Cost of Forbidden Fruit Ch. 04


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"Yes m'lord. Let's begin this week..."


Five O'clock Wednesday afternoon found Ted in California and Christine hosting a ad hoc committee to generate enough support to keep the Canfield's at the high school. The group consisted of Donna, Don Gibbs, Tom and Mary, and Amy, Ted and Christine's daughter. They decided to on a strategy to place Donna and Christine's plan into action. It was a plan to get all the students, teachers and staff to sign a petition asking Ted to stay and pledging support for the basketball team all the way to the way to the state championship. It was decided that Don would call an assembly in the gym Thursday morning to kick off the petition drive. Tom turned to Christine and said, "Chris, you should present the plan to the students and staff."

Christine's response was quick, "Oh no, not me. No, no, no, no! I couldn't do that, I can't face them. Not now, maybe later, much later. No, not now, not after what I have done..."

Amy injected, "Mom? They already miss you and would like to see you back on campus. They love you and dad, too. They'll all sign if you ask them. They love you mom, you gotta be the one to ask them to sign the petition."

Don added, "Chris, I've received quite a bit of phone calls, letters and emails over this issue and they are mostly in your favor and nobody wants the Canfield's to move way. Amy and Tom are right, you are the one to get this project going. Use it as an opportunity to apologize, ask their forgiveness."

Donna added, "You can do this Chris. We know you can and you know you can. Remember how you handled Brian's call on Sunday." She reached over and touched Christine wrist, "You can do it, Christine."

Mary in her soft gentle manner said, "We'll be there with you, Chris."

Christine shook her head, "I don't know, Ted said I was to stay home until he got back."

Don consoled her with, "We'll cover for you with Ted."

Thursday Morning

Christine, Mary and Donna stood next to a portable platform that had been assembled in the middle of the gym floor. Christine was wearing one of her "teacher's" dresses. Hemline eight inches below her knees, short sleeves, lapels, showing no cleavage. She turned to Mary and Donna, "You guys, I can't do this...They, ah... I let them down. Everything I ever held up to them as good, I've trampled. They, ahm, they don't wanta hear from me, now. Ted was right, I should have stayed home."

Donna wrapped her arms around Christine, "Yes they do want to hear from you Chris. Yes they do.." Knowing what the students had planned, she said, "Just wait and see."

When the gym was full, Don stepped up onto the platform, picked up the microphone and said "Good morning."

The crowd roared back, "Good morning, Mister Gibbs."

Don continued, "I have brought you all here this morning because we have a big problem here. Our head basketball coach, Ted Canfield is in California meeting with a Junior College, talking about leaving us. He thinks that due to this problem with his wife and Missus Williams, he doesn't have the support to take a team to the state championships. Do you want the Canfield's to leave us?"

The crowd responded with a roar of, "No we don't, no we don't."

Don smiled and said, "I didn't think so. That being the case, I have brought here today our local expert on Coach Canfield to explain our plan to keep him here, his wife Christine."

As Christine stepped up onto the platform, the cheer leaders burst in from the side doors, followed by the varsity basketball team, dribbling basketballs. The crowd was wildly clapping and cheering for Christine. Then the cheerleaders and players brought the crowd into a chant, "Missus Cee, Missus Cee, we still love you. Missus Cee, Missus Cee, we still love you." Christine walked toward Don and raised her arms. The crowd's roar grew louder. She lowered her arms and a hush descended over the gym.

Don handed the microphone to Christine. With tears running down her cheeks, she opened with "I love all of you, too. And, Oh how I love this school. But.., I went off and did something really stupid, just so stupid. I fell into one of life's traps every bit as bad as drugs or alcohol. I let you all down. Now, I paying a huge price. I was very fortunate that I have a loving husband who was not about to let me go. He reached into the deep dark pit that I was digging for myself and yanked me out of it."

The crowd screamed "Yeah, Coach Canfield."

When they had settled down again, Christine continued, "But, like I said before, I am paying a big price for my actions. As well I should, as very well I should. Let me tell you one thing right now, the price I am paying is way beyond anything I imagined it would be. Isn't that the way it always works. So, I have to say to all of you right now... I am so very sorry for what I have done to you and this great school. I have let all of you down and I am so profoundly sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I am so very sorry..."

