Concerned Females Nurture their Men


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"S.she's d.doing v.very wel.l.l.ll." Jim groaned. "Oh yes!"

"Now massage his anal ring. That's right. Just like that, round and round; round and round. Now, slip your finger in." Jim's hips bucked. "Hold still please, Mr. Connelly. We wouldn't want to hurt you." Sylvia continued to slowly move her finger in and out of Jim's anus. "That's enough for you Harriet, its Sylvia's turn. Sylvia took Harriet's place and quickly inserted her finger.

"I'm having a little trouble, Gloria."

"Well, feel around till you find it." Gloria encouraged. It's very important to monitor a man's prostate health and early examination helps establish a base line.

Sylvia ran her finger in and out numerous times before finally admitting that she could feel his prostate. But Jim didn't protest, he rather enjoyed it.

"That's enough, ladies. It's time to examine Mr. Connelly's genitals before we collect a semen sample. Lie on your back, Mr. Connelly, bring both your feet together as close to your buttocks as you can and spread your knees so that we can get a good look at your penis and testicles."

Jim had long since given up on resisting and was enjoying the attention.

As you can see, ladies, Mr. Connelly still has a nice erection. How long has it been, Sylvia?"

"Thirty-five minute and counting, Gloria."

"That's very good for a young man, Mr. Connelly and impressive for a man your age!"

"I'm only forty-seven!" He objected.

"I understand, Mr. Connelly. But most men your age would begin to loose their erection as soon as they started walking out of the dressing room. You've displayed a very nice healthy erection for over half an hour, you should be proud!" Gloria admonished him. "Say it, Mr. Connelly; say 'I'm proud of my erection'."

Jim blushed.

"Say it, Mr. Connelly! The ladies almost sang in unison. "Say, 'I'm proud of my erection'."

"Ok, ok already. I'm proud of my erection." Jim knew his face was growing redder again but he couldn't help himself.

"And you should be Mr. Connelly; it's a very handsome erection!" Harriet assured him.

"It's very important to examine a man's genitals closely, used your eyes of course, but more important is to use your fingers." Gloria instructed. "Feel the testicle; it should be firm and smooth and slightly oval. If there are any bumps be sure to note them so the doctor can examine them carefully. Look for any abrasions on his shaft. Abrasions can be a sign that a man masturbates to excess. "Do you masturbate, Mr. Connelly?"


"Of course you do, all men do if their wives or girl friends don't care enough to pleasure them regularly. Don't you agree, Mr. Connelly?"


"Yes or no, Mr. Connelly; does your wife pleasure you two or three times a day so you don't have to do it yourself?"

"No." Jim admitted reluctantly; confused as to why his jacking-off had suddenly become his wife's fault. Especially since it was these women who had in essence sided with him.

"Lastly, be sure to thoroughly check in his pubic hair. That's best done by carefully parting the hair with your fingers. Some clinicians recommend using a magnifying light but it's up to you, ladies. Now, Mr. Connelly, so far you have passed all our tests, of course, there still is the matter of the lab tests and for that we still need a sample of your semen. Harriet, please help Mr. Connelly up from the table and bring him to the sampling chair."

Harriet helped him sit up and step down from the table. She grasped his erection firmly and guided him the chair that had only half a seat. "Please be seated, Mr. Connelly. Make sure your buttocks are firmly at the rear of the seat and your testicles can hang freely. I'll be right back with the sample cup."

Jim absent mindedly scratched his balls and stroked his aching cock, glad that his physical would soon be over even if it meant he would have to jack-off in front of these women.

"What are you doing, Mr. Connelly!" Gloria shrieked hysterically. "How dare you play with yourself in front of us? We're professionals, not some tramps you've picked up in a bar. I expect you to behave respectfully and treat us like the ladies that we are. Now put your hands on the armrests and let us do our job."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't being disrespectful, I wasn't thinking."

"I should say not, Mr. Connelly, if you were my husband I'd put you over my knee and give you a good spanking. I may decide to let your wife know what you did. Maybe she will spank you!" Sylvia chided him, trying not to laugh at his predicament.

"Oh, please don't. I don't think she would understand."

"Well I should think not, of all things, a man playing with his penis in private might be tolerated by some women but right in front of three respectable married women, how dare you, Mr. Connelly?" Harriet added indignantly.

"Settle down ladies, it's only Mr. Connelly's first visit, I'm sure that in the future he will be more respectful, won't you, Mr. Connelly."

