Consequences Ch. 01

Story Info
She is taken in front of husband & daughter.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/15/2011
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Julie Smith sighed contently as her husband, Frank, pulled their car to a stop in the driveway. Her happy emotion was a result of the family evening they had just spent with their eighteen year old daughter, Cindy. After attending one of the girl's last high school performances they had gone out to dinner, during which they talked about her performance and plans for college. It had definitely been a pleasant evening and Julie was looking forward to ending it by making love with her husband.

Exiting the car the trio strolled to the front door. Julie, a brunette who wore her hair a few inches past her shoulders, walked holding onto her husband's arm. Her small, five foot six frame was adorned by a short summer dress that barely reached her thighs and had little buttons running up the front. It's low, cup-style opening exposed her full, firm cleavage. The dress, along with her heels, announced that she liked showing off her body.

Their blond daughter followed just behind them. Built almost identically to her mother, except with a slightly smaller chest, the girl also enjoyed showing off her body, and she was not naïve about what men liked. Tonight she wore a tight skirt which showed nearly as much thigh as Julie's dress, and a plain blouse. The top's thick material hid the fact that she was braless. Also like her mother she kept her hair a little past her shoulders, preferring to wear it loose and free as well.

The three of them were jumped as they walked through the front door. In the shadows Julie sensed some bodies, some movement. She was grabbed from the side and a hand was clamped over her mouth. Next to her she heard a groan and a thud.

Filled by shock and fear she was carried backward into the living room. A light switch was flipped and the area became bathed in the soft light from a couple of lamps. Still confused and scared she scanned the room. Cindy was being hauled to the loveseat by one man and Frank was being set in the straight back chair by another. Her husband appeared groggy, his head lulling to the side. She guessed that the groan and the thud had been him being knocked out and falling to the floor. The third and final man continued to hold her. His strong arm around her waist kept her from running to her family's aid, the hand over her mouth kept her from cursing at the men.

This was not what she'd had in mind and she wanted to tell them so, wanted to explain that they had gotten their communications mixed up. That this was not supposed to be happening with Cindy present.

She knew Dan, the one holding her. Actually the two of them had been lovers on and off for the last couple years. Not that she was unhappy with her husband or did not love him, Dan simply provided the occasional extra thrill that Frank could not. During the same couple years Frank had started sharing some fantasies about watching her being gangbanged. His words had worked at her sub-conscience, making the idea more and more appealing to her, until she had asked Dan if he knew someone he could invite to join them. That was how she met Sid, the one placing Cindy on the loveseat, a few months earlier. Then one day, when she had stopped by Dan's unannounced she had also met Tom, the man tying Frank into the chair.

These experiences, the two men taking turns with her body, had fueled her own fantasies as she began thinking about being with the three of them at once. Finally she and Dan had devised the presently unfolding plan, a way of satisfying Frank's fantasy as well.

But she had expressly told them that it was to either happen when Cindy was at a friend's, or the girl was to be stashed away back in her bedroom. She was not meant to witness anything. Not that Julie had any misconceptions about her daughter being pure, she knew the girl was sexually active, she had even taken Cindy to get on the pill. Nor was she concerned for the girl's safety, she knew she could trust the men. But she did not feel it was appropriate for Cindy to watch her mother being fucked by these men, or any man for that matter.

While thinking about all this she watched as Frank was tied sitting up and Cindy was bound by the wrists and ankles. Gags were then placed over both of their mouths. When this was complete Sid and Tom turned to her and Dan.

She tried to figure out someway to either get Cindy relocated or to cancel the entire thing.

"Okay honey, we're here," Dan whispered in her ear. "No backing out now. And this is how it's going to be."

The way he said it let her know that he was well aware of the 'confusion' concerning Cindy, and that he was overriding her instructions. The arm around her waist suddenly became loose and she was turned to face him, while his hand slipped so it remained over her mouth. Looking into his eyes she saw that Cindy was still safe, the men had simply decided it would be more fun to have a second audience member.

