous exercise was new to me. It's just that a lot of my new job entails using my muscles in different ways, and also using a few muscles that I had never really worked out before.

After a few good stretches to work the kinks out, I finally sat up and looked around. Even being in my new bedroom for a week, it still took me a moment to recognize my surroundings. There really wasn't much to recognize, though. There were 4 walls, a small window on the wall directly opposite me, my twin bed, a small nightstand with my alarm clock, and a makeup table with a mirror and stool. That's pretty much it.

My right hand unconsciously moved up to my neck. Yep, this was real, not a nightmare, I thought as my fingers felt the steel collar locked around my neck. Oh well, need to get up and start the day.

After sliding out from under the sheet and blanket, I quickly made the bed. Having my bed neatly made was a requirement. Once that was done, I went out the door and across the hall to the bathroom. Toilet first, since I really need to pee. Then wash my hands and brush my teeth. Thankfully, I have mint flavored toothpaste, so I can get the horrid taste out of my mouth. Now for the hated part. I bend over and gently remove the anal plug I had in all night. I'm still not used to having anything in my ass. After that, I give myself two enemas to flush myself out. Now, I can shower. This is really the only luxury I have anymore. At least the building has really good hot water, and it doesn't take long for the shower to get to temperature.

Stepping in under the spray, I luxuriate under the hot water. This also helps loosen up my stiff muscles. After a minute, I put my head under the spray and thoroughly soaked my hair. I have a really good quality shampoo and conditioner. After all, in my position with the company, I am required to look my best. Lather, rinse, repeat. Now, massage in the conditioner. Luxuriate under the spray for another minute as the conditioner does its work, then rinse clean. Now, for the body wash. Apply to loofa, then begin scrubbing down my body. The loofa hits my nipples and causes a quick jolt in my cunt. My nipples have become much more sensitive since I got my piercings. Another jolt as I hit the other nipple. Lather up under my tits, down my tummy, around to my back, then one more large jolt in my cunt when I bring the loofa up my cunt and jostle my clit ring that causes the steel ball attached to it to fall back and bounce directly on my clit. Unfortunately, that's all the time I have for my pleasure. I quickly soap up my legs, then step back under the spray to rinse off. One last thing. I grab the razor and quickly, but carefully run it all over my body, from my feet to my neck. Shut off water, step out of the shower, wrap hair in one towel, then dry off with another.

Now it's time for lotion. This is another requirement. My skin needs to stay silky smooth. It's also scented, so I will smell good to everyone that I am around. I do take a quick second or two to flick my nipple rings and clit ring, though. Dropping the towel in the hamper, I leave the bathroom and scurry back to my bedroom. Sitting at the makeup table, I get my face pretty. Sitting on the stool isn't very comfortable. First off, it's just a hard wooden seat. Then there's the.... We'll get to that later. The trick is to use enough to hide the minor flaws, but make it look like I'm not wearing any makeup at all. Thankfully, I have been doing exactly that since my late teens. Makeup done, I remove the towel from my hair and brush it out. That takes a while, since my thick wavy read hair extends to the middle of my back. As I'm brushing my hair, I think back to how I got myself in this situation to begin with.

As I said, I'm 35 years old. I have an MBA, and I graduated near the top of my class. When I graduated, I was rather idealistic. I didn't want to get caught up in that mega-corporate conglomerate machine, so I went looking for smaller companies to work for. Yeah, I could have made a lot more money elsewhere, but, again, I was young and idealistic. I found what I thought was the perfect place. It is a small retail chain that caters to upper middle-class women. I work in the main office. There are 30 other women that also work there. Ms. Clark is the CEO. After a few years, I had managed to work my way up to Vice President. Most of the other women there were managers or admins. Since Ms. Clark was only a few years older than me, she wasn't going to be retiring soon. Vice-president was probably about as far as I was going to go.

Chapter 2: My Downfall:

My downfall came when I had several large, unexpected expenses that all came due at the same time. As I said, I could have made more money somewhere else, but I liked the job I had at the time. I also liked living well. No, I didn't really live above my means, but I was living pretty close to my means. When those expenses came due, I didn't exactly have enough money to pay them. Yeah, I probably could have been late on some of them or found another way to take care of it, but I took what I thought was the easy way. Cracking into the financial and accounting programs was easy, since I knew them backwards and forwards. A bit from this account, some from that account, etc., etc. It wasn't all done at the same time, of course, just enough to keep me on my feet. Unfortunately, I didn't stop once I was back on my feet. A few years later, and it had added up to a substantial amount.

What I didn't know was that Ms. Clarke had an outside accounting firm perform an audit. I thought that I was smart enough to cover my tracks. I sort of was, as far as the electronic trail went. I wasn't smart enough to account for the hidden cameras that videoed me using someone else's computer over the weekend. They used that to backtrack the money transfers straight back to me. Busted.

