Coping with Lethality


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After the interview with Tim, Jackson and Stevens had a meeting with their two superior officers. The case was high profile, and the brass was impatient. The four - three men and Chief Thelma Weston - went over the work done in some detail. No one could fault anything in the investigation. Normally - if it had been only some ordinary schmo dead - it would get dropped down in the pecking order. But not this. There were wild on-line theories about conspiracies against conservative donors. A media pooh-bah had taken up the case and was using it as an example of how big, blue city law enforcement was inept or corrupt.

Jackson and Stevens were honest cops. They were under immense pressure on this case. Both of them thought that Tim had done it. And both of them believed that they'd never get probable cause for an arrest, much less enough evidence to convict. Stevens got a flare up of his ulcer. He had to take medical leave.

Chief Weston and the head of the homicide branch, Jerry Thornton, decided to bring in fresh eyes for the case, when Stevens went down. It was three weeks into the investigation, and they were at a standstill.

They assigned Hiram (Flash) Gordon and his partner Digby O'Donnell to the case. These were high profile homicide police, with good media savvy. Gordon was a light complected black man, given to wearing three-piece suits in pastels, along with sandals, except in winter. O'Donnell was from a long line of Irish-American cops, and he had made it to homicide, which was a big accomplishment. He was large and physically intimidating.

Jackson was still on the case, but he was, in effect, sidelined by the two high profile police. He wasn't unhappy about it either. He put in his forty, and watched the two super-cops do their thing.

Meanwhile, after Tim's police interview, Monica asserted herself. She put her foot down, literally, on Tim's face, and his balls. Despite his misgivings, Tim was thrilled. He had no way to combat Monica. He belonged to her. It might kill him, in the end. It might kill her, as well. But that was how it was.

Life at home went on, with Monica and Tim keeping their kinks inside the bedroom. Meanwhile, Jackson and Anne were shacked up at his place.

Then some guy got arrested for the Crenshaw murder. Not Tim. A black fellow, twenty-three years old, Eddie James. There was a big press conference, where Chief Weston and Detective Gordon set out that they believed James had come across Crenshaw in the alley, shot him in a carjacking, and stolen the car.

James was presented on the charges the next day and held without bond. Tim read all about it. He decided to do some investigating. He found out that James was a violent thug, who had, so far, escaped all but the most lenient punishment. He had been charged with murder at fifteen, as a juvenile, and had beaten the case. He had been again charged with murder at sixteen, as an adult. That case had been dropped when the main witness was killed in a drive by shooting. Tim decided to speak to Jackson about the arrest. He went for a run past Jackson's house, at a time when he believed Jackson would also be out. He caught him about a mile from the house, ran up beside him.

Tim huffed, "I see you're in okay shape."

Jackson jumped. He looked at Tim. "What's up, Tim? Feeling guilty?"

"Nah. But I did wonder about this guy James. Is he really good for the deed?"

"No. Well, Gordon says they have a ballistics match. They found a gun on the guy when he was arrested, and they say it's the murder weapon. I doubt it, though. You know what I think."

"Whatever. I mean, how could they have a match like that, if he didn't do it?"

"They...I never said this...they messed with the evidence. I expect that the pressure got too much for them. Gordon is slick."

"Did James really kill those guys that he was charged with?"

"No doubt. Plus at least three more. Even Gordon wouldn't frame a decent person. Well, maybe not. But he and his buddy would have no problem with sending this guy off for life. Me either, for that matter."

"I guess that's it, then. Come on by some time. We can grill out."

"Yeah, sure. You know, I'm sure about the case. You killed the guy. Maybe with good reason. But're slicker than Gordon, and way slicker than me. Dunno if I can be your friend."

"Suppose I did do it. I didn't, but I see you're convinced. Why is it so.....important?"

"I believe people should own up, or at least pay for what they did wrong. And, no matter that Crenshaw was an asshole, he didn't deserve killing for that."

"He went out of his way to fuck other men's wives. I got no sympathy for all. Suppose I confessed. James would be released. Who's more likely to do harm to someone - me or him?"

"I hear you. But no grilling out."

"Okay." Tim ran off from Jackson.

Jackson kept his mouth shut about his suspicion of the ballistic evidence. He saw no percentage in picking that fight. And, Gordon alone could not have done any sort of hanky-panky. There were various ways to have done the deed, but all of them would require others to help. Such a conspiracy would rock the whole department, and kill already shaky public support for the cops.