The cheer leaders led another chant, "We forgive you Missus Cee, and we still love you..."

Bradley Dornan, a history and civics teacher strolled into the gym to join another group of teachers near the gym door, "How's it going?" Brad was a large well strung man who had played defensive line in high school and college football.

Corrine Mathers, a math teacher, answered him, "Oh, she's saying she's sorry and look at them... They're buying it hook line and sinker." Corrine was not much of a looker. At 31 years old, she had never been married and personified the image of an old maid school teacher. Five foot tall, she was flat chested and had a boyish figure. However, those close to her, like Brad, knew her as one hot fucking and sucking machine. She was blessed with a tongue that, when it came in contact with a hot pussy, gave the woman one of the best orgasms of her life.

Another teacher in the group commented, "Chris should be in politics."

"Black queen, white queen, all B.S. That up there right now is the Teflon Queen." said an English teacher, Marilyn Winters. She continued, "I just know that none of this is going to stick to her. Look around us, they are eating up her apology like ice cream. Give it a few months and nobody will even remember that she was ever involved. It will be the Nicole Williams scandal."

"Yeah and they are going to do exactly what she's asking them to do." said Corrine, "I don't know if I would believe it if I didn't see it happening myself. I think you are very right Marilyn. Come September, I bet she could walk right back into the classroom like nothing ever happened."

Brad said, "I'm sure you're right, Corrine. But, I would still like to get my cock up inside that pussy after she sucked it up nice and hard. I hear her husband caught her doing that white queen bit and fucked the shit outta her right there at the frat house for two or three hours."

Marilyn added, "Yeah, then I hear he brought her home and fucked her some more."

Corrine, the unofficial leader of the group, turned to them, "Listen you guys, we gotta keep a low profile at least through the rest of the school year. This whole thing hits a little too close to home."

Brad asked, "We are going to have our after Thanksgiving fling, aren't we?"

Corrine answered, "Oh yeah, our head football coach takes off with four of his buddies for their annual hunting trip. So, his lovely wife is hosting it just like last year. It'll be held in their spacious basement, so it won't look like much is going on. All five wives will be there. We have about six couples and nine singles coming this year. It'll start at about ten on Friday and go through Sunday about four. There will be a whole lot of fucking, sucking and pussy eating going in that place. But, like I said, we have to do it quietly. Play it cool."

When the crowd settled down, Christine continued, "This school has already paid part of the price for my actions by the loss of me as a classroom teacher. I don't think you need to pay anymore. The loss of my husband as your basketball coach is way to much to pay." She paused while they clapped, ""So, here's what we are going to do. We want each one of you, students, teachers, staff to sign the scrolled petitions. Then we will present them to them to him at the airport tomorrow. You can take the remaining half hour of this class period to sign the petitions. There is one for teachers and one for staff. Student petitions are broken up by the first letter of your last name. They will be here throughout the day so everybody can sign them." Christine raised one arm, "I love you all, I really do. And, thank you so very much, especially for your forgiveness." With that she handed the microphone back to Don. The cheerleaders led the crowd in another chant, "Missus Cee, Missus Cee, we love you, too."

Christine stepped off the platform, into the arms of Mary then Donna and said "I couldn't have done that without knowing you two were here backing me up. Along with my husband, you two are my best friends. I promise the both of you, if you ever fall into one of life's traps like I did, I will be there for you. I will forgive you and support you in your recovery as you have helped me. I promise you I will never forget..."

Friday morning at the airport.

As Ted made his way to the baggage claim area, he noticed five or six large yellow school buses in front of the building. Wondering what was going on, he continued to his flight's baggage claim area, thinking, "It was just a domestic flight. Why are there so many people at the baggage claim?" Then he spotted the blue and white uniforms of his school's band, cheerleaders and basketball team. They were surrounded by other students, some teachers and other adults. As he approached them, they spotted him. The band became alive and the cheerleaders stoked up the crowd. A banner went up, "Welcome home Coach Canfield. Home to stay, we hope!"

