Compulsion Ch. 02


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Ella hesitated. This wasn't what she'd expected.

"I'm looking for—"

"Gabriella," the woman interrupted. "She sent you here, girl. Now get that pretty little ass of yours inside, okay?"

She made no attempt to move so that Ella had to brush past those huge breasts as she entered. Her heavy perfume filled the young girl's nostrils. She headed up the dark narrow stairs and peeked through an open door on the right.

A second, much younger, black woman was sitting on a sofa next to the windowsill. It looked as if she'd been watching her arrive from the upstairs window. She wore wire-rimmed glasses and her hair, although black, was slicked back in the same style as the woman who'd met her at the door.

"This is my daughter, Gloria," the older woman said from behind her.

"Hello baby," Gloria greeted her.

As she spoke she unfolded her legs from beneath her and stretched them along the length of the sofa. Like her mother, her eyes swooped across Ella's body and the way she slowly nodded confirmed her approval.

"Gabriella's come up trumps this time," she continued. "I can see we're going to have so much fun "

"I ... I ... don't understand..."

"What's there to understand?"

The older woman's breath hit the back of her neck as she spoke. She stood close enough for Ella to feel those huge breasts pressing against her back.

"We pay Gabriella and she sends round one of her lil white girls. Only this time we had to pay a little more because she said you were mixed race. How 'bout that? And you're going to show Gloria and Maddy just what a special lil girl you are, huh?"

Ella felt her body shudder as realisation dawned. This couldn't be true. Miss Gabriella wanted her as ... as...

She cast a quick look at the younger black woman on the sofa. Her face was a smiling picture of innocence but she had raised her knee and her right hand was already at work between her thighs.

"See," the mother whispered in her ear. She planted her hands on Ella's shoulders. "You've already got Gloria feelin' the need. Why don't we just get down to it, babes?"

The hands tightened on Ella's shoulders and she felt like she was in a dreamlike trance as the older woman guided her back out into the small corridor and through a door on the left.


"I think we'll keep that dress on, don't you, babes?"

Ella stood just inside the bedroom, mesmerized. The bed was covered by leopard skin sheets and there was no headboard, just a long horizontal rectangular mirror that was fixed to the wall between the bed's wooden posts. She could see her reflection in the mirror, and also the older woman's face as she stood behind her. Her powerful perfume filled the air around them.

"Gabriella tells me you like to get a lil high, babes. Is that right?"

Her hands were guiding her again, moving her across to an oak dressing table. Ella immediately understood why.

There were three rows of coke already cut out on a small mirror. Ella's entire body began to tingle. For the first time since they'd entered the room, the older woman let go of her shoulders. The older, red haired woman picked up a straw beside the mirror and quickly did a line. She sniffed sharply, rubbed her nose and licked her lips.

Then she turned back to Ella and handed her the straw. "Go ahead, babes."

Ella didn't hesitate for more than a second. Waves of excitement were flooding her body but they were mixed with tremors of apprehension. Two black women ... a mother and daughter ... they'd actually paid for her! Miss Gabriella was using her as a prostitute!! Even just thinking the word sent her mind into overdrive.

She was used to the drug and knew that, despite the adrenalin running through her body, it would help remove any doubts. She took the straw, leaned over the small mirror and eagerly snorted a line with all the ease of a professional.

She heard a noise as she waited for the chemical buzz to hit her. Gloria had entered the room without her noticing her. She stood beside the mirror, swinging a pair of handcuffs backwards and forwards in her hand.

"Come here, baby," she said, patting the bed. "Right here."

The older woman gave her a nudge but in truth none was needed. Little fireworks were going off in her brain. She edged forward but when she began to sit on the bed, Gloria gave a tut-tut and shook her head.

"Not like that, baby. I want you on your knees, like a doggy. Lil bitches need to be shown their place, don't you think? And put a hand on each of the poles."

Gloria clicked the handcuffs into place and left Ella to stare at her reflection in the mirror as she sauntered to the oak dressing table. Like the two women before her, she picked up the straw, leant down, and quickly did a line.

"Ain't you a picture," she said, rubbing her nose and turning back to Ella. "What d'you think, mama?"

The older woman laughed. "Another lil slut with her ass in the air. Except this one is an even sexier lil thing than usual. Smile for the camera, babes."

She took two shots taken as Ella's reflected face stared wide-eyed into the lens. Her blood ran cold. The older woman was moving around the bed, taking more shots.

"No ..." she began. "No..."

There was no point in continuing. Gloria had moved past her mother and was climbing onto the bed in front of her. Without a word, she dragged her tee-shirt up and over her naked breasts and let them hang in front of the captive girl. She had the longest, thickest, blackest nipples that Ella had ever seen.

"Go on, baby. You know you want to."