Eddie James got a free public defender, and got an excellent defense. But eighteen months after his arrest he was convicted of felony murder during a carjacking. He got life without parole. It was the ballistic evidence that got the prosecution over, despite a thin case with no eyewitnesses and two jailhouse snitches testifying that James confessed.

During those eighteen months, Tim and Monica lived a typical suburban life - except behind closed doors. She didn't always dominate and humiliate him. Only when things seemed to be getting a little stale in bed. She'd just spring it on him. In truth, he looked forward to it. Being her slave/pet for a few days rejuvenated him, and her, too.

The girls were off at school, and Junior was headed to the same one - The U. In-state schools were less expensive. But the two of them would be empty nesters in late August.

Tim shuddered to think what his life might be like when there were no kids about the house to constrain Monica. Sometimes he shuddered in a good way.

Monica was doing well at the law firm, and had switched from commercial litigation to tax law. The switch meant that she had more regular working hours. Tim had not seen any evidence at all that she was straying.

In September, Monica upped her game. Her domination play did not have to be confined to the bedroom. He had to cook dinner, naked. Then serve her as she sat alone at the table. No matter how hard he tried, he was always hard when she did this to him. Once she made him eat his dinner from a dog bowl, and drink from another. Both were on the floor at her feet. She patted his head as he did this, saying, "Good boy!" Then she laughed at him.

Tim was always aroused, but Uber was becoming more and more....annoyed.

On the second evening when he was made to eat from dog a dog bowl, Monica called him upstairs to her. She was naked, and wanted him to lick her ass, while she masturbated. Her sexy ass was waving in front of him.

Tim pushed Monica forward, growling as he did it. She landed on her knees at the edge of the bed. Tim was on her fast and hard, growling. His cock was at her pussy.

Monica yelled, "No. No, boy." But she didn't mean it.

Tim ignored her. He entered her savagely. Monica stopped yelling and started moaning. As Tim ravaged her, she had an immense orgasm, and then another.

"Oh, God, Oh, God....Oh....oh...."

Tim growled more. He sped up his pumping into her and started coming in great spirts, into her womb. Monica passed out. Tim collapsed on her as he completed his mission. He was still inside her as she came conscious again. She tried to move out from under him, but he pressed into her, and lifted her back into position. And he fucked her again.

Monica cooed at him, "You're such a bad boy, Timmy. Such a bad boy. I'm going to have to punish you severely...oh...oh....oh." She came again. Then Tim filled her up again. That was all he could manage. He withdrew from her, and bounced onto the floor. He was face to face with her as she lay flat on the bed. He started licking her face, great long licks. She didn't turn away.

Then Tim got up and went into the bathroom.

When he had pissed and washed, he came out to find Monica sitting on the bed, her legs splayed, still nude. She was playing with her clit. Tm watched her bring herself off. She was looking directly into his eyes.

She noticed that he was erect again. She was amazed at his ability to get hard, and stay that way. She said, "Maybe you can fuck me like a man."

So, he did. Regular missionary. It took a long time for him to have his orgasm. Then they slept.

When he awoke, Tim noticed that Uber had receded. But not disappeared.

Sex in the doggy position became a regular part of their play. Tim was in control, usually, when he was made to eat from the bowl. Not always. Once Monica kept swatting him with a rolled up newspaper, until he cringed at her feet. He thought that she just needed to regain some control. That was okay with him.

After Thanksgiving, when all the kids and parents were at the house for turkey, Monica wanted to go out, dancing.

She and Tim went to a club, where they had live music on weekends. They sat at a table for two, and danced several numbers, fast and slow. When the band took a break, Tim got them more drinks. The bar was crowded, ad when he returned, a guy was sitting in his seat, talking earnestly to Monica. As Tim put down the drinks, the band started up again. The guy got up and asked Monica to dance. She accepted, smiling wickedly at Tim. The guy was tall and dark-haired, with a lanky build. He looked strong. He also danced well. He and Monica danced three numbers, including a slow one third. As they danced slowly the guy's hands roamed over Monica. She didn't resist.

Tim was about to get up and do a number on him - or try. But the song ended, and the two dancers came back to the table. Tim looked up at them, "Wanna introduce me to your friend, Monica?"

