Contracted Companion

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Simple financial deal turns to unexpected love.
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Without emotion or surprise the national news reported the start of the fourth year of the recession and that unemployment was holding at 12.5%. No one believes that. Many have given up looking or are recent graduates choosing not to start. Even medical care providers have downsized. People with jobs are holding every dollar close because they feel insecure about their employment and financial future.

Untold millions are beyond help from unemployment insurance. Charities are over extended. Churches have quit helping internationally because the need to just feed people here at home is so great. Bars, restaurants, upscale businesses and even strip clubs are barely hanging on. The "Bitches of Craig's List" listings have increased five-fold.

A large part of the population is dealing with survival, feeding their kids and having a place to live. Ethics, values, love, independence and pride are distant memories for many. Newspapers are full of ads that they would not have run five years ago - "Tall thin, 35 year old pretty blonde will be good, attentive temporary wife for room, board and a little spending money. Let's talk." Some ads mentioned kids but that is often left out until a first meeting.

Marriages and divorces are way down. Birthrates are down. Smiles and hope are way down.


Every couple of weeks for the last year, I have risked spending an hour with an escort to make sure my sixty year old equipment is still in working order. I don't relax and enjoy first time meetings. Initially, I thought it would be nice to be with a lot of different women. My wife died two years ago. We were both virgins when we married and we were true to each other for forty two years. I had it in my head that I was missing something by not experiencing a variety of women but that backfired on me.

Except for my money, the lovelies did not care about me. That quickly became an issue. At my age the drive for release has waned and having a relationship with a good female friend is now more important than sex. For several weeks I toyed with talking to one particular escort about traveling with me and pretending to care. Sara was understanding but frank and logical,

"Jim, I've been an escort for a long time. I have regulars and make good money. I do this for the money. I have a boyfriend who is my age and accepts what I do. I would lose my business and my boyfriend, if I spent a year with you. Besides, I would care for you and it wouldn't be a business deal any more. You are a wonderful man. Lots of women are hurting right now, why don't you advertise for a year-long companion?"

Why couldn't I figure this out on my own?

"Fit, active, polished and sexy woman, over thirty, wanted as year-long companion to fit and active sixty year old. Be DDF, non-smoker, with varied interests. Very nice living arrangement, board and some income provided. Travel, GFE, active local scene and good home partner expected. Let's meet for lunch, see if we hit it off, discuss a trial period and get started. Be a good actress, lie to me and make me think you care. We'll have lots of fun."

Sara was right; I had a plenty of responses. I was dreading the interview lunches, but the very first one was with an old hippy chick, with dogs, a foster child and lots of baggage. She had taken a long shot. It was obvious within five minutes that this was not a good match for either of us but we enjoyed lunch and talking.

That first failure relaxed me and I just went to enjoy the next few lunches and had low expectations. The women with truly sad stories and very needy situations made me want to help but instead I wished them well and moved along in my search. After three weeks of running the ad and ten luncheons, I was getting tired of the search and about ready to stop looking for a while. I felt like Jack Bailey running the mid 1950s "Queen for a Day" program but I was disappointing all the contestants.

My evening emails held one jewel. A picture of a tall thin fortyish confident well put together woman and a little note, "I am up to 108 ways to build a man's ego; I act appreciative for the smallest considerations and have only three things for him to remember that always satisfy me. I am an inexpensive lunch date, a good cook and an upbeat companion. Let me fetch you a beer and then let's talk the night away."

We swapped a couple more emails and settled on a date at a "Sweet Tomatoes" half way between us. Her story went -- college educated, never worked a regular job, lots of volunteering, lots of interests, married for fifteen years, no-kids, ran household and entertained for big wheel husband until he cleaned out all the accounts and split with an eighteen-year old. Still Linda Leigh Linton had a good attitude - as she put it, "no food, bad credit, no job, no experience, good attitude."

Lunch with Linda was a fun, light hearted and framed in real honesty.

"How are you going to react when I touch you when we cook and I come on to you wanting some attention later?"