So, I was caught. No, I wasn't given the opportunity to make a deal with Ms. Clarke to pay her back and quietly resign. The police were already there when I was called into her office. Yes, I was led out past all my coworkers in handcuffs. My fiancé visited me the next day and took back his ring. That wasn't just because I was a criminal and he no longer wanted to be associated with me. Sure, that was a big part of it, but it was also practical. Part of the law stated that when a married person is sentenced to slavery, their marriage is annulled. So, even if he still wanted to associate with me, we couldn't get married until after my sentence was completed. There was no way that he would have waited that long for me. Ms. Clarke was friends with the DA. No plea bargains. She was also friends with the judge. It wasn't a small amount. I got 20-years. I'm not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing that my crime was non-violent. Thinking back, maybe I should have punched a cop or two to get a violent conviction. Sure, I would have had to lick some dyke's pussy, but I wouldn't be where I am now.

OK, some explanation is required here. A few years ago, because of prison overcrowding and some severe economic issues, the 14th Amendment was overturned, making slavery legal again in the United States. No, it wasn't like it was before the Civil War. Instead, it was changed so that non-violent criminals would be incarcerated into slavery instead of prisons. It also was usually not for a lifetime. The length of the slavery was whatever the judge sentenced you to for your crime. There were still sentencing guidelines, so some asshole judge couldn't sentence someone to a lifetime of slavery for petty theft. Slavery sentences are similar to the sentences given out before slavery became Judicial legal.

There are a few other regulations as well. There can be no real injuries or death inflicted upon slaves. No permanent body modifications. Tattoos and piercings are allowed. Extreme abuse is also outlawed, but that tends to be a judgement call for the judicial board that hears the case. Also, any slave assaulting a free person has harsh punishments given to them. That can even include execution. One other interesting regulation is that all slaves, with the exception of those that are sentenced to terms over 80 years, can only be sold to US citizens residing in the United States of America. This is to protect the slaves from disappearing and to ensure that when their term is up that they will actually be freed. Any term over 80 years is considered a life sentence and freedom is not a concern. Convicts with sentences of 80 years or more could be sold to foreign interests. Also, rules concerning abuse are waved on those convicts, since it is almost impossible to monitor and enforce in another country, and it is a life sentence, so who cares when they actually die. Yes, it's cold, but that is what it is. Practicality, you understand.

Who the new slave's owner is, is also regulated. If the victim has suffered financial damage, the convict can be given to them as restitution if they want him or her. Otherwise, the convict is placed on an auction block, where the proceeds are split for restitution and costs to the court. None of the options are very good for the slave. If they are given as restitution, you can bet that their new owner is rather displeased with their slave for committing a crime against them. The slave can expect some pretty harsh treatment. Being put on the block can be bad as well. You never know who will purchase you. For attractive young women, brothels are still legal in Nevada. They are happy to have slave women service their clients and not need to pay them for their 'services'. Then, there are the illegal underground whore houses that are rampant in the rest of the country. Sometimes, though, there is a rich family that just wants a maid or housekeeper. Even then, sex is usually part of the duties. For the guys, most are purchased for manual labor. That usually includes working all day, then servicing the free workers at night. Occasionally, there is a wealthy gay man or couple that purchases a male slave to be their submissive sex toy. I've even heard of a few underground gay brothels that have popped up.

OK. So probably several of you out there might be thinking about what the future holds for judicial slaves when they are finally released. All of the above pretty much guarantees that the former slave will be homeless and destitute when they are finally released. Imagine a person who just completes their sentence and is roughly shoved out the door into the street completely naked, no money, no food, no clothes, and nowhere to go. Everything that they had acquired previously has been taken from them for restitution, and their owners are still mad at them. What is that person supposed to do? That had actually happened a couple of times before our benevolent (Yeah, that's sarcasm) government decided that this could be a problem. Desperate people do desperate things. When you are cold, hungry, and without any alternatives, you do what you need to do to survive. Picking up a rock and waiting in the shadows for some unaware person to walk by is one option.

After several of these events where the newly released slave was caught and convicted again with either a longer term of slavery if they hadn't really hurt the victim, or sentenced as a violent offender, the government decided that they needed to do something. It turned out that it was a very simple fix. Incarceration costs the government money. Lots of money. Since the government no longer had to physically incarcerate or care for these criminals, they were able to save boatloads of money. After all, the care of these slaves was now left to their owners. What the government did was set up a fund for these slaves using just a small percentage of the money that they saved by not having to imprison and care for them. For every year of slavery, the slave would have $10,000 deposited into an account for them. That money would be transferred to the former slave upon their release. No, it was not enough to retire on, but it would get the former slave food, shelter, and clothing until they could get back on their feet. Of course, that was only for judicial slaves. Indentures would have made their own financial arrangements.