Locking her gaze on his she defiantly glared at him, silently telling him that he had better enjoy this, as it would be the last time he was ever with her. His grin told her he had already foreseen this and accepted it.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw his accomplices standing about a foot away, their eyes tracing up and down over her body. Reflexively her natural defiance flared up in her and she further scorned Dan with her eyes.

"And now we're gonna have some fun with you," he chuckled in response. "Ain't that right guys?"

"You bet," Sid agreed.

"Oh yea," Tom said.

Now Dan's hand slid away from her face to slowly roam down toward the top of her dress and the exposed skin there. Along the way his fingers lightly trailed their way across her throat's flesh causing a small shiver to run through her body. His other arm released her waist and slid up along her side, those fingers joining the others to dance over her cleavage.

One of the other men stepped up behind her and started running his hands up and down her arms. Immediately she felt her body warming even as another shiver tingled through her, their touches sending small electrical pulses along her nerves. A second later she saw Sid step into her peripheral vision and she knew it was Tom behind her.

Sound and movement to the side drew her attention to Frank. She saw that he had regained consciousness. His eyes were still slightly dazed but they were comprehending the scene before him. She quickly imagined what he was seeing; his scantily-dressed wife standing in the center of three strange men, being touched by two of them. She wondered if this was close enough to his fantasies and hoped that it would please him. Glancing his way she tried to communicate that she would be alright with her eyes.

"Yes sir," Dan pulled her attention back to him. "I do like a woman who shows what she's got."

His fingers moved down to trace along the sides of her breasts through her dress and bra before slipping around to their front and back up across the bared tops.

"You are going to be good to us, honey," he told her. "You're gonna be real good to us."

Turning back to him she stared defiantly into his face, her mouth in a firm scowl. Dan simply grinned mischievously back down at her.

His fingers began concentrating all of their attentions to sliding back and forth along the sides of her breasts. While applying soft, firm pressure, enough to make small indentations, they traveled from the two mound's back edges out to her nipples again and again. After every couple of passes the pressure he was applying grew firmer.

She felt Tom lean into her and start to lightly kiss her shoulder. He moved her hair out of the way so that his lips could travel up her neck to nibble on her ear lobe, his warm breath blowing into her ear.

The attention they were giving her body parts, the two sets of hands and one set of lips running over her, were affecting her. Shiver after shiver tingled through her. Her breathing was growing shallower, and her nipples were starting to harden and ache.

After several minutes of this treatment Tom's hands stopped running up and down her arms and gripped them instead. She only had a second in which to wonder why before Dan grabbed the top edge of her dress with both hands and gave it a yank. The garment gave easily under the attack. It ripped down the center, rapidly exposing more of her bra and more of her flesh. Cool air blasted against her skin. The suddenness of all this caused Julie to inhale sharply, her breasts heaving with the action. She stared at Dan in shock.

"Oh yeah," he smiled.

Following his gaze downward she looked at her breast. Her nipples poked at her low riding bra's material. Dan still gripped the dress and he jerked at it again, ripping it further. Now it hung open about halfway down. He then released the dress to return his hands to her breasts. Again applying soft, firm pressure he traced the edges of her bra, his fingers sliding along her flesh.

"Nice," he sighed, watching his own fingers against her exposed flesh. "So nice."

Tom released his hold on her arms and started caressing them again. Pushing her hair off her shoulder once more he kissed her shoulder, her neck. He nibbled her ear lobe. His lips were light on her skin, his breath warm on her flesh.

"What a beautiful woman you are," he whispered in her ear. "So hot and sexy."

"Just so damn nice," Dan breathed, still staring at her breasts.

Still upset by their changing part of the plan, Julie continued glaring at him but it was becoming more and more difficult to fuel the anger in her eyes. Their actions were affecting her. She was loosing her control. She felt a fire smoldering deep inside her and her breathing was growing even more shallow. Without thinking she leaned her head a little to the side, giving Tom easier access to her neck and ear.

"Oh yeah, don't you worry, honey," Dan grinned. "We're gonna take real good care of you."

With that his hands reached behind her, under the dress, and gripped her bra strap. When he gave it a hard yank the clasp let go easily. This time when she inhaled sharply her tits slid out from under the garment. Cool air licked at her nipples, causing yet another electrically charged shiver in her. The scowl she had been working to maintain slackened, her mouth dropping open just a little.