"Tim, this is Guy. He's in town for a convention. Isn't he a good dancer?"

"Seems to me he took some liberties." Tim's voice was flat, and he was staring right at Guy.

Monica instantly became worried. She knew Tim, and she knew that tone from him. She tried to calm Tim, by moving between the two men.

But Guy spoke, "This woman didn't mind anything I did. So fuck off."

Tim smiled at him. Monica said, "Timmy, no."

Tim said, "She's my wife. You fuck off."

Guy was standing over Tim now. He felt he had an advantage, as he towered over the smaller man. Guy reached to Tim, put a palm on his forehead, and shoved him hard into a wall behind the two. That was such a big mistake on his part.

Tim was off his chair in a flash and being down low, punched Guy directly in the balls. It was a straight, very hard punch and Guy went directly to the floor. Security was there right away.

One guy put himself between Tim and Guy. The other security fellow checked on Guy.

Tim just sat in his chair. He had hardly gotten out of it at all. Monica was standing a little away from Tim and the security guy.

The name on his chest was Chuck. Chuck spoke to Tim. "What did you do to that guy? I was watching. And I didn't see anything."

Tim said, "He shoved me against the wall. I hit him. Just once."

Chuck paused. "You.....okay. I did see him shove you. Maybe you should leave. He seems to be hurt. You can come by some time soon and we'll comp the drinks."

Tim gave Chuck his name and cell number. Then he and Monica left.

In the car, Monica said, "Well, that was a short night of dancing."

"Not my fault, Monica. You were goading me with that dancing. You know it, too. Even so, all he had to do was walk away."

Monica smiled at Tim. "You're so surprising to people, Tim. Much more lethal and violent than anyone expects. It's something I really like about you. I guess....."

"Why were you goading me? Because, if you want to keep on going out, you'll have to stop that. I don't mind you dancing with other guys. I mind you letting them feel you up."

"Okay. I'll behave like a proper wife from now on. Even if I'm not one of those."

They fucked like animals when they got home. They didn't make it to the bedroom for over an hour. And, when they did, they kept at it.

Friday nights out dancing became a thing for them. They both loved to dance and were good at it. About three months after the first fracas night, Tim and Monica were at a club that played soul and oldies. Monica spied Ty Jackson and Anne. They were just coming into the club, at about ten. Monica waved to them, and they came over to the table. Tim wasn't happy about that, but there were two open spots and the place was getting crowded. So, they became a foursome. There were some drinks and then Ty Jackson asked Monica to dance. Tim and Anne were left to talk.

Tim said, "Are you two an item now?"

Anne held out her and, on which sat an engagement ring. "I sure hope so. If Monica allows it."

"Don't be so sure she could get him. Anyway, I bet I could get you."

Anne smiled, "Maybe. Let's dance."

So, Anne and Tim danced. Anne was a good dancer. She and Tim got a little lewd on their third dance. They were both enjoying it, though. Tim didn't see either Monica or Ty. He remembered Anne's great muscular body, and when a slow song came on, he pulled her close. After a minute or so he pressed his hard cock into her and grabbed her ass. She didn't stop him.

When the song ended, Tim and Anne went back to the table. Monica and Ty were nowhere to be seen.

Tim said, "Let's go find them. You know what they're probably doing. Time to man up."

So, Anne and Tim began circulating, and ended up outside on a rear balcony. From there they saw Ty holding Monica against a tree, kissing her with great passion.

Tim said to Anne, "Shall we stop them? Because I can think of another response."

Anne shoved him into a wall and attacked him, kissing him and then dropping to her knees. The balcony was secluded, but anyone could have come outside. She didn't care. She pulled Tim's cock out and kissed it. Then she licked the underside of it, staring into his eyes all the while. Finally, she sucked him into her mouth and wrapped her hand around his dick, squeezing the cum right out, and down her throat. Anne moaned. She stood up, opened her mouth and showed Tim some of his cum, which she then swallowed, and licked her lips. Tim pushed her onto the stone wall surrounding the balcony, reached up under her dress, and shoved her panties aside. Then he used his fingers to rub her clit and get her off. It didn't take long.

There was some recovery time. When they next looked for their significant others, they saw that Ty had Monica up against the large tree. Monica's legs were wrapped around Ty, and Ty was obviously fucking her. Tim and Anne watched. They could hear moaning and a loud grunt as Ty got off. Monica also seemed to come then.