"I honestly do not know. Right now we are like blank pages to each other. I think you will want me to be interested in you and return your desire - not just lay there. We need to spend some time with each other to see if there is a spark to work with."

"Can you travel? Do you like the zoo, museums, art shows?"

"Yes, to all those and gardening, building, decorating and reading."

"If you will let me do a background check on you, I would like for you to see where I live, get to know me and stay for up to a month to decide. I will not force myself on you and we can negotiate a fair payment for your time."

"Jim, I want you to know the truth. I'm about to be evicted from my apartment, my car has been repossessed and my utilities are still on because I have cried and pleaded. I would agree to anything about now."

"Today is Wednesday. I'll pick you up on Friday and we'll have dinner at my house. We'll talk more then."


Maria has been with me for ten years. I seldom ask her to cook, but she keeps a nice house and runs a tight ship when it comes to the gardeners, repair help, my clothing and household budget. Today, she was putout that I sent her home at noon. I think her husband and four teenagers run her stubby two-hundred pounds around too much. She liked the quiet, comfort of my two-story, 5,000 square foot house with detached garage.

Linda liked my car and the house too. She obviously did not expect so much. Her apartment was a dismal single room with a kitchenette in one corner. She fit into the bright warm spring day. She wore a colorful sundress, matching shoes, radiant smile and every inch of exposed skin looked kissable. Even old guys have a surge of hormones in the spring.

She wanted to look around the house and grounds but I had lunch staged and it was ready quickly. She enjoyed her small salad, chicken breast over rice in cream sauce with green beans. The wine complimented well and went down too easily with the conversation. I was starved for the sound of a pleasant woman's voice. She was smart and slipped in questions about my background and finances.

"Linda, I was in the electronics industry for a long time. I did well, have no debt and am secure even in this recession."

She blushed, embarrassed that she had been so transparent on such a normally taboo subject.

I asked her a question, "Why no kids? Who didn't want them you or your hubby?"

"I wanted kids more than anything. We never used birth control. Ron was tested. He was fine. The problem was mine."

My question had triggered sadness. She sat quietly, so I jumped to another subject, "Let's delay desert and coffee and I'll give you the quick tour before it gets too late."

The greenhouse was a delight for her. So was the pool that went from indoors, under a wall to outdoors. She liked the bright art works on the wall but was not informed about artists. My large den and office put questions in her eyes.

"I have some rentals to oversee and I write. I spend a lot of time in here. Probably too quiet an existence for most."

I served her coffee and a light desert on the coffee table in the den. She sat on the big leather couch and I sat across from her. Her expressions had mellowed; her eyes were soft and followed me as I moved around. I needed to know.

I stood behind her and waited for her to put her cup down. She did not resist my fingers touching her neck, stroking along her hair line behind her ears and around to her face. She slid down when I tilted her head back and her mouth was slightly open when I kissed her softly, upside down. No matter how much anyone has kissed, that angle always feels new and different. Our kiss was brief, tender and undemanding. I could have sighed when I pulled away; I wanted to believe Linda did.

"You have soft, warm lips, Pretty One. That was very nice."

"Thank you. Yes, it was."

I returned to sitting facing her across the coffee table, "Would you like to try a month together? We can talk about the details. If the month is good for both of us, we can contract a year."

Over the next hour, we worked out the details. Linda would move in with me immediately. I was pleased with our time together, told her so, carried the dirty dishes into the kitchen and began cleaning up. She followed me and pitched right in at the sink. She easily shifted from one task to another as I unloaded the dish washer, then got in her way to rinse our plates.

"You are a good team player. You just roll with whatever is happening and pitch right in. I like that."

"Thanks, I like to stay busy and it is fun to work with someone, whatever the task."

Truly, by accident, I was standing behind her, reaching for some plates when she pushed back. My crotch nestled into her ass. We both were still for a second. "That's nice too, Linda."

She wiggled into me. I forgot the dishes, put my arms around her waist and began to slowly and softly kiss her neck and suck at her ear lobes while she continued to get dishes ready for the dishwasher. I did not move to give her more room when she bent to the right to load what she had washed.

"You are not making this job very easy."

