Conditioned Response


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Maddie got dressed and left her bedroom. She stopped abruptly when she saw her parents and Todd at the dining room table. They were all looking at her.

"Honey, we're sorry," her mother said after a lengthy pause. "Todd was right. We were being unreasonable and you did nothing to deserve it. Go ahead and schedule an eye appointment, and we'll make sure we get you there. We'll pay for it. You've been wonderful, and we both jumped to the wrong conclusion."

"Thank you," Maddie said softly. She finally resumed walking out to the kitchen, where she poured a bowl of cereal with milk. Todd got up and brushed by her with a soft "excuse me" when he put his dishes into the sink. Maddie impulsively turned and rose on tiptoe to plant a kiss on her brother's cheek. "Thank you for sticking up for me," she whispered.

Their father had his back to them and missed that exchange. Their mother saw it, and she smiled when she did. She was proud of Todd for standing his ground and defending his sister. All of their hard work parenting these kids was paying off. They were fine young adults that their parents could be proud of.

After breakfast, Maddie went online and was able to schedule an eye exam for the very next day. The optometrist's office was very close to the campus, and she could easily walk there without missing any of her classes. She told her parents, and they gave her cash to cover the co-pay for the eye exam.

Maddie was severely myopic, but that was something that laser eye surgery could easily repair. The doctor told her that she had slightly mismatched astigmatism in both eyes, but it was minor enough that it was also correctible. "After your surgery, you shouldn't require glasses at all," he said. He showed her the precise measurements that the laser would use in reshaping her corneas.

Before her research, Maddie had assumed that the surgery would be done on separate days for each eye, and that the recovery for each eye would take several days. Now she understood that both eyes would be operated on the same day, in less than a half hour. She would need to remain for two hours in recovery, and then she could be escorted home. They scheduled her surgery for Thursday, just after her last class.

She told her father that evening, when he picked her up from school. "Oh," he said. He chewed his lip thoughtfully as he drove. "Maddie, I know we promised to take you to these appointments and surgeries, but I don't think your mother or I will be able to pick you up for a few hours after that. Maybe we can reschedule it?"

Maddie was disappointed, but she shrugged. "If that's what we need to do, then I guess I'll have to. It shouldn't be too much trouble to move the appointment."

When they sat down as a family to discuss it, her brother surprised her again. "I can pick you up," Todd offered. "In fact, I'll be out of school before your surgery. I can meet you there so you don't have to go through it alone."

Her heart warmed at the generous gesture. She reached out and put her hand on her brother's knee, smiling at him. "Thank you, Todd. I really appreciate it." He smiled back, and Maddie felt an odd flutter in her chest.

It was late, and they all went to bed shortly after that family discussion. Maddie sat at her computer after she had changed for bed. She checked her e-mail and sent out a pair of quick responses. When she closed her e-mail service, she sat in front of her computer for a couple of minutes before she logged into her brother's computer.

She saw that he was using it, so she could not turn on the camera. If she had, it would open a window on her brother's computer, showing him the camera feed. She sat back and thought for a bit, sliding her thumb into her mouth as she did. After some thought, she opened the control panel of her own camera, and figured out how to disable that feature. Once her brother was no longer on his computer, she would be able to change those settings.

The little window showed what her brother was doing on his computer, and she watched for a moment before groaning out loud. He was watching a very long YouTube clip. She would have to wait at least an hour. She got up from her desk and turned off her bedroom light, sliding under her covers. Her eyes closed and she fell asleep quickly. As soon as she was asleep, her thumb once again found its way into her mouth and she moaned contentedly around it.

She woke up abruptly in the middle of the night, shivering with arousal. She pulled her thumb from her mouth and her other hand from her crotch without it registering. A glance at her clock told her that it was three in the morning, and she yawned and got out of bed. It took less than five minutes for her to log into her brother's computer and alter the settings on his camera.

She turned on the camera once again, and there was only a tiny bit of light in her brother's room from the screen saver. She could just barely make out the dim outline of Todd's body beneath his covers. She listened to him breathe for a couple of minutes, and then she turned off the camera and remote access program before returning to bed.