As for me, Ms. Clarke demanded my ass as restitution. She is seriously not happy with me.

OK. So, I should probably describe myself. Again, I'm 35 years old. As I mentioned earlier, I have thick wavy red hair that goes down to the middle of my back. I'm 5'6" tall and keep myself in great shape by working out in the company gym every evening after work. I weigh approximately 120 pounds. I have deep green eyes, a slim nose, full pouting lips, high cheekbones, and a clear complexion. My arms and legs are toned from my regular workouts, and that makes my legs look very long. After about a billion lunges, my ass is described as spectacular. My stomach is flat, and my hips flair out nicely to give me some curves. I also have a nice set of 36C breasts that still stand proud with very little sag. I've never been married (although I was engaged before I was arrested), and even though that is not a necessity for it, I have never had children. I'm far from a virgin. In fact, I quite enjoy sex, and I have never lacked for it when I wanted it. I'm not a slut that fucks any man that asks, but I do enjoy sex with a guy that I really like. I never had the slightest urge to even experiment with women, even in college. Oh, I've been propositioned a few times, but I never even considered it. I think of myself as 100% straight.

Chapter 3. Becoming a Company Property:

Ms. Clarke picked me up from the detention center after my processing. I had been given the standard orange jumpsuit as soon as I was taken to jail after my arrest. Once I was officially sentenced, I was required to strip naked right there in the court room. As soon as I was naked, my wrists were cuffed behind my back, and I was led out of the room. We went down a long corridor to another room. There, they locked my new steel collar on, then began processing me as a slave. I was weighed, measured, and logged into the system. Once I was logged in, I was given a slave number. That number with its bar code was tattooed on my left ass cheek. Finally, I was taken to the showers to clean up. In the shower, I was given a razor and told to shave everything below my neck. I was told that my new Owner requested that I leave a half-inch landing strip above my cunt.

After drying off, my wrists were again cuffed behind my back, a leash was attached to my collar, and I was led out to the reception area to be handed over to my new Owner. It was humiliating to be led completely naked into a room full of people. It would be up to my new Owner to provide any clothes for me to wear. Although it wasn't unheard of for an owner to take their new slave home naked, it was the exception rather than the rule. I sighed in relief when I saw that Ms. Clarke was carrying a shopping bag from one of the chain department stores in the area.

When we got to Ms. Clarke, the guard removed my handcuffs and leash. Ms. Clarke quickly snapped her own leash on my collar, then handed the department store bag to me.

"Here, slut. Put these on and be quick about it. I need to get back to the office."

Looking in the bag, I was horrified. The only thing in the bag was a pair of 6-inch spiked heels. I looked up at her.

"Well? Hurry up and just be glad that I'm not going to make you walk across the parking lot barefooted."

With no choice, I quickly donned the shoes and handed the empty bag back to her. She pulled out a pair of handcuffs from her purse and again cuffed my wrists behind her back. She then led me out the door, across the parking lot and put me in her car. She never said a word to me as she drove. I began getting nervous as I saw where we were heading. I had this thought in my mind that she would be taking me to her house and using me as a maid. If I thought that it was humiliating to be led out of the office in handcuffs when I was arrested, I couldn't even manage to think how humiliating it was about to be as she led me back through the office in handcuffs - ONLY COMPLETELY NAKED THIS TIME.

Yep. It was humiliating beyond belief. It was especially humiliating because most of these women had been reporting to me. Now, in the pecking order, I was below all of them. Furthermore, they could do whatever they wanted to me, as long as Ms. Clarke allowed them to. I had a feeling that this was going to get bad - really bad.

"Listen up, ladies." Ms. Clarke announced. "Company meeting in the conference room in 20-minutes."

She then proceeded to lead me through the office to the elevator. As we were walking through, I could hear the comments. "Not so high and mighty now, is she?", "I always wondered if she was a natural redhead.", "Nice tits. I'm looking forward to playing with them.", "Mmmm. I so want to spank that ass." But the one that really got me was, "Holy shit! Look at her cunt. She must be loving this, because she's practically drooling from there."

That shocked me. Glancing down, I could see that my nipples could cut glass at that point. It was then that the realization came to me that I was also highly aroused. What was that all about?

I was surprised when she hit the button for the basement. Her office is on the top floor. We got to the basement, and she led me down the hall to a room. Inside the room was a single bed, a nightstand with an alarm clock on it, and a makeup table with a wooden stool.

"This is now your bedroom. The bathroom is through that door. You will sleep here during the night. Now, I need to tell you about your new role in life and the rules. Obviously, you are a slave. That means that you have basically no rights. You are to obey ANY order given to you by ANY free person, except if that order is contrary to any orders I give you. Should that happen, you are to refer them to me. Now, you are as of now, Company Property. That means that all employees may use you for whatever they may need or want. ANY NEED OR WANT. Do I make myself clear?"