"No, but I am enjoying being difficult."

Again she pressed her ass back into me.

Wet hands and all, I turned her, pressed her tightly against the counter, tilted her head and kissed her deeply for the first time.

"Close your eyes, relax for me. Pretend I'm younger, handsome and your favorite movie star."

Her body noticeably relaxed and leaned into me. Her voice was husky and her eyes were closed. "I don't have to do that. I like you just as you are."

For several minutes we learned to kiss and explored each other's mouth with our tongues. Her body grew hotter and softer in my hands and my extra appendage grew larger and harder, pressing into her belly.

I lifted her and sat her on the counter. This made her taller than me and gave her control of our kisses. She used her control to become more assertive and soon guided my hands to her breasts. Neither of us was in any hurry. Kissing seemed to be an end unto its self. Still my hands and fingers enjoyed her nipples and soon began to wander without objection. Her body did stiffen when my hand touched the inside of her knee and slipped higher. I stopped, but then Linda opened her legs a little wider. I just stroked her thighs and we continued to kiss. When I tried to lift her skirt, she was sitting on it. She rocked her weight first from the right and then from the left, helping me.

I bent down to kiss her bare thighs and her belly through her light blue panties. She gently guided my head, enjoying the touch and the control. When I pulled at her panties, she started to slip off the counter to help. I stopped her, reached for the scissors in the chopping block and snipped them away so she was sitting on the debris. Her pubic hair was trimmed short and shaved away from her pussy.

Now she would discover my fetish. I pulled her toward the edge of the counter and pushed her knees apart. She resisted.

"Linda, I am a very oral man. Relax for me. Let me taste you."

I pulled a chair from the breakfast set in front of her, leaned her back so she had to support herself on her hands and spread her beautiful thin tight lips with my thumbs. Her scent, her taste and her heat made my head swim. I did pick up a faint hint of urine but that only drove me on. I could be content for the evening but in only a few short minutes her inner lips were swollen from my gentle sucking, she was wet and tilting her hips toward my face. When my tongue ventured toward her clit for the first time, I pushed a finger into her. First she held her breath when I pressed into her g-spot but then gasped when I licked at her half exposed pink pearl. I did not change my pattern, slow, stop or try to frustrate her. I just kept going, thrusting softly, sucking lightly and licking at the juices that were starting to flow from her faster and faster. Linda moaned above me and her sheath tightened on my finger. Her pleading words were labored and needy, "Oh, yes. Make me cum."

She did not have to ask, but I liked her asking. Her body was a good match for me. She tasted wonderful and I wanted to please her. Her legs drew up, opening her pussy wider. I slipped in a second finger. Her body sucked them in and guided my finger tips, urging them to press inside, making her now fully exposed clit, bulge into my wet flicking tongue and nursing lips. She could only spare one hand to cup the back of my head and pull me tightly, making sure I would not move until her oncoming wave could be ridden to completion.

Her loving cunt's lips kissed my lips with as much skill as her mouth had done just a few minutes ago. I felt her belly tighten again and her legs begin to tremble. She pulled my face almost painfully against her pubic bone and cried out some unintelligible syllables. I did not have to ask her what she had said, her body was telling me loud and clear. Linda hung at the top of her climax longer than I had seen. She struggled, her breathing was labored and then her body let her ride through waves of pleasure and begin relaxing from her chest, her arms, her legs and finally inside her womb. I was in awe of her. I loved her taste. My cock was uncomfortable but I did not need release as much as I needed to be there for her. I stood, wrapped my arms around her, held her and lightly kissed the side of her face while she recovered.

Her eyes flickered open and focused on mine. I hoped she could see how pleased I was with her but I could not read her feelings. I lifted her off the counter, "Come with me to the bedroom."

Hand-in-hand she matched my steps. There was no reluctance. She sat on the edge of the king sized bed and let me remove all her clothes and then she watched my every move as I stripped in front of her. I am not built like a porn star but some concern flashed through her eyes. I needed her and she pushed herself higher up on the bed and opened her legs to welcome me. Her sheath was tight. She raised her knees and spread them wide. The helmet of my cock slipped in on my third thrust. I was willing to pause and wait for her to adjust but Linda wanted to be stretched. She pushed and I matched her.

