Corporate Take-Her-Over

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She always won, until her colleagues played by her rules.
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"That bitch!" Cliff vented as he slammed his beer mug down on the bar counter after emptying half of it down his throat.

"How does she get away with it?" Phil answered in tears.

Cliff and Phil worked for a major marking company downtown. The competition within it among executives climbing the ladder was stiff, but usually fair. The corporate motto Uncompromised Victory and Integrity was engraved throughout the hallways and work ethic of its high rise headquarters. Everyone lived by the motto, except Kate Gingrich. She had only been at the company for five years. Today she was promoted past those who had been there twice that long. Everyone around her knew her secret. She operated by a different motto: take no prisoners. Her negotiations behind closed doors to win and keep accounts were famous. She did whatever it took to satisfy clients.

At the office, she also never hesitated to cut corners or colleagues to win. This time, there were three people in line for the promotion ahead of her. She planted evidence to frame the first two of embezzlement, and skillfully positioned herself as the hero in the discovery. Phil, the third candidate, shocked the corporate vice presidents when he unexpectedly withdrew his name from consideration. Gingrich blackmailed him, threatening to call Phil's wife with dozens of lies. She knew that even accusations without basis would raise enough suspicion to torpedo the marriage. She told him it was his choice, his wife or his promotion. He chose well, and Kate's evil was successfully enabled one more time.

Kate was as strikingly beautiful as she was skillfully diabolical. She was a tall fit 5'10" brunette with shoulder length hair. She had big brown eyes, a killer smile, 35DD breasts and long tan legs to match. She always dressed to accentuate her features, normally wearing a women's business top and matching skirt. The top was usually a small business suit jacket, usually without a blouse. Blouses slowed negotiations. The skirt was always matching material, pressed sharp and worn short. Her coordinated high heels were never less than two inches, showing off her legs and tight ass. She was great to look at and evil to work with. Kate was cocky and arrogant. She didn't mind if those around her hated her, as long as those above her were stupid and blind enough to keep moving her ass up.

"Phil, you got robbed. I can't believe even she would do that to you."

"It's just not fair," Phil moaned. "Now she will always rub my face in it with that stupid smirk of hers."

"With her managing the department, she'll own you too. She'll use all your work for her own personal gain."

"So much for victory with integrity," Phil said.

"It's time for someone to teach her a lesson," Cliff said feeling courage from the beer. "It's time to beat her at her own game."

"Yeah, but how?" Phil asked feeling defeated.

"She won this battle Phil, at least for now. I say we create a war and take her as our prisoner."

"I'm in Cliff, what do you have in mind?"

Cliff and Phil took the next two months to strategize and put the plan in place. During that time, Kate got more comfortable and arrogant in her new position, abusing everyone around her. It was easy to find others willing to participate. They were picked up from the debris she left in the wake of her brutal corporate ambition.

Phil gladly took care of the last detail of the plan. He called in a favor from a friend with an office in the heart of downtown. Busy pubs and restaurants occupied the ground floor of the twelve story building. The top floor corner office and adjoining conference room enjoyed an unhindered view of the region. Phil was given full use of the space, beginning the following Friday afternoon when the usual employees would be at a weekend offsite company retreat. If Phil needed it, the space would be his for the weekend.

Thursday came, and it was time to launch the assault. "Hey Gingrich," Cliff called out as they both stepped into the elevator.

"I believe you mean 'Gettin' Rich,' don't you?" Kate shot back still gloating over her new promotion with one of her stupid puns.

"Any weekend plans?" Cliff asked, faking an attempt at small talk.

"Taking myself to the symphony Friday and ..." she began to say without thinking. She stopped realizing she violated her practice to only carrying on polite conversation with those still above her on the corporate ladder. It was a way to learn vulnerabilities of her future prey.

"Taking yourself, huh?" Cliff asked, letting the implication land hard.

"Kiss my ass," Kate answered in her usual competitive mood. "That's all you'll ever see. You know what they say Cliffy boy, except for the lead dog, the view never changes."

"Is that an invitation?" Cliff asked not backing down.

"In your dreams," she said. "You can get my coffee when we get upstairs though," she added in an attempt to humiliate me.