Ted allowed his carry-on bag to slip down to the floor. Looking at the spectacle in disbelief, he thought, "This has my wife, Donna and Mary written all over it. My daughter, like her mother, was most likely involved somewhere."

Don stepped out to meet Ted "What's this all about, Don?"

"Well Ted, Chris said that you didn't think you had the support you needed to take a team to a state championship. So, we came up with something that might just change your mind." Wrapping an arm around Ted's Shoulders, Don said, "Come on over here, Ted."

As the two men walked toward the petitions, Ted asked, "Who's idea was this?"

Don looked at Ted, "Who do you think?"

Ted smiled and said, "The three musketeers, Chris, Donna and Mary. I'd bet anything on it."

Don laughed, "Yep, it was Donna's idea, Chris gave it shape, then Mary gave it life and action. Amy was the student advisor. They got me involved more for consent than anything else. I talked to the superintendent. Her brother-in-law runs the airport. So, he got us in here."

"I'm not surprised about that Don. God, I love my wife. So? What do we have here?"

"Ted, we have scrolled petitions asking you to stay and pledging support for the basketball program. They are signed by purdy much the whole student body, all the teachers and staff. Even the staff at the district headquarters signed them."

Astonished, Ted ran his fingers through his hair, "You're kidding."

"No Ted, he's not." came a voice from behind them. It was Janice Harper, the superintendent, "I would say that you have ninety nine percent of the students and one hundred percent of the teachers and staff." she added holding out her hand for a handshake from Ted.

Five cheerleaders, with one end of a petition in their hand, walked out about fifty or sixty feet to show Ted the length of the petitions. Ted reached into his briefcase and pulled out the contract from the California college and handed it to Janice. After she looked it over, she handed it to Don, and said, "Well, Ted, we sure can't match that. But, I talked to the board. We are going to bring in two recent credentialed teachers. So, we can up your salary about 40%."

Don handed the contract back to Ted. He looked at it, then out at the crowd, "You know? That will have to do. I can't leave you guys." Then holding up the contract for the crowd to see, he tore it in half. The crowd went wild. Ted stepped out toward them and picked up a microphone, "OK, OK, I get the message. Let's go kick some basketball ass right up through the state championship!" The band started back up and the crowd roared.

As the event wound down, three people approached the coach, "Coach Canfield?" asked the only male of the three.

Ted turned to face them, "Yes... Oh, you're Mark James, Darren's father!"

"Yes coach, I am. This is my wife, Sonya, Darren's mother and this is my mother, Elizabeth."

Ted shook hands with them and said, "You can call me Ted."

"OK Ted." Mark continued, "We would like to take you and your lovely wife out to dinner tonight. We have a car here waiting and we could swing by and pick up Missus Canfield. It would appear that we have quite a bit too talk about...."

Ted looked at the three very well dressed people, then glanced out in front of the airport to see a waiting limo. "Yes Mark, we do have a lot to talk about. I'll call my wife so she'll be ready." As he brought uip Christine's cellphone number, Ted turned to Don, "Is Donna still here?"

"Yes, Ted, I'm sure she is, she said she was to drive you home." Replied Don.

As Christine's cellphone rang, Ted asked Don, "Could you bring her here, please?"

"Sure." Don replied, then turned to find Donna.

Christine answered, "Ted, m' lord, love of my life. Are you off the plane yet?"

"Oh yeah, went to baggage claim and guess what I found?"

Christine was laughing, "What was that, dear? They didn't loose your luggage, did they?"

"Nothing that mundane, Chris and you know it. It had your name, Mary and Donna's written all over it. Then I find out that you guys got Amy involved, too."

"Oh, what happened, m'lord?"

"Suffice to say my dear wife, we'll be staying here. We can talk more about it tonight. Anyway my love, the James family has asked us out to dinner, tonight. So, dress in something nice and we will be by to pick you up."

Christine said in a surprised almost astonished tone, "You mean Darren's parent's?"

"And grandmother." replied Ted.

"Oh, wow... Ummm, OK Ted. As long as you are there with me, I guess, Ahh... Ted? Things are moving a little fast for me here. Darren's parents, wow ah. They'll take us to a nice place, so I'll dress well. OK, m'lord teddy bear, I'll be ready, but I would rather hide in our bedroom. I do love you, m'lord." Christine hung up the phone feeling unprepared for anything like this. However, for a person who was usually in charge of things, she was unprepared for everything that happened since the previous Friday. With the exception of the event at the airport.