"Oh, yes!" He stammered, "I promise to be more respectful."

"Very well, let's put this in the past and collect your semen. Ladies, do you recall the technique that is recommended for collecting semen samples?"

"Oh yes, Gloria, it's the 'reverse squeeze and pull'!" Harriet answered cheerily.

"And why is that technique preferred?"

"Because it allows the free hand to massage the testicles resulting in a gradual build up of ejaculatory tension and upon completion the collection of the semen in the sample vessel." Harriet practically quoted the procedure manual word for word.

Jim hadn't been aware that getting a hand-job could be so technical!

"You've done your home work, Harriet, would you care to demonstrate your new found knowledge?"

"Oh, yes! Please!" I'd be only too happy to have a live patient, other than my husband of course, to practice my technique!"

"Very well, take the stool and sit in front of Mr. Connelly."

"What do you do first?" Gloria quizzed her.

"First I take his testicles gently in my hand and roll them around while I explain what I am doing if he is a first time patient."

"That's right, and since Mr. Connelly is a first time patient let's hear your explanation."

"Ok." She cupped his testicles and rolled them loosely in her hand like a pair of dice as she looked squarely in his eyes. "Mr. Connelly?" Harriet began.

"Yes, ma'am." Jim was enjoying being her first subject.

"My name is Harriet Peters, I am working on my certification as a "CSCS", that's a Certified Semen Collection Specialist and I have been assigned to collect your sample today. Are you comfortable, Mr. Connelly?"

"Yes, Mrs. Peters."

"That's good Mr. Connelly, now please close your eyes and relax, breath through your mouth. That's right, if you feel like it you may want to lick your lips occasionally. This procedure is designed to take exactly twenty minutes; I will start out very slowly. Can you hear the metronome?"

"Yes, I hear it."

"The metronome will keep the cadence and will gradually increase in tempo. The goal is to thoroughly stimulate your genitals. That is, your penis and testicles and by extension your prostate." As she explained the process she gripped his penis at the base and pulled gently but firmly outwards. "Do you feel OK, Mr. Connelly?"

"Ah.h.h.h. Yes.s.s" He sighed.

"Very good, Mr. Connelly. In the beginning I will only stroke the shaft of your penis." First she would use her whole hand to grip as she pulled then she used only her thumb and fore finger. As she worked she used the KY Jelly sparingly to lubricate but still allow friction. She continued. "The glans penis, commonly referred to as the head is very sensitive and I don't want to stimulate it too soon! This is like boiling water, the heat gradually rises and at the last moment the water starts to bubble as it goes into a rolling boil. Can you feel your testicles starting to contract, Mr. Connelly?"

"Ye.s.s.s." Harriet formed a ring between his testicles and the base of his penis restricting their retraction and retarding ejaculation.

"The pace is quickening now but you must stay relaxed. Your shaft is feeling harder and your glans is turning a dark purple. I'm going to add more lubricant to help slow down your response. If I gave it a few rapid strokes you would erupt like a volcano but you need to hold off until I tell you it's OK to ejaculate. Can you wait for my command to ejaculate, Mr. Connelly?"

"I don't think so!"

"But you must, Mr. Connelly! Wait for me to bring you to a boil." Harriett whispered, trying to hide her own excitement. "It's just a little longer; can you hear the pace increase?"

"Oh.h. yes!"

"We're very close now, are you ready to give me your semen?"

"Yes! Please, I'm ready." Jim fought the urge to thrust his hips.

Harriett began stroking the full length of his shaft using her dainty hand as if to pull the ejaculate from his body. Her hand was much softer than his and had no calluses. She ended each stroke by stimulating the engorged head. She allowed his testicles to draw up tightly against the root of his penis and knew he would be unable to stop himself. "It's time, Mr. Connelly, cum for me." She commanded.

Jim felt her hand rapidly grip and pull, faster and faster as his balls tightened and did indeed feel as if they were boiling.

"Shoot for me, Mr. C, shoot your cum for me, shoot your cum for me!" Her excitement was almost as great as his own and her voice rose as her excitement increased! "Cum, Mr., C, cum!!!" She was panting as she stroked him faster and faster. The first "shot" felt larger and stronger than any he could remember. She licked her lips as she milked his semen into a small glass cup, careful not to spill a drop. For the first time since the exam started his penis wilted, drooping limply between his legs.