Her body froze, expecting pain. When she only experienced tightness, she pulled at my hips, I pushed again, gaining another inch and her hips relaxed into the bed. Within a minute I had worked all of my cock into her body and I ground the base of my shaft into her clit.

"You have taken all of me inside you. Your body has me almost insane."

I began to torture us both by pumping very slowly in and out of her. I looked down; her inner lips clung to my cock and followed it outside her body before I pushed them back in again. The suction inside her was intense. She was wet to begin with but as she added more slipperiness, my dick slid smoothly, teasing her clit along the entire length of my shaft.

Linda's body was in full sacrifice to her pleasure, surrendering to my every move. Her arms were stretched wide, her hands tangled in the sheets and pulled. Her legs and feet were restless -- first raised and open, then flat and moving, then squeezing my hips with her knees. Her every move seemed to increase how much of our skin touched.

Linda's eyes opened slightly but only white showed. She breathed through her mouth and saliva trickled from one side. She was saying something but I could not tell what it was. Maybe it was only moans. Suddenly, her knees spread wider than before. I swear I sunk in an inch deeper and pushed against her cervix. Her hips rose off the bed taking me with them.

I said, "I'm cuming," but she did not hear me because she was repeating, "Now, Now, Now."

I was almost there but couldn't get over the top, so I drove into her harder with longer strokes. I reached down and wiped away some of her wetness from my cock and slammed down again. This was the right combination. Two more strokes and my balls tightened so hard they hurt. My first offering shot into her, she arched high again and cried, "Yes."

The feeling fucking into her welcoming body was magnificent. I thrust through my climax and continued through the pain of overly sensitive, strokes that hurt too good to stop. I watched Linda climb to the top of the cliff again and leap blindly, gasping for breath as her pussy spasmed around my pain loving dick. Her hands were pulling at the skin on my back; I felt her nails dig in. Another, scream of "Yes" filled the air and she collapsed under me. My falling weight pushed me deeper still, but she did not complain. I think she was awake but deathly still, quiet - except for her heaving lungs sucking for air through her open mouth. My dick could take no more. I pulled out of her, grabbed her and rolled onto my back, pulling her onto her side, half on top of me. One arm and one leg were across me and I could feel our combined wetness run out of her onto my hip and then stream down and drip onto the bed. In a minute she was asleep. I pulled the covers up and followed her example.

Sometime during the night I remember Linda getting up to go to the bathroom. I followed and waited while she emptied her bladder. When I took my turn, she reached out from beside the sink and held my cock, moving it around to splatter its stream in the water. I think we washed but I know we did not speak and were soundly asleep in each other's arms again in only minutes.

I always am up by seven. At eight thirty, I wiggled free. Linda was beautiful spread across the bed taking three quarters of it. I could not resist kissing an exposed nipple and trailing my fingers through her wet, well used slit. She moaned in complaint and I went for a needed morning shower.

I was nude and drying off when Linda stumbled into the bathroom, sat down on the toilet and said an emphatic, "Damn!"

"Damn what, my beautiful lover?"

"Damn, what did you do to me? And, damn, my pussy is sore this morning?"

"I'll kiss it for you and make it all better."

"You stay away from my pussy. Let's go make coffee instead."

"I'll make coffee; you bathe; you seemed to be caked with white dry stuff, you smell of sex and your pussy's hair is matted. But I think you're beautiful."

When Linda did not come for coffee, I went to look for her. She was almost dressed, sitting at the dressing table holding a hairbrush. She had been crying.

"What is wrong, Pretty One? Morning regrets? Sorry for making our agreement and being with an old man?"

"Oh no, Jim. No. Nothing like that. I have not climaxed in years. And never like last night. I was worried that I couldn't enjoy sex any more. I am happy, relieved and the tears just came."

There was nothing I could say. I held her, kissed her tenderly and waited for her to want breakfast. Personally, I was starving but holding her was more important.