"Oh, so sorry I won't be able get that for you. I have an appointment with Phil on a new huge accou...." Cliff tapered my voice on purpose.

"What new account?" she asked like a lioness ready to pounce. "I don't know anything about a new lead. Any new accounts go through me."

"New account?" Cliff asked, pretending to stammer. "I didn't say anything about a new account."

"Too late," she said victoriously. "I'll get it out of that pour excuse of a..."

"Hey, I didn't say anything ..."

"You said enough Cliffy. I can smell a good lead a mile away. Phil wouldn't keep it from me unless it was really big."

"I didn't say anything," Cliff said as the elevator door opened.

"Kiss my ass Cliffy," she said stepping out ahead of him toward her new office.

Phase one went better than Cliff imagined.

Around ten thirty Phil took his usual coffee break in the company lounge. Kate knew his routine and stopped by his office when she saw he was out of the way. She saw the new client form on top of his stack of new accounts. "Globecom," she read out loud quietly to her self. She had never heard of the company before. She looked down to the most important space on the page for her, minimum potential gross income. She gasped seeing $1,000,000. She took the page and ran to her office. She relished in the discovery, almost feeling giddy. "I might let Cliffy kiss my ass when I get this account," she thought to herself. "No," she thought. He is just a pawn in my getting what is rightfully mine. She picked up the telephone and dialed the number on the page.

"Globecom," Phil's wife said answering the disposable cell phone purchased for the scheme.

"Yes," Kate said in her most professional voice. "My name is Kate Gingrich. May I speak with Mr. Justice please?"

"I am not aware that he is expecting your call, Ms. Gingrich. May I tell him what this is about?"

"Yes, of course," Kate said as politely as she could. "I'm with the new marketing company he is working with. I wanted to introduce myself to him as the one handling the account."

"We thought Phil was handling this account," Phil's wife said, "he has been outstanding to work with."

"I'm glad to hear that," Kate said. "Is Mr. Justice in?" she asked again not wanting to waste her time with a secretary.

"One moment please," Phil's wife said.

Cliff's cousin picked up the cell phone to break the silence. "This is Mr. Justice."

"Hello, Mr. Justice, my name is Kate Gingrich. We are working on your new marketing campaign?

"What happened to Phil?" Justice answered. "The quality of his work and attention sold us on giving your company the account."

"Yes sir," Kate replied. "We are pleased and not surprised to hear that. In fact, that is why I am calling. I function at the next level above Phil in our company. Because of the significance of your account, we want to ensure the best possible service from the highest level of our company. For that reason, I will be taking over the account for you. Phil works for me and you will still be able to benefit from his services when necessary."

"I don't know you," Justice said. "I enjoyed the business relationship I have begun with Phil."

"I tell you what," Kate offered, "How about we meet to talk about your needs and to go over your account personally. I guarantee your satisfaction and will do anything to maximize your profit and pleasure through this relationship. If you are not completely satisfied, we will assign Phil as your primary contact."

"Fair enough," Justice said. "I will be away next week. It will have to be sometime this week."

"Name the time," Kate said. "I will rearrange my calendar to accommodate your schedule."

"I have an all afternoon strategy meeting with three of my key men tomorrow. This marketing conversation could be an important part of implementing strategies we come up with. Arrive at 3:00 Ms. Gingrich, twelfth floor, the back corner office. All four of us will give you input." There was no way for Kate to know the meaning behind his promise.

"3:00," Kate said. "Got it, I'll be there. You won't be disappointed." There was a dial tone on the other end before Kate finished her words.

She picked up the phone again and left a voice mail at Phil's desk directing him to come into her office immediately.

Phil arrived back from his coffee break. He smiled when he saw the bait was taken. He listened to his voice mail and dutifully went into Kate's office.

"What is this?" she asked waving the new client form in the air as soon as he walked in the door.

"What?" he asked.

"Globecom," she said. "Why didn't I know about this?" she demanded.

"I just got that," he argued. "That's mine. I've worked hard for it."

"The company thanks you," Kate shot back. "You know the rule Phil, no new clients without informing me."

"That's my account," Phil argued.

"It's already mine," Kate informed. This is too big of a potential account. It requires my level of attention. I've already cemented it with Mr. Justice."

"You are stealing this?" Phil asked, "like my promotion?"