"Nice technique, Harriet, but you may have to work on controlling your emotions!" Gloria said as Harriet milked the last drops of semen from Jim's penis.

Harriett stood up and put her hand on Jim's shoulder. "Are you OK?"

"Yes, Mrs. Peters." He sighed without opening his eyes as he leaned back, exhausted.

"Kiss my hand, Mr. Connelly."


"When a lady gives a gentleman a nice strong orgasm like that don't you think he should show his appreciation?"


"Then say 'thank-you' and kiss my hand." She whispered.

Jim took her open hand and kissed it. "Thank-you, Mrs. Peters, thank-you."

"That's better." She picked up his limp penis and gave it a little tug. "Come with me to the shower, I'll get you cleaned up!"

As he stepped into the shower he said, "I can do this myself."

"Mr. Connelly! I'm surprised at you! I can't have you touching yourself. That's what got you into trouble in the first place! Now you just stand there and let Harriet give you a quick once over. In the future, you'll be taking a shower at the beginning of your visits so you'll always be nice and clean!"

Jim wasn't sure how many more visits he would have to make but he thought he could get used to the idea.

Harriet rinsed him off and led him out of the shower and began drying him off with a very nice large plush towel.

Meanwhile, back in the doctor's office, Mrs. Connelly was being counseled.

"I think I can safely say, Mrs. Connelly, that your husband isn't gay. In fact, I would predict that if given an opportunity to act out, that is perform oral sex on a man, he would recoil in fear and loathing.

"What makes you so sure Doctor?"

"There is never a one hundred percent certainty, Mrs. Connelly, but the overwhelmingly strong reactions he displayed during our 'exam' would indicate that he has strong heterosexual tendencies and it would take quite a bit to change that. There is one final test that I believe might convince you. It's been ten to twelve minutes since your husband's orgasm. I want you to see how he reacts to visual and olfactory stimulation."

"How will you do that, Doctor?"

"If he sees a sexually stimulated woman who is dressed in very revealing lingerie, a woman whose genitals are puffy and moist, who wreaks of feminine musk it should cause him to involuntarily achieve an erection even though he has been almost completely drained. The pheromones will trigger his primal urges over which he has no control! You can watch from the two way mirror, like you did the 'exam'."

"Thank-you, Doctor." Helen took her place at the mirror and watched as Harriet toweled off her husband. He had given in completely and followed her every command.

Gloria took off her nurse's uniform and cap; shook out her hair and changed into a pair of four inch white stiletto heels and said, "What do you think?" She turned on one heel to model her lingerie.

"I wish I could look that sexy!"

"Of course you can, sexy is mostly attitude and your body is still in good shape. You just need the right lingerie!"

"Do you really think so, Doctor?"

"Absolutely! Now, let's see what happens."

Dressed in her white teddy, white stockings and heels Gloria re-entered the examination room. Her heels clicking on the tile floor she was every bit the seductress she wanted to portray. She touched Jim on the shoulder and said, Mr. Connelly, it's been a real pleasure conducting your exam today, I hope I'll be seeing you again soon!"

"Thank-you, nurse." Jim stammered, incredulous at the sight, his erection returning as he spoke.

Gloria turned and smiled at the woman behind the mirror, the little wink spoke volumes.

When she reached the office door she turned and struck a pose, "Please bring Mr. Connelly to the office as soon as he's dressed, Harriet."

"It might be a minute; his pants might not go on so easy!"

"We'll be waiting, take your time."

Upon re-entering the office Gloria found Mrs. Connelly already seated in the middle of the couch. Picking up her nurses dress she slipped it on and began buttoning up the front. "You saw his reaction, Mrs. Connelly....

"Please call me Helen."

"You saw his reaction, Helen, was that the reaction of a gay man?"

"No, but what if he is bi-sexual?"

"Helen, you are so negative in your thinking! When you came to me I told you this was partially your fault, didn't I?"

"Yes, Doctor." She admitted reluctantly.

"What did I tell you your responsibility as a wife is?"

"To control my husband by controlling his penis."

"That's correct!" And how do you control his penis?"

"By keeping him naked as much as possible and masturbating him to completion as often as necessary."

"I see our seminars are sinking in!"

"Yes, Doctor, but what if I don't have the time...."

"You will make the time if you want our program to work for you. Phase one is controlling your man through supervising his masturbation. What do we call masturbation?"

"Pleasuring our partner."