It would have been far more educational for her if she had watched herself when she slept. She was pushing her thumb in and out of her mouth and moaning around it for almost an hour. She shivered through a climax, and whispered "delicious" when she finally released her thumb from her mouth.

* * *

Maddie was frustrated over the next three days and nights. She could never catch her brother on camera doing anything interesting, and it had been several days since she had gotten to see his cock. At least five times a day, she would relive that tantalizing moment when she had taken him in her mouth. She would only become aware of it after shaking herself out of her reverie.

Each time, she felt less guilty that she had done it and wished she had not stopped so soon.

Maddie was nervous when she left her last Thursday class and walked to the laser eye institute for her surgery. She knew that 99% of these surgeries went off without a hitch, but there were still some potential risks. When she saw her brother leaning against his car in the parking lot, she let out a relieved breath. Maddie was so happy to see him that she had to smile.

Todd saw her and smiled back. They walked in together. Maddie was touched when she realized that her brother was more nervous than she was. Somehow, it made her fears go away entirely. "I'll be fine," she reassured him.

Todd had to wait outside the room when they performed the operation, but it was really quick. Afterward, he was by her side as she sat in observation. "Oh, wow," she breathed. Her eyes were shielded by a blocky pair of very dark shades, but everything was incredibly sharp as soon as the blurriness passed. As soon as she was cleared to leave, Todd gently took her arm and led her out to his car.

Maddie was touched once again as he carefully guided her into the passenger seat. "Are you okay?" he asked for the fourth time.

"I'm fine," she assured him.

Todd drove them home and took her arm again to guide her inside. He led her all the way to her bedroom and stood beside her bed as she lay down. It was the first time he had been in her bedroom for a very long time. He looked down at her, and she shivered. "Are you chilly?" he asked. "I can tuck you in."

"No, I'm fine," she replied. She couldn't tell him that having him standing there—looking down at her with her face right at the level of his crotch—was what had made her shiver like that. She was scarcely aware of it.

Todd turned off the bedroom light and took the shades from her, setting them on her dresser. "Just yell if you need anything," he said softly before closing the door behind him.

Maddie had a mild headache centered behind her eyes, but it felt like it was passing already. She lay there in the darkened room, marveling at how clear everything looked. After an hour, she fell asleep. Her parents checked in on her, and she awoke when she heard her bedroom door open.

"How are you doing, Maddie?" her father asked quietly.

She sat up and blinked, looking around her room for a moment. "I feel fine," she replied. "Is it time for dinner?"

"I haven't fixed anything yet," her mother replied. "I'll start on that as soon as I change."

After her parents left, Maddie got out of bed and carefully stripped out of her clothes before sliding into her comfortable sweats. She didn't bother to change her panties, but she did take off her uncomfortable bra. She went to the door, but the lights seemed very bright and hurt her eyes immediately. She grabbed the shades and put them on.

As dark as the shades were, her sensitive eyes had no trouble seeing clearly. Her vision was sharper now than it had been when she wore those thick prescription glasses. Todd saw her and quickly hopped up from the couch. He hurried over to her, and she could not take her eyes off of his cock through those thin shorts. It was bouncing around noticeably with his hurried movements. Her stare was impossible for anyone to see through those blocky black shades.

Maddie let her brother guide her to the table, and he sat right next to her in case she needed help. Her mouth watered excessively all through dinner. Three times she missed her mouth with the fork because her gaze was so intently focused on her brother's lap right next to her. He had shifted his left leg toward her, and the tip of his cock was peeking out of the leg band.

"Delicious," she muttered softly, unaware she had even said it out loud.

"Thanks, sweetheart," her mother replied.

Not long after dinner, Maddie's sensitive eyes made her feel fatigued. She excused herself and got up from the couch. Once again, her brother bounded over to her side to guide her to her bed. When she turned her head on her pillow, his mouthwatering cock was just inches from her face. Todd reached down and gently removed the shades, and she closed her eyes.

Within moments, she was fast asleep.