She rubbed her right nipple across Ella's lips as she spoke. The movement was so unexpected that even as the camera clicked off more shots, Ella opened her lips and took it inside. When she gently began to suck, all thoughts of being photographed left her. The younger girl changed breasts and Ella accepted it greedily. She even began to use her teeth to nip gently in the way that drove Dani wild.

It was the mother's voice that eventually changed the action.

"Take the camera, Gloria. It's my turn."

The words had hardly registered in Ella's mind until the feast she was suckling on left her. She whimpered in frustration and then her body trembled as she saw the mother's reflection in the mirror. The plump woman was naked and her huge breasts swung from side to side as she approached the bed.


It was partly the effect of the cocaine but also the overwhelming need inside her. Ella had been transformed into the bimbo of her fantasies and the reason she was here, in Croydon, was to be used. That's what Miss Gabriella had in mind for her all along. She—lil Ella Parker—was to be used by black women. She was their slut.

She felt her body betraying her as Maddy manoeuvred herself onto the bed. The older woman sat with her back to the mirror and positioned her plump legs either side of Ella. Her exposed sex was already wet and ripe, a feast to be tasted. Ella heard herself moan. This was to be her new role in life and she was practically creaming at the realisation.

"Look at the little bitch," she heard the older woman say to her daughter. "She's practically salivating..."

Her hand went to Ella's hair and she yanked her head upwards so that she could stare into her eyes.

"Need it bitch? You want this black pussy of mine?"

Ella whimpered. She was here, handcuffed to the bedposts and the women could do anything to her. She craved that like a fix. And the older woman's tone had turned from persuasive to commanding. The gloves were off.

"Look at it bitch," She yanked Ella's head downwards. "Want to taste?"

Heat covered Ella's body, just as if the temperature had been turned up. The clicking of the camera no longer bothered her. The woman had shaved her sex but a tiny stubble remained. And yet—right then—it was the most exciting sight of her young life. She felt a drop of saliva run from her mouth and down her chin.

The woman ran her hand across her wet lips and Ella instantly caught her scent.

She eased open her labia to reveal a surprisingly moist interior. When she began to slowly rub the pad of her finger along her delicate inner lips, Ella shivered. If Maddy's intention was to build her hunger, she'd turned her into a starving woman.

Her finger moved up and down only inches away from Ella's hypnotised gaze, while her other hand slowly drew the girl's head to her honey pot.

Ella's studded tongue flicked out but the older woman's need was more intense.

"We'll do this my fucking way, bitch..."

Her fingers tightened in Ella's hair, holding her head in position as she ground herself across that pretty little face. It all happened so fast.

Ella couldn't breathe. She couldn't see. All she could feel was delicious wetness smothering across her forehead, nose, mouth and chin. Maddy began to curse. As she ground herself even more frantically across her face, Ella couldn't hear all the words. But she understood enough. Her pussy flooded.

She was a bitch, a slut, a whore—a black woman's paid-for fucktoy, without a will of her own, there to be used.

Then Maddy's grunts grew louder. Her body began to convulse. The inevitable had arrived. She put one hand on the bed to support her weight as she pulled Ella's face away and held her in position.

Then she squirted...

The shock hit Ella like a sledgehammer. As the first hot spurt struck her face she felt her own body spasm. She was cumming, just like that, without being touched. She tried to move her hands but the handcuffs kept them securely in place.

A second burst hit her face. Then a third. From somewhere in the distance reaches of her fuzzy mind she heard a voice telling her to open her mouth. The grip on her hair was almost pulling her roots out. She gulped the diminishing spurts, swallowing hard and then opening her mouth for more.

And all the while, she could hear the insistent clicking of the camera so close to her head.


Ella had no idea what time it was. She'd serviced Gloria after Maddy and then taken care of her mother again. Her wrists were red-raw from the handcuffs and the bootylicious dress she still wore was creased beyond recognition. Her hair was all tousled and damp and the women's combined juices had smeared her make-up.

She looked exactly how she felt ... and how she wanted to be. A slut.

Their slut. Miss Gabriella's slut.

They'd fed her some more coke during a brief intermission and then the women had returned for more. And all the time, mother or daughter had taken photographs as the other had used her. Ella hoped they'd show her later...

A movement behind her brought her out of her thoughts. When she stared at the reflection in the mirror, she gasped.

Gloria had a fantastic body. Unlike her mother, she was tall and slender, but they shared the same huge breasts. Those chocolate coloured nipples made her mouth water. So did the sight of the black phallus jutting out from her groin.

Oh fuck...

Gabriella had teased her with talk of wearing a strappy. But this girl was real. She was here and now. It was going to happen. When Gloria strolled around the bed and offered the cock to her lips, Ella didn't hesitate. Saliva dripped from her mouth as she took it as deep as she could. If her hands hadn't been cuffed, she'd have jerked it at the same time as sucking on it.