"That's correct and you will learn all about pleasuring your man in our nine part program that explores the three basic positions and the three basic techniques. This is a group seminar and is hands on, so to speak. There is a new series starting this Friday evening and there is one spot available, can I pencil you in?"

"I need to check with Jim."

"Nonsense Helen, you're taking charge aren't you? He'll do as you tell him."

"I suppose, but how many participants are there?"

"We limit the group to eight couples."

"I'm not sure I can do this."

"And why not? Jim will be naked not you! It's part of conditioning him, you'll see."

Just then the door opened and Jim was ushered into the room. "Are we interrupting? Harriet asked.

"Not at all," Gloria responded. Please come in and take a seat on the couch next to your wife, Mr. Connelly."

Jim had an uneasy feeling seeing his wife but sat next to her. She took his hand and kissed his cheek. "It's OK, honey! Everything is OK."

Doctor Gloria Mines was seated a crossed from the couple, her nurse's dress falling open at the hem revealing the tops of her stockings; her shoe dangling from her toes as she spoke. "Mr. Connelly," Gloria began. "I apologize for misleading you. I am not a nurse; I am a doctor specializing in human sexuality. Your wife came to me when she caught you masturbating and reading pornography. She was concerned about you but I showed her how her attitudes about sex had limited your options. She has been attending a seminar we call 'Concerned Females Nurture their Men'. Through it she has learned that an important roll for her is to make sure that you are fulfilled sexually."

Jim couldn't believe his ears, was this woman, this doctor saying that this wasn't entirely his fault? "I'm confused, Doctor Mines. Who is Doctor Glass?"

"Rosy is one of my patients, Mr. Connelly. He's also a professional actor; in fact, if he hadn't made himself up so you wouldn't recognize him I'm sure you'd know who he is! Rosy and his wife have been with our program for three years and he helps out some times so that our new male patients feel at ease. Once they have been through the acceptance physical, of course, most men loose their inhibitions or are comfortable in their embarrassment."

Dr. Mines continued, "The next phase is for your wife to overcome her inhibitions and learn how to pleasure you. We have a group seminar starting this Friday. Do you think you can make time in your schedule? The seminar is for couples only so your wife won't be able to proceed without you!"

"By all means, Doctor! I'd be happy to help in any way I can!"

"You see, Mrs. Connelly, I told you your husband would be cooperative."

"Yes you did, Doctor, I can see I should never question your advice!"

Dr. Mines stood up and went to the intercom on her desk. "Harriet, Mr. and Mrs. Connelly will take the last spot for the CFNM seminar starting Friday. Any future applicants will have to wait for the next one."

"Yes, Doctor," Harriet confirmed.

Dr. Mines turned and held out her hand, palm up!

Jim took it and kissed it! "Thank-you, Doctor."

His wife just shook her head as Dr. Mines raised one eyebrow and smiled. We'll see you Friday."

"Yes, Doctor, you will!" Helen said, aware of the pun as she took her husbands arm and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you, Jim.' She whispered.

"I love you, Helen." Jim said as they walked out arm in arm.

When they had left; Harriet went to Gloria's office. "You did it again, Doctor! I don't know how you do it, but you do it!"

"I've told you before, Harriet. When are you going to believe me? A man's earliest sexual memories are of a woman changing his diapers, wiping his little bottom, giving him his bath. Their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, babysitters all see them naked, they all handle their genitals. These subconscious memories haunt them the rest of their lives. I just use their subconscious desires to control them!"


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chefjess2039chefjess2039about 2 months ago

If my wife caught me masturbating after Two years of no sex I would just tell her that if she was doing her wifely duties then I wouldn't have to take things at hand myself in less she preferred I just take a lover

BenLongBenLongabout 1 year ago

Agree on the previous “helpful” comment. Also agree that the plot was marginal at best. But it’s fantasy, so if it floats your boat - all the better.

Here’s another: Doctor Gloria Mines was seated a crossed from the couple

Doctor Gloria Mines was seated across from the couple

JoeElfJoeElfabout 3 years ago

Half of your dialogue is missing a quote mark in one place or another. That makes it hard to read. Here's just the last example: "Not at all," Gloria responded. Please come in and take a seat on the couch next to your wife, Mr. Connelly." The other quote mark should be before "Please."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Another fun story

I'd love to live in this world!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

The writing is good, the grammar fine with no real spelling errors. The story however, is utterly ridiculous.

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