* * *

Because she had slept right after the surgery and gone to bed so early, Maddie once again woke up at three in the morning. She got up and went to her bathroom, but did not bother to turn on a light. Her sensitive eyes had no problem seeing clearly in the dim moonlight coming through the windows. After she relieved her bladder and washed her hands, she looked at her reflection. Her face looked so different without those glasses.

She brushed out her hair but did not pull it back as she normally did. Instead, she smoothed her naturally curly hair and let it frame her face. She set down the brush and reached up to gently touch her cheek. I can't believe this is me, she thought.

Maddie stared at her reflection for a long time before heading back to her room. When she reached her bedroom door, she stopped. She wasn't tired at all. She turned and looked around, and her eyes stopped when she saw that her brother's bedroom door was wide open. That was odd. He normally kept his door closed when he was in there.

She was walking silently toward that open door without thinking. When she reached the door, her breathing stopped for several seconds. There, lying on his bed, Todd had pushed his covers aside. Only the lower half of his right leg was under the covers, and the rest of his naked body lay bathed in the dim moonlight.

Maddie stepped carefully to his bedside, swallowing nervously as she stared at his hard cock. It was completely erect, lying on his stomach and pulsing softly with each beat of his heart. She forced her eyes up to his face. Todd was breathing deeply and evenly. She could clearly see his pupils rhythmically moving back and forth beneath his closed lids. She leaned forward and breathed in that masculine scent of her brother's cock and balls.

Her mouth was suddenly flooded with saliva. She gulped as quietly as she could. Her legs felt weak and shaky, and she tried to control her breathing as she slowly backed away.

This is so wrong! she thought. I shouldn't be here, in my brother's room. He's naked, and if he wakes up...

She quietly backed out of his room and turned back toward her own. Then she stopped and looked toward her parents' room. Their door was closed. She knew that Todd was deep in REM sleep. Unless she was very loud or rough with him, he wouldn't wake up. She was salivating when she thought about taking that cock into her mouth again. That thought consumed her as she once again found herself beside her brother's bed.

It occurred to her then that she did not know if her brother was a deep sleeper. She couldn't risk having him wake up with his cock in her mouth. She reached out and gently shook his shoulder. "Todd," she whispered. He did not respond at all, and his breathing remained the same.

She was still very nervous when she bent to gently kiss the tip of his cock head. Her lips parted around it, and she timidly licked the tip. He still did not stir. She ran her tongue once around the head, savoring the slightly salty taste of him. Gently, she took the entire head into her mouth. Because her mouth was watering so much, she was swallowing constantly. Her mouth was soon awash with the flavor of her brother's dick.

Maddie felt almost drunk as she took more of him into her mouth. It was nice and thick, filling her mouth perfectly. Her tongue softly explored the shaft. She froze, her eyes wide, when Todd moaned softly. She was staring at his face. He shifted slightly, but did not wake. Instead, he seemed to be dreaming. His buttocks flexed, and he moaned softly again as more of his cock was forced upward into his sister's mouth.

It was her turn to moan softly as her sleeping brother thrust up into her mouth again and again. She began to suck him more insistently, once her fear had passed. Maddie's eyes glazed with lust as she savored her brother's delicious cock. Her pussy was on fire with her arousal, and her juices once again soaked her panties.

She slid her right hand down into her panties to find her quivering pussy. Instantly, she came and began to bob her head up and down in counterpoint to her brother's thrusts, forcing more and more of him into her mouth. She felt the thick knob swell against her tongue and palate. "Ohhh. So good," Todd sighed.

Maddie froze for just a second, and then she was swallowing quickly as that hot, thick cream erupted in her mouth. It seemed to go on and on, and she was painfully aware of her own moans of ecstasy and the slurping noises she made as she eagerly consumed every tangy drop. She shook as her pussy exploded again and her mouth filled up with her brother's semen. It took her a moment to catch up to him, and some of it escaped the corners of her mouth. She sucked a bit harder and quickly slurped the syrupy liquid down her throat.

Gradually, the pulsing streams slowed, and her brother's tasty cock softened between her lips. After she had swallowed all he had to give her, her tongue lapped the base of his shaft to get those stray strands. She stood slowly, still licking her lips and watching her brother's face. "So good," he whispered again before turning onto his side and sighing contentedly in his sleep.