"I know you do, Chrissy and I love you, too." Ted said, then closed his cellphone. Turning around he found Donna standing right behind him. "Donna, my dear. The James family has invited Chris and I out to dinner, tonight. Ah, I'd like to talk to you about something Chris said you talked to her about. .. So, why don't you go on over to the house tonight and plan to spend the weekend?"

"OK Ted, I'll have the home fires burning when you and Chris get home, tonight."

"OK, good. And, Donna? Thank you for standing with Chris and I through this whole mess. I really don't know if I could have done it with out you."

"Thank you, Ted." Donna responded with an even greater sparkle in her eyes, "I love you both and I'm glad I could be there for you. I'll see you guys later tonight."


"It makes a difference, I guess..." Ted thought as they were seated immediately in one of the best restaurants in town, "...When you show up in a limo with people who are known here." He turned to his wife and held out his arm so they could follow the others together. With Christine's arm in his, he said in a low tone, "You look beautiful tonight... just radiate elegance and I personally think you have more class than any other woman in this place."

Christine whispered her response, "Oh m'lord, thank you. But, aren't you spreading it in a little thick. Remember, I'm the slut wife you had to come and get at the frat house party just last Friday. The one that has been screwing a bunch o' boys for almost five months."

"I love you Chris and a that mess is getting further and further behind us. Soon, it won't matter anymore. You watch..." Ted whispered as they neared the table reserved for their party.

"Oh, I hope so m'lord teddy bear, I do hope so." she whispered as he pulled out a chair for her. As Christine sat down, her husband looked her over again. He was proud of his lady, his wife and was convinced that she was worth any cost of retrieval."

They were seated at a large six place table with the grandmother taking one of the end seats. The two couples sat on each side of the table. After drink orders were taken, Elizabeth opened the conversation with, "I want to start off tonight by extending our family's sincere apology for what my grandson, Mark and Sonya's eldest son has done to your family, especially you, Christine. However, I want to make it clear to both of you that Darren will come to each of you in the near future with his own apology and ask for your forgiveness. You must understand that Darren as the first born male is being groomed to take over our family and its assets, which are considerable. He is the heir apparent to take over for his father, my son Mark." She paused as drinks were served. When the servers had left the table, she resumed, "It is our family's tradition that the heir apparent attend this particular university for his bachelor's degree. Then on to a more prestigious school for his M.B.A. Last week we found that Darren, after two months in college was not even doing Cee work. So, we sent in the man that runs our company that does all of our investigations, back ground checks and what have you. Saturday morning he gave us a full report on what has been happening, including the frat party last Friday night."

Mark injected, "I was livid. All I could see was a possible fatal character flaw that could prevent Darren from becoming what my mother has described. Since Sunday, we have been assembling a team of twelve experts, headed by our man, John Haskins, who gave us the initial report."

Elizabeth added, "These people are the best money can buy in the areas of psychology, behavior science, P.R. and intelligence. One of their goals, Christine, will be to restore your good name, your integrity. There will be some scar tissue. However, first they will separate you from the whole issue. Then, you should see about ninety eight percent restoral." She paused to take a sip of wine, "We called Darren home on Saturday and now have him on a very short leash. He is out of the fraternity, staying home. Driving to and from school. We have tutors helping get his grades back up to where they belong. A four point oh student doing one point nine work. I cannot believe it."

Sonya leaned forward directly across the table, toward Christine, "When he got home Saturday, she physically kicked him in the ass. Not once, twice." she said holding up two fingers.

Elizabeth smiled, "You betcha I did. The dumb ass. I cannot believe he did what he did to you or any of those other women, especially you, Christine. Then we hear that he bragged about it."

Christine said, pointing a thumb at her husband, "That's right in there with him spanking me. Not that I didn't deserve it. I most certainly did."

Sonya sat back and smiled, "He spanked you?!?"

Christine chuckled, "Oh yeah, ten hard swats with that big ol' hand of his on my bare butt. It's been a week and my butt still aches."