"Hey, she said, "if they can't get their Phil," pausing to let the play on words sink in," they can have me!"

"You are heartless," Phil said sounding genuinely hurt.

"I have a meeting with Justice tomorrow afternoon at 3:00. I want everything you have on them by noon today."

"I don't have much," he conceded. "We were just getting started."

"I'll finish it," she said. Phil left her office and phase two was complete.

Kate had a hard time sleeping that night, excited for the possibility of a million dollar account. It was all the sweeter that she didn't have to hunt it down. Stealing a deal from Phil somehow had a double layer of satisfaction.

She got up early to work out and take a long hot shower. She toured her walk-in closet naked, determined to find the right outfit to secure this deal. "I am walking into a room with four men at the end of a long week in the middle of a long meeting on a Friday afternoon," she thought. "This will require something special" she said out loud to herself. She fingered her way through her wardrobe. "Red will help wake them up," she decided. She picked out a red half cup under wire bra and matching thong. She pulled the tight barely legal mini skirt over her ass. The zipper and clasp were closed but unnecessary. She put the matching top on, allowing the low open bodice to show off her tan cleavage and round tits. She put on a string of pearls as an accent and slipped her feet into her favorite red three inch high heel pumps. She admired herself in the mirror, running her hands across her breasts and down to her ass. "They will wonder why they wasted any time with Phil when they see me," she thought to herself.

Time moved like molasses for Kate all morning. She wanted nothing more than to secure this deal and her next promotion that would likely come from it. She left early and was glad. Parking lots and spaces were full with a weekend convention beginning and a noisy biker rally. She found a spot in a lot two blocks from the building and hurried to make the appointment. Continuous cat calls serenaded her from the visiting bikers riding by. She arrived to the building fifteen minutes early, stepped into the elevator and pressed the top button. Her neck, chest and legs were moist with sweat from hurrying. She stopped into the women's lounge to freshen up before making her way down the hall for the biggest appointment of her life.

Phil's wife greeted Kate. "Welcome to the executive offices of Globecom." Phil's wife was shocked at how bold Kate was to show up in such a sexy revealing outfit. "May I help you?"

Kate reached out her hand professionally. "Kate Gingrich here to see Mr. Justice. I have an appointment."

"Yes you do. Please have a seat Ms. Gingrich," she said letting Kate sweat a little more. Phil's wife picked up the phone. "Mr. Justice, Ms. Gingrich is here for her appointment."

"Send her in please."

"He will see you now," Phil's wife said dropping her eyes to Kate's cleavage, then down her legs.

"Yes he will," Kate said following her to the last door in the hallway. Phil's wife opened the door, Kate went in, and the door locked behind her. The office was as spacious as Kate had ever seen. There was a large cherry desk at one end surrounded by matching bookshelves. The outside two walls were full pane windows with a magnificent view of the city. All four men stood up from their overstuffed chairs at the end of the room opposite the desk. Their four chairs were in a tight semi-circle facing a single chair in front of the window. "Ms. Gingrich, my name is Mr. Justice. This is Mr. Anderson, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Jones."

"How original," Kate whispered to herself. "Nice to meet you," she said out loud. She could tell by the way they were studying her body that she was off to a good start.

"Please, have a seat," Justice said. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Sounds nice," she said settling into the chair.


"It's a little early, but why not. It is Friday."

"Very good." He poured the shot of Scotch and placed it on the table next to her.

"So, Ms. Gingrich," Mr. Jones asked, "before we get into strategy, tell us why it is in our best interest to work with you, rather than Phil?"

"That is a fair question," Kate asked. "You began a relationship with Phil. In a nutshell," Kate argued, "I get action. I make things happen. I operate on a wider scope than Phil." She lifted her two hands in front of her, palms facing each other. Think of it like a road, she said. Phil operates under parameters that are like a little country road." She spread her hands more apart. "Working with me is more like being on the interstate. I get you where you want to go, faster."

"How do you mean?" Smith asked for clarity.

"Let's be candid gentlemen. Take the company's stupid motto," Kate said. "Uncompromised Victory and Integrity." If you had to pick from the two, which would you want for your company? Uncompromised victory, right?

Nods around the room humored her.