Maddie quietly made her way back to her bed. She was still shaking with excitement and arousal for minutes after she was beneath her covers. She slid her sweatpants and panties down her legs and played with her soaked pussy while replaying that scene over and over in her mind. She bit her lip to keep from crying out when she came. Minutes later, she fell into an exhausted slumber.

* * *

Todd had made sure that his sister's curtains were completely closed before he left for school that Friday morning. He did not want the morning sunlight to hurt her eyes. The curtains were closed, he saw from her doorway. He gazed at his sister and had to smile when he saw her smiling happily in her sleep. She looks lovely, he thought. Todd quietly closed the door and got ready for school.

He felt really good that morning. Although he could not recall any of the details, he was certain that he had enjoyed an amazing dream last night. That euphoric feeling lasted halfway through the school day. Then he saw Jasmine in the hallway. She shot him an ugly look and leaned against her new boyfriend as they passed.

I really blew it, Todd thought. He really missed Jasmine's tasty pussy and the way she sucked his dick.

That brief encounter cast a pall over the rest of his day.

* * *

Maddie slept in, but this Friday she woke up feeling amazing. She smiled and stretched languidly in her bed. She could scarcely believe she had gone through with it, but she was so glad that she had. She could still taste the slightly bitter, astringent aftertaste of her brother's cum in her mouth. She savored it. Normally she would have brushed her teeth right away after getting up, but today she waited until well after she had eaten.

Her eyes were still overly sensitive, so she wore the dark shades as she made her way around the house. She was preoccupied with her memories from the previous night and could not stop touching herself. She had no homework to do, so she allowed herself this indulgence. There was no guilt at all. Maddie could not wait to suck her brother's cock again.

When he arrived home from school, though, Todd was visibly upset. "What's the matter?" Maddie asked as soon as he walked in the door.

He shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it."

Maddie had changed clothes, and now wore shorts and a loose t-shirt. She got up and carefully walked over to her brother, wrapping her arms around him. She laid her head against his chest and squeezed him softly. After a moment of confusion, Todd wrapped his arms around her back. He could not recall Maddie ever giving him a hug. It felt really nice, though. Her hands gently rubbed his back, and Todd's tension eased. She looked up at him and smiled softly.

"Why don't you get changed, and we can talk?" she suggested.

"Okay," he replied. It was impossible for him not to smile.

Todd went into his bedroom. He dropped his book bag next to his desk and quickly dropped his jeans and underpants. He kicked them aside and then bent to pick them up and toss them atop his hamper. He got a clean pair of jogging shorts and pulled them on. It had taken all of a minute, but he turned and stopped cold when he saw his sister standing in the doorway.

He hadn't bothered to close the door behind him, and he didn't know how much she had seen. It was even more disconcerting because she was still wearing those thick black shades. He had no idea where she was looking.

"May I come in?" she asked.

"Um, sure," he replied.

Maddie stepped in and immediately bent to pick up some of his dirty laundry. She slid past him and stuffed it into his laundry basket. Turning to him, she wrinkled her nose. "You need to do some laundry," she said.

Todd nodded. He grabbed his full laundry basket and took it out to the laundry room, on the far side of the kitchen. He dumped it into the washer, adding detergent and starting it up. He took the empty basket back to his room, and Maddie helped him get the rest of his dirty clothes off of the floor and into the basket. This time she picked up the basket, and he followed her gently swaying bottom as she carried it out to the laundry room and set it in front of the washer.

It was the first time Todd had ever taken notice, but Maddie had a really nice, shapely bottom. He realized with a start that he had been staring, and managed to pry his eyes upward before she turned around.

"Why are we cleaning my room?" he asked.

"Because I wanted to sit on your bed and talk to you, and it was a little funky in there," she replied.

"Oh," he said. "Sorry about that."

They returned to Todd's bedroom and Maddie sniffed the air again. Her brow furrowed slightly, and she sniffed a few more times before homing in on his trash can. It was almost full of used tissues. Todd was embarrassed when he realized what she was smelling. He reached around her from behind and grabbed the rim of the plastic trash can, pulling it to him.