"Such an eager little bitch..."

Gloria let her have her way, clutching her breasts as she watched Ella's frenzied response. When she eventually pulled the young girl's head away, her need was such that she practically leapt onto the bed behind her.

"Watch," she snarled, nodding at the mirror. "Watch yourself getting fucked..."

Ella whimpered. Cool hands slid across her tight little ass. A hard, unyielding shaft pressed against her dripping sex. She watched transfixed as Gloria stood behind her, hands around her waist so that she could drag her ass up even higher. Satisfied, she crouched a little as she eased the phallus into position. When she leant her weight into Ella, the black dick slid into her like a knife through butter.

"You getting it all?" she heard Gloria ask.

It took a few seconds to realise she was talking to her mother.

The older woman stood beside the chest of drawers. She placed something on top and checked the angle to make sure it was perfect before leaving it there.

The blinking red light told Ella that the camera had been replaced by a camcorder.

Gloria was moving slowly, resisting her attempts to thrust back against her. The unspoken message was clear. The black girl was in control.

Ella watched every movement in the mirror like she was observing herself in a porn film. She had such a needy expression on her mascara-covered face. Gloria was smiling at her triumphantly but she didn't fool Ella. The young girl could see the clear arousal in the younger black woman's eyes.

Gloria's black hand found her hair, jerking her head back as her thrusting hips found a natural rhythm. Ella couldn't help but pump back. The bed rocked under them and she began to groan. The sound turned into a growl, coming from the back of her throat. This girl could fuck! Her first climax hit her like a freight train but Gloria behind her wasn't letting up. A second orgasm hit her with the force of a bursting damn and she buried her face in the damp pillow infront of her.

When she felt insistent fingers in her hair again, she raised her head obediently.

But this time it was the mother's hand. She was moving her plump body onto the bed infront of Ella again. Only this time she positioned herself away from Ella, so that she faced the mirror. The hand in her hair roughly dragged her face forward.

"Okay bitch." Her voice was a harsh rasp. "You know how black women love ass worship. Get to work..."


Gabriella had found them an upstairs table overlooking the dance floor. She'd been specific about how Ella should dress tonight and, despite her surprise at the request, the young girl had followed her instructions to the letter.

The way she had braided her hair at the sides, with bangs at the top, had the desired effect. It knocked a few years off her age and given her the archetypical teenage seductress look. Her white blouse and short grey pleated skirt added to the schoolgirl look and the knee length white socks completed the picture.

Her heart had been racing as she had followed Gabriella across the lesbian nightclub, up the curved staircase, and to their reserved table. That wasn't only because of her schoolgirl attire. She was the only white girl in The Black Magic club.

The heavy beat of the music throbbed around her ears. The abandoned way the young black women performed on the dance floor found its way between her thighs. But it was the way all eyes continually stayed on her hot young body that gave her the biggest buzz. She felt like a celebrity.

"Look around you," Gabriella breathed in her ear. "Every woman in here wants to fuck the little white girl..."

Ella whimpered at the words. It was true. And she'd service them all if Miss Gabriella would let her. She stared like a loving puppy at the woman beside her. Her Mistress's shoulder length black hair always seemed to shine and those big lips of hers made it look like she was constantly pouting.

She loved her.

And she loved her new life.

There had been something incredibly sexy about being broken. She no longer had a mind of her own. Last week she'd had her clit pierced and Miss Gabriella had agreed that she could have her nipples pierced, too, if she pleased her.

"Look at them staring," Gabriella chuckled, interrupting her thoughts.

She stroked a finger along the back of Ella's hand as she nodded around the room.

"You're already wet, aren't you, babes?"

Ella felt the heat between her thighs. Every black woman in the room desired her.

"See that woman in the white dress?"

Her eyes followed the direction of her Mistress's gaze. The woman across the room was considerably older, in her fifties, perhaps? But she was striking looking and had curves to die for. She reminded Ella of a slightly older Queen Latifah.

"Hot, isn't she?" Gabriella continued.

She unfastened an extra button on the front of Ella's blouse and then cupped her cheek. Ella shivered. Those dark staring eyes made her almost feel like she was trapped inside her head.

"She's paid for you for two whole days, babes. You're going to love her—she's very demanding. Why don't you go over and introduce yourself?"


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
albert1eralbert1erover 3 years ago

Great writing.

StormquellerStormquelleralmost 6 years ago
A delightfully twisted tale

Well written.

I'd love to see those pictures.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
So Sexy!

Loved Ella's fall, so very sexy and even better when you can see the star in your eyes and how she would look doing these things! Yummy!

Kandi xoxox

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
from Gregg

Goddess Ella is an example for those who wish to serve the dominant females and she sets a true example for others.. I am looking forward to read more..

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Ella - still has all eyes on her and it seems that everyone who meets her wants to join her and be with her -


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