"I will do anything to guarantee your victory and your satisfaction," Kate said confidently. "I will leave the uncompromised integrity to the losers like Phil or the nimrods at the top. Before they know it, I will blow past their asses too as I blaze my own trail. The net result, I won't stop until you are satisfied."

"I see by the way you are dressed today, that what you are saying is not just talk," Anderson said looking up and down Kate's body admiringly.

"I say what I mean, and I do what I say," Kate said, "to get and sustain your satisfaction." Kate returned their glances by looking up and down their bodies. She uncrossed her legs, then re-crossed them the other way.

Smith looked to Anderson. "I'm not so sure," he said. "I'm just not convinced."

"I'm not either," Jones said. "I am still failing to experience anything from you that we would not have received from Phil. He was becoming like one of the guys."

"Is that what you really want?" Kate asked feeling as if the account were slipping away from her. There was no way she was going to be humiliated by giving it back to Phil. "I see four high testosterone studs at the end of a long week on a Friday afternoon. Is more testosterone what you really want? That seems like a waste, from where I am sitting." She uncrossed her legs.

All four men smiled.

"So, I can give you everything Phil can give you, guaranteed. The more important question gentlemen becomes what do you want from me that Phil can't give you?" Kate reached down and unbuttoned the one button securing the front of her top.

"So much for uncompromised integrity and corporate ethics," Justice said. "So you are willing to fuck the four of our brains out to get and maintain this account?"

"For starters," Kate said motivated by the prospect of a multi-year million dollar account, "yes." She glanced around the foursome, looking purposively at their laps. "I am getting hot just thinking about it gentlemen. Do we have a deal?"

"I suppose it's like looking at that outfit you have on in the store," Jones said. "It looks nice on the hanger, but you wouldn't buy it until you try it on."

"Or test driving a car," Smith said. "You wouldn't commit without a test drive."

"OK gentleman, that's fair," Kate said standing up, allowing her top to fall open. "You are dealing with a high octane machine. I hope you know how to drive long and hard," she said taunting them. "This isn't some casual Sunday drive. If you are taking me for a drive, you better open the carburetor and see what this baby can do." She unclasped her skirt and helped the zipper descend down her ass.

All four men stood up. Kate became voracious, almost ravenous. She began to relieve them of their ties and shirts before unbuckling their pants. Eight male hands simultaneously moved over her body, removing her top and pulling her skirt down, allowing it to fall to her heels. Her bra fell to the floor and two mouths engulfed her waiting tits. Justice knelt down before her, moved the thong to the side and began to eat her soft soaked pussy. Kate began to shake as her first orgasm approached climax. "Oh God, oh God." Kate grabbed the two heads at her tits and pulled them in tightly as her orgasm moved closer. Anderson approached her from behind and pushed his dick into her virgin ass just as her orgasm exploded onto Justice's face.

Kate moved to all fours, allowing Anderson to continue his momentum. Smith moved underneath her. Kate lowered her pussy onto his waiting shaft while taking Jones' dick deep into her mouth. She skillfully worked all three. She brought them to a simultaneous explosion, cum pouring out of every exit.

"Don't slow down now guys," I am just getting started.

"You haven't begun to begin," Justice promised.

"I like your attitude," she complimented.

The four continued to pump Kate for everything she was worth. She seemed relentless and insatiable. All four brought her to orgasm. She returned the favor. All four fucked her pussy, her ass, her tits and her mouth. Kate, covered with cum and sweat, collapsed on the floor in exhaustion.

Hey Kate, we have barely left the parking lot," Justice said.

"Oh come on," Kate said, "I think I just set a new record servicing you guys."

"I tell you what," he said, "tell us what we want to know and we will call it even."

"What do you mean," Kate said confused and still breathing hard.

"You have been a bad girl," Justice said.

"In a very good way," Kate boasted.

"That's true today. What I am talking about is what you have done to Phil, and the two you framed for embezzlement, and, shall I go on with the list of people you have trashed at the company?"

Kate sat up. "How do you guys know about that?" she asked. "What is going on here?"

"All we need you to do is to state your name and to confess into this recorder what you did to steal Phil's promotion by threatening to blackmail him, what you did to the other two, and the other things you have done." He held a digital recorder near her mouth.