Dan's hands moved back to her front where they cupped her breasts, his thumbs sliding across her flesh and over her nipples. The already hardening little nubs stiffened even more in response. Julie breathed deeply. As he continued to hold the fleshy mounds Dan moved his thumbs over and around her nipples, his eyes gleefully watching them grow harder and harder with each passing minute.

Tom's hands slid from her arms to her ass where he started to rub and massage her through the dress. His lips continued to run along her neck which was slowly bending further to the side. Whenever he got to her ear he would run his tongue around the inside of it and whisper to her. She listened to him breath dirty things to her, things involving their cocks and her body. As she imagined how these things would feel she grew even more aroused. Soon Tom's lips just stayed by her ear, his tongue flickering inside of it between dirty words. Reflexively she pressed her head into him now. Feeling her legs grow weak she leaned back against his chest for support. Dan continued cupping and lightly caressing her tits. Her chest heaved in his hands as her breathing grew shallower and shallower. Her nipples, now fully swollen, poked straight out. She heard low, small moans rattling in her throat.

"Ohhh," one of these moans escaped when Dan suddenly tweaked her nipples.

Seeing, and now hearing, her body giving into the desire they were creating Dan chuckled. His fingers started alternating between lightly touching and actually twisting her nipples while his hands cupped and massaged her heaving mounds. He leaned forward and put his lips against her mouth, kissing her lightly. The fire inside Julie flared into a full-on flame. Reflexively she pressed her lips back at him. Their mouths opened, she felt his tongue slide across hers and another moan escaped into his mouth. As their kisses continued, their mouths locking onto each others, she realized that she was actually pushing her chest into his hands.

Behind her Tom still massaged her ass while his dirty words filled her ear with heated breath. Her legs weakened more, and she leaned back harder against him.

One of Dan's hands moved away from her tit to her arm then slid down it to grip her wrist. He pulled her hand forward and placed it on his crotch. She felt the bulge straining his pants. Once again she moaned into his mouth. Automatically she wrapped her fingers onto the bulge and started rubbing, trying to stroke his hidden cock. Dan's hand returned to her tit and twisted her nipple again.

"Mmmmmmmm," she moaned.

Until then she felt certain that her couple of little moans had only been audible to herself and Dan, and maybe Tom. But she knew this one was heard by nearly everyone in the room.

Dan's hands massaged her tits, caressed her nipples, his lips on hers were soft and sensual. Tom's words in her ear created a collage of images and ideas, his hands kneaded her ass through her clothes. Her desires were growing hotter and hotter. She felt the flames burning inside her, felt herself loosing more control. She no longer felt any of her earlier anger, only her building passion. She had nearly forgotten that Frank and Cindy were even present. She was loosing herself in the moment, in the experience, in the sensation of their attentions. Giving into her desires she reached back toward Tom's crotch, her free hand seeming to move on its own. She found his straining bulge with a little searching and began rubbing it the same way she was Dan's. The two bulges she desperately grasped at were hard and inviting.

For several minutes the trio remained like this, two sets of hands and lips manipulating her while she rubbed at their throbbing cocks. This fueled her lust, fanned the flames deep inside her so that she nearly whimpered when Dan did pull his lips away from hers to take a step back.

Through glazed eyes behind heavy lids she saw him standing there staring at her heaving body. His eyes locked on the hard nipples between his fingers, a growing smile on his face. Julie could no longer muster any semblance of defiance in her expression, it was to hungry with lust and desire. Her hands mauled at their crotches. She pushed her ass back into Tom's hands.

"Get on your knees," Dan told her a minute later.

She knew what he had in mind and she felt her fires flare higher with the thought of sucking his cock. But she did not want the present attentions to end either.

"No, please," she moaned lightly through her open lips even as her grip on their bulges tightened. "N- No."

Releasing her nipples Dan grabbed a handful of hair on top of her head and pushed her down roughly. "I said, get on your knees, bitch. Get down there and suck my fucking cock," he growled.