Ty let her down. Tim stood up on the balcony and started applauding.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Tim shouted it. Ty shoved his cock back inside his pants and looked around. He saw Anne. Monica had her head down, and was not looking at anyone.

Tim shouted, "Come back inside."

The four of them met up, by their table, which was empty, but about to be cleared of their drinks. They all sat.

Ty said, "Anne, I....I'm sorry. She has me....I mean, I simply....damn!"

Anne said, "Ty, I can understand that. I have the same type of thing for Tim here. I sucked him off, and then he got me off with his fingers. I would have let him fuck me if he wanted. I still would."

She looked Tim right in the eye when she said that. Tim looked at Ty.

He said, "Maybe we're even. I don't know. You just fucked my wife, and you didn't ask. Not very polite. However, Anne sure can suck dick. You're a lucky man."

Ty was stymied. Monica wasn't. She said, "We should all go back to our house, and straighten all of this out. I'm so very, very sure that we'll all have a great time."

Tim got up and said, "I'll drive Anne. Ty can take many times as he wants, I guess."

Anne and Tim rode in his car. Anne fiddled with his cock as he drove. He was erect the entire fifteen-minute trip.

Anne said, "Your cock is bigger than his. I wonder how he'll feel if he finds that out."

"Will he get violent? He is a big guy."

"He has nothing to complain about. He started it. What's with Monica anyway? I mean, are you still her slave?"

"Sometimes. Well, whenever she wants it that way. I don't want to get into details right now."

"She is good looking. can she just get men like that? How can you stand for it?"

"I..she doesn't fuck around. Tonight was the first since the other thing. She had a thing for Ty. And....I guess I can't bitch about it, since I'm gonna fuck you silly when we get to the house. If that's what you want. Maybe Ty will....maybe you'll break up."

"Tim, will you marry me, if he doesn't?" Anne was smiling.

"Absolutely." And when Tim gave it some thought, he wasn't so sure that it was a joke. Of course, he'd have to deal with Ty and Monica first. He might leave that for Ube....or not.

When the four of them got to the house, Monica let them in. She wasted no time at all.

She said, "You guys get the guest room. Me and Ty will do it in our bed."

Tim looked at Ty. He said, "I don't want any recriminations after I fuck your girl. It works both ways, right?"

Ty nodded. Monica dragged him up the stairs, before he could change his mind. She had gotten off from the club fuck, but not real hard. She wanted the full BBC experience.

Tim smiled at Anne. He picked her up, and carried her upstairs. Not an easy thing.

When the got to the guest room. Tim put her onto the bed, and stood in front of her. She was so beautiful sitting there, looking at him with utter lust.

Tim slowly took off his clothes for her, shirt first. Shoes and socks, pants. Then the unveiling. Anne stood up, and shoved Tim onto the bed. She slowly stripped for him, dropping her bra onto his lap, and, when she shimmied out of her panties, she draped them over his face. She kissed him as she shoved him backward, her tongue shoving the wet crotch of her panties into his mouth. She was feeling powerful and wanton. She knew that if she gave commands, Tim would obey. The very thought almost got an orgasm from her.

She straddled his chest. "You're mine, tonight, stud boy. All mine. I'm gonna use your big dick until you can't move. Then I'm gonna use your tongue."

Tim could only moan, as Anne mounted him. He was completely hers, and they both knew it. She was younger and stronger that Monica. Tim thought he might be in love. He never once thought about Monica that entire night.

Anne had him over and over. All she had to do to get him hard was give him preemptory commands, stand over him, make it clear who was in charge. She loved it, and Tim responded every time. She made him lick her clean after he came inside her, and she came so hard when he did that. She shoved him this way and that, and made him worship her feet. But, in the end, what she wanted was to get fucked by his big dick.

In the morning, they awoke simultaneously, tangled with each other. They kissed. But Tim said, "I have a spare toothbrush for you."

Meanwhile, Ty and Monica had also had a nice time. They had clawed each other's clothes off when they got into the master bedroom. Ty tossed her down on the bed when she was naked. She spread her legs and beckoned him.

"Fuck me hard, Ty. I've waited so long for this."

Ty did fuck her hard. He understood that some white women, especially married ones, wanted to be dominated in their black cock lust. That's what he did to Monica.