She dropped to her knees quickly under his strength. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and briefly wondered if they were from the pain or something else. But she did not dwell on this for long since it did not really matter at this point.

Once on her knees with a hidden cock bulging beneath a pair of pants at eye level she needed little more encouragement. With his hands still tangled in her hair Dan stepped forward and Julie's hands rushed at his belt and zipper. She tugged at his pants, pulling his under shorts down his thighs along them. In response to the appearance of his nearly rigid cock one of her hands shot forward to encircle it and she started leaning in.

"Whoa," he stopped her with his handful of hair. "Slow down bitch."

Confused, she raised her eyes to him questioningly, a couple tears still present in the hunger filled orbs.

"I don't just want you to suck my cock," he grinned down at her. "I want you to do it right. Take my pants off, spend some time at it. I want to feel you all over down there. Give it a build up and make sure I enjoy it. You understand me?"

As her mind comprehended his words she slowly nodded. Reluctantly she removed her hand from holding his cock and worked to pull his pants the rest of the way down his legs while he removed his shirt. Once he was completely naked she started to pay homage to his body with her lips and tongue. While she kissed and licked her way across his thighs and entire pelvic region she slowly stroked his now fully erect cock with her hand. She steadied herself by holding onto his ass with her other hand. Her actions, coupled with the anticipation of actually sucking his cock, fueled her desire. Low moans came from her as she opened and closed her lips, planting soft, wet kisses on his skin.

"Yea, honey, now you got the idea," he assured her, both his hands now in her hair. He was obviously enjoying what she was doing since she could hear low moans coming from him as well.

Each kiss caused her to grow hotter. Each lick fanned her lustful flames. She felt her pussy start to ache and each time her mouth drew near to the hard cock she felt hungrier. She wanted to feel the rigid pole pass along her lips, wanted to suck on it. Seeing a drop of precum leak from its tip she reflexively reached out her tongue to swipe it away and taste it. As she did this she looked straight up into Dan's face. Freezing in place she waited there, silently asking his permission to take him into her mouth. His answer was him pushing her face forward. Her lips parted as they neared the cock. Slowly she slid them over the stiff member to deliberately crawl down its length until they touched her fingers still wrapped around its base.

"Mmmmmm," she moaned, holding her head still and sucking deeply.

For a few seconds she remained like this, but once she had grown comfortable she removed her hand and slowly slid her lips along the rest of its length. Her throat became stuffed with the first couple of inches.

"Oh God yes," Dan groaned in response. "Fuck yeah."

She held him like this for a few moments feeling it cause her pussy to quiver hungrily. She felt her juices leaking out to dampen her panties. Then she slowly slid back and dislodged most of him. When only the first inch remained in her mouth she pushed herself forward, then withdrew again. Her hand grabbed the cock's base once more as she slowly pumped herself back and forth while sucking on it. As she gradually increased her pace her other hand held onto his ass. Soon she was sliding her mouth rapidly along the cock, pumping it into her mouth.

"Oh yea, honey. Suck my cock. Suck it you little whore." Dan's hips started rocking back and forth in unison with her movements. "Fuck me with your mouth, baby. Fuck me with your mouth."

As their pace increased his hands tightened in her hair and his hips pushed harder, taking over more and more control as his orgasm neared. Julie simply gave into his force. As she held onto him tightly, her mouth pumping at his cock, her body rocked with their motions. Now a near continuous stream of quiet mewing came from her throat.

"Oh yea, baby. I'm gonna cum in your mouth." Dan moaned. "Fuck me with your mouth, baby. Swallow my cum."

Now Dan held her head firmly in place as he proceeded to roughly fuck her mouth. His hips pounded into her face, the hand gripping his cock's base the only thing stopping him from shoving the thing all the way into her throat. The mixture of pain and pleasure caused her to whimper through the assault as she continued to suck on the member as best she could.

"Yea, let me fuck your mouth, you little bitch." Dan growled. "Fuck your face while you suck on my cock. Suck it, you little whore. Suck my cock until I cum in your mouth. Yea, bitch, suck it like a whore. I'm cumming. Swallow my cum you slut. Swallow my cum."